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Encyclopaedia Iranica

Author Encyclopaedia Iranica
Title of item
Encyclopaedia Iranica
Subtitle of item
Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history
Parent publication   Encyclopaedia Iranica
Editor, translator, etc.  
Arjen Bolhuis, comp
Publisher of this ed.
New York: Columbia University
Date of this edition 1982-2023
Permission link
Posted 2024-01-31 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in Encyclopedia articles
Abstract Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
Notes The total Encyclopaedia Iranica currently consists of around 9,000 articles, and is not yet completed. Other articles, more directly related to the Bahá'í Faith, can be found elsewhere at Bahá'í Library Online.

Note that the column "Description and comments" is AI assisted (edited output of questions to ChatGPT 3.5 like "summarize text in maximum 25 words"). Without that it would have been much more time consuming to create.

See other Encyclopaedia Iranica articles linked from this site, and see About the Encyclopaedia Iranica.

Tip: To read long articles on the Encyclopedia Iranica on a (mobile) screen can be inconvenient for some. It may be helpful to copy and paste content that interests you into a Word file and then and send it to your e-reader or e-reader app (if needed after converting it to EPUB format (with software like Calibre).

Tags * All subjects; * Basics; - Chronology and timelines; - Reference works; Abjad; Akbari (Shiite school); Alchemy; Alexander Tumansky; Alexander the Great; Allegories and metaphors; Andaruni and biruni; Angels; Apocalypse; Aql; Arabic language; Aramaic language; Archeology; Architecture; Arts; Astrology; Astronomy; Atabat (Holy cities); Attar; Avicenna (Ibn Sina); Banners; Begging; Bible; Birds; Bookbinding; Burial; Calendars; Calligraphy; Camphor; Candles; Caravans; Caravanserai (caravansary); Carpets; Cemeteries; Christianity; Class systems; Cleanliness; Clothing; Coffeehouses; Colonialism; Color (general); Communication; Conspiracy theories; Conversion; Cosmology; Courts; Creation; Cultural diversity; Dajjal; Daniel (Bible); Day of Judgment (or Day of Resurrection); Dead Sea scrolls; Dervishes; Deserts; Devil (Satan); Dhikr (Remembrance); Diaspora; Divine nonfulfillment (Bada); Dreams and visions; Dualism; East India Company; Education; Edward Gibbon; Encyclopedia Iranica; Encyclopedias; Epics; Equality; Eschatology; Etiquette; Evil (general); Evil eye; Exegesis; Fables; Falcons; Farabi; Farman; Fasting; Fatalism; Fatimah (daughter of Muhammad); Fatwa; Fiction; Fire; Flowers; Forgery and interpolation; Fortresses, castles and palaces; Forty (number); Free will; Games; Gardens; Gazal; Gender; Gifts; Glory (general); Gnosticism; God, Anthropomorphic descriptions of; Goethe; Hadith; Hafez (Hafiz); Haft Sin; Hagiography; Haram and halal; Health and healing; Heaven and hell; Hegel; Hellenism; Henry Corbin; Hermeneutics; Hermes; Hidden Imam; History (general); Holy days; Household; Humor; Iblis; Identity; Ijtihad; Imam Husayn; Imams; Imperialism; Insan-i-kamil (Perfect human being); Intellect; Interfaith dialogue; Irfan (concept); Isaiah (Bible); Islam; Ismailism; Isra and Miraj; Jews; Jihad; Jinn (genie); Joseph (Prophet); Judaism; Jurisprudence; Khidr (Kidr); Language; Leyli and Majnun (Layli and Majnun); Light; Lithography; Loanwords; Lover and the Beloved; Magi (priests); Magic; Mahdi; Mandaeans; Manichaeism; Manikchi Limji Hataria; Manuscripts; Messianism; Migration; Millennialism; Mithraism; Mulla Nasreddin; Mulla Sadra; Music; Mythology; Names and titles; Naw-Ruz; Nietzsche; Nightingales; Nomadism; Numbers (general); Occultation; Omar Khayyam; Ottoman Empire; Paper (general); Parsis (Parsees); Pearls; Pen (metaphor); Persepolis; Persian culture; Persian language; Persian literature; Philosophy; Philosophy, Ishraqi (Illuminationism); Philosophy, Islamic; Philosophy, Zoroastrian; Planets; Poetry; Prayer; Prophecies; Public baths (bathhouses); Qaim; Queen Marie of Romania; Religion (general); Return; Rivers; Rose water; Roses; Rumi (Mevlana); Saadi (Sadi); Sacred Books of the East (series); Sanai; Saoshyant (Saosyant); Science; Scribes; Self-annihilation (fana); Seven (number); Shahs; Shaykhism; Sheba, Queen of; Shiism; Silk; Simurgh (Simorg); Solomon (Solayman); Sufism; Suhrawardi (Sohravardi); Sunni Islam; Syriac language; Taarof; Taaruf (Tarof); Talismans; Talmud; Taqiyyah (dissimulation); Technology; Telegraph; Turbans; Twelfth Imam; Ulama; Urdu language; Usuli (Shiite school); Veils; Water (general); Week; Women; Words and phrases; Zodiac; Zoroaster; Zoroastrianism
Locations Iran (documents); Iraq; Karbala; Euphrates; Tigris; Israel; Ishqabad (Ashkhabad); Europe; Asia Minor; Cenral Asia; South-East Asia; Afghanistan; Saudi Arabia; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahrain; Belgium; China; Denmark; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; India; Mumbai (Bombay); Kolkata (Calcutta); Italy; Japan; Lebanon; Netherlands; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russia; Spain; Sweden; Tajikistan; Thailand; Turkey; United Kingdom; Isfahan; Europe; Shiraz; Asia; South-East Asia; Tabriz; Tihran
Cross-referencesSee also Deciphering the Signs of God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam (Annemarie Schimmel).
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