Bahai Library Online

Articles too informal or non-scholastic to be classified academic, and blog posts. See also academic articles, published or unpublished, and newspaper articles.

Essays / short articles / blog and email posts

  1. 9 The Bahai Revelation (n.d.). An 18-page pamphlet summarizing Baha'i teachings. Date and editor not known, but it is thought to have been compiled and published by Roy Wilheim. Lacking a title, the pamphlet is referred to by its opening line.
  2. Allison Vaccaro, Edward E. Bartlett. 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Baltimore (1982-02). History of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to Baltimore, Maryland.
  3. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Abdu'l-Baha in Britain: Warwick Leaflets (2011). Short overview of Abdu'l-Bahá's travels to Britain.
  4. Jack McLean. Abdu'l-Baha in Montreal (2007-09-12). Overview of Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to Canada in 1912, written in commemoration of its Centenary.
  5. Duane L. Herrmann. 'Abdu'l-Bahá Writes to Wichita, Kansas: The Beginnings of the Bahá'í History of Wichita (2002). Early history of the Bahá'í community of Wichita. Includes three tablets sent at ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s instruction to two believers in Wichita in 1902, Fred Hale and Frank Dyer.
  6. Adib Masumian. `Abdu'l-Bahá's Blueprint for a Progressive and Prosperous Iran (2016). 'Abduʼl-Bahá's contributions to Iranian thought and social discourse, as recorded in his seminal work The Secret of Divine Civilization.
  7. Harry Liedtke. `Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet of the Universe (2023). Summary of the themes and meanings behind the Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih in light of contemporary science.
  8. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Administration, Bahá'í: Warwick Leaflets (1993). Introduction to the Bahá'í administration.
  9. Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity. Advancing Toward the Equality of Women and Men (2009-12-08). Issues that lie at the heart of the struggle for the equality of women and men, via the Institute’s efforts to generate systematic learning and gain new insights, in collaboration with others. [Link to PDF, offsite.]
  10. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. After Communism: What Next?: Warwick Leaflets (1990). Leaflet proposing the Bahá'í Faith as a solution to the hole left in European society by the downfall of communism.
  11. Grover Gonzales. Aghsan, The (2021). The article gives a new, different view of the development of the Bahai Covenant, the end of the Guardianship, overview of the meanings of aghsán ("branches"), the sons of Bahá'u'lláh, the expulsion of Abdu'l-Bahá's seven grandsons, and succession.
  12. Peter Terry. All Abide by His Bidding: The Universal Law of God (2007). On the liberty of the individual vis-à-vis the laws of God guiding people to making the "right" choices.
  13. John S. Hatcher. Amazing Nashville Baha'i Community in the 1960s, The (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": Hatcher's personal memories of time in Nashville; overview of the lives of Robert Hayden and Magdalene Carney.
  14. John S. Hatcher. Anecdote of the Jar, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Discussion of a piece of pottery by Bernard Leach; overview of the articles and poems in this issue of the Journal.
  15. Horace Holley. Angel in the Garrison, The (1924-02). An essay critiquing modern psychology's materialistic approach, advocating a shift in consciousness towards spiritual understanding, and referencing the story of Job as a metaphor for spiritual transformation.
  16. Sandra Lynn Hutchison. Anne Gordon Perry on Writing for Film (2021 Spring). Interview with the co-creator of Luminous Journey, a film documenting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s travels in North America.
  17. Ian Kluge. Apologetics: A Personal Vision (2001-09). Argument for the need for and practice of academic defense of the Bahá'í Faith.
  18. Rauf Murtuzov. Apparent Contradictory Dates in Bahá'í Texts Regarding the Public Announcement of the Prophet Muhammad (2023). Short discussion of quotes showing an apparent discrepancy between writings of the Báb and Abdu'l-Bahá on the date of the proclamation of Muhammad.
  19. Kirsten Daly. Application of Bahá'í Principles in a Business Context, The (1996).
  20. Appreciations of the Bahá'í Faith (1972-09). [needs abstract]
  21. Erfan Sabeti. Approach of Abdu'l-Baha to the Problem of Tolerance, The (2003-07). Exploring the differences between forbearance, indifference, acceptance, turning away, freedom, and tolerance, to distinguish matters of opinion and belief from scientific and aesthetic ones.
  22. Boris Handal. Áqá Buzurg, Entitled Badí "The Wonderful" (2023). Áqá Buzurg and Bahá'u'lláh's Lawh-i-Sultán; Tablet to Badí from Bahá'u'lláh; the Pride of the Martyrs of the Bahá'í Faith; excerpts from the Lawh-i-Sultán.
  23. Keven Brown. Are 'Abdu'l-Bahá's views on evolution original? (1997). The philosophical and historical context of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's response to Darwinism.
  24. Ted Brownstein. Are the Four Valleys four stages in one path or are they four paths? (1998). Alternate readings of symbolism in the Four Valleys.
  25. David Friedman. Are there indications of a Second Coming of a Messiah in the Old Testament? (1999). Some claim that the New Testament teaching of a "Second Coming" is not found in the Old Testament; however, it is easy to find older references to a Return.
  26. Todd Lawson. Art and the Interconnectedness of All Things (2020-03). Art as a mode of divine revelation in the Wrings and Calligraphy of the Báb.
  27. Brian A. Miller. Art of Translation, The (2017 Autumn). Translation is a form of art — an act of transposition, transformation, and interpretation. Illustrated with translation examples from the Qu'ran and Bahá'u'lláh's "Ode of the Dove."
  28. Istvan Dely. Artes en la Fe / Fe en Las Artes (2004).
  29. John S. Hatcher. Ascent of Mount Carmel, The: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": Symbolism of the terraces on the shrine of the Bab; St. John's poem "Ascent of Mount Carmel"; overview of the articles in this issue of the Journal.
  30. Boris Handal. Ásíyih Khánum Called Navváb, Entitled Varaqiy-i-Ulyá "The Most Exalted Leaf," the Wife of Bahá'u'lláh (2023). The story of Bahá'u'lláh's wife Ásíyih Khánum, entitled Navváb (1820–1886), covering her life in Iran, Baghdád, Istanbul, Adrianople, and 'Akká.
  31. Adib Masumian. Assessing the Claims of Nigar Bahá'í Amsalem (2009/2012). On claims made by the great-granddaughter of Bahá'u'lláh, as presented in the outsider film Bahá'ís in My Backyard.
  32. Seena Fazel. Association for Baha'i Studies - English-speaking Europe: A Retrospective (2004-05). Overview of the history of the Bahá'í Studies Review, the Associate, and ABS-ESE special interest groups, conferences, and Bahá'í societies.
  33. Shirin Sabri. Author's Response to Commentaries on "The Purpose of Poetry" (1989-1990).
  34. Edwin E. Bliss. Bab and Babism (1869-05). Summary and review of an article from earlier that year by Edward Evans, adding the opinion that Babism is not worthy of further attention.
  35. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani. Juan Cole, trans. Báb and the Bábí Religion, The (1985). A general overview of Bábí history and thought, written in Arabic in 1896.
  36. Henry H. Jessup. Babism and the Babites (1902-10). Sympathetic overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, including a meeting and a detailed conversation with Abdu'l-Bahá.
  37. Henry H. Jessup. Babites, The (1901-06-22). Sympathetic overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history, including a meeting and a detailed conversation with Abdu'l-Bahá.
  38. Moojan Momen. Badí' (Bahá'í) Calendar: An Introduction, The (2014-11). Summary of the nature of Bahá'í calendar, the way the Badí' calendar works, and the reason for the 2014 revisions inaugurated by the Universal House of Justice.
  39. Marcus Bach. Bahá'i: A Second Look (1957-04-10). A positive assessment of the Bahá'í faith by an outsider.
  40. Udo Schaefer. Bahá'í Apologetics? (2001). Apologetics is a branch of systematic theology rather than religious studies. It can help explore the teachings of the Faith in the context of prevailing philosophies and standards in a secular society, and answer critical inquiries.
  41. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Baha'i Approach, The: Moderation in Civilization (1995-10). Bahá'í approach to nature and ecology.
  42. Inder Manocha. Bahá'í Art: Fact or Fiction? (1993). A re-examination of the nature of Bahá'í art. Includes response by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
  43. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'í Centenary, The: 100 years of the Bahá'í Faith in Britain, A Brief History: Warwick Leaflets (1998). Short history of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom.
  44. Graham Hassall. Jonah Winters, ed. Bahá'í Communities by Country: Research Notes (2000). Brief notes on the history of Bahá'í activities and the dates of NSA formation in Africa, China, Australia, and elsewhere.
  45. Ismael Velasco. Baha'i Conceptual Framework for Interfaith Discourse and Action (2010). Overview of challenges to interfaith work, a Bahá'í appraisal of current activities, and the culture of systematic growth.
  46. Badi Shams. Bahá'í Essays in the Times Colonist (2017-2024). 48 essays: spiritual cost of higher a standard of living; religious prejudice; spiritual principles and financial planning; loving vs. fearing God; gap between rich and poor; philosophy of Karma and science and religion; role of spirituality in economics.
  47. Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman. Jonah Winters, comp. Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin (2004). Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college course at Hofstra University, New York, fall 2001.
  48. Mai Thanh Hai. Bahá'í Faith: Origin, Missionary Work, and the Entrance into Vietnam (2008-12). An outsider's short history of the Faith in Vietnam since 1954 and current activities in the country.
  49. Loni Bramson. Bahá'í Faith and African American History, The: Introduction (2018). Contents, Introduction, and Index from this book, with links to two chapters (by Christopher Buck).
  50. Bahá'í Faith and Buddhism Dialogue (1995). Eleven email postings from Bruce Burrill, Juan Cole, Moojan Momen, and Dann May, from the listserver Talisman 1.
  51. Bahá'í Faith and Islam (2013). Overview of connections and contrasts between the Bahá'í Faith and its parent religion.
  52. Lavie Tidhar. Bahá'í Faith and Science Fiction, The (2005). Short essay published in a "speculative fiction e-zine."
  53. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Bahá'í Faith and Sexuality (1996-02). A selection of internet postings from January-February 1996 on the teachings, history, and laws of the Bahá'í Faith regarding sexuality, concluding with a discussion of some biological meanings of "gender."
  54. Robert Stockman. Baha'i Faith and Syncretism, The (1997). Addresses the common misunderstanding that the Bahá'í Faith is syncretistic.
  55. Horace Holley. Bahá'í Faith, The (1933/1939). Essay published as a pamphlet, on the worldwide spiritual community, renewal of faith, the basis of unity, and a background of heroic sacrifice.
  56. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Baha'i Faith, The: A Future-Oriented Religion (1997). The rise and fall of civilizations as regards future human development.
  57. William S. Hatcher. Bahá'í Faith, The: A Non-ideological Approach to Religion (2008).
  58. Bahá'í International Community. Bahá'í Faith, The: An Introduction (1998). An overview of the Bahá'í Faith, in words and pictures.
  59. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'í Faith, The: How It Began: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2012). A very short introduction to Bahá'í history.
  60. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'í Faith, What Is It?: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2017). Basic Bahá'í teachings, beliefs and principles.
  61. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'í Fast, The: Warwick Leaflets (2012). A summary of the laws and principles of the Fast.
  62. Massrouri M., et al.. Bahá'í House of Worship in Europe, The (2005). Brochure about the history and architectural design, with photos, of the Bahá'í Temple in Hofheim am Taunus, Germany.
  63. Anonymous. Bahá'í Hymns, The: Explanations and Meanings (n.d.). Four page summary of some Bahá'í hymns, followed by study questions.
  64. Bahá'í Journal of the United Kingdom (1997-2004). Eight years of news and essays from the Journal of the Bahá'í Community of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  65. Dwight Bashir. Bahá'í Litmus Test for Egypt, A (2012-08-22). A brief history of Bahá'í persecution in Egypt and three myths propagated by state media, by a director for Policy and Research at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
  66. Robert Stockman. Bahá'í membership statistics (1998-11). Statistics on the American community from 1998, and notes on how membership numbers are calculated.
  67. Charles Mason Remey. Bahá'í Movement for Universal Religion, The (1912-03). Dictionary-like summaries of Bahá'í personages and teachings.
  68. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Bahá'í Perspective on Water, The (1997-11). Water in the Bahá'í Faith and Bahá'í Writings.
  69. Stephen Vickers. Bahá'í Perspectives on Spiritual and Moral Education, Some (1995 Summer). The Bahá'í Faith, like any other religion, contains insights which can be valuable for those in the educational world who are striving to make moral and spiritual education a reality; "light is good in whatsoever lamp it shines."
  70. Sina Astani. Bahá'í Question, The: A Case of Religious Discrimination in Post-Revolutionary Iran (2010-05). Overview of the situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran, 1979-2010.
  71. Christopher Buck. Baha'i Reflections on the "Seal of the Prophets" (2013-2017). Three blog entries of personal reflections: Unsealing the “Seal of the Prophets” (2013); The Seal of the Prophets: Meeting God on the Last Day (2016); Muhammad: the Last Prophet? (2017).
  72. Todd Lawson. Baha'i Religious History: Introduction (2012-12). Introduction to a special issue of this journal titled "Bahá'í History," summarizing the prophetic record, the divine hierarchy of history, and the primacy of science and education.
  73. Jean Masson. Bahá'í Revelation, The: Its Western Advance (1909-02). Three-page overview of Bahá'í history and teachings.
  74. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Scholarship: Definitions and Perspectives (1993). Reflections on strictly religious Bahá'í scholarship vis-à-vis secular scholarship, and how one can effectively study the Faith in different fields.
  75. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Social Teachings (1996). Overview of Bahá'í teachings on prejudice, gender equality, the environment, human rights, economics, and government policy.
  76. Albert Ross Vail. Bahá'í Temple of Universal Peace, The (1931-07). Short essay on the construction of the temple in Wilmette, and an overview of the Bahá'í Faith.
  77. H. M. Munje. Finley P. Dunne, ed. Bahá'í Viewpoint, A (1970). Short essay on Bahá'í principles, presented along with other "leaders of the world's great religions" at the First Spiritual Summit Conference in Calcutta, October 1968.
  78. Paul Booth. Bahá'í's View of Disability, A (1999).
  79. Ahmad Batebi. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Baha'is and Higher Education in Iran, The (2008-09-02). An outsider's overview of the political and religious barriers to Bahá'í schools, the state of human rights, and contemporary arrests of Bahá'í leaders in Iran.
  80. Steven Scholl, Robert Ballenger. Bahá'ís and the Great Peace March (1986). The Great Peace March was a cross-country event from Los Angeles to Washington DC in 1986 to draw attention to nuclear proliferation. This article interviews three Bahá'ís who participated. Prefaced by essay "The Wilderness Trek of the Great Peace March."
  81. Jack McLean. Baha'is as a Mystic Community, by Moojan Momen, The: Response (2006). The meanings of mysticism in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and Shoghi Effendi.
  82. Orvis Fairlee Jordan. Bahá'ísm and Its Ambitious Claims (1921-10-06). Overview of Bahá'í teachings, the Faith's relationship with Islam, Bahá'ís in Chicago, and the under-construction temple in Wilmette.
