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full details for

Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit

AuthorAnjam Khursheed
Title of item
Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit
vol. 3
Parent publication   Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review
Date of this edition 1998
Permission editor and publisher
Posted 2015-10-27 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract The Bahá'í view of human nature involves an interaction between spirit, soul and body — these three elements exist both in the Semitic religions and in the Far Eastern ones; Western dualist and Eastern monist traditions are in fact all tripartite.
Notes See the table of contents, editor's note, and biographical data in the complete issue, vol. 3.

See also the Wikipedia articles "Rūḥ", "Nafs" and " 'Aql " (and the related term "Qalb") for the background of these terms in Islam and Sufism.

Tags Afterlife; Aql; Body; Buddhism; Christianity; Dualism (general); Flatland (Abbot); Hinduism; Human nature; Judaism; Literature; Mind; Mind, spirit, soul; Monism; Philosophy; Philosophy, Buddhist; Philosophy, Greek; Philosophy, Hindu; Philosophy, Islamic; Relativity theory; Soul; Spirit (general); Translation
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2023-11-12 08:42 EDT. See previous versions [].

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