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TAGS: * Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; - Indexes and catalogues; - Transliteration and diacritics; Adib Taherzadeh
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Indexes of Tablet names, diacritics, and transliteration:

Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh

Adib Taherzadeh

published in Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, Volumes 1-4


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These scans of the indexes of tablets as contained in Taherzadeh's popular Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh series are intended to have two functions. One, these lists will let researchers know which of Bahá'u'lláh's thousands of tablets Taherzadeh discusses (see a larger list in the Leiden List). Two, they function as a working guide to authorized transliteration of these titles and thereby also indicate the original Arabic/Persian spelling. See also an article on transliteration.

Volumes 1-3 had a separate index at the back of the book listing just the tablets cited. Volume 4 listed the tablet titles in the book's main index.

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Tablets of Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in Volume 1

Part I of this index consists of the titles of Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh described or mentioned by the author, including a few which were revealed after 1863. Part II contains all other entries. Titles of Tablets and books are italicized. Footnotes are indicated by the abbreviation n. after the page number; if the name or subject occurs both in the text and in a note, this is indicated by 'p. - and n.'. Principal themes are shown by bold figures.


Alwáh-i-Maryam, 13
Az-Bágh-i-Iláhí (ode), 211, 218-20

Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, quoted, 10, 50, 249, 251-2, 253-4

Four Valleys, The, 104

Halih-Halih-Yá-Bishárat (ode), 211, 219
Hidden Words, The, ch. 6; see Part II of index for further references
Húr-i-'Ujáb (The Wondrous Maiden), 211, 218
Hurúfát-i-'Állín (The Exalted Letters), 122-5
     Also titled Musíbát-i-Hurúfát-i-'Álíyát

Javáhiru'l-Asrár (The Essence of Mysteries), 151-2

Kitáb-i-'Ahdí (The Book of My Covenant), 37, 80, 134, 137
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book), 26, 60, 153, 160, 212, 301; quotations from, 47, 124, 134, 280
Kitáb-i-Badí', 102, 250, 279
Kitáb-i-Íqán (The Book of Certitude), ch. 10; see Part II of index for further references

Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Núr (Tablet of The Verse of Light), 125-8
     Also titled Tafsír-i-Hurúfát-i-Muqatta'ih
Lawh-i-Ayyúb (Tablet of Job), see Súriy-i-Sabr
Lawh-i-Bulbulu'l-Firáq (Tablet of the Nightingale of Bereavement),
Lawh-i-Fitnih (Tablet of the Test), 128-9, 135-6
Lawh-i-Ghulámu'l-Khuld (The Youth of Paradise), 211, 213-14
Lawh-i-Hikmat (Tablet of Wisdom), 20-21
Lawh-i-Húríyyih (Tablet of the Maiden), 125
Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám, (Tablet of All Food), 55-60 passim
Lawh-i-Malláhu'l-Quds, see Tablet of The Holy Mariner
Lawh-i-Qiná' (Tablet of the Veil), 334 and n.
Long Obligatory Prayer, 30

Madínatu'r-Ridá (City of Radiant Acquiescence), 108-9
Madínatu't-Tawhíd (The City of Unity), 109, 113, 114, 116, 117-19; quoted, 118
Musíbát-i-Hurúfát-i-'Álíyát, see Hurúfát-i-'Állín

Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih (poem), 62-4, 84-5
Questions and Answers, on the laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 26

Rashh-i-'Amá (poem), 45-6, 51

Sahífiy-i-Shattíyyih (Book of the River), 105-8
Sáqí-Az-Ghayb-i-Baqá (poem), 64
Seven Valleys, The, ch. 8; see Part II of index for further references
Shikkar-Shikan-Shavand, 147-50
Subhána-Rabbíya'l-A'lá, 211-13
Súratu'lláh (Súrih of God), 244-5
Súriy-i-Asháb, 286
Súriy-i-Ghusn (Tablet of the Branch), 135
Súrihs of Hajj (Pilgrimage), 212
Súriy-i-Haykal (Súrih of the Temple), 42, 121-2
Súriy-i-Mulúk (Súrih of the Kings), 146-7
Súriy-i-Nush, 137, 142, 146
Súriy-i-Qadír (Súrih of the Omnipotent), 119-22
Súriy-i-Sabr (Súrih of Patience), see Part II of index
     Also titled Lawh-i-Ayyúb

Tablet of The Holy Mariner, 228-43
Tablet of Visitation, 30, 206 and n.
Tafsír-i-Hurúfát-i-Muqatta'ih (Interpretation of the Isolated Letters), see Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Núr

Tablets of Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in Volume 2

Part I of this index consists of the titles of Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh described or mentioned by the author, including a few which were revealed before 1863 or after 1868. Part II contains all other entries. Titles of Tablets and books are italicized. Footnotes are indicated by the abbreviation n. after the page number; if the name or subject occurs both in the text and in a note, this is indicated by 'p. -- and n.'.


Epistle to the son of the Wolf, 206; quoted, 43, 95-6, 223, 230, 247, 270, 350, 400

First Tablet to Napoleon III, 337, 368-9

Hidden Words , The, quoted, 31-2, 36, 84, 95, 96-7, 216, 217, 219, 221, 233, 238, 280, 281-2, 350

Kitáb-i-'Ahdí (The Book of My Covenant), 389
Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 120, 122, 130, 240, 354-5, 389; quoted, 36, 265, 304-5
Kitáb-i-Badí', 370, 373-82
Kitáb-i-Íqán, 52, 68-70, 101, 219-20, 370; quoted, 232

Lawh-i-Ahmad (Persian), ch. 6; quoted, 139, 143-4, 147-8, 150
Lawh-i-Ashraf, 230-2; quoted, 120, 231
Lawh-i-Bahá, 171, 179-80
Lawh-i-Fu'ád, 375
Lawh-i-Hawdaj (Tablet of the Howdah), 6-7, 16
Lawh-i-Khalíl, 259-61
Lawh-i-Laylatu'l-Quds (Tablet of the Holy Night), 164, 188-90; quoted 188-9
Lawh-i-mubáhilih, quoted, 293 and n.
Lawh-i-Nasír, 39, 245, 247-55; quoted, 248-9
Lawh-i-Nuqtih, 397
Lawh-i-Ridván, 397
Lawh-i-Rúh (Tablet of the Spirit), 181-8 passim, 260; major themes of, 181, 186, 187
Lawh-i-Salmán, ch. 13; 291
Lawh-i-Sayyáh, 210, 213-15
Lawh-i-Siráj, 262-3, 269; quoted, 268
Lawh-i-Sultán (Tablet to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh), 337-40, 349, 351; quoted, 340, 346, 349, 355-6
Lawh-i-Tuqá, 397

Mathnavíy-i-Mubárak, ch. 2 passim
Munájátháy-i-Síyám (Prayers for fasting), 397

Nightingale and the Crow, The, 241-5

Ridvánu'l-Iqrár, 397

Second Tablet to Napoleon III, quoted, 35, 93-4
Seven Valleys, The, 26
Subhánika-Yá-Hú (Lawh-i-Náqús--Tablet of the Bell), 18-19, 23-4
Súriy-i-Ahzán, 397
Súriy-i-Amr (Súrih of Command), 161-2
Súriy-i-Asháb (Súrih of Companions), ch. 4; 65, 72-7, 84, 86-7
Súriy-i-Bayán, 397
Súriy-i-Damm, 236-40
Súriy-i-Ghusn (Súrih of the Branch), 388
Súriy-i-Hajj, I and II, 240
Súriy-i-Hijr, 397
Súriy-i-'Ibád (Súrih of the Servants), 272-4
Súriy-i-Mulúk (Súrih of the Kings), ch. 15; 337, 418; quoted, 56, 62, 301, ch. 15 passim
Súriy-i-Qalam, 397
Súriy-i-Qamís, 397
Súriy-i-Ra'ís, 411-17; quoted, 414, 415

Tablet of Ahmad (Arabic), ch. 5, 116, 119-20; quoted, 123, 126
Tablet of Ihtiráq (Fire Tablet), 275 and n
Tablet of The Holy Mariner, 6

Words of Wisdom, quoted, 96

Tablets of Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in Volume 3

Part I of this index consists of the titles of Tablets and Writings of Bahá'u'lláh described or mentioned by the author, including a few which were revealed after 1877. Part II contains all other entries. Titles of Tablets and books are italicized. Footnotes are indicated by the abbreviation n. after the page number; if the name or subject occurs both in the text and in a note, this is indicated by 'p. - and n.'. Principal themes are shown by bold figures.


Bishárát (Glad-Tidings), quoted, 353

Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, 390

Hidden Words, quoted, 10, 35, 325, 356-7, 370, 376, 378

Ishráqát (Splendours), 270n.; quoted, 219, 319

Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih (Words of Paradise), quoted, 352-3

Kitáb-i-'Ahdí (The Book of My Covenant), 81, 371

Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book),

108, 147, 240, 275ff., 400;
Charter of world civilization, 294, 393;
circumstances of revelation, 279, 393;
laws of, 276ff., 281, 292-4, 295-8;
their implementation, 282, 286;
Mother Book, 147, 164, 275;
relation to World Order, 281, 294;
Synopsis and Codification of, 284;
translation of, 283-4;
Writings of the Báb quoted, 305-7, Statements by Bahá'u'lláh: enjoins amity with followers of all religions, 369;
on chastity, 364;
on cleanliness, 363;
forbids confession of sins, 353;
forbids contention and violence, 369;
on His Covenant and succession, 371-3;
on education of children, 91, 326-7, 344;
on healing and medicine, 357;
on Houses of Justice, 316;
on Huqúq'u'lláh, 372;
denounces hypocrisy in religion, 355;
on inheritance, 330;
forbids interpretation by followers, 374;
addresses kings and rulers: 147-8, 156;
Francis Joseph, 150;
William I, 148-9;
Presidents of American Republics, 155-6;
on language, international auxiliary, 157;
on liberty, 298-9;
on saintly life and character, 356-7;
on next Manifestation of God, 398;
on marriage, 365-6;
forbids mendicancy, 352;
forbids monasticism, 352-3;
on Most Great Infallibility, 300;
on music, 368;
on Nineteen Day Feast, 352;
on obligatory prayer, 348;
on pride, 369-70;
prophecies, 398, future Bahá'í sovereigns, 159;
World Wars, 149-50;
on reciting verses of God, 323-4;
in Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, 343-4;
addresses religious leaders, 163-5, 240;
on responsibility of parents towards children, 326-7, 366;

forbids slave trading, 124, 369-70;
on His own station, 305;
on teaching His Faith, 331, 383;
denounces Turkish regime, 123, 151-2;
on virtues, 356-7;
'We are with You at all times', 383;
on work as worship, 351;
on world order, 308;
addresses Mírzá Yahyá, 373-4
Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude), 39, 93, 98, 117, 245, 275, 302-3, 334, quoted 95

Lawh-i-Ahbáb (Tablet of the Friends), 258-9

Lawh-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Tablet or Tablet to the Christians), 11 and n.

Lawh-i-Dunyá (Tablet of the World), 85n.; quoted, 85-6, 220, 380

Lawh-i-Fu'ád, 87-8, 91-2, 99 and n., 100n., 151; quoted, 87

Lawh-i-Haft Pursish (Tablet of Seven Questions), 272; quoted, 272

Lawh-i-Hikmat (Tablet of Wisdom), quoted, 389

Lawh-i-Hirtík (Tablet of Hirtík), 29-30

Lawh-i-Húríyyih, 223

Lawh-i-Mánikchí Sáhib, 270-71; quoted, 271

Lawh-i-Maqsúd, quoted, 294

Lawh-i-Pisar 'Amm (Tablet to the Cousin), 216-18

Lawh-i-Qad Ihtaraqa'l-Mukhlisún or Lawh-i-Ihtiráq (known as The Fire Tablet), 226-30, 231; quoted, 228, 229

Lawh-i-Ra'ís (Tablet of Ra'ís), 33-4, 34n., 36, 87, 99n., 100n., 103

Lawh-i-Ru'yá (Tablet of Vision), 223-4

Lawh-i-Salmán I (Tablet of Salmán), quoted, 89-90

Lawh-i-Salmán II, 25-6; quoted, 157

Lawh-i-Siráj, 89

Lawh-i-Sultán (Tablet to Násiri'd-Dín Sháh) 21, 38, 109, 133, 182-91, 199-200, 209-10; quoted, 232

Lawh-i-Tibb (Tablet of Medicine), 358-60

Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih, 206

Questions and Answers, 278-9, 284

'Salt of My Tablets', 199ff.