  83. Linn Andersson. Bahá'ísm hopes to unite the world and religious conflicts: An interview with Hutan Hejazi Martinez (2012-05-10). An outsider's view of Bahá'í history and ideology (doxa).
  84. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'u'lláh: Warwick Leaflets (1990). A very brief introduction to the Person of Bahá'u'lláh and some of His teachings.
  85. Roger White. Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate (1986). Bahá'u'lláh's response to the martyrdom of seven Bahá'ís in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship with the media.
  86. Peter Terry. Baha'u'llah and the Reconciliation of Religions (2014). The reconciliation of religions is one of the principal themes of Bahá'u'lláh's writings, yet one rarely discussed in introductions to the Bahá'í Faith and often ignored in surveys of Bahá'í teachings.
  87. Marzieh Gail. Bahá'u'lláh's Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (1946-05). A meditation on the themes of ESW.
  88. George Townshend. Baha'u'llah's Ground Plan of World Fellowship (1936). This talk, proposing a practical scheme for addressing the problem of world-fellowship, was delivered at the first World Congress of Faiths conference in London in 1936 — one of the earliest Bahá'í papers to appear in a modern interfaith setting.
  89. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Baha'u'llah, the Messenger of God: Warwick Leaflets (1990). Short biography of Bahá'u'lláh with scriptural excerpts.
  90. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Baha'u'llah, The Promised One: Warwick Leaflets (1990).
  91. Eunice Braun. Bahá'u'lláh: His Call to the Nations: A Summons to World Order (1967). On the irreversible movement toward the interdependence of all peoples and nations, a Bahá'í perspective on history, and Bahá'u'lláh's summons to the rulers.
  92. Bahá'í Internet Agency. Bahá'í Participation on the Internet: Some Reflections (2006). Forms of online participation; the Internet as a new and foreign culture; using spiritual principles to guide online action and teaching.
  93. Robin M. Chandler. Beautiful Flight toward the Light, The: Reflections on an Artist's Life (2000). Subjective reflections about the nature of creativity from the author's own point of view, training and experiences as a social scientist and as an artist.
  94. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Becoming a Bahá'í - What Do I Need to Know?: Warwick Leaflets (2012). An aid to inviting people to enrol, explaining very simply what they need to know before joining the Bahá'í community.
  95. John T. Dale. Becoming Physicians to the World: Transforming "Non-Involvement in Politics" (1988). Looking at this issue from the perspective of positive human rights and cross-cultural communication to devise a better message than "non-involvement" as the basis for Bahá'í relations with the world around us, and recasting it as a message of unity.
  96. Daniel C. Jordan. Becoming Your True Self (1968). The nature of human potential, and how the Bahá'í Faith can guide the process of spiritual transformation.
  97. Ibrahim George Kheiralla. Behaism: In Reply to the Attack of Robert P. Richardson (1915-10). A defense of the Bahá'í Faith, with reference to fulfilled prophecy. Followed by the journal's short response to Bahá'í requests not to include advertisements for Kheiralla's book (which one is not named, could be O Christians). Not yet proofread.
  98. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Being A Bahá'í: Warwick Leaflets (1990). Short introduction to Bahá'í religious obligations.
  99. Elizabeth Anderson. Beyond Brotherhood (1986). Thoughts on achieving racial equality, in light of the continuing injustices against African-Americans in the United States.
  100. Sidney Edward Morrison. Beyond Death's Grey Land (1986). Reflections from a Bahá'í perspective on the Vietnam War, the nature of war, dehumanizing humanity, and being a soldier.
  101. Moojan Momen. Beyond Pluralism (1995-04). Brief thoughts on the Bahá'í Faith as a "metareligion."
  102. Orrol L. Harper. Bird's-Eye View of the World in the Year 2000, A (1924-10). A fanciful and optimistic vision of life in the Twenty-first Century.
  103. David Merrick. Birth and Call of Jesus Christ: A Bahá'í-inspired retelling (2010-12). The story of the birth of Jesus and his call to the world of humanity.
  104. David Merrick. Birth and Childhood of Baha'u'llah (2008). Childhood and Early Life of Bahá'u'lláh, told in plain English and suitable for reading aloud.
  105. David Merrick. Birth and Childhood of the Bab (2007). Childhood and Early Life of the Bab, told in plain English and suitable for reading aloud.
  106. Boris Handal. Birth of Radio Bahá'í of Lake Titicaca in Peru, The (1981-09). On a momentous international Bahá'í teaching project linking the sister communities of Peril and Bolivia.
  107. Moojan Momen, Abu'l-Qasim Afnan, Anthony Lee. Black Pearls: Notes on Slavery (1988/1999). Editor's note, foreword, preface, and introduction to two editions of Black Pearls; brief overview of the institution of slavery.
  108. Bahá'í Internet Agency. Blogging and the Bahá'í Faith: Suggestions and Possible Approaches (2006). Guidance on blogging and the 5-year plan, finding an audience, possible topics, placement and promotion, and podcasting.
  109. Hooper Dunbar. Naysan Sahba, ed. Book of Certitude, The: An Interview with Hooper Dunbar (1998(?)). Significance and themes of the Kitáb-i-Íqán; its Islamic context; meaning of "certitude"; the importance of deepening and knowledge of the Writings.
  110. Book of Revelation, The: Explanations from the Letters of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Mirza Abul Fazl (1933). Discussion of the content and symbolism of the biblical Book of Revelation.
  111. Haig V. Setrakian, Marc B. Rosenman, Kinga A. Szucs. Breastfeeding and the Bahá'í Faith (2011). The Writings reference breast-feeding literally and symbolically, and provide guidance as to its practice. As the ideal form of infant nutrition, breastfeeding women are exempted from fasting, and it is linked to childhood moral development.
  112. Brief History of the Bahá'í Faith in Guyana, A (2009). Short overview of Bahá'í activities in this part of South America, since the first visit by Leonora Armstrong in 1927.
  113. Arthur J. Arberry. Browne and the Babis (1960). Brief history of the Babis and E. G. Browne's relations with them.
  114. Grover Gonzales. Browne's Mirza Yahya, Before and After His Second Visit: Tarikh-i-Jadid vs. Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion (2019). E. G. Browne visited Yahya, Subh-i-Azal, in 1890 and 1896. He wrote about Azal with a positive tone in New History (1893) and a disillusioned tone in Materials (1918). This is a brief history of Browne's shifting perspective of the Azalis.
  115. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2002). An overview of similar Bahá'í and Buddhist teachings.
  116. Dana Paxson. Camphor and Metaphor (2023). The single word ‘camphor’ appears once in the holy Qur’án. It also appears in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Here we explore this term, its referents, and its sense of surprise, feeding meanings of great spiritual potency.
  117. Frank Lewis. Camphor and the Camphor Fountain (1999-04). What is the meaning of the camphor fount — a symbol common in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and the Qur'an — what is its context, and what is the cup tempered there?
  118. Geoffrey Nash. Can There Be a Bahá'í Poetry? (1981). The poetic vision; poetry in the 1800s; themes of Bahá'í poetry; the use of profane imagery.
  119. John Hick. Can There Be Only One True Religion?: Invited Commentary (2001).
  120. Boris Handal. Centenary of the Bahá'í Faith in Australia (2020). Overview of the 100-year history of the Faith in Australia and New Zealand, starting from the arrival of pioneers Clara and Hyde Dunn in 1920.
  121. Horace Holley. Challenge to Chaos: The Mission of the Bahá'í Faith (1954). Summary of the mission of Bahá'u'lláh through the lens of three essential truths: Unity of God, Unity of the Prophets, and Unity of Humankind. Published as a stand-alone pamphlet.
  122. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christ, Return of: Warwick Leaflets (1994/2012). Some Christian prophecies and their fulfillment in the Bahá'í Faith.
  123. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2005).
  124. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Christmas and Bahá'ís: Warwick Leaflets (2002).
  125. Melissa Tansik. Chronological study: Tablets to the Rulers (1998). Timeline of the rise of nation states, 1844-1871, and the history and fate of the rulers to whom Bahá'u'lláh wrote in the 1860s.
  126. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Climate Change: Warwick Leaflets (2020).
  127. Donald Osborn. Colorblindness and Race Unity: One Bahá'í's Perspective (1997). Reflections on race perspectives in the Bahá'í writings.
  128. Greg Watson. "Come Back, Africa: First commercial film mentioning the Bahá'í Faith (2013). Context of a 1959 African documentary/drama film in which the Bahá'í Faith is discussed.
  129. Rick Harmsen. Coming Synthesis, The: Bahá'í Scholarship in an Age of Conflict and Controversy (1999). Whilst science and reason have come to dominate Western society, the Bahá'í writings propose that unadulterated divine revelation and authentic scientific enterprise are complementary processes that will eventually be harmonized and integrated.
  130. Juan Cole. Commentary on a Verse of Rumi (1999). Summary and paraphrase of a tablet about a debate over the unity of being (wahdat al-wujud) in Sufi thought.
  131. Sen McGlinn. Commentary on the Kitab-i Aqdas, verse one (1997). Meanings why recognition of God and his Manifestations are the first two laws of the Aqdas.
  132. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani. Juan Cole, trans. Commentary on the Saying "Knowledge is Twenty-Seven Letters", A (1985). An explanation of a saying of Imám Ja'far as Sádiq, which was quoted in the Kitáb-i-Iqán, about the Promised One bringing the remaining 25 letters of knowledge.
  133. Wm. Keith Bookwalter. Comments on "Infallible Institutions?" by Udo Shaefer and "Response" by Peter Terry (2020/2023). Thoughts on infallibility of the Universal House of Justice through a case study of predictions regarding the "unity of nations" and the Lesser Peace by the year 2000.
  134. Jack Coleman. Common Grounds between Buddhism, Quantum Physics, and the Bahá'í Faith (1997-05). Some parallels and similarities between the Bahá'í Faith, Buddhism, and physics.
  135. Sen McGlinn. Common sense versus secularism: American Bahá'í literature as a window on implicit culture (2007). Religion and politics must be kept in separate spheres with different, though complementary, rules. This paper questions whether that is understood by Bahá'ís, even in countries that claim to value the separation of church and state.
  136. Gustavo Correa. Community and Collective Action (2015/2020-08). On the hopeful efforts of groups of people around the world to build a new kind of community based on the oneness of humankind, and the vision and process guiding these efforts.
  137. Ros Gabriel. Community as Family, The: Opportunities of Growth (1995).
  138. Peter Hulme. Community in Diversity: The New Man (1991). The focus of this presentation is the community of selves within each of us. Where is the evidence that we are more than one self?
  139. John Herman Randall. Community of Religions, The (1946/1968). Chapter on religious tolerance, inclusivism, and the need for a World Faith, with a passing discussion of Bahá'í principles, written by a Baptist minister who addressed Bahá'í audiences and received a letter from the Guardian.
  140. Anonymous. Comparative of Dynamics in Navajo Ceremonial and the Bahá'í World Faith, A (n.d.). Short summary of religious practices, chants, and dances of the Navajo and the Pueblo peoples.
  141. Nina Bailey. Comparison of the Seven Valleys and the American Indian Peace Shield (1999-03). Comparison study between the spiritual teachings of the ancient Native American Indian Peace Shield and the spiritual journey described by Bahá'u'lláh in The Seven Valleys
  142. Ali K. Merchant. Compassion or Karuna as Understood in the Bahá'í Religion (2001-07). A brief overview of the meaning of ethics and the divine origin of compassion.
  143. Bryn Deamer, Steven Kolins. Computers in the Bahá'í Community through Ridván 1992 (1992). Historical overview of the use of computers in the Bahá'í Faith.
  144. Ali K. Merchant. Concept of Sin in the Bahá'í Faith, The (2000-10). Just as Bahá'ís don't believe in the existence of evil as a real entity, likewise sin is but the absence of holiness. All the forces within us are God-given and thus potentially virtuous; their absence casts the shadow of sin.
  145. Grahame Howells. Conservation of the Earth's Resources: What on Earth is the Answer? (1998). The environmental problems facing humanity can only be solved by a strengthened spirituality, a world federal system, and economic and social justice for everyone.
  146. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Consultation: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2010).
  147. Bill Knight-Weiler. Consultation and Compromise in Environment Affairs (1986). Examples of environmental disagreements — involving ranchers, off-road vehicle use, acid rain, and protected-lands designation — from Oregon and Washington, illustrating how the process of consultation can lead to environmental protection.
  148. Winston Evans. Contacts: National Teaching Committee Guidance on Outreach and Teaching (n.d.). Extracts from the "Teaching News Bulletin" of Great Britain.
  149. Mike Thomas, comp. Coordinates of Baha'i Holy Sites and the Junaynih Garden (2016/2022). Latitude, longitude, and brief descriptions of key sites such as Akka prison, Bahji, Ridvan Garden, Bahá'í cemetery, cave of Elijah, and the houses of Bahá'u'lláh, Abbud, Udi Khammar, and Abdu'l-Bahá, followed by a history of the Junaynih Garden.
  150. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Counsellors, Board Members, and Assistants: Warwick Leaflets (2002). An explanation of the ‘Appointed Arm’ of the Faith.
  151. Ismael Velasco. Counter-Intuition: A Manifestation of God in a Human Body? (2009). Many leaders and gurus betray us as false prophets; it is difficult to understand how a fellow human being could ever be a true voice of the divine, a transcendent Manifestation of God. Yet Bahá'ís recognize this in Mirzá Husayn Alí, Bahá'u'lláh.
  152. Boris Handal. Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, The (2008/2022). Overview of the Bahá'í Covenant, the nature of Covenant-breaking, and the spiritual foundation for being firm in such a fundamental principle.
  153. Darius Shahrokh. Covenant, The (1995-09). Overview of two covenants: one with all Prophets regarding the next Manifestation, specifically the Covenant of the Bab; and Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant protecting the divine word from human interference and safeguarding the unity of Bahá'ís and all humankind.
  154. Charles Mason Remey. Covenant, The (1919). "A brief statement of the Covenant God made with mankind through the prophets of the past and has fulfilled in these latter days, in the Bahai Movement." Includes excerpts of tablets and talks of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  155. Shahrokh Monjazeb. Creative Word and the Meaning of Unity, The: An Annotated Survey of Bahá'u'lláh's Lawh-i-Ittihád (Tablet of Unity) (2010). On the contents of the Tablet of Unity and its relevance for the social life of humanity, including a provisional English translation from the earliest Persian/Arabic published source.
  156. Negin Sanaei. Creativity and Spirituality: Are They Related? (2000). Short essay on utilizing our talent and appreciating the importance of the imagination.
  157. Bill Knight-Weiler. Cry in the Wilderness: An Environmentalist Looks at Bahá'í Teachings on Nature (1987). Bahá'í Writings use images from nature to illustrate spiritual truths and call mankind to recognize the beauty of God.
  158. William S. Hatcher. Cycle of Lectures on Universal and Contemporary Themes (2008). On love, power and justice; true religion is not an ideology; the concept of human value; social ethics and individual development; the unity of religion and science; a logical proof of the existence of God; is universal culture possible?
