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1962 autumn A property was acquired outside of Gwalior, India, for a teaching institute. [DM192]
  • The institute was later converted into a boarding hostel solely for Indian children and still later into the ‘Rabbani School', now an accredited agricultural school. [DM192–3; VV82]
  • Gwalior; India Teaching institutes; Rabbani School; Bahai schools; Social and economic development
    1964 Apr The Universal House of Justice, in its message of 24 April, 1964 called for the acquisition of thirty-two Teaching Institutes during the Nine Year Plan (1964-1973) in areas where there was large-scale teaching. BWC Teaching Institutes; Nine Year Plan (1964-1973)
    1975 2 May The first teaching institute of the Bahamas took place in Nassau. [BW16:207] Nassau; Bahamas Teaching institutes; Firsts, Other; Islands
    1981 26 Nov The inauguration of Radio Bahá'í Peru at Chucuito near Puno on the shore of Del Lago Titicaca (Lake Titicaca). [Mess63-86p510]
  • Its associated teaching institute was completed for use soon thereafter, going immediately into intensive service.
  • At one point in the 80's they were broadcasting at 1 kw on the medium-wave for ten hours per day in.the Spanish, Quechua and Aymara languages. [BW18p111]
  • See also Bahá'í News May, 1987.
  • Picture of the site.
  • Puno; Peru Bahai radio; Teaching Institutes; Bahai-owned radio
    1984 Naw-Rúz The inauguration of Radio Bahá'í of Bolivia on the medium-wave band at Caracollo, Bolivia. Construction of the new station and its associated Teaching Institute was completed in January 1984 and inaugurated on March 21, the Baha'i new year Naw-Ruz. [Mess63-86p619]
  • A country-wide radio production and broadcasting programme began in 1983 as prelude to opening of the station. [BW18p111]
  • The radio station reaches a region in Bolivia and Peru encompassing more than four hundred Local Spiritual Assemblies. Its mission is the socioeconomic development of the indigenous Bahá'ís in that region. Farsheed Ferdowsi and his brothers provided partial funding for this project in memory of their father, Fatollah Ferdowsi. To their pleasant surprise, the National Spiritual Assembly of Bolivia decided to name the Teaching Institute after him. [The Ferdowsi Institute]
  • Caracollo; Bolivia Bahai radio; Teaching Institutes; Bahai-owned radio
    1986. 31 Jan The announcement of the inaugural broadcast of Radio Bahá'í Panama. [Mess63-86p710]
  • It was situated in the Chiriqui area of western Panama as part of the Guaymi Educational Centre complex at Soloy.
  • Also see One Country.
  • See BWNS1462 for a story on how this radio station served the community during the 2020 pandemic.
  • Boca del Monte; Panama Bahai radio; Teaching Institutes; Bahai-owned radio
    1988 Oct One hundred and twenty people in Hong Kong and 280 in Macau become Bahá'ís as a result of teaching institutes. [BINS189:8]
  • A later report stated that more than 600 people in Macau had become Bahá'ís. [BINS194:3]
  • Hong Kong; Macau Teaching Institutes; Mass conversion
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