Súriy-i-Haykal or Súratu'l-Haykal (Súrih of the Temple), 132-7, 140-46, 147; quoted passim.

Súriy-i-Mulúk (Súrih of the Kings) 109, 146, 238, 242, 251; quoted, 156

Súriy-i-Ra'ís, 34 and n., 87, 100n., 109, 123; quoted, 151

Tablet to Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majíd (Abá Badí'), 179-80, 202-3

Tablet for 'Abdu'r-Rahím of Bushrú'íyyih, 60-61

Tablet of Ahmad, 257

Tablet to Badí', 183, 184

Tablet of Carmel, 215 and n.

Tablet to Czar Alexander II, 118-22, 133; quoted, 119, 120

Tablet to Hádíy-i-Qazvíní, quoted, 63-4

Tablet to Hájí Siyyid Javád-i-Karbilá'í, quoted, 279-80

Tablet in honour of Nabíl-i-A'zam, in Alexandria, 7

Tablet to Nabíl-i-A'zam, 26-7

Tablet to Napoleon III (I), 109, 110

Tablet to Napoleon III (II), 81, 110-15, 133; quoted, 111-13, 115

Tablet to Pope Pius IX, 116-18, 133; quoted 116-17

Tablet to Queen Victoria, 123-8, 133; quoted, 123-4, 125, 127, 128

Tablet to Rada'r-Rúh, 7-8

Tablet of Ridván, 53-6

Tablet of Sayyáh, quoted, 13

Tablet to Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz, 146

Tajallíyát, 120n.

Camplete index, including Tablets of Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, in Volume 4

Abá Badí' (Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Níshápúrí), 386, 435

Abá Basír, 386, 435

Ábádih, 314, 325-6, 385

'Abbúd, 248

'Abbúd, House of, 33, 106, 242

'Abdu'l-'Azíz, Sultán, 27, 95, 104, 105, 240, 241-2, 421

'Abdu'l-Bahá, 185-6, 363, 377n.

and Abu'l-Fadl, 36
and Abu'l-Qásim, 22
Ascension of, 233
and Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, 414-24
on attributes, 198
and Bahá'u'lláh in the Garden of Junaynih, 336
and Bahjí, 1, 5, 104, 106, 108
at Beirut, 239-40
Centre of the Covenant, 143, 311, 420
on Christ, 152
describes Covenant-breaking, 82
describes Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar, 294-5, 296, 298-9, 300-301
and Dr Habíb Mu'ayyad, 31
on emanation and incarnation, 40
establishes first elected Assembly of Tihrán, 290
on equality of men and women, 203
on faith, 217
on future, 423-4
and Garden of Ridván, 11, 14
guidance to teachers, 296
on a hadíth, 39n.
and Hájí Muhammad-i-Yazdí, 25-6
and Hands of the Cause, 49, 278, 285-6, 287, 288, 290
on history, 46
on importance of the West, 232-3
on imprisonment of Bahá'u'lláh, 242
infallibility of, 149
and interpretation of Scripture, 147, 289, 357, 375n., 427
interprets the 'Ishráqát, 147
Jalálu'd-Dawlih meets, 348
and Jamálu'd-Din, 402
life in 'Akká, 1-6
makes arrangements for pilgrims, 2
and marriage of Ibn-i-Abhar, 311
and Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of 'Ishqábád, 122
Master of 'Akká, 2
on nature of God, 41, 44-5, 131-2
on nuclear energy, 225
permission for pilgrimage sought from, 87
praises Nabíl-i-Akbar, 34
prayer for King of Martyrs, 82
prestige of, 239-41, 421
prophecies concerning Mount Carmel, 170-1
schools built during ministry of, 122n.
sends message to Amínu's-Sultán, 187-8
sends teachers to India, 183, 184
sends unaddressed Tablets, 325-6
shields Bahá'u'lláh from outside world, 1-2, 4-5, 336
and Shrine of the Báb, 358-9
on Spiritual Assemblies, 290
station of, 56-7, 240-1, 304, 336
stories attributed to, 170
and Sulaymán Khán, 183, 185, 188
Tablet to Covenant-breakers, 146
Tablet on creation, 40, 41, 44-5
Tablet to Ibn-i-Abhar, 307
Tablet to Mírzá Áqá Khán, 223-5
Tablets on trustworthiness, 26-7
Tablet to Ustád 'Alí-Akbar, 122, 123, 125
and Tablets of the Divine Plan, 358
titles of, 414n.
Townshend's poem to, 231-2
travel teachers during the ministry of, 276, 304, 310-11, 314
tribute to Afnán-i-Kabír, 405-6
tribute to Hájí Mullá Mihdíy-i-'Atrí, 52-3
Tuba Khánum's reminiscences of, 2-4, 13-14
on unity, 2-4
Ustád Ali-Akbar meets, 122
and Varqá and his children, 59
Will and Testament of, 286, 288, 377n.
on wisdom, 322
writes Tablets, 326
Zillu's-Sultán meets, 102
mentioned, 16, 73, 85, 93, 222, 273, 275, 313, 326, 328, 430

'Abdu'l-Hamíd, Sultán, 418

'Abdu'l-Husayn-i-Samandar, Mírzá, 395

'Abdu'l Karím-i-Qazvíní, Mullá (Mírzá Ahmad), 439

'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Marághi'í, 84-5

'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Níshápúrí, Hájí (Abá Badí'), 435

'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Shírází, 45-6

'Abdu'lláh-i-Núrí, Mírzá, 56

'Abdu'lláh Páshá, 1

'Abdu'r-Rahím-i-Qannád, 23

Abhá Kingdom, 34, 223

Abhar, 305

Abraham (Ibráhím), 31, 324, 425, 435

Abú-'Alí Síná, 434

Abú-Dhar, 433

Abú-Nasr, 434

Abu'l-Fadl, Mírzá, 14, 99, 151-2, 258-79, 343

on certitude, 36
dialogues of, 262-9
an example, 36
imprisonment of, 379
simple life of, 258-61
teaching work of, 258-70
travels of, 177, 258-70

Abu'l-Hasan-i-Amín, Hájí (Hájí Amín), 16n., 185, 252, 255, 256, 258, 278, 284, 298, 299, 306, 337, 338, 348, 396, 398, 436

Abu'l-Qásim, (the gardener), 29-32

Abu'l-Qásim-i-Faráháni, Mírzá (Qá'im Maqám), 221-2, 223

Abu'l-Qásim-i-Káshí, 439

Abu'l-Qásim-i-Khurásání, Mírzá (caretaker at the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh), 30n.

Abu'l-Qásim-i-Názir, 395-6, 398

'Ád, 96, 425-6

Adam, 135

Ádhirbáyján, 84, 145-6, 186, 210, 435, 439

Adíb, see Hájí Mírzá Hasan

Adíbu'l-'Ulamá, see Hasan-i-Adíb, Hájí Mírzá

Administrative Order, 233, 276-7, 286, 423

Adrianople, 1, 5, 6, 81, 108, 115, 154, 233, 247, 257, 393, 421

Afghanistan, 183

Afnán-i-Kabír (Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Hasan), illus. 404; 330, 396, 401, 402-6, 334

Afnáns, 50, 73, 119-20, 248, 284-5

establish trading company in Istanbul, 394-6
in India, 178-81
take counsel on community affairs, 119n.
Africa, 233, 423

Agah, Rahbar, 459

Aghsán, 10, 333

Agriculture, 341

Ahmad, Mírzá (Mullá 'Abdu'l Karím-i-Qazvíní), 439

Ahmad, Tablet of, 141

Ahmad-i-Afnán, Siyyid, 396, 398-9

Ahmad Effendi, 24

Ahmad-i-Ruhi, Shaykh, 399-402

Akhtar (newspaper), 396, 400-401, 436

Ákhúnd, Hájí, see 'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí, Hand of the Cause Hájí Mullá


'Abdu'l-Bahá's life in, 1-6, 45
Bahá'u'lláh's exile to, 6, 77, 242, 278, 351, 353
Bahá'u'lláh's life in, 1-2, 104-5, 241-4
Governor of, 7, 336
Holy Family in, 106
'Master of', see 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Muftí of, 239
Navváb remains in, 1, 106
Nabíl-i-Akbar at, 33
pilgrims to, 8, 12, 33, 84-5, 87, 120, 178, 217
Shaykh Yúsuf visits, 239
Siyyid Asadu'lláh's pilgrimage to, 191
Sulaymán Khán in, 178, 181, 185, 189
traditions regarding, 387
mentioned, 9, 11, 14, 25, 31, 51, 58, 103, 107, 115, 170, 205, 244n., 303, 325, 343, 362, 392, 398, 400, 402, 405, 416, 417, 421, 430

'Alá'u'd-Dawlih, Governor of Zanján, 60

Alchemy, 225

Aleppo, 418

Alexander the Great, 46

Alexandria, 23, 24

'Alí (minister of Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz), 242

'Alí, Áqá (martyr of Yazd), 347

'Alí, Hájí Mírzá Siyyid, 429

'Alí, Imám, 209, 436

'Alí, Mullá ('Azím), 437

'Alí, Shaykh, 23-4

'Alí, Siyyid, 16

'Alí, Siyyid (son-in-law of Bahá'u'lláh), 405

'Alí-Akbar, Mírzá, 439

'Alí-Akbar-i-Banná, Ustád, illus. 121; 30, 118-25

'Alí-Akbar-i-Muhibb'us-Sultán (Rawhání), 293

'Alí-Akbar-i-Sháhmírzádí, Hand of the Cause Hájí Mullá (Hájí Ákhúnd), illus. 279, 292, 381; 14, 185, 255, 275, 277

daughter of, 311, 312
imprisonment of, 297-9, 306, 337, 338, 348, 380, 436
life of, 294-301
and Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, 380
Tablets to, 255, 315-26
wife of, 312

'Alí-Asghar (first martyr of Yazd), 347

'Alí-Asghar (sixth martyr of Yazd), 348

'Alí-Asghar-i-Hikmát, 314

'Alí-Asghar-i-Khán, the Amínu's-Sultán, 185-8

'Alíy-i-Bastamí, Mullá, 209

'Alí-Ján, Mullá, 386-7, 435

'Alíy-i-Kání, Hájí Mullá, 297

Alí-Kuli Khán, 261, 265

'Alíy-i-Mírí, Shaykh, Muftí of 'Akká, 245

'Alí-Muhammad, Mírzá, see Ibn-i-Asdaq

'Alí-Muhammad-i-Varqá, 17, 286

'Alíy-i-Sabzivárí, Mullá (martyr of Yazd), 347, 349

'Alíy-i-Sayyáh (disciple of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh), 101n.

