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full details for

The Ascent of Mount Carmel

AuthorJohn S. Hatcher
Title of item
The Ascent of Mount Carmel
Subtitle of item
Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb
Parent publication   Journal of Bahá'í Studies
Publisher of this ed.
Ottawa: Association for Bahá'í Studies North America
Date of this edition 2019
Permission publisher
Posted 2020-12-30 by Arjen Bolhuis
Classified in Essays and short articles
Abstract "From the Editor's Desk": Symbolism of the terraces on the shrine of the Bab; St. John's poem "Ascent of Mount Carmel"; overview of the articles in this issue of the Journal.
Notes Article mirrored from See also the complete issue [PDF].
Tags - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; Bab, Birth of; Bab, Shrine of; Centenaries; Christianity; Interfaith dialogue; John Hatcher; Letters of the Living; Mount Carmel; Mysticism; Pilgrimage; Poetry; Purity; St. John of the Cross; Symbolism; Terraces; Water (general); World Centre
Locations Haifa; BWC
Page views 893 hits since 2020-12-30
Last edited
2022-04-12 22:08 EDT. See previous versions [].

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