- 1/2, by Yang Juan. (2006) An existential yet emotionally-charged dialogue between two young women.
- Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 85 selections, last updated August 2024.
- Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024) 209 selections, last updated August 2024.
- Address at Queen's Birthday Weekend Conference, Auckland, by Peter J. Khan. (2000-06) Addresses a variety of issues facing the Bahá'í community, especially as pertains to New Zealand Bahá'ís.
- Addressing the Rising Tide of Globalization and Amorality in the Present World Order and Its Implications on Extremes of Wealth and Poverty, by Rama Ayman. (2016) On inequality within most nations in the world at a time when wealth disparity between nations has been falling; the impact that amorality and globalization have on wealth inequality; Bahá'í teachings on alleviating extremes of wealth and poverty.
- African religions; miracles; strange phenomena, by Universal House of Justice. (1996-08-06) Five questions: the religion of Santeria; relationship to Sabaeanism; Yoruba-based new world religions; visions and miracles of the Virgin Mary and Fatima; UFOs, aliens, and genetic engineering.
- Africanity, Womanism, and Constructive Resilience: Some Reflections, by Layli Maparyan. (2020) The meanings of the metaphor "pupil of the eye;" experiences of growing up African-American in the West; overcoming cosmological negation; the African worldview on nature, humanity, and creation; gendered expressions of African culture.
- Al-amr bi'l-ma'rúf wa'n-nahy 'an al-munkar" (Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice), by Universal House of Justice, Research Department. (2013-06-25) Regarding the Islamic practice of "enjoining the good and forbidding the wrong."
- All Abide by His Bidding: The Universal Law of God, by Peter Terry. (2007) On the liberty of the individual vis-à-vis the laws of God guiding people to making the "right" choices.
- Altruism and Extensivity in the Bahá'í Religion, by Wendy M. Heller, Hoda Mahmoudi. (1992) Bahá'í teachings relating to research on altruism and prosocial behavior; the interaction of spiritual and social transformation through beliefs and practices that encourage the development of altruistic personalities; socialization and discipline.
- Answered Questions, Some: A Philosophical Perspective, by Ian Kluge. (2009) Philosophical foundations of the Bahá’í teachings, including ontology, theology, epistemology, philosophical anthropology and psychology, and personal and social ethics.
- Answered Questions, Some, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (2014) 'Table talks' given by ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá in ‘Akká between 1904 and 1906 in response to questions posed by Laura Dreyfus-Barney; first published in 1908, the new 2014 edition has been extensively retranslated.
- Apathy and Violence, by Hossain Danesh. (1976) The nature of aggression, violence, fear and anxiety; threats and opportunities an organism encounters in life; and the relevance of Bahá'í teachings to preventing violence.
- Application of Bahá'í Principles in a Business Context, The, by Kirsten Daly. (1996)
- Applying Bahá'í Principles to Address Current Ethics and Policy Debates in Organ Transplantation, by Maryam Valapour. (2012-01-23)
- Architectures of Thinking, The, by Jordi Vallverdu Segura, Josuke Nakano. (2022) Sacred architectures play a role in shaping cognition — which results from the relationships between the subject and their surroundings. By sharing an environment and its relationships, members of a community define their values, attitudes, and "reality."
- Aspects of Bahá'í Ethics, Some, by Udo Schaefer. (2006) Summary of concepts from Schaefer's book Bahá'í Ethics in the Light of Scripture.
- Authenticity Project, The, by Mary K. Radpour. (2001-06) An effort to integrate Bahá’í ethical principles and the psychological dynamics of growth. In both presentation and long-form notes formats.
- Báb's Business Etiquette, The, by Bahá'í Inspiration. (2020-08-31) Anecdote about how the Bab changed unseemly business practices while he was a merchant in Bushihr, as quoted by Mirza Habibu'llah Afnan.
- Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten. (2006-11-14) A Bahá’í approach to the cosmopolitan tradition in International Relations theory; contributions the Bahá’í model can offer to this growing tradition; cosmopolitanism as articulated by the Cynics in ancient Greece and by Enlightenment philosophies.
- Bahá'í Approach to Cosmopolitan Ideas in International Relations, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten. (2005) On Western cosmopolitan thought from its infancy to the present day and on a Bahá’í cosmopolitan model to International Relations (IR), which reinforces ideas based on essential oneness.
- Bahá'í Contribution to Cosmopolitan International Relations Theory, The, by Nalinie N. Mooten. (2007) Bahá’í concepts of global governance, unity in diversity, and ethical reform as contributions to a cosmopolitan International Relations theory.
- Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman. Jonah Winters, comp. (2004) Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college course at Hofstra University, New York, fall 2001.
- Bahá'í Ethics in Light of Scripture, by Udo Schaefer: Review, by Ian Kluge. (2015)
- Bahá'í Life, The: Excerpts from the Writings of the Guardian On, by Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. (n.d.) Compilation on living the Bahá'í life.
- Baha'i Perspective on the Meaning of Work and Values, A, by Taffini Razavi. (2003-11-25) The concept of work in the Bahá'í scripture vis-à-vis contemporary definitions of work-ethics and values, and the ways Bahá'í teachings develop and alter these definitions.