'Alíy-i-Yazdí, Hájí, 248

'Alíy-i-Yazdí, Siyyid, 23-5

America, 233, 260-1, 262, 265, 285, 358

Amín, Hájí, see Abu'l-Hasan, Hájí

Amínu's-Sultán, see 'Alí-Asghar Khán

Amos, 408

Amr va Khalq, 45

Ámul, 148, 389, 435

'Andalíb, Tablet to, 83

'Angel of Carmel', see Haydar-'Alí, Hájí Mírzá


animal nature of humans, 142
kingdom of, 198-9

Anti-Christ, see Muhammad-i-Isfahání

Apostle, the, see Muhammad

Áqá Ján, Mírzá (Khádimu'lláh), 8, 9, 24, 73, 105, 106, 114, 246, 248, 254-5, 300, 332, 339, 400

downfall of, 247
records revelation, 125, 219, 333, 334

Áqáy-i-Kalím, see Músá, Mírzá

Áqá Khán, Mírzá (Qá'im Maqámí), 222-3

Áqá Khán-i-Kirmání, Mírzá, 399-402

Áqá Mírzá Áqáy-i-Afnán (Núru'd-Din), illus. 331; 7, 284, 329-37, 429-31

Áqá Siyyid Áqá, 284, 330-32

Arabia, 25, 208, 325, 425, 426

Arabic, 47, 160, 265, 314n., 349n., 418

Arák, 222, 223

Arawaka, Viscount, 225

Archbishops, 229

Archives, Bahá'í International, illus. 364; 248, 362

Ardabíl, 186

Ardikán, 245

Ark, 357, 361

Crimson, 318, 361, 411, 437
Armaments, 173, 236

Arts, 118n., 138, 144, 162, 173, 212

Asadu'lláh, Mírzá (Dayyán), 439

Asadu'lláh, Siyyid, 191

Asadu'lláh-i-Qumí, Siyyid, 14, 185-7, 222-3, 333

Ashraf, Mírzá, 175-6

Ashraf, Mírzá, (of Ábádih), 384, 385-6

Ashraf-i-Zanjání, 175n., 386, 435

Asia, 233, 394, 423

Assemblies, see Local and National Spiritual Assemblies

'Atá'u'lláh, Saráj'u'l-Hukamá, Mírzá, 326-8


of God, 17, 44, 95, 131-3, 135-6, 193, 198-9, 217, 244
Manifestations bear God's, 132, 133
manifested in all kingdoms of God, 198-9

Australasia, 233

Auxiliary Board Members, 277

Al-Azhar University, 151, 265

Azalís, 81-2, 174, 176, 191, 219-20, 225-6, 305, 314, 399, 401, 403, 412

machinations of, in Istanbul, 391-412
and Nabíl ibn-i-Nabíl, 394-8
A'zam (owner of land in Ishqábád), 120, 122

'Azím (Mullá 'Alí), 437

'Azím-i-Tafrishí, 255

'Azízu'lláh (son of Varqá), 55, 58, 59

'Azízu'lláh-i-Jadhdháb, 398

Báb, the, 128, 147, 207-10

announces station of Bahá'u'lláh, 127, 128
banishment to Máh-Kú, 222
begins Bahá'í Dispensation, 155
bestows station of Imám on believer, 209
birth of, 334-5
on coming of Bahá'u'lláh, 408
Declaration of, 148, 329, 335n., 429
and destruction of religious books, 166
House of, 16, 122n., 165, 330, 331, 334, 429-31
interment of, 358-60
in Isfahán, 74, 75
and King and Beloved of Martyrs, 74
kinsmen of, see Afnán
laws of, 166-7
Martyrdom of, 73
names and titles of, 207, 210
'Point of the Bayán', 206-7, 208
on power of God, 324-5
prepares the way for Bahá'u'lláh, 81, 147, 408
remains of, 358-9
wife of, see Khadíjih Bagum
Writings of, 47, 128, 373, 408
mentioned, 101n., 120, 122, 123, 126, 137, 148, 150, 175, 305n., 405, 406, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440

Bábís, 53, 421

allowed to defend themselves, 377-8
attempt on the life of the Sháh, 378
and Bahá'ís, 379
Bahá'u'lláh addresses 'People of the Bayán', 147-8, 174, 206-7, 219-20, 412
Bahá'u'lláh declares mission to, 329
Bahá'u'lláh focuses message on, 81
Bahá'u'lláh rebukes, 219-20
and Covenant-breaking, 81, 150, 174-5
Hájí Mullá 'Alí-Akbar meets, 295
and laws of the Báb, 166-7
march towards Mázindarán, 209
and Mírzá Yahyá, 305
persecution of, 6
steadfastness of, 140-1
turn to Quddús, 210
and use of force, 377-8
mentioned, 64, 401

Badakhshán, 183

Badasht, conference of, 16, 73

Badí', 39, 73, 299, 305, 386, 435

Badí'u'lláh (son of Bahá'u'lláh), 59, 377, 435

Badí'u'lláh (son of Varqá), 59

Badru'd-Din Al-Ghazzí, Shaykh, 151

Baghdád, 4, 108, 115, 244, 247, 305

pilgrims meet Bahá'u'lláh in, 51, 53, 74, 80, 88, 245-6, 301, 439
Bahá'í Cycle, 209, 366, 424

Bahá'í Faith

allegiance to, 335
Bahá'u'lláh's vision of, 169
Centre of the Cause, 143
conversion to, 184
development of world administrative centre of, 362-7
Dispensation of, 155
dissimulation forbidden in, 92
enemies of, to be pitied, 93
fostering of, 320
future of, 72, 335
greatness of, 297
growth of, 140-1, 177, 233, 250-1, 257, 320, 423, 431
independence of, 184
international seat of, 351-67
laws of, 116
love within the, 194
opposition to, 320, 335
prerequisites for teaching, 237
prestige of, 239
principles of, 423
protection of, 278, 287, 290, 320, 321
purpose of, is unity, 388-9
recantation of, 92-3, 175
a religion in its pure form, 156
spread of, 70, 171-2, 177, 233, 250-1
teaching of, see Teaching
those who rise up against, 318, 340
unity of, a model, 190, 365
universal adoption of, 56

accusations against, 306, 393-402

acquisition of saintly attributes, 173
in 'Akká, 2
allegiance of, 335
addressed in Tablet of Carmel, 356-7
and Bábís, 379
behaviour of, 317
business dealings among, 26-7
character of, 214
companions of the Crimson Ark, 318
concern of, 392
conduct of, 380
counselled to be wise, 322
counsels of Bahá'u'lláh to, 159-60, 192, 338-42
cursing of, 93
deeds of, 214, 317
development of Bahá'í community, 289
dissimulation of, 92, 271n.
enjoined to teach, 274
exhortations of Bahá'u'lláh to, 173, 212-13, 237, 317, 375-7
gatherings of, 316
and Hands of the Cause, 278
Huqúq'u'lláh and, 248-56
identification as, 271n.
imprisoned in Tihrán, 379
in India, 177-81
integration of community, 291
intermarriage of, 291
of Jewish background, illus. 292; 254, 271, 423
and laws, 287
love among, 194, 317
and love of Bahá'u'lláh, 190, 278-84
in Mandalay, 183-4
misdeeds of, 225-6, 391
and pioneering, 171
prayer for, 243
prejudices of, 291
prominent, 286
promotion of peace, 342
protection of, 323
and sacrifice, 190
schools built by, 122n.
spiritual character of, 382
standard of Bahá'u'lláh for, 82-3
standard of detachment, 249-50
station of, 92-3, 285
steadfastness of, 140-1
Tablets to, 323-4
true, 161, 296
understanding of teachings, 212-13
understanding of the Testaments, 268
unity of, 190 192, 194
uprisings against, 123-4
well-being of, 289
Zillu's-Sultán offers to assist, 101
Mentioned, 114, 119n., 186, 416
Bahá i World Centre, illus. 364; 351-67

Bahá'íyyih Khánum, see Greatest Holy Leaf


Abdu'l-Bahá shields, from outside world, 1, 4, 5
and Abu'l-Qásim, 29-30
achievements of, 421-4
accused of identifying Himself with God, 125-6, 406-7
addresses divines of Islám, 98-9
addresses leaders of religion, 212
at Adrianople, 247, 393, 421
and 'Akká, 105, 242-3
Apostles of, 49, 50, 53, 88n., 105, 294, 394, 414, 438
and appointment of Hands of the Cause, 285, 294-314, 315-28, 337n., 423
Áqá Mírzá Áqá meets, 330-37
arrival in 'Akká, 351
Ascension of, 107n., 185, 300, 351, 413-24
in Baghdád, 245-6, 295
at Bahjí, 9n., 85, 103-17, 242, 245, 333, 351, 414, 418, 423
belief in, 194
birth of, 335
Centre of the Cause, 143
children of, 5-6, 283
on Christ, 152
clothes of, 247, 248
on condition of mankind, 72
confers title on Quddús, 210
and consultation, 289-90
counsels of, to followers, 338-42
cursing of, 92-3, 175
as Day-Spring of God's signs, 130
Declaration of, 53, 81, 305, 329
described by Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málamír, 9-10
describes station of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 56-7
detachment of, 246-8, 255
donkey of, 105, 106, 336
and edict of Sultán 'Abdu'l-'Azíz, 240, 241
and E. G. Browne, 248
on equality of men and women, 199-204
exhortation to Bahá'ís, 173
family of, Covenant-breakers, 5-6, 283
and famine in Persia, 299
as the 'Father', 228, 229, 413
feasts held in honour of, 9-10
on future of the Cause, 72
at Garden of Ridván, 11-32
and gifts, 246-8
Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí's reminiscences of, 4-5
Hájí Mírzá Siyyid Muhammad meets, 329
Hájí Muhammad-Ridá meets, 173
Hájí Yahúdá meets, 12-13
in Haifa, 351
and House of the Báb, 429-30
House of, in Baghdad, 165
humour of, 243-5, 256
Ibn-i-Asdaq meets, 301
imprisonment of, 241-2
infallibility of, 149-50
and Istanbul, 393
Jalíl-i-Khú'í meets, 145
as Joseph, 81
and King and Beloved of Martyrs, 73-5, 80-90
love of, 190, 211, 275, 283-4
magnanimity of, 241-8
at Mazra'ih, 1-10, 73, 104-5, 181, 186
message to Amínu's-Sultán, 185
message to Christians, 227-35
and misdeeds of Bahá'ís, 225-6, 391
at Mount Carmel, 332-7
Mullá 'Alí-Akbar meets, 300
and Mullá Husayn, 209
Nabíl-i-Akbar dear to, 48
Nabíl's poetry about, 107-8
names and titles of, 139-40, 207, 369
orders land to be purchased in 'Ishqábád, 120
the Person of Bahá'u'lláh, 134-6
and pilgrims in the Holy Land, 83-7
praise of, as 'Supreme Mediator', 369
prayer for believers, 243
presentation of His teachings, 374-7
and the process of revelation, 218-19
proclamation to kings and rulers, 421
proofs of, 262-3
quotes from previously revealed Tablets, 372-4
recognition of, 142, 193, 198, 206-7, 212, 216, 305
recognition of God comes only through, 139-40
on religion, 155-6
response to martyrdoms in Yazd, 343
Revelation of, see Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
and Rúhu'lláh, 58-64
sends travel teachers, 275-6
sends unaddressed Tablets, 323-5
Shrine of, see Shrines
and Siyyid Asadu'lláh, 191
Siyyid Mustafáy-i-Rúmí attracted to, 182
slippers of, 248
speaking as the Manifestation, 319
on spiritual worlds, 205-13
station of, 66, 94, 108, 125-39, 141, 223, 320
stories attributed to, 170
sufferings of, 6, 38, 148, 388-90, 391-2, 402-5
and Sulaymán Khán, 177-84
summons of, to Son of the Wolf, 409-12
as Supreme Manifestation, 135, 136-9, 147, 374, 406-9
Tablets of, see Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh
teachings of, see Teachings
on unity, 194-8
Universal Manifestation, 135
on use of force, 377-8
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar meets, 120
and Varqá, 53-64
Will and Testament of (Kitáb-i-'Ahdí), 388, 419, 420
on wisdom, 319, 320-3
and Writings of the Báb, 47-8, 373
Writings of, misrepresented, 150
Zillu's-Sultán's letter to, 101
mentioned, 122, 177, 178, 182, 363
Bahjí, Mansion of, illus. 109, 110, 111, 112, 422; 30, 103-17, 405, 416

and 'Abdu'1-Bahá, 1, 5, 104, 106, 108
Bahá'u'lláh at, 9n., 85, 103-17, 242, 245, 333, 351, 414, 418, 423
circumambulation of, 107-8
Hájí Muhammad Táhir describes events at, 106-8
Holy Family does not go to, 1, 106
inscription over entrance of, 104
Bali, 183

