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1900 Apr Dr Yúnis Khán arrived in `Akká to act as translator for `Abdu'l-Bahá. He remained for nine years. [BW12:679-681] Akka Youness Afroukhteh (Yunis Afrukhtih); Translators
1904 (In the year) Laura Clifford Barney made a number of extended visits to `Akká during this period. She brought with her questions to ask `Abdu'l-Bahá and she compiled His responses. These answers were approved by Him and published in the book Some Answered Questions. [AB81–2; BFA2:238]
  • For more complete history of the making of Some Answered Questions see "Some Answered Questions" and Its Compiler by Baharieh Rouhani Ma‘ani published in Lights of Irfán vol. 18 p425-452.
  • See AB81–2 for information about Laura Clifford Barney.
  • The translator during this period was Dr Yúnis Afrukhtih (Yúnis Khán), whose memoirs, translated in English as Memories of Nine Years in Akka, make a valuable contribution to the history of the Faith. [BW12:679–81; M9YA341-345]
  • Akka Laura Clifford Barney; Some Answered Questions; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline; Abdul-Baha, Writings and talks of; Philosophy; Youness Afroukhteh (Yunis Afrukhtih); - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1952. (In the year) Published on the instructions of Shoghi Effendi, Dr Yúnis Afrukhtih's Khatirát-i-Nuh-Saliy-i- Akká, has been described as "pre-eminent among those works dealing with the history of Covenant-breaking".

    The English translation was titled, Memories of Nine Years in Akka) by Riaz Masrour and was published by George Ronald in 2004.

    Over those nine years, 1900 to 1909, Jináb-i-Khán (the title by which Dr. Yúnis Afrukhtih was honoured by 'Abdu'l-Bahá) served the Master in Akká as secretary, translator, envoy and physician. These were difficult years when the Master was imprisoned in the city of Akká, His every move subject to misrepresentation by the Arch-breaker of the Covenant and his associates, and even His life was in danger. At the same time the period saw the victories of the construction of the Shrine of the Báb and the House of Worship in Ishqábád, as well as the rise of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh in the West.

    Youness Afroukhteh (Yunis Afrukhtih); Abdul-Baha, Life of; Memories of Nine Years in Akka (book); Riaz Masrour; Covenant-breakers

    from the main catalogue

    1. Five Books About 'Abdu'l-Baha: Review, by Kazem Kazemzadeh and Firuz Kazemzadeh, in World Order, 6:1 (1971 Fall). Brief reviews of books by Myron Phelps (1904), Howard Colby Ives (1962), Mirza Mahmud-i-Zarqani (1914), Habib Mu'ayyad (1961), and Yunis Khan-i-Afrukhtih (1952). [about]
    2. Life of Thomas Breakwell, The, by Rajwantee Lakshiman-Lepain (1998). Breakwell (1872–1902) was a religious seeker who became a Bahá'í in Paris in 1901, the first Englishman to become a Bahá'í as well as the first westerner to contribute to the Huqúqu'lláh. [about]
    3. Memories of Nine Years in Akka, by Youness Khan Afroukhteh (1952/2003). Translation of Khatirát-i-Nuh-Saliy-i-‘Akká, the memoirs of Dr. Yúnis Afrukhtih, who served ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as secretary and interpreter from 1900-1909. Includes discussion of the history of Covenant-breaking. [about]
    4. Portrait of Abdu'l-Bahá: Selections From Memories of Nine Years in Akká, by Youness Khan Afroukhteh (2006). Habits of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His daily tasks and services, his concentration, the way he revealed verses, his manner of speaking, his bearing, interactions with governments, his burdens and tasks, and his love and generosity. [about]
    5. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging. [about]
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