- Bahá'í Physicians: Emerging Roles and Responsibilities, by Hoda Mahmoudi, Gloria Teckie. (2010) The role of a Bahá'í doctor; the relationship between medical intervention and health of the mind, soul, as well as body; the patient's role in maintaining their own health; a Bahá'í approach to health-care delivery.
- Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume, Robert Stauffer, comp. (1998) List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
- Bahá'í Writings, The: A Meta-ethical Excursion, by Ian Kluge. (2014) Philosophical examination of the Writings' ethical teachings, how they relate to the major ethical systems proposed in the past, and how they deal with some of the difficulties inherent in past systems.
- Baha'u'llah and Human Nobility, by Nader Saiedi. (2015) Perspectives on the concept of nobility, from Zoroaster to Max Weber and Nietzsche; Rousseau to Bahá'u'lláh; institutionalization of human dignity; reinterpretation of religion.
- Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology, by Juan Cole. (1997) The idea of liberation and equality is central to Bahá'í theology; the poor in the 19th century Middle East; Bahá'u'lláh and the poor; Tablet to the Kings on wealth and peace; laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and Huququ'lláh; state social welfare.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Lawh-i Haqqu'n-Nas: Tablet of the Right of the People, Provisional Translation, by Bahá'u'lláh. Mehran Ghasempour, trans. (2007) A tablet on the metaphorical character of this world.
- Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality, Paul Lample, comp. (1996) The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the soul and humanity’s spiritual education.
- Beauty of the Human Psyche, The: The Patterns of the Virtues, by Rhett Diessner. (2016) Insights from science and the Bahá'í Writings combine to show how the human soul is a shining of divine attributes reflected into our mind, where they manifest as virtuous thoughts and spiritual emotions.
- Because Baha'u'llah said so: Dealing with a non-starter in moral reasoning, by Arash Abizadeh. (1995) Discusses a popular but misleading versus more philosophically responsible approaches to revelation.
- Beyond Death's Grey Land, by Sidney Edward Morrison. (1986) Reflections from a Bahá'í perspective on the Vietnam War, the nature of war, dehumanizing humanity, and being a soldier.
- Beyond Welfare: A Preliminary Bahá'í Normative Framework for Economic Rights and Responsibilities, by Vargha Taefi (published as Vargha Bolodo-Taefi). (2022) The conceptual underpinnings of a Bahá’í approach to economic growth and disparity, mapped onto an applied framework of economic rights and responsibilities, give rise to economic justice and individual and institutional rights and responsibilities.
- Birth of the Human Being, The: Beyond Religious Traditionalism and Materialist Modernity, by Nader Saiedi. (2011) We have arrived at a turning point in human evolution: the moment of the birth of the human being. This paper examines the development of this idea in the Writings of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and its opposite concept, dehumanization.
- Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen. (1995)
- Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Daniel Conner. (1971-72 Winter) Brief summary of the history and thought of Buddhism; commonalities with Western concepts; different emphases placed on ethics vs. metaphysics; aspects of social control.
- Bushido (Chivalry) and the Traditional Japanese Moral Education, by Nozomu Sonda. (2007) Japanese virtues explained by Nitobe in 1900 in comparison with the Bahá'í perspective on moral education.
- Capital Punishment and Amnesty International, by Universal House of Justice. (n.d.) Letter from the House to Amnesty International on the death penalty.
- Carta de la Tierra, by Bahá'í International Community. (1991-04-05) Combatiendo el Racismo. BIC comment on the UN Earth Charter proposal.
- Celestial Burning, A: A Selective Study of the Writings of Shoghi Effendi, by Jack McLean. (2012) Style, content, and context of the major writings of the Guardian; providential history; critique of Hegel; the military metaphor; the language of interpretation; history of the apostolic age.
- Challenges for Bahá'í Youth in a Western Way of Life, by Universal House of Justice. (2013-04-19) Difficulties young people might face in upholding Bahá'í ideals and standards of behaviour in the context of Western culture and sexual mores.
- Chaste and Holy Life, A, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. (1991)
- Childhood Trauma, Recovering from, by Universal House of Justice. (1992-09-09) Guidance for individuals who suffered traumatic childhood experiences at the hands of disturbed parents.
- City of Radiant Acquiescence (Lawh-i-Madinatu'r-Rida), by Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. (1997) Provisional translation of an Arabic Tablet revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in Baghdad, before His Declaration.
- Ciudadanía Mundial: Ética Global Para El Desarrollo Sostenible, by Bahá'í International Community. (1993-06-14) Comunidades Sostenibles en un Mundo Integrante
- Cognitive-Developmental Psychology and the Baha'i Faith: Meaningful Connections, by Rhett Diessner. (1995-04) Some major concepts shared by Bahá'ís and adherents of cognitive-developmentalism; avenues of communication between members of the Bahá'í Faith and the therapeutic community.
- Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East, by Kamran Ekbal. (2014) Abdu'l-Bahá was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their militaries. In spite of the Bahá'í principle of abstaining from politics, exceptions can be made in the face of tyranny and injustice.
