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"Graham Hassall"

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Graham Hassall

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  1. 100 Years of the Bahá'í Faith in Europe. Seena Fazel, Graham Hassall. (1998) Overview of the first 100 years of the Bahá'í Faith in Europe, including growth and the distinctive aspects of this community, external affairs, the role of women, and Bahá'í studies. Articles.
  2. Accessing literature on the Bahá'í Faith: Emerging search technologies and recent results. Graham Hassall. (2007) Survey of search technologies that can be used to find documentation on the Bahá'í religion, and a summary of results of such searches for the period 2003-2006. Articles.
  3. Ambassador at the Court: The Life and Photography of Effie Baker. Graham Hassall. (1999) Extensive biography of Effie Baker, an early Australian Bahá'í. Biographies.
  4. Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání: Review. Graham Hassall. (1991) Reviews.
  5. Australia: History of the Bahá'í Faith. Graham Hassall. (1998) Short history of the Bahá'í community of Australia. Encyclopedia.
  6. Australian Women and Religious Change: Margaret Dixson and the First Melbourne Baha'is. Graham Hassall. (1988) Women played an important role in the initial spread and development of the Bahá’í Faith in Australia. In doing so, they struggled to break the bounds that traditionally defined women's place in the life and organization of a religious community. Biographies.
  7. Bahá'í Communities by Country: Research Notes. Graham Hassall. Jonah Winters, ed. (2000) Brief notes on the history of Bahá'í activities and the dates of NSA formation in Africa, China, Australia, and elsewhere. Essays.
  8. Bahá'í Communities in the Asia-Pacific: Performing Common Theology and Cultural Diversity on a 'Spiritual Axis'. Graham Hassall, William Barnes. (1998-07) The idea of a ‘spiritual axis' between the Bahá'ís of the northern and southern regions of the Asia-Pacific both served to establish closer relations between them, and raise consciousness of the barriers impeding their close relations. Articles-unpublished.
  9. Bahá'í Community of Randwick: A Survey of 75 Years. Graham Hassall. (1999) History of the Bahá'í community of Randwick, Australia. Articles.
  10. Baha'i country notes: Australia. Graham Hassall. (1997) Resources.
  11. Bahá'í country notes: Africa. Graham Hassall. (1999) Resources.
  12. Bahá'í country notes: China. Graham Hassall. (1997) History of the Bahá'í community in China. Resources.
  13. Bahá'í country notes: Egypt. Graham Hassall. (1997) History of Bahá'ís in Egypt from 1860s to 1961 referencing early merchant settlements, Abdu'l-Bahá's visits, the Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said and national communities plus persecutions, court decisions, and the Presidential anti-Bahá'í decree 263 of 1960. Resources.
  14. Bahá'í Faith in Australia: 75 Years Remembered. Graham Hassall. (1995-06) An overview of the development of the Bahá'í Faith in Australia from its origins up to the mid-1990s; House of Worship in Sydney; the journal Herald of the South; Clara and Hyde Dunn and other early believers. Articles.
  15. Bahá'í Faith in Australia 1947-1963. Graham Hassall. (1996) Major episodes in the evolution of the Australian Bahá'í community during the years 1947-1963, noting the way in which religious communities can transform over time; the temple in Sydney; the 10-year world crusade; aboriginal Bahá'ís. Articles.
  16. Bahá'í Faith in Hong Kong. Graham Hassall. (1998) Extensive and detailed overview of the history of the Bahá'í community in Hong Kong. Articles-unpublished.
  17. Bahá'í Faith in Tasmania 1923-1963. Graham Hassall. (1995) Early history of the Bahá'í community of Tasmania. Articles-unpublished.
  18. Bahá'í Faith in the Asia Pacific: Issues and Prospects. Graham Hassall. (1996) The development of the diverse Bahá'í Communities in the Pacific Islands since the launching of the World Crusade (1953-63); patterns of expansion; the changing role of the pioneer. Articles.
  19. Bahá'í Faith, The. Graham Hassall. (2009) Encyclopedia.
  20. Bahá'í History in the Formative Age: The World Crusade 1953-1963. Graham Hassall. (1995) The major features of the Bahá'í 'World Crusade' 1953-1963; thoughts about the contemporary practice of historical Bahá'í scholarship; the guardianship and evolution of the Universal House of Justice; United Nations and the Bahá'í International Community. Articles.