  159. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Cyflwyno'r Ffydd: Warwick Leaflets (1993). Welsh introduction to the Bahá'í Faith.
  160. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Daily Devotions: Warwick Leaflets (1993/2001). A summary of Bahá'í laws on daily obligatory prayer, reading the Writings, and meditation.
  161. Ruhiyyih Khanum. Dawn Fasting Prayer (1982). Essay from ‘Amatu’l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum's book The Desire of the World.
  162. Jorge Vallejo. De las Manifestaciones de Dios en las culturas precolombinas de América (2002). Los antiguos americanos, ¿no eran hijos de Dios?, ¿no conocieron nunca al Dios Único y Verdadero?, ¿Dios, influyó o no en su progreso?. Obviamente han tenido que existir también voceros de Dios en estos lares para que estos pueblos alcancen las alturas de
  163. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Dear Parent ... a Message to a non-Bahá'í Parent: Warwick Leaflets (2000). A letter written to the parents of British Bahá'í converts to dispel anxiety and misinformation.
  164. David Merrick. Declaration of Baha'u'llah in the Ridvan Garden in 1863 (2008/2016). Bahá'u'lláh's Declaration in the Garden of Ridvan, told in plain English suitable for reading aloud. Includes photos and 2 maps. Based on many accounts.
  165. Karen Anne Webb. Declaration or Deflection?: An Exploration of the Intent of the Surih-i-Sabr, or Lawh-i-Ayyub (2017/2019). Does Bahá’u’lláh declare Himself to be the Promised One foretold by the Báb in the Surah of Patience/Job?
  166. Harry Liedtke. Der Herr Ist Nahe / The Lord Is Near: The Divine Mystery of the Transformation of Mt. Carmel (2022). Brief history of the Templer Society and Georg David Hardegg, who landed in Haifa in 1868 and built a spiritual colony at the foot of Mt. Carmel.
  167. Johanna Pink. Deriding Revealed Religions?: Bahá'ís in Egypt (2002 October). Shift in Egyptian public perception of the Bahá'í Faith from an Islamic reform movement to an independent religion.
  168. Paul Friedman. Developing the Secretariat of a Local Spiritual Assembly (1999). [needs abstract]
  169. Stanwood Cobb. Difficulties of the Young Turk Party, The (1912-01). Reflections on the character and political fortunes of the Young Turks, written shortly before the partitioning of Ottoman empire.
  170. Helen T. Wilson. Dispensation of Baha'u'llah, The: Its Continuing Place In History (2000-04). Historical context of the Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh and some of the Guardian's objectives in writing it.
  171. Jack McLean. Dissidents and the Bahá'í Faith (2005). Author's personal experiences with "disgruntled" ex-Bahá'ís and critics online in the 1990s.
  172. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. R. Behi, ed. Divine Education: The Root of Knowledge (1973-04). On Bahá'í families and raising children to appreciate Bahá'í principles.
  173. Anonymous. Divine Institution of Marriage, The (1983).
  174. Bahman Nadimi. Do the Bahá'í Writings on Evolution Allow for Mutation of Species within Kingdoms but not across Kingdoms? (2004). This paper explores the possibility that Bahá'í writings on evolution allows for mutation of species within each of the kingdoms (such as vegetable or animal) but not across these kingdoms.
  175. David Friedman. Does Corinthians 1:15 Teach a Physical or a Spiritual Resurrection? (1999). While literalists claim that this verse supports a physical resurrection, the evidence seems to show the exact opposite to be true.
  176. Donald Plunkett. Does the Valley of Unity negate the distinction between 'Bahá'í' and 'non-Bahá'í'? (1998-01). In the higher reaches of mystical attainment, the distinction between "Bahá'ís" and "non-Bahá'ís" is lessened.
  177. Monaver Khanum. Dream of Monaver Khanum (n.d.). One page account of a dream recounted by the daughter of Abdul-Baha, as told to an unknown interlocutor.
  178. Vahid Payman. Drug Abuse Prevention: The Spiritual Dimension (1999). [needs abstract]
  179. Madge Featherstone, Kaye Waterman. Dunns, The: Keys to Their Success (1996). John Henry Hyde Dunn(c. 1855–1941) and Clara Dunn (1869–1960) were a pioneer Bahá'í couple in Australia.
  180. Rachel Woodlock. Dying for Our Sins (1998). Examination of the Christian doctrine of the substitutionary atonement and whether such a doctrine has a place within a Bahá'í theological framework.
  181. Cyrus Rohani. Early Childhood Education (2010-01). Education is a continuous and creative process which fulfils the moral potential of each individual. Its aim is to develop the capacities latent in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and transformation of society.
  182. Robert Weinberg. Early European Bahá'í involvement in Social Activism (2001). Early initiatives taken by Bahá'ís in Britain and France in support of education for underprivileged children, medical service, and women's suffrage.
  183. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Early Irish Bahá'ís (1998 Spring). Short history of the introduction of the Bahá’í Faith to Ireland, 1900 to 1925.
  184. Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Glasgow. Eco-Pledge (2021). An illustrated booklet of environmental actions individuals and communities can take, presented as a tool to reflect on and enable practical action towards sustainable use of the world’s material resources; includes quotations from the Writings.
  185. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Ecological Models of Social Organization: A Baha'i Perspective (1994-09). Natural vs. human social ecosystems and the interplay of natural vs. social systems in the 21st century.
  186. Badi Shams. Economics and Spirituality from a Baha'i Perspective (2021). The role of morality in economics; on developing a humane economy; definition of economics and its history, problems, crises, and solutions.
  187. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Economics, A Bahá'í Approach: Warwick Leaflets (1994-04-27).
  188. Melissa Tansik. Education and the Supreme Talisman in the Kitáb-i-Íqán (1999-11). How the Kitab-i-Iqan can be seen as a compendium of what humankind needs to know; a discussion of perception as it relates to learning what is needful; intellectual honesty; and the results of various learning experiences.
  189. Sandra Rowden-Rich. Education of Children: Principles before Pragmatism (1995).
  190. Habib Taherzadeh. Education of Youth and Our Twentieth Century Dilemma, The (1959 August). Moral education is lacking in modern societies. Bahá'í moral precepts can guide us towards the goal of moral evolution, to usher in the Golden Age of human maturity and the dawn of Divine Civilization on this planet.
  191. Duane L. Herrmann. Elizabeth and Elsbeth: Typically Extraordinary Kansas Women (1997-09). A sketch of two women who helped establish the Kansas Bahá'í community in 1897.
  192. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani. Elucidation of the Meaning of The Greatest Name (1945?). Explanation of "The Greatest Name," with words of Abdu'l-Bahá, as copied by May Maxwell. Source and date not known.
  193. May Maxwell, comp. Elucidation of the Meaning of the Greatest Name by 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Mirza Abu'l Fadl (n.d.). 2-page summary of the meanings and prayerful use of the word Bahá (glory, splendour, light).
  194. Duane L. Herrmann. Encounter, The (2016 Spring). A slightly fictionalized account of a visit to the Shrine of the Bab in the Holy Land.
  195. Alfred Kahn. Encouragement, Challenges, Healing, and Progress: The Bahá'í Faith in Indigenous Communities (2016). On the challenges of community-building among Indigenous people, written from the perspective of a childhood spent among Bahá'í pioneers on Native American land, and on reconciling traditional views with global Bahá'í teachings.
  196. Richard Logan. Enlightened Scholarship: E.G. Browne and H.M. Balyuzi (1996-01). Examination of the qualities of scholarship embodied by E. G. Browne and H. M. Balyuzi.
  197. Judith Oppenheimer. Enormous Expansion in Access to Knowledge, An (1995-10). Consideration of some questions inspired by "The Prosperity of Humankind" statement: What is knowledge? What purpose does it serve? How is it made accessible?
  198. Duane L. Herrmann. Enterprise: Second Oldest in U.S.? (1987-03-06). Brief overview of the early history of the Bahá'í Faith in Enterprise, Kansas.
  199. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Environment, Caring for: Warwick Leaflets (2008).
  200. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Environmental Protection from a Baha'i Perspective (1997). The place of the natural world in the Bahá'í teachings.
  201. William S. Hatcher. Epilogue on Neo-Darwinian Theory (2008). Contains no mention of Bahá'í Faith.
  202. Marzieh Gail. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Introduction to (1953).
  203. Marco Oliveira. Epístola de Maqsúd: Introdução ao estudo da Epístola de Maqsud (2005-04-01). A Epistola de Maqsud é uma das mais citadas epistolas de Bahá'u'lláh.Este texto pretende encorajar o estudo desta obra do Fundador da Religião Bahá'í.
  204. Jack McLean. Erich Fromm and the Bahá'í Faith (2007-08-02). Brief examination of psychologist Fromm's exposure to and influence by Bahá'í teachings.
  205. James J. Keene. Essays on Bahá'í Topics (2010/2021). Three sample chapters from a collection of essays: Universal Currency is Now, Bahá'í Election Primer, and Proclamation 1,2,3.
  206. Oliver Giscard d'Estaing. Ethics of Profit, The (2001). Clarifies the economic, social, and spiritual functions of profit and the distinction between ethical and non-ethical profit. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
  207. Vargha Taefi. Evolution of Epistemology, The: Generation of Knowledge in the Bahá'í Faith (2016). The sun of postmodernism has set. The Baha’i ‘framework for understanding’ shifts the hermeneutic paradigm and marks the dawn of a ‘new era’. It has given birth to the next generation of rationality: a framework for learning in action.
  208. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Exemption (1993). Thoughts on Bahá'u'lláh's meaning in "exempting" women from certain Bahá'í obligations, especially pilgrimage.
  209. Robert P. Powers. Experiment in Race Relations, A (1952). An early program in race tolerance, preceding the Civil Rights movement, as described by a prominent Chief Law Enforcement Officer in early 20th-century California.
  210. Karl Weaver. Explanation of a Zoroastrian Prophecy: Length of the "Bahá'í Cycle" (2017). Review of certain concepts in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, ancient astrology, and modern astronomical findings to shed light on Abdu'l-Bahá's interpretation of a prophecy by Zoroaster about the sun being brought to a standstill.
  211. Hoda Mahmoudi, Janet Huggins. "Exploring Male Oppressions from a Family-Systems Perspective,: Commentary and Response (1991).
  212. John S. Hatcher. Exploring the Implications of a Conceptual Framework for Action for Bahá'í Scholarship (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": How elements of the conceptual framework that encompasses the vision and activities of the worldwide Bahá’í community can be incorporated into the Association's various initiatives.
  213. Ted Brownstein. Facilitating Spiritual Joy: Workshop on Christianity (1999-05). Introduction to the history and philosophy of Christianity from a Bahá'í perspective, and deepening materials.
  214. Jack McLean. Faith State, The: Vital To Theist, Agnostic and Atheist (1998). Paul Tillich's approach to faith, as adapted to a Bahá'í and/or agnostic context.
  215. A. W. Samii. Falsafi Kashani and the Bahá'ís (1996-01-15). Essay posted to the Usenet group soc.culture.iranian in January 1996 provides a brief but well-researched history of the treatment of Bahá'ís in Iran in the 1950s. Posted under the name "Abbas 65."
  216. P. E. Ringwood. Family and the Future, The: Legal Perspectives (1995). Legal action and institutions must be developed which are positive, constructive and linked with community education and resources to improve the quality of family life; we must not forget that all life has a spiritual perspective.
  217. Moojan Momen. Family in Bahá'í Faith, The (1996). Overview of Bahá'í teachings on marriage, children, and education.
  218. Stephen Hall. Family in Bahá'í Society, The: A Unique Approach to Curriculum Development (1995). Educational ideas from Dr. Dwight Allen and Dr. Farzan Arbab.
  219. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Family Life: Warwick Leaflets (1992).
  220. Boris Handal. Family of Mullá Husayn, The (2023). The life, context, and times of Mullá Husayn-i-Bushrú’í (1813-1849), the Bábu'l-Báb, "Gate of the Gate."
  221. Susan Gammage. Famous Miracles in the Bahá'í Faith (2015-05-06). Miraculous events and stories of faith healing. ("Miracles" attributed to Shoghi Effendi or other Bahá'ís are to be taken metaphorically.)
  222. William P. Collins. Fasting: The mercy and grace of God (1998). Brief overview of the purpose and backround of fasting.
  223. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Fasting and the Bahá'í Fast: Warwick Leaflets (1993/2001).
  224. Mark A. Foster. Father and the Maiden, The: The Abrahamic Patriarchate and the Divine Feminine (1999). While the outward structure of the Bahá'í Faith may be patriarchal, the spirit of the age is expressed in the divine feminine. 
  225. William S. Hatcher. Fear of Teaching: A Meditation on Authenticity in Human Relationships (2008).
  226. Lorraine Hetu Manifold. Fifteen Steps to Becoming a Skilled Choral Singer (2024). On Abdu'l-Bahá's exhortations to bring music to the highest stage of development: 15 techniques for improving one's own skill, both as an individual and as a member of a choir, written by an experienced conductor.
  227. Pedro Donaires Sanchez. Filosofía del Trabajo (2001). El trabajo como un fin consistente en la realización de valores y no meramente como un medio para alcanzar bienes materiales.
  228. Boris Handal. Filosofías y Analogías en Educación (2002). Teorías educativas recientes han validado académicamente el rol de las creencias, opiniones y emociones en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, inclusive en las llamadas ciencias fácticas como las matemáticas.
  229. Boris Handal. Finding the Lamp: My Bahá'í Experience (2012). A personal adventure of faith, influenced by a background where faith and reason talked to each other, and an oriental ethnic heritage and curiosity for Eastern cultures; thoughts on inclusive spiritual agendas for the future.
  230. Bahá'í Information Office of the UK. First Public Mentions of the Bahá'í Faith in the West (1998). Short essay based on research by Moojan Momen and Derek Cockshutt. The first mention for the Faith in the West was not in 1893, but rather in a number of earlier talks on the Faith in England, and reports on the Babis in the 1850s.
  231. Diane Robinson Kerr. Five Pillars of Islam, The (2014). Summary of the essential precepts of Islam — belief, prayer, zakat, fasting, and pilgrimage — with some reflections from a Bahá'í perspective.
  232. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Flowers to `Akká (1969-05). Some history of Sayessan, a Bahá'í village near Tabriz; of Mullá Asad’u’lláh, who prophesied the coming of the Bab; of Bahá'u'lláh's gift of seed potatoes; and Sayessani pilgrims travelling to Akka to meet Abdu'l-Bahá. Includes pictures.
  233. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Food and Farming: Warwick Leaflets (2001).
  234. Leon Stevens. For a Trustworthy Government (2015). A short meditation on how to reorganize the executive and legislative branches of the US government to improve its functioning.
  235. Charles Wolcott. Foreword (1989). Essay on the meaning of music, and the dynamics of artistic endeavor in the context of the pull toward community, by a member of the Universal House of Justice, who passed away the very day he dictated this essay. Includes preface by Michael Fitzgerald.