- Communal Harmony: India's Greatest Challenge, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India. (1993(?)/2015) A formal statement from the NSA of the Bahá'ís of India on the need to overcome religious, linguistic and caste-based tensions.
- Compassion or Karuna as Understood in the Bahá'í Religion, by Ali K. Merchant. (2001-07) A brief overview of the meaning of ethics and the divine origin of compassion.
- Concept of 'Faithfulness' in the Bahá'í Texts in English Translation, The, by Wendi Momen. (2016) On faithfulness (being faithful as an individual; God being faithful to His people; believers being faithful to the Covenant; Bahá’u’lláh calling for fidelity to the new Manifestation) and behavior expected of the followers.
- Conceptualising Moral Values: A Metaphysical, Ethical and Empirical Dialogue with Schaefer's Moral Philosophy, by Ismael Velasco. (2012) On a framework for a moral philosophy that integrates three areas of contemporary discourse: meta-ethics, which begins from metaphysics; ethics, which frames the hermeneutics of morality itself; and praxis, as disclosed and recorded by empirical science.
- Contes interactifs pour pré-jeunes, by Romuald Boubou Moyo. (2018) Il s’agit d’une deuxième version du livret pour pré-jeunes "Marcher dans le droit chemin." Ils vont pouvoir apprécier, en tant qu’acteurs principaux, les implications morales qui découlent des choix qu'ils feront en lisant les vingt contes interactifs.
- Creating Intimacy: In the Community and With the Seeker, by Phyllis K. Peterson. (1998) On how intimacy in the Bahá'í community can be created, using Bahá’í scriptures as guideline. We hunger for intimacy, which is a prerequisite for friendship and a key principle in teaching. Cases drawn from experiences of people who feel psychically hurt.
- Crime and Punishment: Bahá'í Perspectives for a Future Criminal Law, by Udo Schaefer. (1996) There is a moral crisis at the present time due to the decline of religion. The Bahá'í teachings uphold the principles of divine justice, individual responsibility, moral education, and the fear of God.
- Democratic Elections without Campaigns? Normative Foundations of National Baha'i Elections, by Arash Abizadeh. (2005) Article on the philosophical foundations and core values of Baha’i elections, with particular attention to its relation to democratic theory.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice. (2022-11-01) Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis of identity, prejudice, economic injustice, and Africa.
- Demystifying Shoghi Effendi's Advent of Divine Justice: Condensed Text and Deepening, by Hui Bau. (2020/2021) A condensed presentation of the Guardian's call to action to American and Canadian Baha’is to engage spiritually in the path towards God. The accompanying deepening uses a more visual format to help develop one's own plan of action.
- Demystifying Shoghi Effendi's Advent of Divine Justice: Condensed Deepening, Hui Bau, comp. (2020) A study guide and compilation regarding the Guardian's call to action to American and Canadian Baha'is to engage spiritually in the path towards God.
- Digital Citizenship: The New Citizenship, by Boris Handal. (2016) This book chapter discusses the need for introducing the notion of virtues and spiritual attitudes in the delivery of learning experiences fostering digital citizenship values from a Bahá'í perspective.
- Discerning a Framework for the Treatment of Animals in the Bahá'í Writings: Ethics, Ontology, and Discourse, by Michael Sabet. (2023-01) Bahá'í exegesis can discern a framework governing the treatment of animals and our relationship to the natural world; examination of the author’s own relationship with animals; ethics of kindness and justice flow from underlying ontological principles.
- Discourses of Knowledge, by Frank Lewis. (2004) Many statements in the Writings are couched in terms of a particular discourse, or intellectual tradition, for their immediate audience. Understanding context can help evaluate whether any given statement is meant as factual truth or as metaphor.
- Divine Therapy: Pearls of Wisdom from the Bahá'í Writings, Annamarie K. Honnold, comp. (1986) Lengthy collection of passages on numerous themes including coping with stress, orientation to the Divine, and developing helpful attitudes.
- Divine Virtues and Spiritual Qualities: A Compilation from Sacred Texts, by WellSpring International Educational Foundation for the Study and Application of the Sacred Texts. (2003) Comprehensive exploration of 77 virtues and qualities drawn from the texts of various religions.
- "Double Crusade", by Universal House of Justice. (2018-08-10) Comments on what the double crusade means, how it relates to the current series of Plans of the Faith, what should be done to carry it out, and the Advent of Divine Justice.
- Droits et libertés individuels, by Universal House of Justice. Pierre Daoust, trans. (2023) Translation of the letter "Individual Rights and Freedoms" by the Universal House of Justice (1988 Dec. 29): a commentary about individual rights and responsibilities in the Bahá’í Faith and its relevance with the present concepts on freedom of speech.
- Duty of Kindness and Sympathy Towards Strangers, The, by Julio Savi. (2011) Integrating immigrants into the culture of their new country is becoming a focus in some Western states. In 2007 the Italian government issued a “Charter on the Values and Significance of Citizenship and Integration,” which reflects such Bahá'í ideals.
