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c. 1812 Birth of Mullá Muhammad-`Alíy-i-Zanjání, Hujjat. Iran Hujjat; Births and deaths
c. 1813 Birth of Muhammad Husayn-i-Bushrú'í (Mullá Husayn).
  • See Light of Faith: A collection of stories by Paris Sadeghzadeh and Behnam Golmohammadi p20-29.
  • Bushrui; Iran Mulla Husayn; Births and deaths; Letters of the Living
    1815 (Dates undetermined) Early history of the House of the Báb

  • RoB4p240 states that the Báb's father, Áqá Mírzá Muhammad Ridá bought the House, however, the family records show that it was an inheritance. [MBBA162]
  • The Báb (Alí Muhammad) was born there 20th of October, 1819.
  • With the passing of His father He and his mother, Fatimah Bagum, relocated to the home of her brother Hájí Mírzá Siyyid ‘Alí, possibly about 1824 or later.
  • Shiraz; Iran Bab, House of (Shiraz); Aqa Mirza Muhammad Rida; Fatimih Bagum; Haji Mirza Siyyid Ali
    1817 (In the year) Shaykh Ahmad traveled to Persia and visits Shíráz and Tihrán. He was in Tihrán when Bahá'u'lláh is born. [DB13] [key] Shiraz; Tihran; Iran Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahsai; Shaykhism; Bahaullah, Birth of; Bahaullah, Life of
    c. 1817 Birth of Hand of the Cause Mullá Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikání (Hájí Amín), in Ardikán, near Yazd. Ardikan; Yazd; Iran Haji Amin (Abul-Hasan-i-Ardikani); Hands of the Cause; Births and deaths
    1817 (In the year) The birth of Fátimih Umm-Salamih, Táhirih (the Pure One), Qurratu'l-'Ayn (Solace of the Eyes), Zarrín-Táj (Crown of Gold). [BBD220; GPB7, 73, 75; DB81note2]
  • In BBRSM16 her name was given as Fátimih Bigum Baragháni and birth year is 1814.
  • See Light of Faith: A collection of stories by Paris Sadeghzadeh and Behnam Golmohammadi p67-78.
  • Qazvin; Iran Tahirih; Births and deaths; Letters of the Living
    1817 12 Nov Birth of Mírzá Husayn `Alíy-i-Núrí (Bahá'u'lláh) in Tehran, called by Him the "Land of Tá" (Ard-i-Tá). [Bahá'í Encyclopedia Project]
  • He was of royal Persian blood, a descendant of Zoroaster and the Sásáníyán kings of Persia through Yazdigird III, the last king of that dynasty. Through His mother He was a descendant of Abraham through Katurah and Jesse. [BW8:874; GPB94; RB1:305]
  • He was born in Tihrán in the district t know as Darvázih-Shimran (Shimran Gate). This district has become know as Mahalyih Arabhá (the Arab quarter.) His father was Mírzá `Abbás whose ancestral home is Tákur in the province of Núr. His father was also known as Mírzá Buzurg in royal circles. [BKG13; RB1:7]
  • His mother was Khadíjih Khánum. [BBD127; BBRSM57–8]
  • He was born at dawn. [LOG353; DB12]
  • For biblical reference see LOG378.
  • RB1:304 for extracts from Shoghi Effendi re: His station.
  • BBD39, GPB157–8 for a condensed history.
  • See GPB93-99 for the significance of Bahá'u'lláh's station.
  • Tihran; Nur; Iran Bahaullah, Birth of; Bahaullah, Childhood of; Bahaullah, Life of; Twin Holy days; Holy days; Mirza Buzurg; Khadijih Khanum; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Bahaullah, Basic timeline; Births and deaths; Zoroaster; Abraham
    1818 May Birth of Mullá Zaynu'l-`Ábidín (Zaynu'l-Muqarrabín), Apostle of Bahá'u'lláh, in Najafábád. Najafabad; Iran Zaynul-Muqarrabin (Mulla Zaynul-Abidin); Apostles of Bahaullah; Births and deaths
    1819 (In the year) Death of Shaykh `Alí, son of Shaykh Ahmad. Shaykh Ahmad considered this loss as a sacrifice for `the Alí whose advent we all await'. [MH24] [key] Iran Shaykh Ali; Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahsai; Births and deaths; Sacrifice; Shaykhism
    1819–1831 `Abdu'lláh Páshá became the governor of `Akká in 1819. In 1832 when the Egyptians took `Akká he surrendered and was taken to Egypt. He was freed in 1840 when the area reverted to Turkish rule. [BBD5] [key] Akka; Palestine; Israel; Egypt Abdullah Pasha; Governors; History (general)
    1819 20 Oct Birth of Siyyid `Alí-Muhammad (The Báb), before dawn, in Shíráz. [B32; GH13; DB14, 72]
  • The Primal Point (Nuqtiy-i-Úlá). [BBD185]
  • The Promised One of Islam, the Qá'im. [BBD188]
  • Siyyid-i-dhikr (Lord of Remembrance). [BBD212]
  • His mother was Fátimih-Bagum. [Bab33, 46; KBWB20; RB2:382]
    • In the latter years of her life while she was living in Iraq, Bahá'u'lláh instructed two of His devoted followers, Hájí Siyyid Javád-i-Karbilá'í and the wife of Hájí 'Abdu'l-Majíd-i-Shírází, to acquaint her in the principles of the Faith and she became aware of the bountiful gifts which God had conferred upon her. [DB191]
  • His father was Mírzá Muhammad Ridá. [BW4:234–5; LOG351; SE206; TN4]
  • He was a direct heir of the House of Háshim and descended thus from Muhammad and through Him from Abraham. [BW8:874]
  • Designations of the Báb include `Abdu'dh-dhikr (Servant of the Remembrance), Bábu'lláh (the Gate of God) and Hadrat-i-A`lá (His Holiness the Most Exalted One). [BBD1, 30, 93]
  • For biblical reference see LOG378. See RB1:304 for extracts from Shoghi Effendi re: His station.
  • See BBD39, GPB157–8 for a condensed history.
  • See Bab32 and TN4 for discussion of the date of His father's death
  • See DB28–30. See DB75 for the extent of His schooling. See DB75 n1 for his education.
  • Also see Light of Faith: A collection of stories by Paris Sadeghzadeh and Behnam Golmohammadi p15-18.
  • Shiraz; Iran Bab, Birth of; Bab, Life of; Bab, Family of; Fatimih Bagum; Mirza Muhammad Rida; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Bab, Basic timeline; Holy days; Twin Holy days; Births and deaths
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