  236. Peter J. Khan. Morten Bergsmo, ed. Foreword: Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi (1991).
  237. Sandra Lynn Hutchison. Richard Hollinger, ed. Foreword to 'Abdu'l-Baha in America: The Diary of Agnes Parsons (1996). Overview of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's journeys to America and his meetings with Agnes Parsons.
  238. Horace Holley, Amin Banani, Geoffrey W. Marks. Forewords and Preface to Tablets of the Divine Plan (1974/1977/1993). Preface to the 1974 edition by Horace Holley; foreword to 1977 edition by Amin Banani; forewords to 1993 edition by Geoffrey W. Marks and by the publisher.
  239. William Barnes. "Forging More Perfect Unions," Commentary by John A. Grayzel: Author's Response (1994).
  240. Wendi Momen. Fostering Good Working Relations between Bahá'í Institutions and Bahá'í Scholars (2001 Winter/Spring). Lists of things that make Bahá'í scholarship important, some ways institutions can support scholars, ways scholars can support the institutions, and brief comments on Review.
  241. Christopher Buck. Fourth Candle, The: The Unity of Religion and Interfaith Dialogue (1986). What does "Unity in Religion" mean, and how does it apply for Bahá'ís' interactions with other religious communities? An essay inspired by Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet "Seven Candles of Unity," utopia, Hans Kung, and the Lesser Peace.
  242. Hans Kung. Freedom for Truth: Peace among Religions (1986). One-page essay calling for patience and tolerance between religions and their search for truth.
  243. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Freedom of Speech: Warwick Leaflets (1997).
  244. Kurt Hein. Freedom's Age (1990 Spring/Summer). In the 1980s, unprecedented social convulsions shook the world. Two aspects of these events are noteworthy: they occurred simultaneously and worldwide, and they captured the attention of people everywhere. Freedoms must be tempered by responsibilities.
  245. Linda S. Covey, Roshan Danesh. From The Editor's Desk (2016). Introduction to this issue's articles on the unique potentials of the indigenous population of America, recovery from the residential schools, eradicating prejudice, and the intersection between the Bahá’í Faith and native peoples.
  246. Otto Donald Rogers. Function of Revelation in Artistic Expression, The (1976). Overview of some Bahá'í themes and how they are reflected in the making of art: man as an instrument; desire for order and beauty; use of materials; element of light; principle of unity; polarities and relationships; part and whole; energy and power.
  247. Mary K. Radpour, comp. Funerals and Burials, Preparations for: Some practical notes (1998). A compilation of Bahá'í directions for funerals and burials (i.e., this is not a compilation of direct quotations from the Writings).
  248. William P. Collins. Future of Bahá'í Studies, The (2001 Winter/Spring). On the need for planning for the future, diversification, scholarly study by non-Bahá'ís, scholarship and art, unity paradigm, popular culture, writing in a non-boring style, and coordination of activities.
  249. Juan Cole. Genesis of the Bahá'í Faith in Middle Eastern Modernity, The (1999-03). Middle Eastern religion is seldom mentioned in the same breath with modernism. The Bahá'í faith, which originated in Iran, poses key conundrums to our understanding of the relationship between modernity and religion in the global South.
  250. Stephen A. Fuqua. Global Interfaith Movement, The (2003-04). Summary of examples of interfaith dialogue from 1993-2003.
  251. Noojan Kazemi. Global Prosperity for Humankind: The Bahá'í Model (1996).
  252. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Globalization and the Environment (1998-10). Some responses to possible problems associated with globalization.
  253. Howard B. Garey. Howard B. Garey, trans. Gobineau's Account of the Beginnings of the Bahá'í Revelation (2000 Summer). Short summary of the Bab's time in Shiraz and Mecca, circa 1843.
  254. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. God's Promise to Humanity: Warwick Leaflets (1993).
  255. Grover Gonzales. God, the Conscious Energy (2023). Thoughts on the transference between matter and energy, the energetic nature of miracles, science and religion, Einstein's equation E=mc2, and Bahá'u'lláh's explanations of the First Cause and the divine creative force.
  256. John S. Hatcher. Governance and the Governed: Leadership, Conflict, Resilience, Resolution, and Hope (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": If the purpose of governance and leadership is to respond to the needs of the governed, then what attributes and methodologies should characterize the process of those in positions of authority?
  257. Stephen A. Fuqua. Great Bridge–Maker, The (2005-04). The papacy and Pope John Paul II.
  258. Harry Liedtke. Greenland Promise, The (2012). Commentary on the misunderstood prediction of Abdu'l-Bahá that Greenland would one day become green again.
  259. Harry Liedtke. Guardian's Wartime Travels, The (2016). Brief chronology of world events 1938-1940 juxtaposed with Shoghi Effendi's travels in 1940, when he left Haifa for England nine months after the beginning of the war.
  260. Graham Waterman, Kaye Waterman. H. Collis Featherstone 1913-1990: An Extraordinary, Ordinary Man (1996). The life and activities of an Australian Bahá'í and Hand of the Cause.
  261. Harvard Pluralism Project: Baha'i (2023). Six overview essays on Bahá'í history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite)
  262. Frances Mezei, ed, Lynn Ascrizzi, ed. Healing through Unity newsletter (1998-2005). Back issues of a newsletter dedicated to serving the principles of physical and spiritual health envisioned in the Bahá'í Teachings.
  263. John S. Hatcher. Helen Elsie Austin (1908-2004) (2019). Overview of the life of the first black woman to graduate from the University of Cincinnati Law School, an active Bahá'í pioneer and travel teacher, and tireless educator on race issues.
  264. George Townshend. Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah: A Reflection (1930). Reflections on the meaning and significance of Bahá'u'lláh's Hidden Words.
  265. William F. McCants. Hiding in Plain Sight: The Case for the Authenticity of an Alternative Portrait of the Bab (2021-08). On the possibility that a painting reproduced in a book from 1909 could in fact be a portrait of the Báb.
  266. Ted Cardell. Highly Significant Celebrations at the World Center (1992-05). Report of activities at the World Centre in May 1992: commemoration of the ascension of Bahá'u'lláh, placing of a scroll to honour the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh, and a procession of pilgrims up Mount Carmel.
  267. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2000).
  268. Ismael Velasco, comp. Historia de la Fe Bahá'í en Venezuela (2001). History of the Bahá'í Faith in Venezuela.
  269. Pluralism Project. History of the Bahá'í Faith in Boston (2010). Two short documents by Harvard University's religious pluralism project: "Timeline of the Bahá’í Faith in Greater Boston" and "The Bahá’í Faith in Greater Boston."
  270. Robert Stauffer, ed. History of the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Tihran, Iran (1978). Brief history of the birth-place of Bahá'u'lláh distributed to pilgrims to the site.
  271. Susan Gammage. Holy Day Programs (2013-2018/2023). Programs for all thirteen significant dates on the Bahá'í calendar, with Youtube links for opening and closing music, a selection of relevant quotations, some commentary or annotations, and some material for dramatic reading.
  272. Duane L. Herrmann. Holy Year, 1992-93 (1993). A description of the history, meaning, and events of the centennial Holy Year for members of the Bahá'í Faith.
  273. Ron Price. Homeward Bound (1986). Reflections on the meaning of home and community, classical Greek culture, and the "new home" embodied in Mt. Carmel.
  274. Kamran Hakim. Homosexuality in the Kitab-i-Aqdas (1996). Informal notes on the treatment of homosexuality in the Kitab-i Aqdas, and its background.
  275. House of Abdu'llah Pasha, The (1986). Short history and restoration of a house associated with "some of the most dramatic and historically significant events of the Heroic Age of the Bahá'í Faith."
  276. Amnesty International. Human Rights and Religious Faith (1986). A statement from Amnesty International/USA, published by request.
  277. Omid Djalili, Annabel Knight. Humor and Laughter (1997). Essay written as introduction to the Compilation on Humor and Laughter, both published in BSR 7.
  278. Aflatoon Payman. Huqúqu'lláh: The Right of God (1996). Huqúqu'lláh is a voluntary tax on wealth which enables the individual to contribute to the work of the Faith, and a spiritual law of Bahá'u'lláh with spiritual consequences; its importance, details, application, and exemptions.
  279. Guy Murchie. I am a Bahá'í (1958-07-13). "An Exotic Faith Has Built One of the World's Great Temples Here. A Believer Tells What That Faith Means to Him."
  280. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Importance of Religion, The: Warwick Leaflets (2015).
  281. Marzieh Gail. In the High Sierras (1950-04-21). A poetic meditation about mankind's grappling with the coming of a new Revelation.
  282. Sandra Lynn Hutchison. In the Noble, Sacred Place: One Rainy Day in a Holy City (2021 Spring). A memoir of visiting Jerusalem — a contemporary pilgrim's note written as a literary piece — with meditations on the spiritual truths of the Qur'an.
  283. Charles Nolley, William Garlington. India, Notes on Bahá'í Population (1997-03). Indian membership numbers, and how "enrollment" there has a different meaning than in developed countries.
  284. Maureen Sier. Indigenous rights and women's rights in the Samoan Bahá'í community (1999).
  285. Susan Maneck. Badi Villar Cardenas, trans. Infalibilidad: Un Ensayo (1998). Spanish translation of Maneck's essay "Infallibility: An Essay."
  286. Shahin Vafai. Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice, The (2005). Short essay on the infallibility of the Universal House of Justice with extensive quotations.
  287. Susan Maneck. Infallibility: An Essay (1998). Short overview of the meaning of infallibility, as applied to Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá.
  288. Andrew Stranieri. Information Technology Strategies for the Promotion of Gender Equality (1996). Equal opportunity of women and men is best achieved if both genders embrace the changes now occurring in communication and information use.
  289. Seena Fazel. Inheritance (1994). The apparent contradiction between sexual equality and the unequal inheritance laws contained in the Aqdas.
  290. Sana Rezai. Inseparability and Complementarity of the Book and the Universal House of Justice, The (2018-11). Direct references the House of Justice makes to the words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, as illustrated through the 26 November 2018 message.
  291. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Inside The Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948: A Personal Narrative (1996-12). A detailed account of the author's experience researching, writing, and publishing this extensive historic study.
  292. William P. Collins. International Bahá'í Library and the Library of Alexandria, The (1996-07). Similarities between the ancient Library of Alexandria and the contemporary Bahá'í archive.
  293. Dan Wheatley. International Criminal Court: A Bahá'í Perspective (2001 Winter/Spring). Brief history of the ICC, and Bahá'í support of it.
  294. Ali Nakhjavani. Interpretation and Elucidation (2012). The nature of elucidation vs. authorized interpretation, and the institution of the Guardianship.
  295. Afshin A. Khavari. Interrelationship of Bahá'í, Australian Statute and Common Law, The: A Family Law Perspective (1996). Application of Bahá'í Laws in Australia within the context of the existing common and statue laws of the country, and the history, conceptual basis, and developments of Bahá'í laws.
  296. Adib Masumian, comp. Interview with Lilian Crawford on the Knighthood of Abdu'l-Baha (date?). Interview with Lilian Crawford, a pilgrim to Haifa in 1919 who witnessed the ceremony of the knighthood of Abdu'l-Bahá, published in New Era, short-lived Bahá'í newsletter from Edinburgh; photo of the ceremony and identification of some attendees.
  297. George Townshend. Introduction (1954). Original introduction to the Hidden Words, which is often omitted from print and online versions of the book.
  298. W. Kenneth Christian. Introduction (1952). Original introduction to Gleanings of the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, which is often omitted from online versions of the book.
  299. David Hofman. Introduction: Aims and Purposes of the Bahá'í Faith (1986). Introduction to this Bahá'í World volume.
  300. Anonymous. Introduction to a Study of Prayers and Meditations by Bahá'u'lláh (1964-12). Brief study guide for and review of this collection of 184 passages selected by Shoghi Effendi for the book.
  301. Robert Weinberg. Introduction to Compilation on Writers and Writing (2001).
  302. Anne Gordon Atkinson. Introduction to Green Acre Bahá'í School (1990). Brief summary of the history contained in the book-length history "Green Acre on the Piscataqua: A Centennial Celebration".
  303. Robert L. Gulick. Introduction to the Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys (1957). Essay included as a preface to a 1952 edition of Seven Valleys and published as a stand-alone booklet in 1957; see
  304. Juan Cole. Introduction to the Tablet of Ashab (1991). Short overview of Bahá'u'lláh's evolving proclamation.
  305. Muhammad Afnan. Adib Masumian, trans. Invocation 'Is There Any Remover of Difficulties Save God...', The (2023). Short overview of the historical background of the Báb's invocation.
  306. Ahang Rabbani, comp, Ahang Rabbani, trans. Iranian Intellectuals and the Bahá'ís (2010-04). 59 essays from 2008-2009 in Iranian newspapers or by influential thinkers, about the Bahá'í Faith in contemporary Iran. Most of these were also translated by Ahang Rabbani.
  307. Denis MacEoin, Robert Stockman, Juan Cole, Will C. van den Hoonaard. Jonah Winters, ed. Is the Bahá'í Faith a "World Religion" or a "New Religious Movement"? (1997-05). Compilation of emails about the socio-religious classification of the Bahá'í Faith.
  308. Eberhard von Kitzing. Is the Bahá'í view of evolution compatible with modern science? (1997).
  309. Diane Robinson Kerr. Islam and the Bahá'í Faith (2014). Overview of the core tenets of Islam — belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage — with some reflections from a Bahá'í perspective.
  310. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Islam and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2002).
  311. Susan Maneck. Islam, the Baha'i Faith and the Eternal Covenant of Alast (2009-02-09).
  312. Robert G. Wilson. Ita and the Sandinista Revolution (1987). An interview with Ita, one of the earliest participants in the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua that resulted in the removal of Anastasio Somoza from power in 1979. Includes letter about the organization "Quest for Peace."
  313. Ugo Giachery. Italian Scientist Extols the Báb, An (1956). On the life of Michele Lessona (1823-1894), a scientist, writer, explorer, and educator, who visited Iran and wrote a 66-page monograph entitled I Babi (1881): one of the first documentations made by a European of the episode of the Báb.
  314. Harry Liedtke. Jalal Khazeh Remembered (2023-04). Memory of meeting a Hand of the Cause of God at the first Bahá'í World Congress, April 28, 1963, and a brief tangent on the history of Royal Albert Hall, London.
  315. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (2004).
  316. Hussein Ahdieh. Juliet Thompson: Champion of the Baha'i Faith in New York City (2021-05-06). Essay about the life of Juliet Thompson, a prominent early Bahá'í and friend of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  317. Duane L. Herrmann. Kansas Farm Boy (1985). Brief autobiography, with background on the author's introduction to and acceptance of the Bahá'í Faith.
  318. Kitab-i-Aqdas: its place in Bahá'í literature (1993). Offers a broad introduction to the Aqdas and its themes.
  319. Helen Reed Bishop. Kitáb-i-Íqán: Introduction to the 1950 Edition (1950). Overview of its themes and historical context.
  320. Ahang Rabbani. Kitáb-i-Panj Sha'n, Book of Five Qualification: Notes (1999). Informal correspondence from the listserver Talisman 1 regarding the Panj Sha'an, including translated portions.
