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date | event | tags | firsts |
1955 31 Dec - 1 Jan
195- |
Teachers at Beaulac Winter School were Roger White, Ottawa, who led a discussion on "The Way Home" based on the Seven Valleys and Douglas Martin whose course was entitled "The Emphasis is on the Individual". [CBN No 73 Feb 1956 p4] | Beaulac, QC; Douglas Martin; Roger White; Winter schools | |
1955 Dec
195- |
It was reported in the Canadian Bahá'í News that the Hamilton Spiritual Assembly received its official incorporation papers "some little time ago". One of the goal of the Ten-Year Crusade was to have nineteen incorporated assemblies in Canada. [CBN No 71 Dec 1955 p4] | Hamilton, ON; Local Spiritual Assembly, incorporation | |
1955 Dec
195- |
National Spiritual Assembly member Allan Raynor went on pilgrimage. Upon his return to Canada, he travelled across the country sharing his pilgrimage and stressing the importance of the Guardianship and firmness in the Bahá'í Covenant. [UC58] | Allan Raynor; Haifa, Israel; Pilgrimage | |
1955 25 Nov
195- |
Plans for structural changes in the Hazira were approved in principle, and tax exemption, insurance and legal matters dealt with. The Temple Grounds Committee report was considered, and a property purchase approved, replacing previous proposals that could not be implemented. [CBN No 73 Feb 1956 p2] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 1 Oct
195- |
At the meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly they spent a half day viewing possible Temple sites. It was agreed to make an offer on one site provided that further investigation indicated that it met requirements. Renovations required on the Hazira were discussed; three members were added to the Committee. [CBN No70 No 1955 p2] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 Oct
195- |
In an article in the Canadian Baha'i News The Indian (First Nations) Teaching Committee quoted Fred Riley of High Prairie, Alberta, someone who has spent 20 years among the Dogrib people whose language he speaks. He explained how the past experiences of the Native People have made them mistrustful of the White man. He suggested the only way to make headway in Native teaching was to start by earning the friendship and trust of a single person and then build from there, [CBN No 69 Oct 1955p3] | Native teaching | |
1955 Oct
195- |
In an article in the Canadian Bahá'í News the procedure for the "exchanged of cheques" was explained whereby a believer could get a tax receipt for expenses incurred while completing a pre-approved project. [CBN No 60 Oct 1955 p6] | Funds | |
1955 17 Sep - 15 Mar 1958
195- |
Vicki Rusk of Calgary pioneered to the Yukon. [CBN No 117 October 1957 p1] | Pioneering, Yukon; Vicki Rusk; Yukon, Canada | |
1955 Sep (or earlier)
195- |
Canadian Bahá'í News No 68 Sep 1955 p3 reported that Margaret and Larry Rowdon and family arrived in the Magdalen Islands and settled in Grindstone. | Grindstone, Magdalen Islands, QC; Larry Rowdon; Magdalen Islands, QC; Margaret Rowdon | |
1955 Sep
195- |
It was reported in the Canadian Bahá'í News that the National Spiritual Assembly was encouraged to 'speed up' finding a new Hazíratu'l-Quds as their present site at 539 Mount Pleasant Road was proving not to be suitable for their needs. [UC55]
See Shoghi Effendi's cable of 1 May 1955 and his letter to the National Spiritual Assembly dated 16 July 1955. [MtC220, 222] |
Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1955 26 Aug
195- |
The Winnipeg Spiritual Assembly incorporated. [CBN No72 Jan 1956 p5; Bloodworth, Grains of Wheat p20, 49]
Members at the time of incorporation were: Singe Saxton, Stella Pollexfen, Claire Atwood, Margaret Saxton, Angus Cowan, Bobbie Cowan, Ethel Martens, Moliie Macpherson, and Miron Thom. |
Angus Cowan; Bobbie Cowan; Claire Atwood; Ethel Martens; Local Spiritual Assembly, incorporation; Margaret Saxton; Miron Thom; Mollie Macpherson; Singe Saxton; Stella Pollexfen; Winnipeg, MB | |
1955 26 Aug
195- |
At its meeting of the 26th of August the National Spiritual Assembly arranged to apply to the Province for licence in mortmain to hold in perpetuity the Hazira property. Further directions were given the Hazira management committee regarding its upkeep and use. Since it is now unlikely that the selected Temple site will he available, a Temple Grounds committee was set up to continue the search for a suitable property. [CBN No69 Oct 1955 p3] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 21 - 27 Aug
195- |
The Summer School on the prairies was held at Valley Centre, Fort Qu'Appelle, SK. [CBN No65 Jun 1955 p6] | Fort Qu'Appelle, SK; Summer schools | |
1955 30 Jul - 6 Aug
195- |
Ontario Summer Conference was held at Geneva Park in Orillia, ON. One presenter, Mrs. Mildred Mottahedeh was unable to attend as planned and so on each day a different camper developed the theme "We Meet a Faith, Choose, Grow Within, Grow Without, Grow Together, Our Future". Mr. Ronald Nablo spoke on "Magnetic Living. The Covenant, and the latent power within us that obedience to it can generate, formed the theme of Ron's course. ln addition to these, Pem Piggott gave two very fine sessions on the technique of teaching. Brenda Piggott had some very helpful suggestions to Bahá'í parents [CBN No65 Jun 1955 p5] | Ontario Summer Conference; Orillia, ON | |
1955 3 Jul
195- |
Over two hundred friends attended a memorial service at the House of Worship in Wilmette to honour the memory of Marion Jack. The service was held on the advice of the Guardian and was prepared by the National Assembly of the USA in association with the National Assembly of Canada and the European Teaching Committee. Laura Davis represented the Canadian community and read the opening prayer.