- Early Childhood Education, by Cyrus Rohani. (2010-01) Education is a continuous and creative process which fulfils the moral potential of each individual. Its aim is to develop the capacities latent in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and transformation of society.
- "Easy Familiarity," Explanations of, by Rúhíyyih Khánum, Ann Boylan, John B. Cornell, Universal House of Justice. (1912/1947/1974) Statements on displays of affection (hugging and kissing) between members of the opposite sex. Also questions on assembly infallibility, and whether one with a minority opinion should vote against his conscience.
- Education of Youth and Our Twentieth Century Dilemma, The, by Habib Taherzadeh. (1959 August) Moral education is lacking in modern societies. Bahá'í moral precepts can guide us towards the goal of moral evolution, to usher in the Golden Age of human maturity and the dawn of Divine Civilization on this planet.
- El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espíritu Humano, by Bahá'í International Community. (1992-06) El Desarrollo Sostenible y el Espíritu Humano, presentado Río de Janeiro, Brasil, junio de 1992.
- Emblems of Faithfulness: Pluralism in Meaning and Beauty in the Ordinary, by Helen Cheng, Catherine Nash. (2015) Memorials of the Faithful is notable for the diversity of personalities described, and the sheer ordinariness of many of those remembered lives. These two aspects of the text highlight some of the broader questions raised by the Bahá'í Faith.
- Employment and Beyond: Drawing on the Capacities of All to Contribute to Society, by Bahá'í International Community. (2023-02-12) A statement to the 61st session of the Commission for Social Development inspired by the changing nature of work over the coming decades.
- Encouragement, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. (2006)
- Eschatology of Globalization, The: The Multiple Messiahship of Bahá'u'lláh Revisited, by Christopher Buck. (2004) This paper argues that Bahá'u'lláh's signal contribution to globalization was to ethicize and sacralize it.
- Eternal Quest for God: An Introduction to the Divine Philosophy of Abdu'l-Baha, by Julio Savi. (1989) A philosophical theology based on the Bahá'í writings.
- Ethics and Entrepreneurship, An Oxymoron?: A Transition to a Free Market Economy in Eastern Europe, by George Starcher. (1997) The process of entrepreneurship and the importance of business ethics to entrepreneurial success, and the concept of stages of ethical consciousness and some of the reasons business ethics makes good business sense. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
- Ethics Based on Science Alone?, by Ian Kluge. (2015) A critique of the idea that ethics can be based on science alone; questions of legitimacy and authority in ethics; reflections on Sam Harris' book The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values.
- Ethics for a Global Society, by Udo Schaefer. (1994) Addresses the collapse of moral order and value systems in the contemporary world, advocating in response a global ethic based on the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
- Ethics of Profit, The, by Oliver Giscard d'Estaing. (2001) Clarifies the economic, social, and spiritual functions of profit and the distinction between ethical and non-ethical profit. Does not mention the Bahá'í Faith.
- Ethique Baha'i, by Udo Schaefer. Daniel Gillieron, trans, Suzanne Hof, trans. (2008)
- Exploring a Framework for Moral Education: An Outline, by Sana Rezai. (2012) Content outline of "Exploring a Framework for Moral Education: A framework for an evolving approach to moral education based on the concept of moral capabilities," by Paul Lample, Holly Hanson, and Lori Noguchi (Palabra, 1992).
- Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání. (2000) On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjective stories, between art as the representation of reality and faith based on the Word of God. We inherited a responsibility to resolve this tension.
- Family Life, by Will C. van den Hoonaard, Deborah K. van den Hoonaard. (1995) Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, `Abdu'l-Bahá, and the Institutions, with commentary reviewing views on family life.
- Fragility of Goodness, The: Hexis and Praxis in the Historical Figure of 'Abdu'l-Baha, by Shahbaz Fatheazam. (2012) How personal character and activity can survive negative pressures from the external world, and what can be learned from the example of Abdu'l-Bahá's social action.
- Freedom and the Bahá'í Writings, by Ian Kluge. (2018) Bahá'í philosophy is based on principles of reason and non-contradiction. It is coherent because its teachings are interdependent and mutually supportive. The Writings cover a spectrum of issues about freedom and the metaphysical basis of free will.
- Fuente de Todo Bien, La, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Reed Chandler, comp. (1991)
- Gate of the Heart: Understanding the Writings of the Báb, by Nader Saiedi: Review, by Jack McLean. (2009) Review of the book, expanded into an essay on the Bab's ethics, laws, and use of symbolism.
- Genetic Engineering, by Universal House of Justice. (2000) Information about genetic engineering; the observation that the Writings make no mention of genetics
- Give Me Thy Grace to Serve Thy Loved Ones, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018-05) A selection of writings prepared by the International Teaching Centre for the Continental Counsellors and their Auxiliaries.
- Heart of the Gospel: The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith, by George Townshend. (1939) Using only the text of the Bible, Townshend provides a new reading of Scripture as a guidebook for those who seek a universal view of religion and the contemporary world.