  21. Bahá'í House of Worship, The: Localization and Universal Form. Graham Hassall. (2012) On the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in Bahá'í thought and practice; interplay between the universal specifications for this architectural form and its enculturation in regional settings: European, African, Oceanic, Asian, and American. Articles.
  22. Baker, Euphemia Eleanor. Graham Hassall. (1996) Short biography of an early Australian Bahá'í. Biographies.
  23. Collective Security within Reach by Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing: Review. Graham Hassall. (2013) Reviews.
  24. Community Histories, by Richard Hollinger: Review. Graham Hassall. (1995) Reviews.
  25. Contemporary Governance and Conflict Resolution: A Bahá'í Reading. Graham Hassall. (1999) The Bahá'í Writings provide the foundations for a "critique of modernity" at the same time that they suggest possible paths to the future, in particular in conflict resolution. Articles.
  26. Dunn, Clara and Hyde. Graham Hassall. (2000-01) Biography of two early Bahá'í teachers and pioneers. Biographies.
  27. Dunn, Clara and John Henry Hyde. Graham Hassall. (2009) On the couple who went to Australia in 1920 in response to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s call for worldwide expansion of the Bahá’í Faith and firmly established it in the Antipodes, designated Hands of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi. Encyclopedia.
  28. Failure of the Tommy Kabu Movement, The: A Reassessment of the Evidence. Graham Hassall. (1991-03) The rise and fall of Koivi-Aua, better known as Tom Kabu (1922?-1969), an influential local innovator and "proto-nationalist" leader in colonial Papua New Guinea and the first Papuan Bahá'í. Biographies.
  29. Fazel Mohammad Khan. Graham Hassall. (1999) The life of Fazel "Frank" Khan, an Australian Muslim convert to the Bahá'í Faith. Biographies.
  30. First and Finest: John Henry and Clara Hyde Dunn in Australia. Graham Hassall. (1985-07) Introduction of the Bahá'í Faith to Australia and New Zealand. Articles.
  31. H. Collis Featherstone. Graham Hassall. (1990-10) Biography of a prominent Australian Bahá'í and Hand of the Cause of God. Biographies.
  32. Harold and Florence Fitzner: Knights of Bahá'u'lláh to Portuguese Timor. Graham Hassall. (1994) Harold Thomas Fitzner (1893–1969) and his wife Florence (c. 1906-1980) were early South Australian Bahá'ís who pioneered to Portuguese Timor during the Ten Year Crusade; Harold was also involved in the publication of Herald of the South. Biographies.
  33. Hilda Brooks and the Australian Bahá'í Community. Graham Hassall. (1989) The role played by Hilda Margaret Brooks (1896-1969) in the development of the Australian Bahá'í Community. Biographies.
  34. Hoahania, Hamuel. Graham Hassall. (1999) Short biography of an early Pacific islander convert to the Bahá'í Faith. Biographies.
  35. International Conference on Bahá'í Libraries and Archives. Graham Hassall, ed. (2003-01) Conference convened at Landegg International University for people to share experiences, learn about best practices, and begin developing a structure for world interaction among those who handle and organize Bahá’í library and archival materials. Archives.
  36. Mirza Hossein R. Touty: First Baha'i Known to Have Lived in the Philippines. Graham Hassall, Orwin Austria. (2000-01) Touty was a Bahá'í who stayed in the Philippines for about five years (1921-26), teaching the Faith to Filipinos. Biographies.
  37. Modelling Human Rights Education: A View from the Pacific. Graham Hassall. (1997-11) For Bahá'ís to be successfully involved in the promotion of human rights development, they will have to decide what their model of 'human rights' is, and how to deal with the variant conceptions of human rights already held across the Asia-Pacific region. Essays.
  38. Modes and Intentions of Biography, The. Graham Hassall. (2008) A look at the individual in the context of the community, through the different lenses of documentary, hagiological, and critical modes of biography. Articles.
  39. Mr Faizi and Mr Furútan in Australia: The Yerrinbool tapes. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí, Alí-Akbar Furútan. Graham Hassall, ed. (2000) Lengthy talks of Hands of the Cause A.Q. Faizi and A.A. Furútan in Australia at the Yerrinbool summer school. Histories.
  40. National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation. Graham Hassall. (2000-01) Resources.
  41. Notes on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions in Russia and its territories. Graham Hassall. (1993) Overview of the history of Bábí and Bahá'í communities in Russia and Russian territories. Articles.