Balkh, 183

Báqir, Mullá, Imám-Jum'ih of Nayríz, 205

Báqir, Mullá, Letter of the Living, 439

Barq, the donkey, 105

Bastinado, 6, 148, 307-8, 389

Bavánát, 326

Bayán, the, 47, 127, 166, 220, 305, 330

People of, 147-8, 174, 206-7, 219-20, 412
Point of, see the Báb
Begging, 163, 253

Beirut, 52, 330

'Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to, 239-40
University of, 31
Believers, see Bahá'ís

Beloved of Martyrs (Mahbúbu'sh-Shuhadá, Mírzá Muhammad-Husayn), illus. 78; 16, 58, 73-90, 91, 99-100, 101, 119, 368, 384, 434

Bey, Nikolaki, 4

Bíbí Tuba (sister of Varqá), 55

Bible, Holy, 47

see also Gospels, Testament, Scriptures
Bihjatu's-Sudúr (Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí), 60

Bírúní, 3

Bishops, 229-30

Black Standard, 209

Bombay, 107, 178, 181, 330, 385

Book of the Covenant, 69, 388

Books, 373

burning of, 341
destruction of, 166, 167
of God, 212
printing of, 321-2
Boys, school for, 313-14

Britain, 101, 263, 264

Browne, Edward Granville, 248, 304

Bruce, Revd Dr Robert, 263-9

Buddhists, 181, 184, 267, 423

Bukhárá, 262

Burma, 181, 182, 183, 189, 304, 423

Burning Bush, 221, 228, 339, 357

Buzurg-i-Afnán, Hájí Mírzá, 16, 333, 337

Cairo, 24, 124, 151, 418

Calamity, 225, 235

Caliphate, 365

Carmel, Mount, illus. 363; 70n., 123, 170-1, 332, 351

Tablet of Carmel, 351-67, 423
Cause, see Bahá'í Faith

Caucasus, the, 85, 310

Celebes, 183

Central Organization for a Durable Peace, 304

Certitude, 35-6

Ceylon, 181, 183

Chicago, 359

Chihríq, 439

Children, 215

education of, 159, 341
suffering of, 93
Christ Jesus, 56-7, 324-5

historicity of, 265
reality of, 152, 267
return of, 152, 227-8, 351-2
teachings of, 152
mentioned, 63, 72, 97, 108, 126, 127, 130, 163, 171, 184, 215, 229, 232, 317, 350, 366, 433
Christianity, 152, 155, 164, 227-35, 264

administration of, 365
converts to, 264n.
Christians, 263, 265-7, 350, 351-2, 418

Tablet to (Lawh-i-Aqdas), 227-35
Churches, 229, 230, 264, 265

Circumambulation, 107, 108, 113

Civilization, 324

Bahá'í, 138, 233, 366, 413, 423
Clergy, 173, 186, 271-3, 348

and cursing, 341n.
during Muharram, 322
Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl's dialogues with, 263-9
Muslim, 167, 174, 201, 318, 431, 433
Shí'ah of Persia, 344
as 'stars' referred to in the Gospels, 229
see also Divines and Priesthood
Commonwealth, Bahá'í, 362
Concourse on High, 284, 298, 316, 349, 353, 365

Confession, 164

Constantinople, see Istanbul

Consultation, 119, 236, 289-90, 291, 318, 321

Counsellors, Boards of, 276, 288-9

Covenant, 146, 172, 304, 311

'ark', 361
authenticity of, 146
Book of the, see Book of the Covenant
Centre of, 142-3, 146, 249, 252, 311, 420
Covenant-breaking, 5-6, 59, 81-2, 86, 145-6, 188, 246-7, 304, 370-1, 419-20
establishment of, 423
Ibn-i-Asdaq's writings on, 304
steadfastness in, 143, 146, 206, 234, 300
Covenant-breakers, 172, 304

and Hands of the Cause, 300
Jalíl-i-Khu'í, 145-7, 149
Jamál-i-Burújirdí, 145, 188, 254, 287n., 321
Mírzá Áqá Jan's downfall, 247
Mírzá Muhammad-'Áli, 5, 59, 145, 236, 420
Mírzá Yahyá, see Yahyá, Mírzá
Siyyid 'Ali and Fúrúghíyyih, 405
see also Azalís
Creation, 188-9, 203-4, 206, 216-17, 318
origin of, 39-46, 283
principles of, 37, 278
purpose of, 133, 413
responds to Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, 353-4
Cursing, 92-3, 158, 341

Cyprus, 399

Czar, 346, 388, 434

Damascus, 418

Daniel, 154, 433

Dáru'l-Funún, 312

'Day of God', 66, 125, 126, 133-4, 148, 166-7, 209, 214, 218, 230, 238, 249, 257, 259, 302, 313, 374, 406, 413

Day of Resurrection, 207

Dayyán (Mírzá Asadu'lláh), 439

Dead, the, 164-5, 207

Deeds, 237, 250, 262, 288, 317, 339, 370, 376, 382

condemnation of wicked, 371
service is greatest of all, 302
unity of, 192
Deputization, 259

Dervish, 51n, 178


of Bahá'u'lláh, 246-8
need for, 68-9, 249-51, 254, 288, 317
and successful teaching, 258, 261, 270
Díyár-Bakr, 84, 85

Dispensation, 137, 190, 192

of the Báb, 166-7, 305n., 377, 437
developments in the, 324
each has a beginning and an end, 155
previous, 340, 433
Dissimulation, 92

Disunity, 195, 196, 197


Bahá'u'lláh's challenge to, 217-18
of Islám, 98-9, 173, 193, 202, 214, 219, 382, 387, 389
see also Priesthood and Clergy
Díyá, Hájí Mírzá, 333

Díyá'u'lláh, Mírzá, 58

Dreams, 206

Druze, 418

East, the, 232-3, 242

Education, 158, 235

of Bahá'í youth, 313-14
of children, 159, 341
of the human race, 340
Ministry of, in Persia, 314
of women, 201, 312
Egypt, 177, 240, 328, 418

Elections, 290-1

Elijah, Cave of, 351, 359

Emanation, 40-1, 44

Encyclopaedia, Arabic, 401

Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Bahá'u'lláh), 368-412

study of, 373, 432-40
Equality, 199
of men and women, 199-204
musávát, 195
Esperanto, 437

Essence of Essences, see God

Europe, 233, 304

Faith, personal, 36, 143, 158, 213, 217, 275

'Abdu'1-Baha's words on, 217
a relative term, 55, 66
Fá'izih Khánum, 311

Famine, 263, 299

Fárán, 254

Fáris Effendi, 227

Farmán Farmá, 439

Fárs, 325n.

Fast, prayer for, 9

Fath-'Ali Shah, 222, 303, 433

Fátimih, 91n., 433

Fátimih 'the Immaculate', 187n.

Fátimih Khánum, 297

Feasts, 8-10, 14

'First Mind', 44

Forel, Dr August, 132

Forgiveness, 85-6

Formative Age, 182, 233, 286, 367

Fu'ád (minister of Sultan 'Abdu'l- Azíz), 242

Funds, 248, 253, 256, 259, 263

International, 256
see also Huqúq'u'lláh
Fúrúghíyyih (daughter of Bahá'u'lláh), 405

Gabriel, 91

Galilee, hills of, 1

Gallipoli, 353

Germans, 70, 351, 352

Gifts, 246-8

Girls, school for, 314

God, 168-9, 197, 354

achieving nearness to, 68-70, 142, 211
addresses the Son of the Wolf, 371
attributes of, 17, 44, 95, 131-3, 135-6, 157, 198-9, 204, 244
Bahá'u'lláh accused of identifying Himself with, 126, 406-7
belief in, 27-8, 46
Book of, 212
bounty of, 116, 216, 233, 317
and creation, 39-43
Essence of, 129-33, 409
fear of, 28, 214, 237, 262, 288, 376, 382
greatness of, 261
guidance of, 325
'Humorist', 244
'the Incomparable', 199
knowledge of, 139-40, 213, 375
laws of, 361
love of, 35, 296
and man, 48, 65, 139-40, 150, 157, 287
mercy of, 409-11
nature of, 40-1, 43-5, 128-36, 266-8
no 'time' in sight of, 169-70
oneness of, 287, 397, 407
power of, 324-5, 373
Presence of, 408-9, 436
recognition of, 139
reliance on, 322-3
relationship of, with Manifestations, 129-36
and 'return', 207-9
tests of, 27-8, 247, 286-7
turning to, 318-19
Will of, 44, 324
Word of, see Word of God
worlds of, 205-6
worship of, 36, 167
wrath of, 318
Golden Age, 366

Golden Rule, 196

Gospels, the, 43, 70, 127, 152, 229

see also Holy Bible, Scriptures and Testament
Government, 159, 162, 191, 214, 235-6, 267-8, 346
Bahá'ís intercede with, 346
British, 263
constitutional, 341
of Persia, 306, 314, 335, 338, 382
presidential system, 162
Graves, 164-5

Greatest Holy Leaf (Bahá'íyyih Khánum), 1, 59-60, 106, 311, 337, 362, 366

Greatest Name, 135, 411n.

Greece, 33, 42, 46

Greek, 46

Guardian, see Shoghi Effendi

Guardianship, 366

Gulistán, Treaty of, 433

Habíb-i-Afnán, Hájí Mírzá, 101

Habíbu'lláh, Hájí Mírzá, 332-6

Hadhramaut, 426

Hádí, Mírzá, 16, 73

Hádíy-i-Dawlat-Ábádí, Mírzá, 47, 174-6, 412, 435, 438

Hádíy-i-Sabzavárí, Hájí Mullá, 221

Hadiqatu'r-Rahmán, 328

Hadíth (Tradition), 39-40, 210n., 213, 387, 436

Hague, The, 304

Haifa, 70n., 171, 332-3, 337, 347, 351

Hájibu'd-Dawlih, 64

Hamadán, 12, 259

Handmaidens, see Women

Hands of the Cause, illus. 279-82, 292

administrative seat of, 366
appointment of, 182, 313, 337n., 423
development of institution of, 276-7
establish first elected assembly in Tihrán, 290, 311
function of, 278-83, 287-9
and Huqúq'u'lláh, 253-4
the 'learned', 37-8
lives of, 294-314
in Persia, 122, 257-8
prayers for, 288, 299, 320, 337-8
role of, 274-93
service of, 300
Tablets to, 315-28, 337-8
teachers of the Cause, 257-8
urged to consult, 289-90
urged to move about and deepen Bahá'ís, 300
Harris, Hooper, 310

Hasan, Hájí Mírzá Siyyid, see Afnán-i-Kabír

Hasan, Mírzá (brother of Varqá), 51, 53

Hasan-i-Adíb, Hájí Mírzá (Adíb), illus. 282, 292; 277-8, 311, 312-14

Hasan-i-Mázindarání, 438

Haydar-'Alí, Hájí Mírzá, 258, 270-3, 323, 325-6, 432

Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih revealed in honour of, 214
met by Hájí Muhammad-i-Yazdí, 25-6
reminiscences of Bahá'u'lláh, 4-5, 14-15
reminiscences of Varqá and Rúhu'lláh, 60-3
on the Person of Bahá'u'lláh, 135-6
on teaching, 271-3
teaching work of, 238
Heart, 68, 213, 283, 380

Heaven, 211

Hebrew, 46

Hell, 211

Heroic Age, 119, 123, 182, 233, 366

Hidden Words, The (Bahá'u'lláh), 53, 68, 82, 283, 319, 340, 414, 433

'Him Whom God shall make manifest', 53, 147, 166, 174, 220, 330, 437-8 see also Bahá'u'lláh