- Hidden Gifts: Finding Blessings in the Struggles of Life, by Brian Kurzius. (2007) Compilation of Bahá'í texts on the purpose of problems and tests in our lives.
- Hidden Words: References of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1998)
- Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen. (1990) An attempt to explore the relationship between Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith and to explain the Bahá'í Faith to those who are from a Hindu background.
- History of EBBF, The: Twenty-Five Years of Contributing to the Discourse of Ethics in Business, by François Couillard. (2015) The European Bahá’í Business Forum, a small network of individuals dedicated to promoting ethical behavior and other Bahá’í values in the workplace, has had significant influence at the local, national, and international levels.
- Humanity of Evil, The: Bahá'í Reflections on the film The Act of Killing, by Bernardo Bortolin Kerr. (2014) The theology of evil throughout history and in Bahá'í thought; ways in which people de-humanize and become alienated from their own selves; on forgiveness and merciful love in the face of justice and punishment.
- Ideology, Ethics, and Philosophical Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Iran, by Juan Cole. (1989 Winter) Intellectual biography as a discipline assumes that the life and thought of an individual can shed light on an epoch. This paper examines 1700s Iran via the Shi'i scholar Mohammad Mehdi Niraq (d. 1794). No mention of the Bábí or Bahá'í Faiths.
- Importancia de las Escrituras en la Ética Laboral Protestante, by Saul Palacios. (2022) La ética laboral protestante (PWE) se fundamentaba en un fuerte componente. La PWE ya no está únicamente asociada a los cristianos, sino que se encuentra presente en individuos de distintos credos, desvinculándola de todo otro aspecto religioso.
- In A Blue Haze: Smoking and Baha'i Ethics, by Udo Schaefer. (1997) Smoking as a focus of this first attempt to define certain aspects of Bahá'í ethics.
- Individual Rights and Freedoms, by Universal House of Justice. (1988-12-29) An important and often-quoted letter about rights and freedom of expression in the Bahá'í community, as contrasted with those in American civil society.
- Interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An, by Mary Hanford Ford. (1933-07) Discussing spiritual insights, martyrdom, and labor-saving machines' role in societal advancement.
- Introduction to the Lawh-i Haqqu'n-Nas, An, by Jean-Marc Lepain. Peter Terry, trans. (2007) Summary of the tablet Lawh-i Haqqu’n-Nas, Tablet of the "Right of the People," on the metaphorical character of this world.
- Is It Unethical to Evade Taxes in an Evil or Corrupt State?: A Look at Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Mormon and Bahá'í Perspectives, by Robert W. McGee. (1999 Winter) The ethics of tax evasion has been a neglected topic in both the accounting and ethical literature. This article reviews the recent literature, focusing on the question of whether tax evasion is ethical in a corrupt country.
- Jainism and the Bahá'í Faith: Non-Violence and Plurality Across Time and Space, by Yifan Zhang. (2022 April-June) Comparison of similarities in Bahá'í and Jain teachings, especially in non-violence and plurality across time and space. Link to article (offsite).
- Just War from the Bahá'í Perspective, by Vargha Taefi. (2006) A Bahá'í view is that the individual's will is subordinate to society's will. Comparison of this attitude with contemporary international political theory, and on justifying war as "humanitarian intervention."
- Justice et Miséricorde?: Une théologie du pardon selon la foi Bahá'íe, by Udo Schaefer. (2001)
- Karlberg's Notion of Consultation and Bahá'í Consultation (Ontological Truths, Knowledge and Ethics), by Filip Boicu. (2022-05) Michael Karlberg proposes a "consultative epistemology" as central to the Bahá'í methodology for social change. The claim is that a new model for civilization building has been born, one that transcends previous limitations.
- Lawh-i-Tibb (Tablet to the Physician), The: Beyond Health Maxims, by Misagh Ziaei. (2019) On the tablet's historical context, as well as some of its guidance regarding the study and practice of medicine, including attributes its practitioners must acquire and maintain.
- Laws Abrogated by Bahá'u'lláh, Anonymous, comp. (2018/2020) Laws abolished from previous religions and from the Bayán.
- Learning to Read Social Reality in the Light of the Revelation: Twenty-Five Years of Contributing to the Discourse of Ethics in Business, by Haleh Arbab. (2015) The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity works to learn how to advance the capacity of individuals and groups to participate in some of the prevalent discourses of society, for the betterment of the world and the growth of civilization.
- Legislating on Morality, by Universal House of Justice. (1988-06-05) Areas in which the Universal House of Justice is refraining from legislating on, e.g. abortion and homosexuality.
- Lessons in Leadership, by May Khadem. (2018) A personal journey of learning about leadership; widely shared false assumptions have led many off-course in addressing the challenges in the fight against blindness, and other public health concerns.
- Light Was in the Darkness, The: Reflections on the Growth that Hides in the Pain of Suffering, by Michael L. Penn. (2020-07) Existential stress and its relationship to individual growth and development, drawing on the rich spiritual and philosophical heritage of humanity.
- List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.org, by Christopher Buck. (2014/2020/2024) List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
- List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.org, by John S. Hatcher. (2021) List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher.