- In Memoriam; Horace Holley; Laura Davis; Marion Jack; Memorial Service; Millie Collins; Paul Haney; Wilmette, IL | |
1955 1 - 10 Jul
195- |
Ross Woodman presented at the
first Beaulac session, July 1-10, and Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Kelsey and Mr. Ron
Nablo at the second, Aug. 7-14. The
themes for study were:
Beaulac, QC; Summer schools | |
1955 c. Jul
195- |
The National Spiritual Assembly received a reply from R. Rabanni on behalf of Shoghi Effendi regarding the purchase of a site(s) for the Temple and the Haziratu'l-Quds:
He is extremely anxious to have these properties purchased, either together in one-place, or if this is not feasible, then in two separate places, as he has already informed you. Eight of the eleven Temple sites have been purchased, and many of them in very difficult places; and he feels very strongly that it is a great pity that Canada should be behind-hand in this matter, in view of the fact that she is one of the oldest Bahá'í Communities in the world. No doubt the problem is more difficult for you to solve, owing to the special conditions in Toronto and vicinity; but we know that all problems are solvable for the Bahá'ís, with the power of God to help them; and he is eagerly awaiting news of your success." He further clarified that while the Maxwell House was indeed a National Endowment it should not be considered as having fulfilled this objective of the Plan and a second one should be obtained. [MC2p222; CBN No 73 Feb 1956 p2] |
Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1955 17 Jun
195- |
At its meeting of the 17th of June the National Spiritual Assembly made final arrangements to permit purchase of the Hazira property at 539 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, and further reports were heard on the proposed Temple property. [CBN No 68 Sep 1955 p6] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1955 14 May
195- |
At its meeting of May 15-15 the National Spiritual Assembly viewed Several possible Hazira properties and it was decided to make an offer on one df them. An option has also been taken on a proposed Temple site. A maintenance committee for the future Hazira was appointed. [CBN No66 Jul 1955 p2] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 12 May
195- |
The Ottawa Assembly received its Letters Patent for the incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ottawa. [CBN No 66 July, 1955 p4] | Local Spiritual Assembly, incorporation; Ottawa, ON | |
1955 2 May
195- |
In a letter from the International Bahá'í Council that has been entitled Progress at fhe World Centre they give an account of the various plans and projects ongoing at the World Centre. [CBN No65 Jun 1955 p1; BN No292 Jun 1955 p4] | - Bahá'í World Centre; Progress at the World Centre | |
1955 30 Apr
195- |
During the lunch break at the National Convention on Saturday several members of the Assembly visited a property in the St. Clair Avenue district and announced that they had made arrangements to sign an offer to purchase, for the purpose of a Haziratu'l-Quds, provided zoning regulations were met. The chairman of the Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee, Mr. Allan Raynor, also announced that negotiations were pending with regard to a 7 acre piece of property within 9 miles of the heart of Toronto as a Temple site. It is situated on Highway 401. [CBN N065 Jun 1955 p5] | Allan Raynor; Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 29 Apr - 1 May
195- |
The National Convention was held in Toronto with the meetings and the Public Congress held in the King Edward Hotel. Elected were: Lloyd Gardner (chair), Allan Raynor (vice-chair), Audrey Westheuser (secretary), Peggy Ross (treasurer), Rowland Estall, Angus Cowan, Winnifred Harvey, Donald MacLaren, Albert Rakovsky. [CBN No 65 June 1955 p4]
Albert Rakovsky; Allan Raynor; Angus Cowan; Audrey Westheuser; Donald MacLaren; Lloyd Gardner; NSA; National Convention; National Spiritual Assembly, election of; Peggy Ross; Rowland Estall; Statistics; Toronto, ON; Winnifred Harvey | |
1955 Ridván
195- |
Twenty-three local Spiritual assemblies were formed in Canada. [CBN No 76 May 1956 p6] | Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Statistics | |