Hindus, 184, 267

Hisamu's-Saltanih, 439

History, 46-7, 66, 108

'History of the Faith in the Province of Yazd' (Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí), 23, 50-1

History of the Martyrs of Yazd, 124, 347

Holy Family, 254, 419

Holy Land

agitation in, 146
pilgrims arriving in, without permission, 83-4, 86-7
prestige of Faith in, 239-41
Templers come to, 70, 351
mentioned, 9, 25, 115, 254-5, 304, 359, 394, 418, 421
see also 'Akká and Haifa
Holy Spirit, 133-5

Houses of Justice, 38, 321, see also Universal House of Justice

House of Worship, see Mashriqu'l-Adhkár

Húd, 96, 425-8

Humility, 65, 193

Humour, 243-5

Huqúq'u'lláh, 59, 248-56

Husayn, Imám, 201, 322, 349

Husayn, Mírzá (brother of Varqá), 50-3

Husayn, Mírzá (relative of Sulaymán Khán), 181

Husayn, Mullá, 208-10, 437

Husayn-i-Áshchí, 244-5

Husayn Khán, Mírzá, Mushíru'd-Dawlih, 434

Husayn-i-Shírází, 25

Husayn-i-Yazdí, Siyyid, Letter of the Living, 439

Ibn-i-Abhar, see Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí

Ibn-i-Asdaq, Hand of the Cause (Mírzá 'Alí-Muhammad), illus. 281, 292; 277-8, 286

life of, 301-4
Tablets to, 254, 275, 277, 296, 315-28
Ibn-i-Fárid, 389, 433

Ibráhím, Mírzá, 73-4

Ibráhím, Siyyid (Khalíl), 439-40

Ibráhím-i-Abharí, Mírzá, 305

Idleness, 162-4

Incarnation, 40-1

India, 177-86, 189, 304, 310, 314, 330, 385, 418, 423

Indians, 178

Infallibility, 143, 145, 149-53

Institutions, 193-4

Integration, 291

Intercession, 346

Iran, see Persia

Iraq, 6, 421

Isaiah, 43, 228, 267-8, 355, 359, 361, 408, 413

Isfáhán, 58, 100, 119, 174, 175, 263-5, 266, 314, 343, 345

martyrdoms of King and Beloved of Martyrs at, 73-90, 384
prison at, 55
upheavals at, 368
'Ishqábád, 30, 343, 388, 423

upheavals in, 343-6
Ustád 'Alí-Akbar in, 119-23, 124
Islám, 43, 88, 91n., 151-2, 184

abrogation of laws of, 184
administration of, 365
converts to Christianity from, 264n.
and cursing, 93
divines of, 97-9, 150, 245
dissimulation allowed in, 92
downfall of, 98
knowledge of Islámic subjects, 374
negation stands above affirmation in, 172
prayer of, 411n.
Shí'ah, 175-6, 209, 322, 341
Shí'ah orthodoxy undermined, 166
women in, 200, 201-2
Ismá'íl, Mírzá (brother of King and Beloved of Martyrs), 76

Ismá'íl, Siyyid, 386, 435

Ismá'ílís, 183, 184

Israel, 408

Children of, 47, 211, 268
Prophets of, 13, 46, 154, 361
Istanbul (Constantinople), 435, 436

exile of Bahá'u'lláh to, 108, 232
machinations of Azalís in, 225, 391-412
Persian Embassy in, 393, 434, 436
Jacob, 389

Jaddih (Jidda), 25, 446

Ja'far, the sifter of wheat, 433

Ja'far, Mírzá, 1n.

Ja'far-i-Kirmání, Mullá, 399

Ja'far-i-Sádiq, (Sixth Imám), 436

Ja'far-i-Yazdí, Mírzá, 244-6

Jáhil, see Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Sayyáh

Hájí Jalíl-i-Khu'í, 145-7, 149

Jamál-i-Burújirdí, 145, 188, 254, 287n., 321

Jamálu'd-Din (Jamál Effendi), see Sulaymán Khán-i-Tunukábání

Jamálu'd-Din-i-Afghání, Siyyid (founder of Pan-Islámic movement), 341, 401-2

Java, 183

Javád-i-Karbilá'í, Hájí Siyyid, 438

Javáhirí, Mr, illus. 292; 291

Jerusalem, 352, 361, 408

Jewish Faith, 155, 254

Jews, 263, 264n., 267, 418

Bahá'ís of Jewish descent, illus. 292; 12-13, 254, 271, 423
and martyrs of Yazd, 347-8
at time of Christ, 56-7, 97, 228, 325
Joseph, 81

Josephus, 265

Junaynih, Garden of, 105, 244, 335

Junyan Gardens, 30

Justice, 34, 97, 155, 173, 175, 199, 216, 222, 226, 229, 268, 350, 370, 375, 383, 389, 410

'Abdu'l-Bahá helps people receive, 3
God's forgiveness outweighs His, 85
of Hands of the Cause, 285
for murderers of a Bahá'í, 344
no one can be a human being without, 318
upheld by reward and punishment, 159
Kaaba, 357, 358, 360, 380, 411, 433

Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, 175-6, 196, 214-26, 374

Kamál Páshá, 434, 437

Kámrán Mírzá, the Náyibu's-Saltanih, 297, 299, 338

Karbilá, 100, 349, 429

Karbilá'í Áqá Ján, 100, 348, 429

Káshán, 247, 439

Kashmir, 183

Kázim, Mullá, 384-6

Kázim, Ustád, 245

Kázim-i-Samandar, Shaykh, 88, 178, 191, 394

Khadem, Hand of the Cause Dhikru'lláh, 448

Khadíjih Bagum, 329, 331, 404, 405, 429, 430

Khalíl (Siyyid Ibráhím), 439-40

Khalíl-i-Tabrízí, Áqá, 266, 268

Khán-i-Mahallátí, Áqá, 183

Khánum Buzurg (Sháh Sultán Khánum), 438

Khartúm, 23, 24, 25

Khávar, Hájí, 336

Khurásán, 100, 209, 210n., 254, 294, 343

Khuy, 439

King of Martyrs, (Sultánu'sh-Shuhadá, Mírzá Muhammad-Hasan), illus. 77; 16, 58, 73-90, 91, 99-100, 101, 119, 254, 368, 384, 434

'Abdu'l-Bahá's prayer for, 82

Kings, 98, 179, 235, 291, 388, 421

Kirmán, 399, 400

Kirmánsháhán, 259

Kitáb-i-'Ahdí (The Book of My Covenant), 419-20, 434

Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Bahá'u'lláh), 123, 138-9, 160, 212, 399, 400, 417

law of Huqúq'u'lláh, 248-56
laws of, 114, 116, 299-300, 321, 421, 423, 433
Tablets revealed after, 33, 118, 167, 227-38
tribute to the 'learned', 38
Kitáb-i-Íqán (Bahá'u'lláh), 95, 136, 140, 152, 154, 207, 213, 295, 322, 329, 385, 421, 427-8, 438

Knowledge, 212, 213, 236, 274-5, 342, 434

of God, 375
Komaroff, General, 344

Krupatkin, General, 122

Kurdistán, 6

Laddakh, 183

Lahore, 183

Language, 194, 354, 374

universal auxiliary, 159-60, 162, 215, 341
Lawh-i-'Abdu'l-Vahháb, 41

Lawh-i-Aqdas, 227-35, 352, 353

Lawh-i-Ard-i-Bá, 240-1

Lawh-i-Bishárát, 158, 159, 161-7, 168

Lawh-i-Burhán, 91-102, 425, 435

Lawh-i-Dunyá, 288, 329-50, 401, 429

Lawh-i-Fu'ád, 437

Lawh-i-Hikmat, 33-49, 373

ancient Greek philosophers, 46
on creation, 39-43
deplores condition of the world, 34-5
description of nature, 45
differs from historical records, 46
on knowledge of the Manifestations, 48
philosophical terminology of, 33
revealed in honour of Nabíl-i-Akbar, 33, 39, 45
on speech, 192
teachings to spiritualize the human race, 35-7
Lawh-i-Hizár Baytí ('Abdu'l-Bahá), 146

Lawh-i-Ishráqát, 18, 145-60, 162, 168, 405

Lawh-i-Ittihád, 191-6

Lawh-i-Karmil, 351-67, 423

Lawh-i-Maqsúd, 235-6

Lawh-i-Ra'ís, 437

Lawh-i-Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají, 236-8

Lawh-i-Sultán, 374, 388

Lawh-i-Tajallíyát, 118-44, 168

Lawh-i-Tarázát, 168-76

Laws, 116-17, 157, 184, 212, 215-16, 257, 287, 421, 423, 433

application of, 321
of the Báb, 166-7
of Huqúq'u'lláh, see Huqúq'u'lláh
laws of God, 361
obedience to, 142
physical, 255
publication of, 299-300
'Leaf', see Women

Lebanon, 355

Lesser Peace, 159, 162, 198, 366

Universal House of Justice to promote, 341-2
see also Most Great Peace and Peace
Letters of the Living, 209-10

Life, purpose and principles of, 193, 278

Local Spiritual Assemblies, 193-4, 275, 276, 290-1

of Bahá'í Women, 312
instituted in Persia, 276
of Tihrán, illus. 292; 290-3, 311-12
Locusts, 29-30

Lote-Tree, 169, 411, 436

Love, 161, 308, 339, 375

among believers, 317
of Bahá'u'lláh, 190, 194, 234
of one's country, 340
prime cause of creation, 199
Luqmán, 436

Madras, 181

Máh-kú, 222, 329, 439

Mahmúd Mírzá, Prince, the Jalálu'd-Dawlih, 347-8

Mahmúd-i-Zarqání, Mírzá, 146, 285, 310

Mahrám, Mírzá, 184

Majdu'd-Din, 420

Majzub, Nusratu'lláh, 446

Malaya, 183


barrier between God and, 287
capacity to understand God, 150
each person unique, 198, 199
a finite being, 216
greatest achievement of, 82
human nature, 142-3
muvását is noblest quality of, 195
need for detachment, 68-70
need for humility, 65
need for justice, 318
need to live the life, 69-70
spiritual growth of, 36-7
station of, 65
'Supreme Talisman', 235
tested by God, 247
see also Soul and Mankind
Mandalay, 183, 184

Manifestation, 126-7, 132-3, 137, 436

attributes of, 246
Bahá'u'lláh is Supreme, 135, 136-9, 147, 268, 374, 406-9
effect of coming of, 147, 155
bearers of God's attributes, 132
can see the end in the beginning, 169-70
endowed with divine knowledge, 48
man's capacity to understand, 150
next, 216
of the prophetic cycle, 166
proof of, 108
recognition of, 141-3
relationship with God, 129-31
revealers of God to man, 47, 131-2, 140
Saviour of man, 193
'Universal Manifestation', 135
see also the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Moses, Muhammad and Prophets
Mankind, 137-9, 173, 214-15, 235

Bahá'u'lláh's counsels to, 159, 338-42
condition of, 66-72, 150-1, 156-8
encompassed by Bahá'í Faith, 257
fellowship among, 341
oneness of, 198, 268
perversity of, 318
regeneration of, 67, 235
suffering and tribulation of, 72, 156-8
unity of, 157, 159, 161, 194-5, 196-9, 215, 235, 268, 388
vision of, 169
Manshád, 30

Maqálih-Fí-Al-Islám (Treatise on Islám), 151

Maqsúd, Mírzá, 235-6

Marriage, 163, 201, 291, 311

Martyrdom, 57, 141, 175, 234, 264, 322

of Bahá'ís in Yazd, 124, 188, 333, 346-50
Bahá'u'lláh on, 383-8
of Hájí Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, 342-6
of Imám Husayn, 201, 322
Tablet concerning, 87, 302-3, 305
Martyrs, 165, 325n., 328, 383-8, 421

Maryam Sultán Bagum (wife of Áqá Mírzá Áqá), 332, 337

Mashhad, 209, 294, 296

Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, 171, 316n.

definition of, 120n., 316n.
in 'Ishqábád, 120-3, 423
on Mount Carmel, 352, 363
in North America, 359
in Tihrán, 316
Master, the, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Mas'úd Mírzá, the Zillu's-Sultán, 75-6, 100-2, 263, 264, 347, 385-6

Mathnaví, 232

Mawlavís, 438

Maxwell, May Bolles, 28

Maydán-i-Khán, 347

Maydán-i-Sháh, 385

Mázindarán, 6, 148, 177, 209, 378, 382, 383, 387, 389

Mazra'ih, Mansion of, 52

Bahá'u'lláh at, 1-10, 11, 50, 73, 103, 104-5, 181, 244, 421
room of Bahá'u'lláh at, 248
scenery at, 7
Mecca, 365

Memorials of the Faithful ('Abdu'l-Bahá), 405-6

Men, 215

Bahá'í, in great danger, 119
equality between men and women, 119-204
Mercy, 93, 95, 196, 229

Messengers, see Prophets

Midhát Páshá, 239

Mihdí, Dervish, 50-1

Mihdí, Mullá (martyr of Yazd), 347

Mihdíy-i-'Atrí, Hájí Mullá, 50-3

Mihdíy-i-Dahají, 236-7, 287n.