- Living the Life, by Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1991)
- Look at Harmony and Unity as Common Principles in the Confucian System and the Bahá'í Faith, A, by Benjamin Olshin. (2014) Confucianism and the Bahá'í Faith represent complex and multi-faceted systems of philosophy, practice, and belief that resonate strongly with each other. The goal of both is for human beings to live in a society characterized by harmony and ethics.
- Lucha Contra el Hambre, La, by Bahá'í International Community. (1985-06) Declaración a la 11a Sesión de Ministros del Consejo Mundial de la Alimentación de las Naciones Unidas, París, Francia, 1985.
- Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos, The: Personification of the Spirit of God in Scripture and Sacred Literature, by Michael W. Sours. (1991) The Logos in Christianity and the Maiden for Bahá'u'lláh can be equated as one and the same eternal reality; the divine image of wisdom in Proverbs; Sophia and Logos are combined in the feminine personification of the Most Great Spirit.
- Meditation, Prayer, and Spiritualization, by Universal House of Justice. (1983-09-01) Practicing personal spirituality and methods for achieving spiritual growth.
- Message to the Indian and Eskimo Bahá'ís of the Western Hemisphere, by Rúhíyyih Khánum. (1969) Letter to Native American and Inuit believers, about the assurance given in the Bahá'í Writings that their future is very great, and that they themselves best help to fulfill these promises by taking the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh to their own people.
- Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996)
- Missing Moral Dimension, The, by Suresh Sahadevan. (1999) Today's social and economic policies are materially efficient and technically sound, but something vital is missing: graciousness within and between individuals. It may not directly result in revenue or productivity, but is crucial in the long run.
- Mizán of Affect in Material v. Metaphysical Models of Human Consciousness, The, by John S. Hatcher. (2023-07) Though Bahá'í teachings hold that the soul progresses after the body ceases to exist, the physical brain is essential to our development; emotional processing requires a healthy brain; the brain-as-transceiver model can help treat affective disorders.
- Moral and Spiritual Development, by William S. Hatcher. (2008)
- Mystical Dimensions of Islam, by Annemarie Schimmel. (1975) Detailed history of Sufism and its thought, Islamic theosophy, and Persian and Turkish mystical poetry. Book includes no mention of the Bahá'í Faith, but is quite relevant.
- New morality, The: An outline, by Udo Schaefer. (1995) Proposal that Bahá'u'lláh's ethical teachings rest on metaphysical premises about God and humankind, specifically the teleological and the deontological.
- New Work Ethic, A, by Dale Emerson. (2001-10-06) There is a need for a new work ethic which encompasses motivation and a belief system that “we are serving a higher purpose and the greatest good” and are expressing the best that is within us; companies should empower their workforce.
- Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin. (2013) Bahá'í scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a discourse that is free of "haughty intellectualism." The Association for Bahá’í Studies can help promote the Bahá'í cause to institutions of higher learning.
- Notes on Words of the Guardian, by Virginia Orbison. (1956) Ten pages of notes, preserved as an appendix to Orbison's lengthy manuscript "Diary of a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Made by Virginia Orbison, January 15 to February 11".
- "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective," by Craig Loehle: Response to Commentary, by Keven Brown. (1994)
- Overcoming Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in Public Institutions: A Baha'i Perspective, by Bahá'í International Community. (2001-05-28) The displacement of a transcendent understanding of life by materialism is responsible for the skepticism and alienation of modern life. The civilizing virtues of honesty and duty stem from the conscience and spirituality, not law.
- Path of God, The, by Wolfgang A. Klebel. (2010) A comparison of the 'Global Ethic' (Hans Küng) with the Bahá'í Faith. The core ethical principles found in all religions are the most likely first step towards the unification of all religions: an inspiration for Unity in Diversity.
- Pattern of Bahá'í life, The, Author unknown, comp. (1948/1983) Quotes not readily available elsewhere online, from a compilation of Bahá'í Writings on personal character.
- Pattern of Bahá'í Life, The, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. (1948) This compilation was first issued by the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles in 1948, and fully revised in 1990 on behalf of the Universal House of Justice by the National Spiritual Assembly of India.
- Perception Into Faith: A Radical Discontinuity Within Unity, by William Barnes. (2001) Entering into eternal life is both a change of being and of perception; the two natures of man; faith versus good deeds as means for attaining eternal life; the Bahá’í 'spirit of faith'.
- Perspectives on the Inseparable Twin Duties Prescribed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, by Eamonn Moane. (2003) Religions differ in the balance of faith versus good works, the grace of God versus human strivings, and the scheme of salvation. To Bahá'ís, recognizing the Prophet and obedience to his laws are equal duties. For salvation, faith surpasses deeds.
- Philosophical Statements by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in Some Answered Questions, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (2019-12-08) Quotations extracted from Ian Kluge's article "Some Answered Questions: A Philosophical Perspective" (2009), using the 2014 revised edition of "Some Answered Questions".
- Positions of the Austrian Churches and Religious Communities regarding bio- and medico-ethical Issues, The, by Udo Schaefer. (2002) On the Bahá'í view of bioethical and biomedical questions, and Bahá'í authoritative sources, image of human beings, health and sickness, liberty and responsibility, and specific bioethical questions.