1955 Apr
195- |
The announcement of the enrollment of the first resident believers on the Queen Charlotte Island, William Washburn and John Giegerich. [CBN No68 April,1955 p1] | John Giegerich; Queen Charlotte Island, BC; William Washburn | the enrollment of the first resident believers on the Queen Charlotte Island, William Washburn and John Giegerich |
1955 Apr
195- |
The announcement of the first Bahá'í in the Yukon, Mr Robert Fowler of Whitehorse. [CBN No68 April,1955 p1] | Robert Fowler; Whitehorse, YT | first Bahá'í in the Yukon |
1955 23 Feb - 21 Oct
195- |
Roy and Jean Ziegler of Vancouver pioneered to the Yukon. [CBN No 117 October 1957 p1] | Joan Ziegler; Pioneering, Yukon; Roy Ziegler; Yukon, Canada | |
1955 17 Feb
195- |
Robin Fowler became the first person to declare his Faith in the Yukon. [CBN No63 Apr 1955 p1; CBN No 117 October 1957 p1] | Robin Fowler; Yukon, Canada | first person to declare his Faith in the Yukon |
1955 c. Feb
195- |
A celebration to mark the 10th anniversary in Edmonton of the Friends of the Indians Society was held with some four hundred white and Native people in attendance.
The anniversary meeting of the Society, at which Cree First Nations danced with the skill of professionals, First Nations handicrafts and artifacts were displayed, and a full-blooded Haida spoke. His message was directed to the Native people to take up their responsibilities as citizens, to avail themselves of education and adapt themselves to the encroachment of modern civilization. The Friends of the Indians (First Nations) Society did much during its 10 years of existence to promote its aims, through monthly meetings to which Indians are invited, through representations to government bodies, by enlightening public opinion through press releases, and through direct welfare and charity when needed. Its present executive committee include a Roman Catholic priest, a Unitarian minister, a Mormon elder, a Bahá'í, and others who are able to work together in harmony and unity. {CBN No63 PE 1955 P3] |
Edmonton, AB; Friends of the Indians Society | |
1955 Feb
195- |
The first fireside was held in Hull, Quebec at the home of one of the friends of the Faith. Bert Rakovsky of Westmount was the speaker. [CBN No 63 April, 1955 p2] | Albert Rakovsky; Hull, QC; Outaouais Cluster | the first fireside in Hull, QC |
1955 8 Jan
195- |
At its meeting in Toronto National Spiritual Assembly members examined several proposed Hazira and Temple properties and advised the committee to arrange for the purchase of a property as soon as possible on the basis of the specifications sent the Guardian in December and approved by him. [CBN No62 Mar 1955 p3] | Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Toronto, ON | |
1955 1 - 2 Jan
195- |
At Skyloft Lodge north of Toronto 29 Bahá'ís and 30 non-Bahá'ís attended a winter school conference arranged by the Ontario Youth Committee. Canadian communities represented were Toronto, Thoro1d, Kingston, Forest Hill, Pickering, Hamilton, Stratford and Oshawa. Friends were also welcomed from Hamburg and Niagara Falls, N.Y., from Connecticut and from Pittsburg, Pa. The speakers were Miss Nancy Campbell, Hamilton, who spoke on "Living the Bahá'í Life'', which gave much food for thought. Douglas Martin and Elizabeth Manser, each conducted a session. [CBN No61 Feb 1955 p1] | Toronto, ON; Winter schools | |
1955 1 - 2 Jan
195- |
A Winter School was held at Beaulac, QC. Courses included one by Lloyd Gardiner on "Administration", during which the L.S.A.'s of East Beaulac and West Beaulac met to discuss a specific community problem. This workshop method of learning by doing ensured better learning with many an added chuckle.[CBN No 61 Feb 1955 p1] | Beaulac, QC; Winter schools | |
1955 1 - 2 Jan
195- |
Twenty-five Maritime believers met in Saint John for their annual winter conference. With them were the Robarts, Allan Raynor of Toronto, and Easter King Thompson from Calais, Me. Mr. Robarts gave a report on the New Delhi conference which he had attended as Canada's representative. [CBN No 48 January 1954 p4] | John Robarts; Maritime Winter Conference; Saint John, NB |
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