  42. Obituary: James Heggie. Graham Hassall. (1999) The life and work of Heggie (1915-1992), a prominent Australian Bahá'í and long-term member and secretary of the Australian National Spiritual Assembly. Biographies.
  43. Origins of the Bahá'í Community of Canada 1898-1948, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard: Review. Graham Hassall. (1997) Reviews.
  44. Origins of the Bahá'í Faith in the Pacific Islands: The Case of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands. Graham Hassall. (2006) The introduction of the Bahá’í Teachings to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands in the 1950s and the consequent disturbance of the delicate church-state relationship operating at that time. Similar interactions may have occurred in other colonial environments. Articles.
  45. Outpost of a World Religion: The Bahá'í Faith in Australia 1920-1947. Graham Hassall. (1991-06) An updated version of a paper published in two places. Articles.
  46. Pacific Bahá'í Communities 1950-1964. Graham Hassall. (1992) Detailed overview of the history of Bahá'ís in Pacific island states. Articles.
  47. Persian Bahá'ís in Australia. Graham Hassall. (1989) Overview of the history and modern activities (ca. 1989) of the Persian Bahá'í community in Australia. Articles.
  48. Racial Unity: An Imperative for Social Progress, by Richard Thomas: Review. Graham Hassall. (1997) Reviews.
  49. Reference Desk, The: Projects that Support Bahá'í Scholarship in the Digital Age. Graham Hassall, ed. (2022) 13 presentations on how digital technologies are supporting Bahá’í scholarship. Webmasters, bibliographers, genealogists, and archivists speak about their journey in reference projects: origins, progress, and insights into how their projects are used. Presentations.
  50. Religion and Proto-Nationalism: Apelis Mazakmat and 'traces of mild sectarian strife' in New Ireland. Graham Hassall. (2001-02) The career of Apelis Mazakmat, the first native Bahá'í in Papua New Guinea, set against the complex period of rapid social change in New Ireland after World War II. Biographies.
  51. Religious Freedom in the Asia Pacific: The Experience of the Bahá'í Community. Graham Hassall. (1998-11) Some aspects of the Bahá'í Community's approach to one human rights initiative, the "Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief." Articles.
  52. Rights to Human and Social Development: A Survey of the Activities of the Bahá'í International Community. Graham Hassall. (2001) BIC contributions to thinking about human rights and social development have centered on 6 themes: a global complex systems approach, oneness of humanity, role of religious belief, primacy of education, values-based approach, and effectiveness of the U.N. Articles.
  53. Self and Society: Biography and Autobiography in Baha'i Literature. Graham Hassall. (1999) On some of the 'moral implications' in writing biography in a Bahá'í perspective; the modes, intentions, and problems of Bahá'í biography. Biographies.
  54. Seventy Five Years of the Bahá'í Faith in Victoria, Australia. Graham Hassall. (1998-12) History of the Bahá'í community of Victoria, Australia. Articles-unpublished.
  55. State and Society: Implications of the Most Holy Book. Graham Hassall. (1996) The purpose of law is for the order of the world and the security of people; the Kitáb-i-Aqdas reinstates authority and renews the linkages between society, law, virtue, and spirituality; the situation in future Bahá'í states. Articles.
  56. Thelma Perks. Graham Hassall. (1998) Perks (1901-1988) was a prominent Australian Bahá'í who served at various times on the National Spiritual Assembly of Australia, and as an inaugural Auxiliary Board member and later Continental Counselor. Biographies.
  57. Who Is Writing the Future?: Summary outline. Graham Hassall. (1999) Summary of the BIC statement "Who is Writing the Future: Reflections on the Twentieth Century" Study.
  58. World Bahá'í Bibliography, A: Project Proposal and Prospectus. Graham Hassall. (2003-09) Bibliographies.
  59. Yerrinbool Bahá'í School 1938 - 1988: An Account of the First Fifty Years. Graham Hassall. (1988) History of an early Australian Bahá'í school. Articles.
  60. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1999. Graham Hassall. (2000) Overview of worldwide Bahá'í scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1999; includes a progress report on the growth of the Bahá'í Library Online. Resources.
  61. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1997. Graham Hassall. (1998-04-10) Overview of worldwide Bahá'í scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1997. Resources.
  62. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1998. Graham Hassall. (1999-04-02) Overview of worldwide Bahá'í scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1998. Resources.
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