- Power and the Bahá'í community, by Moojan Momen. (2018) While Bahá'í social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the case today. The problem the world faces is not in the principles that would lead to a better society, but in their application.
- Principle of the Oneness of Humankind, The: Strong Foundationalism, Non-Adversarialism, and the Imperatives of Our Time, by Filip Boicu. (2022) Some of the ways in which the concept of globalization has been framed in the recent past; the vision of Shoghi Effendi; The Seven Valleys and social change; moral codes and ethical living; the oneness of humankind and non-adversarialism.
- Principles of Spiritual Economics: A Compilation from the Bahá'í Writings, Hooshmand Badee, comp. (2015/2025) A book-length compilation, in 38 chapters, from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, The Báb, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, and the Universal House of Justice on the relationship between economics and 33 sub-topics.
- Qualities and Attributes of the Spiritually Learned: Excerpts from The Secret of Divine Civilization, by Thomas R. Wilson. (1987)
- Qur'anic Kerygma: Epic, Apocalypse, and Typological Figuration, by Todd Lawson. (2022) Article contains no mention of the Bábí or Bahá'í Faiths, but includes themes of relevance to Bahá'í teachings on the typologies of proclamation and apocalypse.
- Radiant Acquiescence, by Orcella Rexford. (1937-09) "Radiant acquiescence" (ridá') means not only to give up your will to the Divine Will, but to do so joyfully and with radiance, knowing it is the best way in the end.
- Reading Reality in Times of Crisis: 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Great War, by Amin E. Egea. (2021-05-08) How ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s analysis of the crises of His time was profoundly distinct from contemporaneous “progressive” movements and thinkers.
- Reflections of Our Values: Digital Technologies and a Just Transition, by Bahá'í International Community. (2021-02) A statement to the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development on technological innovation, consultation on technological adoption, and working inclusively between communities and governments.
- Reflections on Human Rights, Moral Development, and the Global Campaign to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence, by Michael L. Penn. (2001) A review some of the most significant developments in human rights law designed to contribute to the advancement of women and the eradication of gender-based violence; insufficient attention has been given to the psycho-spiritual dimensions.
- Reflections on the Spiritual Dynamics of the Bahá'í Faith, by Alessandro Bausani. (1988) The spiritual force released by Bahá’u’lláh has the power to change the entire world; he has given us the power both to understand human problems and to correct them; the gathering together of Bahá’ís in prayer will augment these spiritual forces.
- Religion in the Modem World, by Anjam Khursheed. (2001) On aspects of the Western secular rebellion against theocracy and the rise of free enquiry and freedom of conscience through the lens of the European Reformation and Galileo’s conflict with the Papacy; religion's role in strengthening family unity.
- Religious Persecution and Oppression: A Study of Iranian Baha'ís' Strategies of Survival, by Naghme Naseri Morlock. (2021) Research based on extensive interviews exploring three ways that members of the Bahá'í community responded to diaspora and persecution: passing as Muslim, religious constancy in the face of danger, and alternating "passing" with open displays.
- Removing Poverty Through Virtues, by Badi Shams. (2021-09) If humanity has more than enough food and resources for everyone, why do so many live in poverty? Humanity's materialistic rulers have failed to solve this issue. The solutions to extremes of wealth and poverty go beyond economic theories and norms.
- Reproduction and other Biological Subjects, by Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2000) Embryology; reproduction; biology; genetic engineering
- Requisites for Family Unity: The Role of the Father in the Family, by Safoura Chittleborough. (1995) The importance of the family as a whole in child-rearing and the negative consequences of family breakdown.
- Return of the Dreamtime, by Pym Trueman. (1995) Brief history of Christianity and missionary work in Samoa and Australia, and how native Samoan customs and beliefs were changed or lost.
- Role of Principles in the Bahá'í Faith: Principles and Fashion, by Farjam Majd. (2013) A hierarchical tree-like model of the world can aid in understanding the following questions: are values relative or absolute? Is it old-fashioned to live with a moral code? Should we be conservative or progressive? Should our beliefs change over time?
- Ruhi book series, by Ruhi Institute. (1987-2015) Published volumes of the Ruhi Institute books. (Links to documents, offsite.)
- Saving Private Ryan: Review, by Milan Voykovic, Shamim Razavi. (1998) Review of film, with thoughts for Bahá'ís: Is there such a thing as a "just war"? What forms of "sacrifice" can be justified? When should collective ethics override individual conscience?
- Scriptures of Different Faiths, The, by Pritam Singh. (1942) Overview of Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, emphasizing their teachings and significance across diverse religious traditions.
- Search for Values: Ethics in Bahá'í Thought, John Danesh, ed, Seena Fazel, ed. (2004-05) This book is a first attempt by several Bahá'í scholars to come to terms with the implications of a Bahá'í system of ethics in modern life, from the university to the family.