  321. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani. Knowing God Through Love and Farewell Address of Mirza Abul Fazl (1904). 16-page pamphlet containing Gulyaygani's address given at Green Acre, July 27 1904, and his farewell words to the American Bahá'ís at a reception given in his honor by Arthur Dodge in New York, November 29 1904.
  322. Pierre Daoust. L'importance de la translitération bahá'íe avec quelques exemples (2020). Considérations grammaticales expliquant la translitération et la prononciation des mots arabes, et le système abjad.
  323. Udo Schaefer. La conception de l'homme de Bahá'u'lláh (1981).
  324. Nicomedes Merma Aroni. La Ley, fundamento de la sociedad o restricción de la libertad? (2002). La libertad no puede ser absoluta. Vivimos en una sociedad interdependiente. Algunas limitaciones a nuestra libertad son necesarias para evitar otras restricciones todavía peores.
  325. Luc Dion. La realité du monde exterieur et l'existence de Dieu (1976). Student essay on Foi et raison, Les concepts fondamentaux, La loi générale qui gouverne l’univers, et Dieu.
  326. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Law and Order: Warwick Leaflets (1995).
  327. Cynthia C. Shawamreh. Lessons on Detachment in the Tablet to Pope Pius IX (1998-11).
  328. Denis MacEoin. Letter on Bahá'í attitudes towards politics and scholarship (1979-01-07). Thoughts on whether the Faith is in danger of becoming irrelevant to the problems faced by people in the world outside, partly due to lack of involvement in politics.
  329. George Townshend. Letters of Abdu'l-Bahá (1952). An appreciation of the spiritual power of the writings of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  330. Letters to and from the editor (1986-1988). All letters to dialogue not posted elsewhere, and responses from its editors.
  331. John T. Dale. Lidia Zamenhof (1996). Brief biography of the daughter of Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto.
  332. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Life after Death: Warwick Leaflets (2002).
  333. Diane Robinson Kerr. Life After Death from a Bahá'í Perspective (2014). Quotations from the Writings with some explanations, to trace the journey of the soul, the purpose of life, description of the afterlife, and the nature of belief itself.
  334. Duane Troxel. Life of Agnes Alexander (1998). Essay prepared for the Bahá'í Esperanto League's 25th anniversary booklet (seeá'í_Esperanto-League).
  335. Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani. David Merrick, comp. Life of the Bab, The (1938). Life of the Bab by the historian Jinab-i-Fadil (Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani)
  336. Bahá'í World News Service. List and Map of 114 Youth Conferences in 2013 (2013). List of pages at (offsite) with reports, descriptions, and videos of youth events across the globe. The accompanying map gives an impression of the spread of the worldwide Bahá'í community.
  337. Brent Poirier. Lists of Articles (2009-2019). Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites.
  338. Holly Hanson. Living Purposefully in a Time of Violence (2001-09-13). Contemplation of Bahá'í responses to the global issues raised by 9/11.
  339. Walter Waia. Lonely road to native title determination, A (2000). A personal account of the Saibai Island Native Title Claim: a story of an Indigenous Australian who "walked a learning road to fulfill his obligations to his family, his clan and to the community."
  340. John S. Hatcher. Louis Gregory (1874-1951) (2019). Overview of the life of a famous Bahá'í lawyer, anti-racism educator and travel-teacher, and Hand of the Cause.
  341. Boris Handal. Loving 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Understanding His Station (2021-09). Early Bahá’ís in the West struggled to understand the station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the Mystery of God.
  342. Richard G. Badger. Mahdi in Persia and Syria, The (1918). Extract on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, in a book exploring the concept of the Mahdi, a messianic figure in Islamic tradition.
  343. Wendi Momen. Making of Portraits of Some Bahá'í Women by O.Z. Whitehead, The (2003). Recollections by the editor/publisher of stories behind the writing of O.Z. 'Zebby' Whitehead's books, and some biographical information about Whitehead himself. Includes brief review by Edwin McCloughan from The Irish Times.
  344. Jack McLean. Making the Crooked Straight: Foreword, and letter to World Order (2000/2005). Foreword to the published book, followed by a letter to the editor for World Order regarding their issue devoted to Francesco Ficicchia and Bahá'í apologetics.
  345. Michel P. Zahrai. Management of Small Rural Businesses: Some Views of the European Bahá'í Business Forum (1998). The challenge and benefits of restoring pride in rural non-farm businesses.
  346. Rhea M. Coleman. Mankind is One (1989-06). Three short stories of pioneering
, with references to American Pueblo and Argentinian Mapuche traditional belief, written by a former pioneer to Argentina.
  347. Moojan Momen. Marking the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Bāb (2019-09-24). Guest post for the launch of the British Library's "Discovering Sacred Texts" exhibition, on three unique haykal and calligraphy works of the Bāb and Bahā’u’llāh which are on display for the first time.
  348. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Marriage, Bahá'í: Warwick Leaflets (1992). Bahá'u'lláh said everyone should marry. Marriage unites the physical and spiritual in a "fortress for well-being" and provides for the nurturing of children. People should choose partners carefully. Discusses the ceremony, solving problems and divorce.
  349. David Merrick. Martyrdom of the Bab (2008). Martyrdom of the Bab, told in plain English and suitable for reading aloud. Based on many early accounts.
  350. Universal House of Justice, comp. May Ellis Maxwell (1925-1954). Detailed biography, published in A Compendium of Volumes of the Bahá'í World I-XII, 1925-1954; includes photo.
  351. Ruhiyyih Skrenes. Meaning and Significance of Certitude (1998-03). Nature of Certitude and the process of its attainment as described in the Kitab-i-Iqan.
  352. Phyllis K. Peterson. Meaning of Detachment, The (1997). Detachment as it relates to women, teaching, the media, and unity.
  353. Sen McGlinn. Meanings of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar (1997). Summary of the full meanings of Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, "The Dawning Place of the Remembrance of God."
  354. Iqbal Latif. Medieval Ignorance: The silence of Iranian polity towards Bahá'í persecution (2002-08-05). An outsider's view of Iran's treatment of its Bahá'í community.
  355. Peter J. Khan. Meditation (1979-11). A short summary of the Bahá’í approach to meditation and its relevance to peace and intuition.
  356. Ron Price. Memorials of the Faithful: Revisited (2001 Summer). Literary themes in Abdu'l-Bahá's book of biographies.
  357. Ahang Rabbani, Sen McGlinn. Memories of Ashchi: Background (1999). Background information on and a start at translation of the narratives of Aqa Husayn Ashchi.
  358. Muhammad Asad. Message of The Quran, The: Appendices (1980). Symbolism and allegory in the Qur'án; al-Muqatta'at (opening letters); the term and concept of Jinn; the night journey: four appendices to a translation of the Qur'án by a European scholar and later Muslim convert. No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  359. Jack McLean. Message of the Universal House of Justice to the World's Religious Leaders: Panel Discussion Comments (2002). Overview of some prominent global theologians and historians of religion, and issues facing interfaith dialogue.
  360. Ruhiyyih Khanum. Message to the Indian and Eskimo Bahá'ís of the Western Hemisphere (1969). Letter to Native American and Inuit believers, about the assurance given in the Bahá'í Writings that their future is very great, and that they themselves best help to fulfill these promises by taking the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh to their own people.
  361. Juan Cole. Messianic Concealment and Theophanic Disclosure (2002/2004). Lengthy collection of notes on Baha'u'llah's relationship to Subh-i-Azal, with quotations from Fadil Mazandarani's Zuhur al-Haqq histories, compiled and edited from posts sent to an academic email list.
  362. Boris Handal. Metaphors in Education (2008). Knowledge is associated with the development of spiritual capabilities such as justice, confidence, patience, service, etc. Educational research and its methodologies are a vehicle to find knowledge and a tool to help us achieve our highest selves.
  363. Jack McLean. Method in Religious Studies: Theistic and Agnostic (2000). Response to an assertion by Christopher Buck that the term religious studies is misleading, in that, while the object of the study is religious, the method is not; thoughts on how a scientific methodology would work.
  364. Ali Kuli Khan, Marzieh Gail. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl in America (1945). Khan's personal recollections of Gulpaygani, with mentions of other early American Bahá'ís.
  365. George Townshend. Mission of Bahá'u'lláh, The: And Other Literary Pieces (1952). Poems, meditations, and essays, including "Nabíl’s history of the Báb," "Abdu’l-Bahá: A study of a Christlike character," "Queen Marie of Rumania and the Bahá’í Faith," "The wellspring of happiness," and "The genius of Ireland."
  366. Duane L. Herrmann. Missionaries Who Aided the Cause of God (1991 Spring). Brief account of the work of Dr. William Cormick and Rev. John H. Shedd and their interest in the Bábí Faith.
  367. Graham Hassall. Modelling Human Rights Education: A View from the Pacific (1997-11). For Bahá'ís to be successfully involved in the promotion of human rights development, they will have to decide what their model of 'human rights' is, and how to deal with the variant conceptions of human rights already held across the Asia-Pacific region.
  368. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Monarchy, The Future of: Warwick Leaflets (2002).
  369. Brendan Cook. Moral Relativism and the Bahá'í Faith (2006). An outsider's perspective challenging unquestioning obedience to religious commandments. Right and wrong, this author believes, are relative to situations and to the needs of human beings in a given time and place.
  370. Vahid Houston Ranjbar. Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab and Shaykh Ahmad (2016-12-23). Brief comparison of two opposing ideologies: fundamentalist Wahhabism vs. the less literalistic teachings of Shaykhism and the Bábí Faith.
  371. Chuen-Tat Kang. Multifaith Centre Building Design and Demonstration (2011-07-06). One-page description by an outsider of a Bahá'í temple: architecture, aesthetics, and symbolism (see page 51, near the end).
  372. Wm. Keith Bookwalter. My Memories of Stanwood Cobb (2024-08-19). Brief recollections of meeting Cobb in 1973 at Ohio State University on a lecture tour. Includes bibliography, biography, and supplementary information about Cobb.
  373. Martha L. Root. My Visit to Temple University (1931-09). On Martha Root's visit to Temple University in Philadelphia in 1931 to talk about the Bahá'í peace principles.
  374. Darius Shahrokh, Grace Shahrokh. Mystery of Martyrdom, The (1992). Life stories of many early martyrs, and some explanations of what inspires self-sacrifice.
  375. LeRoy Jones. Mystical Aspects of the Baha'i Faith as presented in the Seven Valleys (1998-03). Mystical aspects of the Bahá'í Faith are of paramount importance and may sometimes get overlooked in favor of its social aspects.
  376. David Langness. Mystical content and symbology of Bahá'u'lláh's Four Valleys (1997). Symbology of the Four Valleys, and a brief overview of a four-stage spiritual growth model.
  377. Soheila Vahdati. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Nabil's Narrative: What History has Forgotten (2008-09-18). An outsider's view of how Iranian media and society have glossed over or intentionally obscured Iran's treatment of 19th-century dissidents.
  378. Moojan Momen. Robert Stockman, comp. Names of the Bahá'í Months, The: Separating Fact from Fiction (2012-11). A blog post, compiled for the Wilmette Institute, on the original source of the names of the months of the Badí calendar — taken from a dawn prayer by the Fifth Shí’í Imám, Muhammad al-Báqir, for the month of Ramadan.
  379. John S. Hatcher. Nature of Human Nature, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Introduction to this issue's two articles: Ian Kluge's on human nature and Patricia McIlvride’s on mental disorders and depression, stigma, and the soul.
  380. Mirna Leon. Necesidad de la Oracion para Mejorar Nuestras Vidas (2001). Aquí algunas relexiones personales sobre la importancia de la oración en la vida espiritual. Lograr un estado espiritual de oración puede ayudarnos a tener una mejor calidad de vida incluyendo beneficios físicos y sicológicos.
  381. Pedro Donaires Sanchez. Necesidad de revisión del concepto de 'Soberanía' del Estado (2002). La relatividad de la Soberanía del Estado y la unidad teórica de todo lo jurídico, darán lugar a una unidad política de los estados, con una organización jurídica centralizada. Esto implica la constitución de un super-Estado mundial.
  382. Theo A. Cope. Neo-platonic Framework for Bahá'í philosophy (1997). Some thoughts on the history and thought of Neoplatonism and its relation to Bahá'í philosophy. Concludes with a review of another essay on Neoplatonism.
  383. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. New Age, The: Warwick Leaflets (1992).
  384. Charles Mason Remey. New Day, The: The Bahá'í Revelation (1919). "A brief statement of its history and teachings" in summary form. Opens with short "dissertation by Abdu'l-Bahá upon the New Day."
  385. R. Mehrabkhani. New Development in the Bahá'í Community, A (2008). On the three stages in the growth of each religion, and the new instruments for the correct implementation of the Bahá'í plans, the Cluster and its Reflection Meetings, and the Ruhi course.
  386. David S. Ruhe. New Evolution, A: Religious Bonding for World Unity (1995). America's spiritual destiny; world forces conducive to the unity of humankind; post-Darwinian evolution; bonding of humankind for a golden age; Bahá’ís as authentic saviors of the world.
  387. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. New Millennium, The: A Bahá'í View: Warwick Leaflets (1999).
  388. Frank F. Ellinwood. New Religions of the Nineteeth Century: Babism (1904). Overview of Bábí history, briefer history of the lives of Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá, comments of Henry Jessup on Bahá'í pilgrims, introduction to the United States, and brief summary of Bahá'í teachings.
  389. Mark A. Foster. New Typology of Religious Organization (1995). Overview of models normativist, arcanist, routinized, and charismatic.
  390. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. New World Order, The: Warwick Leaflets (1995).
  391. Marc Wasley. Next Five Years, The: An Internet Perspective (1996). Some predictions (made in 1996) of how the Internet will change and how Bahá'ís can make best use of it.
  392. Jason Illari. Nineteenth Century Islamic Mahdism in Iran and the Sudan: A brief analysis of the teachings and influence of The Bab and Muhammad Ahmad (The Sudanese Mahdi) (2001). A comparitive study of the movements of the Bab and the Sudanese Mahdi.
  393. Ali Nakhjavani. Ninth cycle of the Bahá'í calendar, The (2015). Essay clarifying some technical issues involved with calculating lunar calendars, and how to appreciate the timing and implications of the Universal House of Justice's 2014 update to the Badí` calendar.
  394. Christopher Buck, Necati Alkan. No More Jihad: Muhammad's Message in Baha'u'llah's Dream (2017-01-23). Essay about a Tablet of Baha’u’llah in which He describes a dream in which He "associated" with the prophet Muhammad.
  395. Ali Murad Davudi. Riaz Masrour, trans. Non-Involvement in Politics (2010). The importance and value of the Bahá'í principle of non-involvement in political affairs.
  396. Duane L. Herrmann. Not Quite So New in Kansas (2004). Overview of the Faith and its history in Kansas, prepared in an opportunity to proclaim the Faith by invited essay to the Kansas Authors' Club publication on its centennial.
  397. Muhammad Afnan, William S. Hatcher, Denis MacEoin. Note on Maceoin's 'Bahá'í Fundamentalism' and 'Afnán, Hatcher and an old bone' (1986). Two shorter follow-up essays, offering closing thoughts on a previously-published debate about issues of historical accuracy, academic neutrality, and faith-based scholarship.
