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1986 18 – 24 Jul The European Bahá'í Youth Movement is launched at the Bahá'í Youth School, Landegg Conference Centre, Switzerland. [BINS157:9–10; BINS158:10] Landegg; Switzerland; Europe Youth; Landegg Academy
1990 Sep Eighty leaders of thought from around the world gathered at Landegg Academy for the first International Dialogue on the Transition to a Global Society. The event was co-sponsored by the University of Maryland, the Vienna Academy for the Study of the Future and the Landegg Academy. [VV109]
  • For documentation on the proceedings see UNESCO Documents and Publications.
  • A second international dialogue took place in 1991 and a third in 1992. [VV109]
  • Landegg; Switzerland University of Maryland; Bahai Chair for World Peace; Vienna Academy; Landegg academy; Universities; Firsts, Other; Conferences, Other
    1991 Aug Hand of the Cause Dr 'Alí-Muhammad Varqá convened a conference for the Deputies of the Huqúqu'lláh at Landegg Academy. [VV125]
  • Photo.
  • Landegg; Switzerland Huququllah; Varqa, Ali-Muhammad; Conference

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