Mineral kingdom, 198-9

Miracles, 113, 238, 272, 324-5

Mír Muhammad Big, Áqá, 254n.

Mírzáy-i-Afnán, Hájí Siyyid, 107

Mishkín-Qalam, 244, 333

Moderation, 67, 192, 215, 236

Monarchy, constitutional, 162

Monks, 163, 229, 352

Moody, Dr Susan, 328

Moses, 47, 108, 126, 130, 221, 324, 325

Most Great Branch, see 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Most Great Name, 139, 230, 376

Community of the, 172, 237, 239, 257, 361
Most Great Peace, 158, 198, 235, 366

see also Lesser Peace and Peace
Most Great Prison, 5, 6, 104, 105, 242, 335, 401, 412

see also 'Akká
Most Holy Book, see Kitáb-i-Aqdas

Mu'ayyad, Dr Habíb, 31, 170

Muballigh (Teacher-proclaimer), 257-8, 274-7

see also Teachers
Muhammad, Prophet, 46-7, 76, 88, 91, 96, 126, 191n., 208, 209, 265-6, 269, 295, 297, 325, 407

Muhammad, Hájí Mírzá Siyyid, 329

Muhammad, Mír Siyyid, 74, 75

Muhammad, 'Abduh, Shaykh, 239

Muhammad-i-'Aláqih-band, Hájí Áqá, 26, 218

Muhammad-'Alí, Hájí Mírzá (maternal cousin of the Báb), 120-2, 394

Muhammad-'Alí, Hájí Shaykh, see Nabíl ibn-i-Nabíl

Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá (Arch-breaker of the Covenant), 5, 59, 145, 236, 420

Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá (father of Munírih Khánum), 73-4

Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Afnán, Hájí, 247, 248

Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Isfahání, 226, 395-8

Muhammad-'Alí Mírzá (the Crown Prince), 402

Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Sayyáh, Hájí (Jáhil), 101

Muhammad-'Alíy-i-Tabrízí, 394, 395

Muhammad-Báqir, 247

Muhammad-Báqir (martyr of Yazd), 347

Muhammad-Báqir, Shaykh (Dhi'b-Wolf), 75-6, 79, 297, 368, 384-5

Lawh-i-Burhán addressed to, 91-102
Muhammad-Hasan (martyr of Yazd), 348

Muhammad-Hasan, Mírzá, see King of Martyrs

Muhammad-Hasan-i-Najafí, Shaykh, 209, 433

Muhammad-Hasan-i-Sabzivárí, Shaykh, 51

Muhammad-Husayn, Mír (Imám-Jum'ih of Isfahán, Raqshá--she-Serpent), 75-6, 79-80, 91, 96-7, 100, 297

Muhammad-Husayn, Mírzá, see Beloved of Martyrs

Muhammad-Husayn, Shaykh, 205-6

Muhammad-Ibráhím, Áqá, 30-1

Muhammad-Ibráhím, Hájí (Muballigh), 153n., 405

Muhammad-i-Isfahání (Anti-Christ of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation), 226, 412, 434, 435

Muhammad Khán-i-Balúch, 107

Muhammad-i-Qá'iní, Áqá, see Nabíl-i-Akbar

Muhammad-Qulí, Mírzá, 247

Muhammad-Qulí, Mírzá (half-brother of Bahá'u'lláh), 242

Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Isfahání, Hájí, illus. 35; 342-6, 387-8, 435

Muhammad-i-Ridáy-i-Muhammad-'Ábádí, Mullá, 286n.

Muhammad-Ridáy-i-Yazdí, Mullá, 379

Muhammad Sháh, 222

Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, Hájí, 113

account of Bahjí, 106-8
'History of the Faith in the Province of Yazd', 23, 50-1
memories of Bahá'u'lláh, 9-10, 243-4, 247
story about Mírzá Ja'far, 245-6
Tablet revealed for, 323
Muhammad-Taqí, Hand of the Cause Hájí Mírzá (Ibn-i-Abhar), illus. 280, 309; 26, 123-4, 277, 289, 290, 338

letters of, 307-10
life of, 304-12
Tablets to, 315-28
wife of, 311-12
Muhammad-Taqí, Hájí Mírzá, the Vakílu'd-Dawlih, 120, 122, 123, 394

Muhammad-Taqí, Mírzá, 23

Muhammad-Taqí, Shaykh (Son of the Wolf), 79, 175, 314

Epistle of Bahá'u'lláh to, 368-412
prayer for, 369-71
Muhammad-i-Yazdí, Hájí, 23-6

Muhammad-i-Yazdí, Shaykh, illus. 22; 394, 395, 399

Muharram, 322, 334, 335

Muhsin-i-Afnán, Mírzá, 396

Munírih Khánum (wife of 'Abdu'l-Bahá), 16, 73, 430

Munírih Khánum (daughter of Mullá 'Alí-Akbar), 311-12

Murtidá, Mírzá, the Sadru'l-'Ulamá, 435

Músá, Mírzá (Áqáy-i-Kalím), 242, 420n., 438

Musávát (Equality), 195


Bahá'ís of Muslim background, 291
clergy, see Divines
and holy war, 161
in Mandalay become Bahá'ís, 183
Shí'ah, 184, 344, 418
Sunní, 184, 418
mentioned, 151, 172, 263, 264, 268, 335n., 343, 417
Mustafá, Mírzá, 386, 435

Mustafáy-i-Rúmí, Hand of the Cause Siyyid, illus. 180; 181-3

Mustasháru'd-Dawlih (Mírzá Yúsuf Khán), 266

Muvását, 195

Mystics, 215, 294

Nabíl-i-Akbar, Hand of the Cause (Áqá Muhammad-i-Qá'iní), 33-4, 38, 39, 45, 48-9, 118n., 237, 258, 286, 313

'Abdu'l-Bahá's tribute to, 34
travels of, 177
Nabíl-i-A'zam, 84, 106-8, 113, 210, 241, 243-4, 329-30

account of Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, 414-17, 418-19
Nabíl ibn-i-Nabíl (Hájí Shaykh Muhammad-'Alí), illus. 403; 394-8, 436

Najaf, 100

Najafábád, 385

Najaf-'Alí, Áqá, 386, 435

Najafí, Áqá, see Muhammad-Taqí

Na'mayn, Garden of, see Garden of Ridván

Napoleon III, 95, 249, 388, 434

Nasír, Hájí, 383, 434

Násirí (trademark), 178

Násiri'd-Dín Sháh, 38, 76, 102, 186, 297n., 381, 383, 387, 401-2, 439

attempt on the life of, 124, 378, 379
mistrust of, 379-80
Tablet to, 374-5, 388
Nasru'lláh, Siyyid, 191

National Spiritual Assemblies, 193-4, 275, 276, 290

of Persia, 314
Nations, 197, 198, 235-6, 238, 361, 382, 423, 432-3


animal, 142-3
Bahá'u'lláh's definition of, 45
creates life, 324
human, 142-3
laws of, 255-6
observation of, 198, 255
spiritual, 143
Navváb, 1, 106, 362, 366

Naw-Rúz, 182, 359, 414, 417

Náyibu's-Saltanih (Kámrán Mírzá), 297, 299, 338, 379-80

Náyib, Jináb-i-, 259

Nayríz, 205, 328, 378, 380, 435

Nazareth, 239

Newspapers, 173, 349-50, 396, 401

Nimrod, 324

Níyáz, Hájí, 415

Noah, 425-8

North America, see America

Nuclear energy, 225

Núru'd-Dín, see Áqá Mírzá Áqá

Núru'd-Dín-i-Zayn, 105

Obedience, 70

Ober, Harlan, 310

Order, World, 114, 139, 216, 360, 423

see also Administrative Order
Ottoman Empire, 178, 393-4

court of, 396
Palestine, see Holy Land

Pan-Islámic movement, 401

Patchin, William J., illus. 327; 236-8, 459

Peace, 388

Central Organization for a Durable Peace, 304
Prince of, 268
promotion of, 341-2
results from unity, 157, 196-8
search for peace of mind, 71
teachings conducive to, 154-5
world, 196-8, 235, 341-2
see also Lesser Peace and Most Great Peace
'People of Bahá', see Bahá'ís

Persecution, 87, 264

of Bábís, 6
of Bahá'ís in Persia, 115, 349-50
of Bahá'u'lláh, 171, 391
of Cause of God, 335
of Hájí Ákhúnd, 296-7
of Hájí Yahúdá, 13
of Ibn-i-Abhar, 305-10
of Mírzá Hádí, 16
Persia, 92, 101, 115, 250-1, 341, 344, 349, 359, 368, 380, 402, 418, 421, 431, 433

adoption of surnames in, 293
Bahá'í community in, 306
Bahá'í schools in, 122n.
cradle of the Faith, 233
divines of, 98
effect of the Báb's Revelation on, 166-7
famine in, 299
government of, 222, 306, 314, 335, 338, 382, 401
Hájí Mírzá Haydar-'Alí travels around, 270-3
Ibn-i-Abhar's travels around, 306-12
intermarriage of Bahá'ís of, 291
Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl's travels around, 258-70
National Spiritual Assembly of, 314
Obligatory Prayers sent to, 300
Sulaymán Khán's mission to, 185
teachers in, 177, 254, 257-73, 274-6, 298, 302, 303, 306, 310, 423
well-being of Bahá'ís in, 289
women in, 312
Peter, 433

Pharaoh, 47, 324

Philosophy, 138, 236, 294

ancient Greek philosophers, 33, 42, 46-9
of Hájí Mullá Hádíyi-i-Sabzavárí, 221
Islámic philosophy, 42
Pilgrim House, 2, 9, 415


conditions for, 84
Hájí Mírzá Habíbu'lláh's account of, 332-7
to the House of the Báb, 165, 429, 431
permission for, 83-7
rituals in connection with, 165
Pilgrims, 7-9, 217, 255

'Abdu'l-Bahá makes arrangements for, 2
to 'Akká, see 'Akká, pilgrims to
arrive without permission, 83-4
to Holy Land, 33, 83-7, 421
May Maxwell among first group from West, 28
at Mazra'ih, 9
at Shrine of the Báb, 170-1
at Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, 103
visit Bombay, 178
Pioneering, 171-2, 328

Poems, 9, 65, 107-8, 124, 231-2, 313

Politics, 138, 304

Polygamy, 201

Port Sa'íd, 332

Possessions, earthly, 195

Prayers, 36, 168, 271, 316n., 411n.