  398. Mary Day. Notes on Feminist Theory, Some (1997). Implications of feminism for Bahá'í thinking.
  399. Dann J. May. Notes on the Christian "Antichrist" and Titles of Christ (1997). Intro for a Bahá'í-Christian dialogue on the meaning of the antichrist, titles of Jesus in the Bahá'í Sacred Writings, and brief compilation of Bahá'í writings.
  400. John Walbridge. Notes on the Zuhuru'l-Haqq series (1996). Brief overview of this historical work. Includes letter from the World Centre explaining that no official translation is forthcoming.
  401. May Maxwell. Notes on Turning to the Guardian (1949 (?)). One page of notes regarding turning to the Guardian and the guardianship to achieve success in the Faith.
  402. Abdulrahman Lomax. Number 19 in the Qur'an, The (1995-06). Discussion of a study by a Muslim which purports to demonstrate that the Qur'an is comprised of mystical units of 19. No mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  403. Darius Shahrokh. Obedience (1995-05). The meanings of infallibility, obedience to Bahá'u'lláh, the covenant of God with humanity, and the paradox of law being the instrument of liberation, not limitation.
  404. Brendan Cook. Obedience: Conscience and Dissent in the Bahá'í Faith (2006). An outsider's perspective on the possible conflict between an individual's conscience and obedience to a higher authority, cast in the form of a dialogue.
  405. Duane L. Herrmann. Observing the Fast When You Are Not to Abstain from Food (1989). What meaning can the Fast have if one is not able to observe it? The spiritual and symbolic natures of the Fast remain.
  406. Michael Knopf. Of Paramount Importance: Addressing the Paucity of Music in Bahá'í Devotional Practice (2000). Short overview of the use of music in Bahá'í feasts, holy day celebrations, and temples.
  407. Negar Mottahedeh. Off the Grid: Reading Iranian Memoirs in Our Time of Total War (2004-09). Observations on contemporary culture and gender issues in Iran.
  408. Susan Maneck. Old Charges for a New Religion, Some (2009-01-24). The background and significance of the fantastic charges made against Bahá’ís in Iran and elsewhere where Bahá’ís face severe persecution (a foreign conspiracy to destroy the unity of Islam; sexual promiscuity, etc.) in the context of other ‘heresies'.
  409. John Taylor. On History's Greatest Breakthrough in Knowledge (2000-06-27). Various musings inspired by the month of "knowledge," and by Bahá'u'lláh's statement that "every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute."
  410. Iraj Ayman, Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez, M. K. Rohani. "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Commentary and Responses (1991). Ayman comments (1) on determinism vs. fate and (2) that Loehle's article doesn't take into account the original meanings in Arabic and Persian of the word for "chance." Brill and Rohani reply with observations about translation and interpretation.
  411. Christopher Buck. On Jesus' Cry from the Cross (1983-03). Comments on an article by Stephen Lambden on "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
  412. Wm. Keith Bookwalter. On Marie Watson's Pilgrim's Notes Titled "Fourth Dimensional Consciousness" (2020-05). Circumstances regarding notes that Watson took from interpreted statements made by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during her pilgrimage in 1921.
  413. Stephen R. Friberg. On Postmodernism (1998-11). Thoughts on the relevance of post-modernism in considering the sometimes extreme claims to the authority of an intellectual 'essentializing' methodology amongst some Bahá'í scholars.
  414. Duane L. Herrmann. One Cold Hike (2021-12-06). Short essay about visiting the Bahá'í House of Worship in Hofheim-Langenhain, Germany.
  415. Filip Boicu. One Concern with the Notion of Power as an Element of the Conceptual Framework Guiding the Activities of the Bahá'í Community (2022-04). Power can be defined in negative or positive ways, as either adversarialism (oppressive power dominance) or mutualism (emancipatory egalitarian empowerment). Anti-foundationalism argues that injustice must be challenged at the individual, micro-level.
  416. Burl Barer. One Father, Many Children: Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith (2010). Judaic teachings on religious inclusivism and relativism, and the Bahá'í acceptance of Judaism.
  417. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. One Human Race: Warwick Leaflets (1993). Brief introduction of ideas related to the Bahá'í concept of the oneness of mankind.
  418. M. A. Hannon. Opening Address: National Bahá'í Studies Conference, Hobart, Australia, July 1994 (1995). The negative social forces impacting on the family in Australia; the services provided by the Family Court; and the need for an awareness of gender and cultural issues.
  419. Alain Locke. Orientation of Hope and Lessons in World Crisis, The (1936/1945). Two essays meditating on the relevance of Bahá'í principles to the period preceding and during the Second World War.
  420. Keven Brown. Origin of the Bahá'í Principle of the Harmony between Science and Religion, The (2001-08). On the origin of the principle of scientific/religious harmony in Islamic and Bahá’í Writings, and discussion of a letter by Abdu'l-Bahá on the topic.
  421. Frank Lewis. Overview of the Abjad numerological system (1999-04). Numerological analysis of the word bahá.
  422. Shahin Vafai. Passing of Shoghi Effendi, Ministry of the Hands of the Cause, and Defection of Mason Remey, The (2005).
  423. Ron Price. Passionate Artist, The (2000). Essay on the inner life and private character, and the origins of the author's own creative inspiration.
  424. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Pastoral Care of Bahá'í Children: Warwick Leaflets (1995).
  425. Dorothy Baker. Path to God, The: 1937 (1937). Essay published as a pamphlet about the goal of life, revelation and access to heaven, self-improvement while on earth, prayer and spiritual surrender, loving the Messenger and following his teachings.
  426. Dorothy Baker. Path to God, The: 1956 (1956). Some elements for spiritual success: power through prayer and nine benefits of prayer, victorious living, and immortality.
  427. Trudy Mesbah, Ruie Mullin, Joan Russ, et al.. Peace Notes (1986-1987). Five short reports about anti-war movements: "Australian Expo Raises the Banner of Peace," "Peace Takes a Holiday," "Beyond War: A New Way of Thinking," "Magic Peace Project," and letters.
  428. Badi Shams. Pensamientos varios de un economista místico (2016-2021). Colección de 59 artículos publicados en
  429. Juliet Thompson. Persian Reformer's View of Art, A (1917-03). Personal recollections of Abdu'l-Bahá's words on art and inspiration. Includes the portrait Thompson painted of Abdu'l-Bahá.
  430. Iraj Ayman, Robert Stockman. Persian, Arabic, and Provisional Translations (1999). Words relating to the titles of Bahá'í Writings, "Pure" Persian and "Pure" Arabic, and information on provisional translations.
  431. Kamran Hakim. Personal Interpretation of the term 'Seal of the Prophets' (1997). A lengthy examination of the terms khatam, "seal," and Nabi, "Prophet," and their meanings in Islam.
  432. Frances Bradford Jones Edelstein (published as Frances B. Jones). Personal Recollections of Famagusta (1964-03). Two-page summary of time pioneering in Cyprus, 1954-1956, with a passing mention of pioneering in Switzerland.
  433. Susan Maneck. Pharisaic Phenomenon and the Dynamics of Denial, The (1999). On the role of intellectual rigidity, control and pride as causes of opposition to religious change, and the relevance of this concept in Bahá'í history.
  434. Lawrence D. Staudt. Philosophical Basis for the Centre for Renewable Energy at Dundalk Institute of Technology, A (2003). Nature of the physical world, the principle of sustainability, the present energy situation, options for Ireland, a vision for the use of renewable energy in Ireland, and the role of the Centre for Renewable Energy at Dundalk Institute of Tech (CREDIT).
  435. Susan Stitt. Place Apart, A (1988). A chapter from Mango Joy, a book of poetry and reflections about pioneering in Vanuata and the culture of the South Pacific.
  436. Ernesto Fernandez. Platón, Leonardo y el sistema del Monte Carmelo (2012). The symbolic systems of Plato and Leonardo da Vinci, and their modern architectural representation in the Shrine of the Bab and the slopes of Mount Carmel. Includes English essay "Leonardo and his Vitruvian Man."
  437. Jan T. Jasion. Polish Response to Soviet Anti-Bahá'í Polemics, The (1999 Winter). Response of non-Bahá'í scholars to Marxist-Leninist polemics and attacks on the Bahá'í Faith, in particular the attitude of Polish scholars writing between 1945 and 1988, while Poland was still a 'satellite' of the Soviet Union.
  438. David Langness. Politics of Service, The: Medical Aid to the Philippines (1987). On delivering volunteer hospital services and emergency aid to a corrupted country lacking political stability.
  439. Michael Karlberg. Post-Competitive Human Image, A (2010-12). Science is now challenging old simplistic models of human nature. Attitudes, behaviors, and institutional structures must shift to translate holistic self-understanding into new, interdependent social modes in family, education, and government.
  440. Eleanor S. Hutchens. Power of Prayer, The (1969/1975). Reflections on the purpose of humankind, the nearness of God, the healing power of revealed prayer, and how prayers are answered.
  441. Charles Mason Remey. Power of “The Covenant of God” Alone Regenerates Mankind, The (1913-09-08). Recognition of the centre of the covenant is the important matter before the world today. Includes extracts from a letter to a Bahai assembly in America.
  442. William S. Hatcher. Powerseeking and Ideology (2008). Good and evil are a potential that lie within the heart of each individual; but a believer in an ideology can feel morally justified in perpetrating cruelty towards others, because he sees himself as defending a higher value against an infidel.
  443. Badi Shams. Practical Economic Suggestions For Everyday Use (2021). List of simple ideas for ways people can introduce spiritual values in their day-to-day economic activities.
  444. Badi Shams. Practical Suggestions for Community Service (2021). List of ideas and ways that individuals can volunteer in their communities by finding time to serve in their fast paced lives.
  445. William S. Hatcher. Précis Commentary on One Common Faith (2008). Commentary on the statement ‘One Common Faith’.
  446. Paul Pearsall. President Wilson and the Bahá'í Connection (1988-10). Short overview of myths and facts on the Wilson-Bahá'í connection. Includes addenda on the League of Nations, by Vincent Littrell, and on the Fourteen Points, by Bahram Nadini.
  447. Marzieh Gail. Primer for Bahá'í Assemblies (1944-10). Overview of the Bahá'í political system, and proposals for consultation, assembly functioning.
  448. Erik Blumenthal. Problem Solving in the Family (1995). How can we solve our problems or conflicts? We need to know and put 5 factors into practice: our attitude; mutual respect; understanding each other's motives; changing the 'present agreement' by conscious communication; and mutual cooperation.
  449. Farideh Sobhani-Matejko. Adib Masumian, trans. Professor: A Tribute to Dr. 'Alí-Murád Dávúdí (2022-07). Tribute by a young psychology student in the late 1960s to Dr. ‘Alí-Murád Dávúdí, a philosopher and intellectual giant of the Bahá’í Faith who was later kidnapped by the Islamic regime and never heard from again.
  450. Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in South Africa since 1911 (2007). Overview of the Bahá'í communities in South Africa, 1911-2007.
  451. Gloria A. Faizi. Promise of Lord Krishna, The (1975). Bahá'í fulfillment of Krishna's prophecy of return: "Whenever there is decay of righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth."
  452. Alí-Akbar Furútan. Proofs of the Authenticity of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1974-12). [needs abstract]
  453. Michael W. Sours, Christopher Buck. Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Commentary and Responses (1994). Editorial statement about the nature of Bahá'í scholarship and academic debate, followed by responses from each of the authors.
  454. Moshe Sharon. Prophets and Mountains (2008). Metaphors of mountains and actual mountains in the history of religion; Mount Carmel.
  455. Susan Maneck. Prophets of Mahabad, and Nature of Creation: The Two Questions of Manakji Limji Hataria (2011). Discussion of Baha’u’llah’s letters to Manakji Hataria as found in the Tabernacle of Unity, compiled from an email discussion group archive; the context of the questions and their answers against the background of Ishraqi philosophy.
  456. Darryl French. Protocols in Aboriginal Communities (2002). [needs abstract]
  457. Barney Leith. Pursuing Excellence (2001 Autumn). What is excellence, is it ineffable, how do we recognize it, and how might we pursue it?
  458. Jack McLean. Putative Distinctions Between Apologetics and Scholarship: A Commentary (1993). Response to Christopher Buck's review of Michael Sour's The Prophecies of Jesus, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, on the definitions of apologia and the thought of Paul Tillich.
  459. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Queen Victoria and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (1999).
  460. George Townshend. Questions about the Second Coming (1953). Answers by Townshend to questions asked by the Bahá’ís of Kampala, Uganda about the return of Christ, the Bible, false prophets, the day of judgment, and the trinity.
  461. Ted Brownstein. Qur'an and Violence against Non-believers, The (2017). An examination of two sections of The Qur'an that supposedly authorize the slaughter of innocent non-Muslims.
  462. Orcella Rexford. Radiant Acquiescence (1937-09). "Radiant acquiescence" (ridá') means not only to give up your will to the Divine Will, but to do so joyfully and with radiance, knowing it is the best way in the end.
  463. Rene Quiñonez. Radio Bahá'í del Lago Titicaca, 20 años de historia (2002). Un breve relato sobre los logros de un proyecto de desarrollo socio económico al servicio de los pobladores del altiplano peruano boliviano.
  464. Alí-Akbar Furútan. Raising the Tent of Unity (1970/1972). The year 1844 marked the end of humanity’s childhood and signaled the "coming of age" of the human race. Like a pot of water which has just come to a boil, we are now ready to rid ourselves of enmity and discord, and abide in freedom and security.
  465. Badi Shams. Random Thoughts of a Mystic Economist (2016-2023). Collection of 61 articles published on
  466. Franklin Kahn. Reaching and Teaching the Indians: Clinics and Task Force Discussions #17 (1967-04-27). [needs abstract]
  467. Reality magazine: Volume 1 (1919). Five issues of Vol. 1, May 1919 - September 1919, of a short-lived journal designed to promote "liberal" approaches to the Bahá'í Faith.
  468. Reality magazine: Volume 2 (1919-1920). Twelve issues of Vol. 2, December 1919 - December 1920.
  469. Reality magazine: Volume 5 (1922). Twelve issues of Vol. 5, January 1922 - December 1922.
  470. Romuald Boubou Moyo. Recherche sur les Signes Visibles dans le Ciel de la Venue des Manifestations de Dieu (2019). Les annonces des venues des Manifestations de Dieu dans les écrits saints ont à la fois un sens caché et visible. Quels sont les astres célestes qui ont été observés par les scientifiques à l’avènement du Christianisme, de l’Islam, et de la Foi Baha’ie?
  471. Muriel Handley, John Handley. Recollections of Muriel Handley (1996). Personal history of an early Bahá'í life in Australia.
  472. Peter Terry. Reconciliation of Religions, The: Imperative for the 21st Century (2015). While the 12 principles attributed to 'Abdu'l-Bahá include the harmony of religion with science and reason and the imperative that religion lead to unity, one principle that was at least as prominent is often left out: the reconciliation of religions.
