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1984 3 Jan The Universal House of Justice addressed a letter to the Bahá'í youth of the world encouraging them to volunteer a period of service to the Bahá'í Faith. [AWH14–17; BW19:297–8, 299, 311–13; VV116] Haifa Universal House of Justice; Youth, Year of service; Youth
1992 Apr 20 The Six Year Plan was successfully completed. [BW20p115]
  • For the major accomplishments of the Plan see AWH97–102, 187–8 and VV126.
  • The Faith was represented in every country. 1.5 million enrolled during the Plan. [Ridván Message 1992]
  • With more that 5 million people enrolled, Bahá'ís lived in 217 independent countries, territories and islands representing 2,112 tribes, minorities and ethnic groups. [Ridván Message 1992] [VV126]
  • Literature was translated into 802 languages and tribal tongues. [Ridván Message 1992] [VV126]
  • The proclamation of the Faith entered a new phase from the proclamation of 1967 in commemoration of Bahá'u'lláh's proclamation to the kings to the opportunities offered by the Iránian revolution in 1979 to the distribution of The Promise of World Peace.
  • The dedication of the House of Worship in New Delhi.
  • The emergence of the Faith from obscurity.
  • The increase in the number of projects of social and economic development.
  • The involvement of youth in the service to the Faith. The concept of the "year of service" was initiated.
  • The advances in the consolidation of the Bahá'í administrative as marked by the improvement in internal development and the collaborative efforts of its two arms.
  • The inauguration of the great building projects on Mount Carmel.
  • Six Year Plan (1986-1992); Youth, Year of service; Teaching Plans
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