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1892 (In the year) `Abdu'l-Bahá rented the house now known as the Pilgrim House (or the "Tea House") at Bahjí from its Christian owner Iskandar Hawwá', the husband of `Údí Khammár's daughter Haní. [DH114, 226] Bahji Abdul-Baha, Life of; Pilgrim Houses; Pilgrim House, Bahji; Tea House; Udi Khammar; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre
1948 (In the year) The owners of a house near the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh fled and the house became government property. [DH226]
  • Shoghi Effendi restored the house and made it a pilgrim house. [DH226]
  • He acquired the title in about 1956 as part of the exchange of the Ein Gev properties. [DH226]
  • See The Limited Times 11Nov22 for a history of the Ein Gev properties.
  • Bahji Bahaullah, Shrine of; House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Pilgrim Houses; Pilgrim house, Bahji; Restoration
    1956. c. 1956 Shoghi Effendi acquired the title to the Pilgrim House at Bahjí from the Israeli government as part of the exchange for the Bahá'í properties at Ein Gev. [BBD177; DH226] Bahji; BWC; Haifa Pilgrim House, Bahji; Pilgrim Houses; Purchases and exchanges
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