  473. Ismael Velasco. Reconstructing Ridvan (2002-05). Brief historical overview of an event about which the Guardian said the circumstances are "shrouded in an obscurity which future historians will find it difficult to penetrate."
  474. William S. Hatcher. Reconstructing the Academy (2008). Brief response to postmodernism in academia and the "Sokal Hoax." Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  475. Dominic Parvis Brookshaw. References of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words: Introduction (1999). Essay written as introduction to the Compilation on the Hidden Words, both published in BSR 9.
  476. Rod Duncan. Reflections on Climate Change: A Baha'i Response (2010-01). Responses to climate change from members of various religious faiths.
  477. Kamran Ekbal. Rejoinder to Ata Arjomand (2014 Spring). [article in Persian]
  478. Peter J. Khan. Relating the Faith to Current Issues (1986). Short essay outlining an approach to relate the teachings to current thoughts and problems of humanity.
  479. Ali K. Merchant. Religion and Science in the New Millennium: A Bahá'í Perspective (2001-01). An attempt to understand the essential functions of science and religion in human society, building on the work of Stanwood Cobb, William Hatcher and Anjam Khursheed, who have done pioneering research on the unity of religion and science.
  480. Bahá'í International Community. Religion in an Ever-Advancing Civilization (2017). On the unity of humanity and the decline and renewal of religion.
  481. Vargha Taefi. Religion in the Modern World (2016). The problem with organised religion is not that it is organised; the problem is that it is not organised enough. The Baha’i Faith has revolutionised the concept of religion. It offers an alternative to organised religion: "organic faith."
  482. Ahang Rabbani. Religion of Islam (2007). Overview of Islam: law and doctrine, The Qur'an, Hadith, the Five Pillars, Quranic interpretation.
  483. Roger K Doost. Religion, the Bahá'í Faith, and Accounting: Is There a Link? (1997). Summary of discussions in an accounting class about spirituality. As a system that seeks to create balance, order, and justice in human business affairs, the philosophy of accounting is in line with belief in God and Baha’i principles.
  484. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Religions Are One: Warwick Leaflets (1993).
  485. Ali K. Merchant. Religious Challenges in the 21st Century and the Bahá'í Faith (2001-04). Why has religion become suspect in present-day society? Do religious traditions help or hinder community? How does the Golden Rule, which exists in all religions, help build global unity?
  486. Henry H. Jessup. Religious Mission of the English-Speaking Nations, The (1894). The report mentioned by Shoghi Effendi in God Passes By, and often (erroneously) referred to as being one of the first public mentions of the Faith.
  487. Badi Shams. Removing Poverty Through Virtues (2021-09). If humanity has more than enough food and resources for everyone, why do so many live in poverty? Humanity's materialistic rulers have failed to solve this issue. The solutions to extremes of wealth and poverty go beyond economic theories and norms.
  488. Ted Cardell. Report of the International Teaching Team to the Far East (1987). Summary of activities of 36 Bahá'ís who left the United States in November 1987 to visit Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Thailand.
  489. Amaris Podger. Reporting on the Spirit: How the Media Covers Spiritual and Religious Issues (2002 Spring). There is no ideological reason to prevent journalists or media outlets from holding religious opinions or giving voice to them.
  490. Alan Bryson. Responding to an Attack on Humanity (2010-10-18). Reflections on the events of 9/11.
  491. Bahá'í Internet Agency. Responding to Criticism and Opposition on the Internet (2009). Bahá’ís welcome constructive examination of their Faith. While they should not engage in exchanges that are divisive or contentious, Bahá’ís will not hesitate to respond, in a spirit of courtesy and fairness, to serious misrepresentations of their Faith.
  492. Roger Coe. Responsibility of Men in Achieving Equality Between the Sexes, The (1989). Inequality in the relationship between women and men is manifested in the denial of opportunity - or even domination. Both sexes have been conditioned to accept these roles. Men must transform themselves to end this oppression. Audio version included.
  493. Mark A. Foster. Resurrection: A Bahá'í Perspective (1993). Personal reflections and interpretations.
  494. David Langness. Revisiting Vietnam: A Case for Reading "Those War Books" (1986). Brief reviews of a dozen books about the Vietnam war.
  495. Sonja van Kerkhoff. Rewriting the Script: Some thoughts on gender roles and the Bahá'í Teachings (2000). A collection of visual and physical art exploring these themes.
  496. Ali K. Merchant. Rise of the Terrorism and Secessionism in South Asia: A Baha'i Viewpoint (2000). A short article about causes of terrorism, its history in India, understanding the terrorist mindset, and some Bahá'í solutions.
  497. Linda Walbridge. Rituals: An American Bahá'í dilemma (1995). The nature of Bahá'í "Feasts" and related American observances and formalities.
  498. John S. Hatcher. Road Less Travelled By, The (2017). "From the Editor's Desk": Overview of this issue's articles regarding racism and proper responses to it, both among the general population and within the Bahá'í community itself.
  499. Jack Boyd. Road, The: Reflections on Scottish history (2005). Essays on the birth of Scotland, Saint Patrick, William Wallace, Robert Bruce, and Rob Roy MacGregor. Includes photos of Rob Roy's cave, grave, and lands, with notes by a distant descendant of Roy.
  500. Duane L. Herrmann. Robert Hayden and Being Politically Correct (1993-08). Robert Hayden did not bow to or rebel against expectations of political correctness, and regarded his race as "human" rather than "black." He embraced his African-American identity, but did not want to be defined by it.
  501. William S. Hatcher. Role and Function of Bahá'í Institutes in the Life of the Bahá'í Community (2008). Bahá'í training institutes are a wonderful new opportunity for self-development and for sharing our talents with others; their forms and programmes can be diverse.
  502. Muhammad Afnan. Role of the Bahá'í Scholar in Defending the Faith, The (2001 Winter/Spring). The role of apologetics in the Bahá'í Faith is not merely to defend or prove, but to demonstrate that the Faith provides the means for obtaining knowledge of the truth, and to present the truths revealed by the Sacred Writings.
  503. Graeme Russell. Role of the Father in the Family, The (1995). Practical steps to enhance the role of fathers in the family.
  504. John S. Hatcher, Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian. Mark Towfiq, comp. Role of the Scholar: Scholarship and the Covenant (1996-03-31). Essays "The New Role of the Scholar in Bahá'í Society" and "Scholarship and the Covenant."
  505. Benjamin Leiker. Sacred Baha'i Architecture (1999-09). Symbolism and history of Bahá'í temples.
  506. Robert Stockman. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Institutions, Comments on (2001 Winter/Spring). The terms "scholarship" vs "scholar"; relationship between scholarship and faith; relationship with the institutions; scholarship in North America.
  507. John S. Hatcher. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Vision of Reality (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": Understanding the various aspects of reality in contemporary fields of study can be enhanced when approached from a Bahá'í perspective.
  508. Diana Rose Yoka. Scholarship from an Aboriginal Perspective (1996). Scholarship can be demonstrated in our daily lives, through how we interact with each other and put Bahá'u'lláh's admonitions into action; it is not limited to the written word: to have meaning it needs to include experiential learning.
  509. John Parris. Scholarship in the Bahá'í Community (1991). intellectual development in the Bahá'í community; scholarship is an avenue open to all believers and not confined to an elitist few.
  510. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Science and Religion: Warwick Leaflets (1995-10).
  511. Stephen R. Friberg. Science and Technology (1998). Essay written as introduction to the Compilation on Science and Technology, both published in BSR 8.
  512. Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity. Science, Religion and Development: Some Initial Considerations (2008-11-20). An initial set of concepts and principles guiding the exploration of the complementary and constructive contributions that both science and religion must make to processes of social and economic development. [Link to PDF, offsite.]
  513. John B. Cornell. Scientific Approach to Moral Conduct (1946-11). Comparison of Bahá'í teachings on sexual behavior with those presented by a then-current textbook, Personality and the Family (1935).
  514. Arash Abizadeh, Ross Woodman, William S. Hatcher. "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God," by William S. Hatcher: Commentaries and Responses (1997).
  515. Gordon Dicks, Philip Belove, William S. Hatcher. "Scientific Proof of the Existence of God," by William S. Hatcher: Commentaries and Responses (1994).
  516. Shahrokh Monjazeb. Sealed Words, The: A Brief Account of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh's Kitáb-i-Iqán (2005). Overview of the historical context of the Iqán, its themes, and the original manuscript.
  517. Gary L. Matthews. Searching Eye, The: The Independent Investigation of Truth (1989-09). Concepts informing the personal search for truth: the role of faith, the trap of imitation, the role of justice, the impact on unity, the oneness of truth, and the scientific method.
  518. Hedi Moani. Seasons of the Soul: Reflections on "The Seven Valleys of Bahá'u'lláh" - The Valley of Search (1995).
  519. Tamela Rich. Seeking Refuge (2008-10). Essay introducing a community to recently-arrived Iranian refugees fleeing religious persecution in their homeland, where they are denied jobs, education and sometimes their lives. The article shows how difficult it is to start anew in this Sunbelt city.
  520. George Townshend, Swami Vivekananda, Dalai Lama, et al.. Anjam Khursheed, comp. Selected Talks and Statements on Interfaith Issues by Religious Leaders and Scholars (1999). Compilation of addresses to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore; also includes talks by Jonathan Sacks, Abdullah Yusof Ali, Robert Runcie, and Pope John Paul II.
  521. John T. Dale. Semantics of World Government, The (1986). The concept of "world federation" is tied in to a variety of semantic presumptions. The term "self-government" is less authoritarian and individualistic than the term "world government." Includes response by Leonard Godwin.
  522. George Townshend. Seven Valleys of Baha'u'llah: A Meditation (1938).
  523. Glenn Curran. Sex, Drugs, HIV/AIDS and Religion (1995). This paper provides a basic presentation of facts about HIV prevalence, transmission principles, prevention strategies and issues. The second part explores the relationship between HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and religion.
  524. Shiva Tavana. Sexual Equality in the Bahá'í Community (1986). Women are oppressed minorities who often feel isolated, even in Bahá'í communities. Bahá'ís need to explore new models of family life. Includes statistics on the percentages of female members of Bahá'í institutions.
  525. Albert Ross Vail, Emily McLellan Vail. Shining Light from Persia, A (1917). Overview chapter from a religious-studies textbook, written by a sympathetic outsider. This excerpt, from a "teacher's edition" of the book, contains an additional 7 pages of commentary not included in the regular edition.
  526. Marcus Bach. Shoghi Effendi (1957). Dr. Bach set out to meet the five people of his time whom he felt best exemplified the teachings of Jesus Christ. He travelled the world to pursue this aim, interviewing Helen Keller, Pope Pius XII, Albert Schweitzer, Therese Neumann, and Shoghi Effendi.
  527. Glenford Mitchell. Shoghi Effendi: Guide for a New Millennium (1997). The Bahá'í community is a global laboratory in which a transformation in individual and collective behaviour is progressing, leading to a new sense of community and the glimmerings of a new world order.
  528. Short Takes (1986-1988). Brief reports on various topics, mostly related to politics or then-current news, published in 5 issues of dialogue magazine.
  529. Darius Shahrokh. Significance of the Kitab-i-Aqdas (1993). History and background of the Aqdas; circumstances of its revelation; the text itself; authority and infallibility of Bahá'u'lláh; obedience vs. liberty; reward vs. punishment; prophecies; laws and ordinances; maturity of humankind.
  530. Moojan Momen. Significance of the New Millennium (1997-09). Facing a new Millennium, Bahá'ís advocate the goal of increasing unity, peace, and the spiritualisation of our society and our world; the Bahá'í teachings contain a practical programme to attain these objectives.
  531. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Sikhism and the Bahá'í Faith: Warwick Leaflets (1998). Introductory leaflet describing similarities and differences between Bahá'í and Sikh teachings.
  532. Boris Handal. Siyyid Yahyá-i-Dárábí, Entitled Vahíd "The Incomparable" (2023). The Commissioner of Muhammad Sháh; Bahá'u'lláh in Tehran; the episodes of Yazd and Nayríz.
  533. George Starcher. Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring (2001). A condensation of a 130 page joint working paper of the International Labour Office and EBBF. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
  534. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Soil in the Bahá'í Faith (1998-05). Extracts on soil in the Bahá'í Writings and Bahá'í attitudes to nature.
  535. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Space: The Final Frontier?: Warwick Leaflets (1997).
  536. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development (1996-03). The many meanings of "development" and their spiritual aspects.
  537. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Spiritual Inheritors, The (1987). Reflections on growing up Bahá'í, and a report on a conference about capturing the power of the Six Year Plan to focus attention on the role of women in establishing global peace, the destiny of the women of North America, and equality of sexes.
  538. William G. Huitt. Spiritual Nature of a Human Being, The (2000). When individuals combine understandings derived from science, philosophy, and religion with their personal experiences and intuitions they will have a more complete knowledge of the reality of the universe than from any one knowledge system by itself.
  539. Anil Sarwal. Sri Aurobindo Movement and the Bahá'í Faith (2001). Summary historical connections between the two communities.
  540. Moojan Momen. Star Tablet of the Bab, The (2019-10-29). Guest post celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of the Bab with an account of one of the Bahá'í Faith's most important manuscripts, the Star Tablet, written in his own hand.
  541. John S. Hatcher. Still the Most Challenging Issue (2019). "From the Editor's Desk": On race, racism, and the American Bahá'í community.
  542. Nazila Ghanea-Hercock (published as Nazila Ghanea). Striving for Human Rights in an Age of Religious Extremism (2016). Bahá'í perspectives on global human rights law, community duties, religion as a pillar of justice, and the oneness of humanity.
  543. Badi Shams. Study of the Bahá'í Writings on Economics (2021). Annotated compilation on: divine economy, Bahá'í economic system, station of humankind, material civilization, nature of the economic problem, cost of warfare, cooperation vs competition, capitalism, the golden rule, wealth and equality, agriculture.
  544. George Townshend. Sufferings of Bahá'u'lláh and Their Significance, The (1956). Short essay on martyrdom and the Fire Tablet.
  545. Michael McCarron. Sufi and Baha'i Spiritual Practices (2009). Brief overview of some commonalities.
  546. Suicide and the Bahá'í Faith (2003). Inspired by the death of David Kelly, see Prepared by a group of Bahá'í physicians who prefer to remain anonymous.
  547. Daniel C. Jordan. Summary Statement of the ANISA Model (1974). ANISA is a comprehensive educational system defined by specifications which insure its replicability, evaluation, and refinement. Its objectives are the actualization of human potential and explanations of how to achieve them.
  548. Ali Nakhjavani. Supreme Tribunal (Mahkamiy-i-Kubra) (2012). Meaning of "Bahá'í Court" in the writings of the Guardian and how it compares with the General Assembly of the United Nations.
  549. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Surah of God (1992-10). Includes essay about the "Most Great Separation"(1866) and historical events in Bahá'u'lláh's household in the mid-1860s.
  550. Juan Cole. Surih of the Sun (Súriy-i-Vash-Shams): Introduction and Commentary (1994). Overview of a tablet of Bahá'u'lláh touching on matters of interpretation and theology.
  551. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Sustainable Consumption and True Prosperity (1998-11). The problems of consumption and their solutions.
