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2003 Apr The publication of Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth by the International Teaching Centre at the request of the Universal House of Justice. Because of the cancellation of the 9th International Conference this publication had to be sent to all National Spiritual Assemblies rather than giving a copy to the delegates as had been planned. [BW03-04p35] See also TP367. BWC * Institute process; Training Institutes; Growth; International Teaching Centre; Publications; Building Momentum (document); ITC publications
2008 Apr The publication of Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents by International Teaching Centre. The Universal House of Justice asked the International Teaching Centre to choose one example from each continent of an intensive programme of growth and prepare a document to demonstrate at once the diversity of conditions in which the believers everywhere were labouring and the coherent vision that united them as they advanced the process of entry by troops. The document consisted of five case studies and a closing analysis.
  • BWC; London; United Kingdom; Norte del Cauca; Colombia; Bihar Sharif; India; Kenya; Kiribati * Institute process; Growth; Attaining the Dynamics of Growth; Visuals; Documentaries, BWC; Documentaries; ITC publications
    2013. April The publication of Insights from the Frontiers of Learning by the International Teaching Centre.

    At this point there were more than 3,600 clusters where the friends were striving to establish new programmes of growth or to advance existing ones. An analysis of developments in some 200 of the most advanced of these clusters—particularly the strongest 20—suggested effective strategies for growth and demonstrated the efficacy of pursuing lines of action in a coherent manner. This publication offered a close examination of the pattern of action characteristic of the clusters at the forefront of learning.

    BWC ITC Publications; Publications; Insights from the Frontiers of Learning
    2017 Jan The publication of Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning by the International Teaching Centre. This comprehensive document prepared by the International Teaching Centre in January 2017 provides an in depth analysis of the guidance about the main sequence of courses, the junior youth spiritual empowerment program, the program for the spiritual education of children and the processes involved in developing institutional capacity. BWC Training Institutes; * Institute process; Publications; ITC Publications
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