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1880. Early 1880s The first Zoroastrians became Bahá'ís, in Persia. [SBBH2:67; RoB3p268]
  • For information on these converts see SBBR2:67–93. The revelation of Lawh-i-Haft Pursish (Tablet of Seven Questions) (Date unknown) in answer to the questions put to Bahá'u'lláh by Ustád Javán-Mard, the Secretary of the Council of Zoroastrians of Yazd. [RoB3p272]
  • See the Tablet of Seven Questions as translated by Shahriar Razavi.
  • Yazd; Iran Zoroastrianism; Conversion; Bahaullah, Writings of; Lawh-i-Haft Pursish; Tablet of Seven Questions; Ustad Javan-Mard find date

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    1. Tabernacle of Unity, The: Bahá'u'lláh's Responses To Mánikchi Sáhib, by Bahá'u'lláh (2006). [about]
    2. Tablet of Seven Questions (Lawh-i-haft purish), by Bahá'u'lláh, in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 7:3-4 (1993-06). [about]
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