  552. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Sustainable Development and the Environment of the World: An Overview (1997-10).
  553. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Sustainable Development, A Bahá'í View: Warwick Leaflets (1995).
  554. Michael McCarron. Symbolic Cosmology in the Sufi and Bahá'í traditions (1997). Introduction to some meanings of the various realms of God.
  555. Enoch Tanyi. Syrian Prophet(s), The (1991). The Qur'án says there were previous Messengers of God whose names have not been mentioned. Where do they fit into the chronology and timeline of the known Prophets? What could their nationalities have been?
  556. Alison Marshall. Tablet of the 'Light Verse' (Lawh-i-Áyiy-i-Núr), also known as Commentary on the Disconnected Letters: What on earth is a disconnected letter? Baha'u'llah's commentary (1999-07). The meaning of the Arabic letters alif, lam, mim, as explained in Bahá'u'lláh's tablet Tafsir hurufat al-maqatt’ah. Includes List of disconnected letters in the Qur'an and Abjad values of the Arabic letters.
  557. Cynthia C. Shawamreh. Tablet of the Temple (Súratu'l-Haykal): Comparison with the Prophecies of Zechariah (1998-12). Comparison of Bahá'u'lláh's symbol of the Manifestation as "temple" and its analogues from the Hebrew Bible.
  558. Ted Brownstein. Tablet of the True Seeker: Personal Commentary and Reflections (1998). Commentary on a section of the Kitáb-i-Íqan (Book of Certitude).
  559. Edward Price. Taking Care with Translation of Sacred Scripture (2016/2020). Examination of the importance of using reliable translations of the Qur’án. Includes technical discussion of the meanings of Islam, Muslim, and Allah, aspects of the Arabic language, and errors of translation.
  560. Neil Podger. Taxation, Drought and the Golden Rule (1996). Agriculture is basic to human survival; the Bahá'í teachings provide a broad-based way of bringing stability and a planned continuity to the farming enterprise and the communities to which farmers belong.
  561. Ali Nakhjavani. Teaching the Cause of God: A Two-Edged Sword (2011). We cannot separate the spiritual life of the individual from the spiritual life of the community; 18 major themes from Bahá’í Writings and subjects which give us guidance in our independent efforts individually to teach the Faith.
  562. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Terrorism, Freedom from: Warwick Leaflets (1996).
  563. Mamie L. Seto. Tests: Their Spiritual Value (1940). Abdu'l-Bahá's views on the spiritual effects of suffering and trials, and their necessity for personal growth of the soul.
  564. Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow). "The active force and that which is its recipient" (1988). Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender roles.
  565. Juan Cole, Denis MacEoin. "'The Objectivity Question' and Bahá'í Studies: A Reply to MacEoin" and "A Few Words in Response to Cole's 'Reply to MacEoin'" (1991). Two responses to MacEoin's article "Crisis in Bábí and Bahá'í Studies."
  566. Khazeh Fananapazir. 'Thee' and 'thee' in the translation of the Súrih of the Temple (Súriy-i-Haykal) (2003).
  567. Susan Maneck. Theology of Osama bin Laden, The: History and 9/11 (2001-09). Overview of the Muslim thinkers who influenced bin Laden and their motivations, and some historical context.
  568. Adam Thorne. "This Glorious Harvest of Victory: The 1963 World Congress (2012-11). Brief history about the first international Bahá'í congress, including recollections of some participants.
  569. Margaret Ruhe. Thoughts on Marriage, Some (1982). An essay on various aspects of Bahá'í marriage.
  570. Rouha Rose. Thoughts on the City of Certitude (1998-03). Reflections on the 'City of Certitude' referred to in the Bahá'í writings.
  571. Harry Liedtke. Thousand Years Must Elapse: Examining a Tablet by 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2022). Commentary on a tablet by 'Abdu'l-Baha that addresses the present debasement of Persia and its future glory, and the Western world.
  572. Viva Rodwell. Three Ages of Man, The: Are They Integrated? (1996). Childhood, adulthood, old age, and family integration in contemporary culture.
  573. Esther Bradley-DeTally. Three Bahá'í Voices (1988). Personal stories about addiction, alcoholism, and spiritual growth through a then-new group called "Bahá'ís in Recovery." Includes letter from Dann Irish introducing the Bahá'ís in Recovery Program.
  574. Jack McLean. To Russia with Love: Journal of a Member of the Quddus Team (1990/2018). Journal of a visit through Moscow, Kiev, and Levov in August 1990 by the four travel teachers Shamsi Sedagat, Ann Clavin, Leo Misagi, and Jack McLean.
  575. Rick Schaut. Toward a Bahá'í Economic Model (1995-10). Summary of three positive statements which might form the basis for a Bahá'í economic model.
  576. Anna C. Vakil. Toward a Development Ethics (1987). Development issues from a North American perspective, informed by time spent pioneering in the Caribbean and the writings of Paulo Freire, and how to bring such issues to the attention of the Bahá'í community.
  577. Ian C. Semple. Towards a Spiritual Civilization (2001). Three methods to achieve the spiritualization of humankind: perpetual striving to draw closer to God in mind, action and spirit; the fundamental work of teaching the Message and building the Administrative Order; and participation in humanitarian service.
  578. Iscander Micael Tinto. Transformation (2013). The concept of transformation — the change of something's condition, nature, or character, such as the growth of the human soul or the evolution of civilization — is the cornerstone of each Dispensation and its renewal of spiritual energy.
  579. Anthony Lee. Translating Rumi (2016 Summer). Reflections on the challenge for a translator to bring a poem from one language and culture into another, while remaining true to both the spirit and the meaning of the original. Includes samples of Rumi's poetry.
  580. Brent Poirier. Twin Covenants of the Bahá'í Faith (1998). Nature of the "Twin Covenants" of the Bahá'í Faith — those of Bahá'u'lláh and of Abdu'l-Bahá; includes compilation of relevant quotations.
  581. Anonymous. Two Comings of Messiah as Foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures (n.d.). [needs abstract]
  582. Ismael Velasco. "Two Great Powers" in the Lawh-i Maqsud (2014). On the identity of the two countries that arose against the followers of Moses, referenced by Bahá'u'lláh — likely Russia and France or Russia and Germany.
  583. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Hasan Elías, trans. Una llama de fuego (2013). Traducido de "Flame of Fire: The Tablet of Ahmad."
  584. Jack McLean. Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections (1999). 85 literary and theological existential essays on topics such as poetry, scripture, philosophy, spirituality, love, detachment, mysticism, joy, death, and theology.
  585. Moojan Momen. Understanding Bahá'í History: Introduction to the study of history (2013-03). Video and transcript, prepared for the Wilmette Institute, about how to approach and understand the study of history, biases of eyewitnesses, and the subjective construction of facts.
  586. David Hornsby, Jane Clark. Unity of Humanity, The: An Interview with Professor Todd Lawson (2016). Biography of Lawson and his personal interests in the Qur'an and the Bahá'í Faith, discussion of contemporary Western approaches to Islam, and commentary on current world affairs and hope for the future. (Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.)
  587. Stanwood Cobb. Unity of Nations, The (1938). A look six decades into the future (from 1938) to envision the Lesser Peace.
  588. Albert Ross Vail, Emily McLellan Vail. Unity of Nations, The (1970). A meditation on Bahá'í-inspired themes of peace and the betterment of society. Does not mention the Faith.
  589. Shahin Vafai. Universal House of Justice: Significance, Origin, Authority, and Election, The (2005).
  590. David Friedman. Unknown Hour, The (1998). Christians believe the Bible does not specify the time of Christ's return, but the Bahá'í teachings are that an exact year, 1844, is indicated in the Bible for the time of the Second Coming.
  591. Deborah Clark Vance. Us and Them: Understanding Cultural Identity (2002-08). Identity formation and cultural identities are an important part of who we are, but we need to be aware that intergroup prejudices can obstruct mutual understanding.
  592. Susan Gammage. Using the Names of God for Healing: List of 405 Names of God (2012-11-19). Short essay on using the names in healing prayer; long list of names of God culled from the "Long Healing Prayer" and from Ruhiyyih Khanum's The Desire of the World.
  593. Carol R. Goodrich, Rob Leavitt, David Langness, Larry Doyle. Various essays (1986-1988). Five unrelated items: "The Philippines: Catholic Priests Detained and Murdered," "Two Halves Are Better Than One," "Vision Quest," "Emerging From...", and a Pogo comic mentioning Bahá'í Naw Ruz.
  594. Susan Gammage. Various Essays (2013-2018/2023). 47 short essays on following the teachings and living a Bahá'í life, life coaching and counselling, recovery from substances or abuse, family matters, dreams, elections, debt, abortion, and more. Includes bios of Bruce Matthews and Caroline Lehmann.
  595. Shirley Macias. Verse of Light, the Sadratu'l-Muntahá (Divine Lote Tree), and the Unfoldment of God's Plan, The (1991). Relationship of a key mystical Quranic verse, Súrih 24:35, to Bahá'í theology; includes a brief compilation of Bahá'í Writings about the Lote Tree.
  596. John S. Hatcher. Vision of the Future, A (2016). "From the Editor's Desk": Introductory notes to JBS volume 26:4, announcing that JBS is now free for sharing, with new articles posted freely online.
  597. Guy Murchie. Visit to Persia, A (1965 March/April). Notes from travels to Bahá'í holy places in Iran in 1964, on a trip made with special permission from the House of Justice; includes descriptions of the architecture of the house and shop of the Bab, the birthplace of Bahá'u'lláh, and the Síyáh Chál.
  598. Philip Sidersky, S. K. Braun. Visit to the Prophet of Persia, A (1902-10). Interview with Mirza Abu'l-Fadl-i-Gulpaygani in Washington, D.C., 1901.
  599. Joyce Baldwin. Walking the Spiritual Path with Both Feet Planted Firmly on the Ground (2016). Overview of the life of a Bahá'í native from indigenous-Tsimshian ancestry, who pioneered to Alaska and a reserve in Washington, and member of the LSA of Arcata, California. Includes reflections on teaching to Natives.
  600. John A. Davidson, Christine Wood. Walking the Tight-rope of Parenthood (1995). Description of a Bahá'í parenting program created by a "Marriage and Family Development" committee.
  601. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Warwick Leaflets (1989-2020). A series of brochures for seekers and new Bahá'ís explaining basic Bahá'í teachings.
  602. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Way to World Peace, The: Warwick Leaflets (2015).
  603. Ali Keshtgar. Ahang Rabbani, trans. We Are All Iranian Bahá'ís! (2008-08-15). The Hojjatieh Society, Nobel Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, human rights, and defending Bahá'ís. Includes Persian text.
  604. Aodhan Floyd. Web and Weft of Civilisation: Art and Learning in the Bahá'í Community (2002). One of the challenges of the 5 Year Plan (2001-2006) is enhancing the relationship between education and art. Learning through the arts can enrich communities and help integrate societies. Education is the most effective way to shape values.
  605. Hussein Ahdieh. What Did They Die For? (2019-08-28). Reflections on the Bahá'ís of Iran, the discrimination and brutality they have faced, and how their plight brought the faith out of obscurity.
  606. Jonah Winters. What is a Content Management System? (2003-08). A brief overview of the technology underlying the Bahá'í Library Online circa 2003, and why this technology represents the next step in the Internet's evolution [since this essay was written, the term Web 2.0 has been popularized for said "next step"].
  607. Roberta Law. What is Baha'u'llah's Message to the Sufis? (1998-02). Nature of Sufism and Bahá'u'lláh's teachings for the Sufi community, especially as contained in the Seven Valleys.
  608. Ali K. Merchant. What is Religious Humanism: A Bahá'í Viewpoint (2000-07). Religious institutions are often viewed as irrelevant to the concerns of the modern world. Apparent differences don't disprove the essential unity of religion, or its teaching that humans are essentially good and have a purpose in life.
  609. Ismael Velasco. Who Was Archangel, the Potowatami Woman on Whose Land the Wilmette Temple Was Built? (2011). Brief investigation into the surname "Ouilmette" (Wilmette), and the identity of a Native American girl named Archangel whose home was at one time on this point of land.
  610. Wm. Keith Bookwalter. Who Was Daniel Jordan?: A Tribute (1992/2023). Detailed overview of the life and thought of Dr. Jordan, philosopher and educator.
  611. Robert Weinberg. Who Was Thomas Breakwell? (1997-08). Brief biography of the first English Bahá'í and an individual central in early European Bahá'í community.
  612. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Why Are We Here: Meaning of Life: Warwick Leaflets (2003).
  613. Vladimir Chupin. Why There are No Women in the Universal House of Justice (2011). Upon learning that it is forbidden to elect women to the Universal House of Justice, many people become puzzled, given the Faith's strong emphasis on the equality of the sexes. This essay offers some perspectives.
  614. Jack McLean. Why We Need Bahá'í Theology (1995). A short definition of theology, its relationship with scholarship in general, and the role of apologetics.
  615. Miriam Dixson. Women and Religious Change: A case study in the colonial migrant experience (2000). The story of Margaret Dixson, and one woman's growth from Anglicanism, via numerology and astrology, to commitment to the world ideals of the Bahá'í Faith.
  616. Kathleen Dillon. Women in Martyrdom: Parallels of Passio Perpetuae and Martyrdom in the Baha'i Faith (2000). Accounts of female martyrs in early Christianity and revolutionary Iran.
  617. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. World Citizenship: Warwick Leaflets (1996).
  618. R. L. Bridgman. World Organization Secures World Peace (1904-04). While this paper does not mention the Bahá'í Faith, it is an interesting snapshot, and history of, early movements paralleling or even preceding Bahá'í teachings.
  619. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. World Peace: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2009).
  620. Auguste Henri Forel. World Vision of a Savant, The (1928). Ruminations on the nature of the human brain, causes of racism, how to stop wars, the meaning of "God," and Bahá'í principles.
  621. Roberta Law. Wrathful God of Martin Luther and Baha'u'llah: Tablet of Ahmad-i-Farsi and Martin Luther (A comparison) (1998-04). Comparison of the theologies of Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Ahmad (Persian) and early Protestantism.
  622. Fazel Naghdy. Yerrinbool Bahá'í School and the Australian Bahá'í Community (1996).
  623. Juan Cole. Zen Gloss on Baha'u'llah's Commentary on "He who knoweth his self knoweth his Lord", A (1996). A Buddhist interpretation of themes in Bahá'u'lláh's tablet on Islamic mysticism and a saying about knowing one's self.
  624. Darius Shahrokh. Zoroaster: Baha'u'llah's Ancestor (1992). Overview of Zoroastrianism, its place in the history of revelation, and its writings.
  625. Ali Kuli Khan. Zoroaster: The Prophet of Ancient Iran and His Book, the Zend Avesta (1945-08-30).
  626. Ilyas Fatkulov. Vladimir Chupin, ed. Религии мира о гомосексуализме: обзор учений Индуизма, Иудаизма, Буддизма, Зороастризма, Сикхизма, Христианства, Ислама, Веры бахаи (2012-05-17). Краткий обзор точек зрения мировых религий на гомосексуальные отношения.
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