on Essence of God, 130-1
for the Fast, 9
for Ibn-i-Asdaq, 301-2
influence of, on Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl, 261
for Hájí Muhammad-Ridá, 343
for Hands of the Cause, 288, 299, 320, 337-8
for King of Martyrs, 82
Obligatory, 131, 216-17, 261, 299-300
at resting place of the departed, 164-5
for Son of the Wolf, 369-71
for understanding, 213
Prejudice, 56, 138, 150, 194, 291, 308

Priesthood, 98-9, 163, 193, 229-30, 288-9

see also Clergy and Priesthood
Principles, 197

of the Faith, 114, 146, 287, 320, 375-6, 423
of life, 278

Mullá 'Alí-Akbar in, 297-9
of Qazvín, 299, 306, 337-8, 403, 436
of Tabríz, 186
of Tihrán, illus. 309; 64, 302, 306-7, 338
of Zanján, 306
see also Most Great Prison
Promise of World Peace. The (Universal House of Justice), 342


of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 170-1
of Bahá'u'lláh, 156-7, 193, 225
fulfilment of, 153-4, 408-9, 413, 421
of Siyyid Asadu'lláh, 185-6
Prophetic cycle, 166

Prophets, 108, 113, 126, 127, 232, 360, 397

ancient, 47, 425-8
foretell coming of Bahá'u'lláh, 228, 407, 413
Greeks learned wisdom from, 46
of Israel, 13, 46, 154, 361
revealers of the Word of God, 46
see also Manifestations
Protestant Evangelical Society, 151

Punch, India, 183

Punishment, 157, 159, 211, 236

Punjab, 183

Purest Branch, 362, 366, 421

Qá'im, 174

Qá'im-Maqám (Mírzá Abu'l-Qásim-i-Faráháni), illus. 224; 221-2, 223

Qá'im-Maqámí (Mírzá Áqá Khán), illus. 224; 222-5

Qará-Guhar, chain of, 6, 389, 435

Qasídiy-i-Tá'íyyih, 389

Qasídiy-i-Varqá'íyyih, 390

Qayyúmu'l-Asmá, 361, 437

Qazvín, 191, 394

prison at, 185, 299, 306, 337-8, 403, 436
Qiblih, 362

Quddús, 210

Qum, 187, 271

Qur'án 29, 46-7, 54, 63, 127, 152, 155, 210, 211, 267, 310, 407, 425-7, 433, authenticity of, 269, 272

on certitude, 36
historical accounts in, 46-7
laws of, 166
prophecies of, 408
on superiority of men, 200
Ra'd, the donkey, 105

Rada'r-Rúh, 325

Rádíyih, 15-16

Ramadán, 79

Raqshá, see Mír Muhammad-Husayn

Rashh-i-'Amá, 406

Rasht, 112, 191, 383

Rawdih-Khání, 201-2

Recantation, 92-3, 175

Religion, 56, 196, 214, 278

Bahá'u'lláh addresses leaders of, 212
development of, 324
disenchantment with, 71
divisions in, 192, 365
followers of, 340, 365, 423
harmony of science and, 156
and the Holy Land, 365
ignored in its day, 72
loss of power of, 155
past, 162
principles of, 215
purpose of, 159
a 'radiant light', 154-60
reality of, 152-3
relationship between religions, 155, 161-2
sects in, 138
unity of, 191
unnecessary to turn to other religions, 141-2
'Return', 207-11

Revelation, 46, 89-90, 133-4, 169, 211, 213, 268, 397, 411

act of, 317, 333, 334
of attributes of God, 17
authenticity of, 60
of the Báb, 166-7, 209, 329
Most Great Revelation, 141
new, 166
of Tablets, 257
of the Word of God, 4
world immersed in ocean of, 70
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, 6, 53, 65-6, 95, 137, 138, 167, 172, 193, 198, 209, 300, 352, 357, 358, 372, 413, 423, 438

after martyrdoms in Yazd, 347
Anti-Christ of, 226
Bábís who were heedless of, 81, 148
birth of, 406
canalized through the Administrative Order, 233
climax of, 114
history of, 115-6
distinguishing features of, 340, 365
glory of, 320, 353
greatness of, 66, 108, 125, 127-9, 133, 150, 216, 218, 313, 318, 320, 335
influence of, 353
nature of, 129, 150, 388
power of, 237-8, 388
to priests, bishops and monks, 229-30
process of, 219, 372-3
purpose of, 158, 196, 365, 388
truth in, 141, 152, 339
veils to recognizing, 138
and the West, 232-3
world depends on, 319
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (Adib Taherzadeh), 420, 432

'Revelation-writing', 125, 334

Reward, 157, 159, 211, 236

Ridá, Imám, 187n.

Ridáy-i-Qannád, Áqá, 420

Ridá-Qulí, Mírzá, 438

Ridáy-i-Yazdí, Shaykh, 286

Ridván, Garden of, illus. 20-21; 11-32, 105, 244

Abu'l-Qásim, gardener at, 28-32
May Maxwell's account of, 28-30
passage on trustworthiness revealed in, 16
Tablet on, 15-16
Risáliy-i-Síyásíyyih ('Abdu'l-Bahá), 304

Rosenberg, Ethel, 46

Rúhu'lláh, illus. 62; 55-6, 58-64

Russia, 388, 418, 432-3

Ru'yá, Tablet of, 417

Sacraments, 289

Sacrifice, 140, 190, 195, 421

Sádát-i-Khamsih (The Five Siyyids), 191

Sa'dí, 65

Sádiq, Imám (Ja'far-i-Sádiq), 436

Sádiq-i-Khurásání, Mullá (Ismulláh'u'l-Asdaq), 286, 301

Sadratu'l-Muntahá, 436

Sadru's-Sudúr, 313

Safá, Mírzá, 434

Salásil, chain of, 389, 435

Sálih, 97, 425-8

Salmán, Shaykh, 325

Salmán, Tablet of, 172

Salsabíl, 348

Samarkand, 262

Sámirí, 46, 211

Saráju'l-Hukamá, illus. 327; 459

Sardár 'Azíz Khán, 435

Schools, 215, 313-14

Sciences, 118n., 138, 144, 162, 173, 212, 278, 354, 406, 433

harmony of religion and, 156

Scientists, 354

Scriptures, 47, 48, 49, 126, 137, 218, 262, 373

see also Gospels, Holy Bible, Holy Writings, Qur'án and Testament
Sects, 138, 156, 295, 365, 392

Service, 193

to the Cause of God, 36, 283, 291, 298, 302
of Hands of the Cause, 277-8, 300
to human race, 235
station of man is service, 65
and tests, 246-7
Seven Valleys, The (Bahá'u'lláh), 142, 181

Sháh Khalíl'u'lláh, 254n.

Sháh Sultán Khánum (Khánum Buzurg), 438

Shahíd-ibn-i-Shahíd, see Ibn-i-Asdaq

Shahmírzád, 294

Shahr-bánú, 438-9

Shams-i-Duhá, 16

Shaykh-i-Ahsá'í (Shaykh Ahmad), 436

Shaykhís, 295, 439

Shíráz, 314, 329, 331, 334, 384, 429-31, 436

Shoghi Effendi

as Centre of the Cause, 143
creation of world administrative order, 362-7
describes end of the Wolf and the She-Serpent, 100-101
describes events after the Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, 418
describes importance of Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in 'Ishqábád, 122-3
describes relationship of God to Bahá'u'lláh, 129, 135
discusses Bahjí, 104
encourages pioneering, 171-2
explains revelation of laws, 116-17
explains 'rulers' and 'learned', 38
and Hands of the Cause, 59, 230-1, 276, 285-6
infallibility of, 149
and interpretation of Scripture, 356-7
interpretation of Tablet of Carmel, 358, 362
and laws of the Báb, 166-7
on love, compassion and sacrifice, 190
permission for pilgrimage sought from, 87
and prestige of Faith, 239-42
recounts martyrdom of Mullá 'Alí-Ján, 387
and Shrine of the Báb, 360-1
and Siyyid Mustafáy-i-Rúmí, 182
statement on Huqúq'u'lláh, 252
stories attributed to, 170
summary of martyrdoms in Yazd, 347-8
and teaching plans, 358
travel teachers during ministry of, 276
ushers in Formative Age, 233
mentioned, 28, 383
Shrines, 429

of the Báb, illus. 363, 364; 123, 165, 170-1, 358-65, 419
of Bahá'u'lláh, illus. 422; 30n., 103, 165, 170, 362n., 418, 419
of the Immaculate, 187
see also Pilgrimage
Shujá'u'd-Dawlih, 434

Siam, 183

Sidon, 51

Sin, 164

Sinai, 70, 94, 126, 130, 139, 228, 357

Síyáh-Chál, 6, 116, 133, 148, 248, 389, 378, 406

Síyávash, Mr, illus. 292; 291

Siyyid of Findirisk, 434

Sleep, 206

Society, 196-9, 203, 341

Socrates, 46

Some Answered Questions ('Abdu'l-Bahá), 41, 45, 152

Soul, 158, 188, 201, 234, 237, 251

equal status of, 203-4
freedom of, 193
holy souls, 316
immortality of, 41
in the next life, 371
one soul in many bodies, 190
prayers for, 164-5
return of qualities of, 208, 209-11
unity of, 298
virtues of, 36
see also Man
Speech, 69-70, 191-2, 237

Spiritualization, 35-9, 142-3

Station, 192-3, 208-9

Stars, falling of, 229

Steadfastness, 140-1, 317, 318

Subh-i-Azal, see Mírzá Yahyá

Súdán, the, 177, 273

Suffering, 72, 156-8, 197

Suhráb, 'Ináyatu'lláh, 263

Sulaymán Khán-i-Tunukábání (Jamálu'd-Din, Jamal Effendi), illus. 179; 177-89

Sulaymáníyyih, 115

Superstition, 150, 174, 230

Súq-i-Abyad (White Market), 106, 243

Súrih of Tawhíd, 407

Súriy-i-Haykal, 133, 278

Súriy-i-Vafá, 205-13

Surnames, 293

Syria, 240, 258, 262, 416, 418

Tabarsí, 380, 435

Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá

to Áqá Mírzá Áqá, 430
on attributes of God, 132
to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace (to The Hague), 304
on consultation, 290
to Covenant-breakers, 146
of the Divine Plan, 358
on equality of men and women, 204
to Dr Forel, 132
to Hájí Áqá Muhammad-i-'Aláqih-band, 26
to Hands of the Cause, 285, 315
on historical records, 46
to Ibn-i-Abhar, 26-7, 307, 310
on interment of the Báb, 359
to Mírzá Áqá Khán, 223-5, 400
on nature of God, 131-2
on prayer, 164-5
and resting places of departed, 165
unaddressed, 325-6
of visitation, 165
Tablets of the Báb, 329

Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, 33, 89-90

addressed to church aristocracy, 229-30
advice on teaching, 192
to Afnáns, 285
of Ahmad, 141
to 'Andalíb, 83-4
for Áqá Siyyid Áqá, 284
on auxiliary language, 159-60
for Bahá'í women, 202-3
on Bahjí, 104
on believers as Hands of the Cause, 285
Bishárát, 116, 158, 161-7, 168
on calumnies of Azalís, 399, 405
of Carmel, see Lawh-i-Karmil
for chief of Templers, 351
on circumambulation, 108-13
compilations of, 259n.
composition of, 23n.
on consultation, 290
on countryside, 7
on creation, 39-40, 42, 45
to Czar Alexander II, 434
delivery of, 323-8
on detachment, 246-7
to divines, 97-9
to enemies, 95
on equality of men and women, 199-204
explanation of 'stars', 229
on fear of God, 28
on forgiveness, 85-6
full of Significances, 168
on Garden of Ridván, 11, 15-16
on God the Incomparable, 199
to Hádíy-i-Dawlat-Ábádí, 47, 174
for Hájí 'Abu'l-Hasan-i-Amín, 116, 284, 290
to Hájí Áqá Muhammad-i-'Aláqih-band, 219
Hájí Mírzá Buzurg-i-Afnán, 16
for Hájí Muhammad-Ibráhím, 153n.
to Hájí Muhammad-Ridá, 342-4
for Hájí Muhammad-Táhir-i-Málmírí, 323
to Hájí Mullá 'Alíy-i-Kání, 297
for Hájí Mullá Mihdíy-i-'Atrí, 51
to Hands of the Cause, 253-5, 277-8, 284, 287-8, 315-28
on Hands of the Cause, 287-8
on the heart, 35
on His Revelation, 406
on House of the Báb, 429
on Huqúq'u'lláh, 252-3, 256
to Ibn-i-Abhar, 289, 305-7
to Ibn-i-Asdaq, 254, 275, 277, 296, 302-4, 315-28
to Indian believers, 181
on infallibility, 149-50
on inner realities of prominent people, 286-7
of Ishráqát, 16, 116, 146-60, 162
on Islámic prophecies, 153-4
Kalimát-i-Firdawsíyyih, 117, 175-6, 196, 214-26, 374
to Karbilá'í Áqá Ján, 271
to King of Martyrs, 87
to kings and rulers, 388
Lawh-i-'Abdu'l-Vahháb, 41
Lawh-i-Aqdas, 117, 227-35, 352, 353
Lawh-i-Ard-i-Bá, 240-1
Lawh-i-Burhán, 91-102, 425, 435
Lawh-i-Dunyá, 117, 288, 329-50, 401, 429
Lawh-i-Hikmat, 33-49, 192
Lawh-i-Ittihád, 191-6
Lawh-i-Karmil, 351-67, 423
Lawh-i-Maqsúd, 117, 235-6
Lawh-i-Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahají, 236-8
Lawh-i-Sultán, 374, 388
on leaving 'Akká, 105
for mankind, 34-5
on martyrdom, 87
to Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl, 260
on Mírzá Áqá Khán and Shaykh Ahmad, 399-400
for Mírzá Hasan, 53
on misdeeds of believers, 39, 225
on monasticism, 162-3
to Muhammad 'Alíy-i-Afnán, 247
to Muhammad-Báqir, 247
to Mullá 'Alí-Akbar, 255, 287, 315-28
for Nabíl and Muhammad-Táhir, 108
to Napoleon III, 249, 434
of Nasír, 383
on nature of God and His Manifestations, 133-5
to Núru'd-Dín, 7
on Obligatory Prayers, 299, 300
obliterated, 151
on plants, 12
on power of unity, 194-5, 197-8
on Presence of God, 408
on punishment of mankind, 157
to Queen Victoria, 434
quote passages from the Báb, 47-8
recounting story of King and Beloved of Martyrs, 73, 80-90
re-revelation of, 372-4
revealed at Bahjí, 114-15
revealed at Garden of Ridván, 15-16
of Ru'yá, 417
revealed in the home of Áqáy-i-Kalím, 242-3
of Salmán, 172
on sciences which begin and end in words, 143-4
to Shaykh Kázim-i-Samandar, 88
on Shaykh Muhammad-i-Yazdí, 394
on sin, 86
on steadfastness, 141
on suffering, 105, 157, 402
to Sulaymán Khán, 181
Súriy-i-Haykal, 133
Súriy-i-Mulúk, 27
Súriy-i-Vafá, 205-13
survey of, 227-38
Tajallíyát, 117, 118-44, 168
Tarázát, 16, 18, 117
on teaching, 275, 305, 319
to the Times, 349-50
on a true believer, 161-2
on Trustworthiness, 17-18, 437
twenty-seven, revealed for Ustád 'Alí-Akbar, 124-5
on unacceptable actions, 161
on unknowable Essence, 130
to Varqá, 17-18, 51, 64-72, 88-9
for Varqá's children, 59
on 'veils' and 'oppressors', 172-3
of visitation, 165, 419
in which locations and cities are addressed, 352
on wickedness, 340
on withholding Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 249
on worthlessness of world, 249
Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, 227

Tablets of the Divine Plan, 358

Tabríz, 55-6, 146, 178, 186, 266, 402, 439

Táhirih, 16

Talkhunchih, 384

Tarbíyat Schools, 313-14

Táríkh-i-Shuhadáy-i-Yazd, 124, 347


Bahá'í, took counsel on community affairs, 107n.
Bahá'í travelling, 177, 274-5, 423
Bahá'u'lláh's advice to, 237, 296
notable, 257-73
in Persia, 254, 274-5
teacher training for youth, 313
training institutes for women, 304
with understanding, 257, 275
visiting graves of, 165
see also Muballigh
Teaching, 120, 123, 124, 214, 319-20

Bahá'ís enjoined to teach, 274-7
Bahá'u'lláh counsels Bahá'ís on, 192
detachment important for success in, 258, 261, 317
by Hands of the Cause, 275, 319
importance, of, 237, 305, 317
meaning of, 317
methods of, 237, 262-3
in Persia, 115
pre-requisites for, 48-9, 161-2
Rúhu'lláh's method of, 58-60
and station of martyrdom, 57
of Sulaymán Khán, 177-89
success in, 258, 261-2, 317
Tablets of the Divine Plan a charter for, 358
tours of Ibn-i-Asdaq, 302-4
travel teaching, 197-89, 237, 257-8, 260-2, 302, 303
wisdom in, 67, 305, 319-20
women encouraged to teach, 202

Bahá'u'lláh's presentation of, 374-7
carrying out, 142, 158
on creation, 39-45
designed to spiritualize human race, 35, 38
equality of men and women, 199-204
explained to Náyibu's-Saltanih, 379
exposition of, in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf 371-2
forbidding contention and strife, 375-82
harmony of science and religion, 156
listed, 159-60, 161-7, 214-15, 341, 375-7
on living the life, 69, 83
on reconstruction of human society, 341
revolve around principle of love and unity, 161
for rulers and ministers of the world, 154
on search for truth, 141-2
understanding of, 212-13
on worship, 36
mentioned, 114, 146, 168, 172, 184, 212, 238, 257, 316-17, 388, 433
Templers, German, 70, 351-2

Ten Year Crusade, 358


New, 13, 46, 127, 267-8, 425
Old, 47, 267-8, 425
see also Holy Bible, Gospels and Scriptures
Tests, 247, 287, 308

Thamúd, 96, 425-8

Tibet, 183

Tihrán, 99-100, 352

imprisonment of Bahá'ís in, 379-80
Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in, 316
prison of, illus. 309; 64, 302, 306-7, 338
see also Síyáh-Chál
release of Bahá'í prisoners in, 14
remains of the Báb in, 299
residence of Ibn-i-Abhar, 306
school for girls in, 314
Siyyid Asadu'lláh in, 186
Spiritual Assembly of, illus. 292; 290-3, 311-12
suffering of Bahá'u'lláh in, 148
teacher training institute in, 304, 313
upheaval in, 124, 368, 380
mentioned, 12, 76, 119, 177, 222, 259, 296, 297, 311, 314, 328, 387, 429
Times, The, 348-50

Torah, the 46

Townshend, George, Hand of the Cause, Canon of St. Patrick's, Dublin, and Archdeacon of Clonfert, 230-2

Tradition, 66-7, 138

see also Hadíth
Transcaspia, 344

Trustworthiness, 16-28 173, 250, 376, 380, 437

Truth, 153, 169, 176, 213, 221

religious, 150, 152
of Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, 339
Spirit of, 227
truthfulness, 173, 250, 322, 380
unfettered search after, 141-2, 197, 294
Tuba Khánum, 2-4, 13-14

Turkistán, 122, 258

Turkmenistan, 177

Turkomanchay, Treaty of, 433

'Údí Khammár, 103-4, 108

Understanding, 66, 212-13, 257, 274, 319

United States, see America

Unity, 159, 161, 298, 375, 380, 382

of the Bahá'í community, 190-6, 317, 365
in diversity, 198-9
meaning of, 190-204
peace unattainable without, 157, 196-8
not possible in previous Dispensations, 340
power of, 318
purpose of Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation, 365, 388
in society, 196-9, 214, 365
Universal House of Justice, 38, 87, 159, 164, 215, see also Houses of Justice

and the Ark, 361
can enact new laws, 216
as Centre of Covenant, 143, 256
duties of, 162
infallibility of, 149, 325
and institution of the Hands of the Cause, 276, 288-9
and International Funds, 256
to promote the Lesser Peace, 341-2
Seat of, illus. 364; 362
and world administrative centre, 362
'Urvatu'l-Vuthqá (newspaper), 401-2

Uzbikistan, 262

Vafá (Shaykh Muhammad-Husayn), 205-6

Valíyy'u'lláh, Hand of the Cause, 59, 448

Varqá, 'Alí-Muhammad, illus. 61, 62; 50-72, 266, 268, 269

Tablet to, 88, 89
Tablets revealed for, 64-72
Vegetable kingdom, 198-9, 255-6

Victoria, Queen, 388, 434

Visitation, Tablet of, 165, 419

Voting, 291-3

see also Elections
War, 56, 157, 196, 235, 268, 361, 377-9, 392

holy war, 161, 167, 432-3
Wealth, 82, 256

see also Huqúq'u'lláh
West, the, 232-3, 242

Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 286, 288

Wisdom, 319-23

Women, 215

education of, 201, 312
equality between men and, 199-204
seclusion of, 119, 201
Spiritual Assembly of Bahá'í, 312
teacher training institute for, 304
Word, 140, 228, 262

inner meaning of, 149-50
sciences which begin and end in words, 144, 236
Word of God, 208, 212, 213, 228, 317, 398, 410, 433

Bahá'u'lláh as Revealer of, 193
glorification of, 371
outpouring of, 334
power of, 237, 431
Prophets revealers of, 46
sources of creation, 42, 278-83
source of heat, 278-83
source of unity of people, 194, 196
at time of its revelation, 219
Work, 163, 258


spiritual, 205-6, 255
worthlessness of, 249
Worship, 36, 163-4

see also God
Writings, Holy, 125, 168, 192, 396, 423

of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 198
anthology of Bahá'u'lláh's, 372
of the Báb, 373, 408
of Bahá'u'lláh on Persian authorities, 222
Bahá'u'lláh quotes from His own, 153n., 162
Bahá'u'lláh repeats subjects in, 125
on creation, 42-3
definition of terms used in, 172-3, 218, 427
depicting perversity of humanity, 70
on detachment, 68, 246, 249-50
and equality of men and women, 200
first Bahá'í, printed, 178
high standard of behaviour demanded in, 83
on Huqúq'u'lláh, 253
interpretation of, 147
misrepresented, 150
need to recite, 66
not in printed form, 259n.
on power of unity, 194-5, 196, 197
printing of, 321
on recognizing God, 139
on relationship of God to the Manifestations, 131, 132
study of the, 17, 212
teachers well-versed in, 275
on uniqueness of creation, 198
on worship, 36
Yahúdá, Hájí, 12-13, 446

Yahyá, Mírzá, 53, 81, 86, 115, 174, 211, 257, 399, 400, 401, 408n., 412, 421, 438, 439, 440

Bahá'u'lláh addresses, 220-1
followers of, see Azalís
role of, 305
Yarkand, 183

Yazd, 23, 50-1, 118-19, 123, 245n.

Governor of, 118
martyrdoms in, 188, 333, 347-50
massacre of 1903, 188n., 314, 348, 368
Tyrant of, (Prince Mahmúd Mírzá), 346-8
Yazdí, Azíz, 446

Youth, 313

Yúsuf, Shaykh, 239

Yúsuf Khán, Mírzá (Mustasháru'd-Dawlih), 266

Yúsuf Khán-i-Vujdání, Mírzá, 333

Zahra Bagum, 429-30

Zanján, 60-3, 305-6, 378, 380, 435

Zaynu'l-Muqarrabín, 105, 244

Zillu's-Sultán, see Mas'úd Mírzá

Zion, 357, 361, 408

Zoroastrians, illus. 292; 263, 267, 291, 423

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