- Search for Values in an Age of Transition, The: includes Study Guide, by Bahá'í International Community. (2005-10) A statement on the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, new paradigms taking hold, and the place of the UN. Includes study guide to assist readers in their understanding and examination of the concepts presented in the statement.
- Secret of Divine Civilization, The, by Fariba Moghadam. (2021-05) Overview of the history Abdu'l-Bahá's treatise, and its themes presented through a compilation of quotations. Prepared for the Wilmette Institute.
- Self-Defense, the Ungodly, Infallibility, and Sexual Violence and Abuse, by Universal House of Justice. (2004-09-06) Answers to a number of questions, with extracts from four letters of the House, on self-defense, the ungodly, infallibility, sexual violence, and abuse.
- Sex, Drugs, HIV/AIDS and Religion, by Glenn Curran. (1995) This paper provides a basic presentation of facts about HIV prevalence, transmission principles, prevention strategies and issues. The second part explores the relationship between HIV/AIDS, homosexuality and religion.
- Shoghi Effendi and Social Justice, by Jack McLean. (2007-03) The term "social justice” has been used by many engaged groups as a rhetorical tool to obtain more equitable transformations of the social order. To the Guardian and the later Bahá'í Administration, it is a Divine justice at heart.
- Shoghi Effendi and the American Dream, by Sandra Lynn Hutchison. (1997 Fall) Context and import of Advent of Divine Justice, American destiny, the American frontier, ethical imperatives, and the Most Great Peace.
- Sin-covering Gaze, by Universal House of Justice. (2001-01-21) Brief explanation of a possible source for a story of Christ told by Abdu'l-Bahá about encountering a dead dog and commenting on the beauty of its teeth; i.e., having a "sin-covering gaze."
- Sincerity: The Foundation Stone of Faith, Ehsan Bayat, comp. (2007)
- Social and Economic Development, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, trans. (2000)
- Spiritual Citizenship: Putting Faith into Practice, Robert McClelland, comp. (2017) Lengthy compilation on promoting the betterment of the world, addressing cruelty and negativity, avoiding harmful actions, acquiring and promoting knowledge, work, and acquiring virtues.
- Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance, The: Towards a Just Civilization and Sustainable Economy, by Barbara J. Rodey. (2001) Prepared for the Microcredit Summit to emphasize the importance of universal spiritual principles to achieve the real benefits of microfinance services.
- Spiritual Growth, Essential Requisites for, by Universal House of Justice. (1983-09-01) Letter to Europe; its historically-recent turn away from religion, six ways to improve spirituality, and the importance of prayer and meditation.
- Spiritualization of the Bahá'í Community: A Plan for Teaching, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ireland, Adib Taherzadeh. (1982) A three-part collection consisting of a letter from the NSA of Ireland, a letter from Taherzadeh to the Bahá'ís of Ireland regarding the spiritualization of the Bahá'í community, and the preamble for a plan of action for teaching.
- Stem Cells, by Universal House of Justice. (2001-08-23) There is nothing in the Writings related to stem-cell research or therapy; individuals are free to come to their own conclusions.
- Suicide and the Bahá'í Faith, by Anonymous. (2003) Inspired by the death of David Kelly, see bahai9.com/wiki/David_Kelly. Prepared by a Bahá'í physician who prefers to remain anonymous.
- "Tablet of the True Seeker" from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude), The, by Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, trans. (1931) Guidance to the true seeker, a passage from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude).
- Tablet on the Right of the People (Lawh-i haqq al-nas), by Bahá'u'lláh. Keven Brown, trans. (2016) On some situations relating to a person’s private rights, in this case theft and debt, with a larger meditation on the spiritual rights a person earns through righteous deeds, and God’s promise to reward good deeds and punish the wrong.
- Tablet To the Beloved of God in General in America, by Abdu'l-Bahá. Ali Kuli Khan, trans. (2006) Tablet sent in response to a petition signed by American believers in 1905, including Rose Hilty and Mary Miller of Kansas.
- Talk given by Hand of the Cause of God A.Q. Faizi, Australia, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. (1969-11-21) Discussion of "Standards and Values, "Explanations from the Writings of the Báb," and "How to Study the Book of Íqán"
- Tattoos, Permissibility of, by Universal House of Justice. (2003)
- Technology, Values, and the Shaping of Social Reality, by Matthew Weinberg (published as Matt Weinberg). (2019-05) On a Bahá'í view on technology, its role in advancing civilization, the critical issue of technological choice and its mechanisms, consultative processes, and the case of the Internet.
- Ten Commandments, The: A Baha'i Perspective, by Marco Oliveira. (2019) Overview of the history and theology of the Ten Commandments. Like Christianity and Islam, the Bahá’í Faith inherited and expanded the moral values exposed in the Ten Commandments.
- Theological Ethics in a Bahá'í Perspective, by Jack McLean. (1996-09) The Bahá'í writings are a rich source of moral precepts, with a large corpus of ethical statements in the form of laws, directives, exhortations, injunctions, and axioms of moral theology. What would Bahá'í divine ethics look like?
- Theses on Modernity and the Bahá'í Faith, by Mikhail Sergeev. (2015) On how new religious movements respond to modernity; cycles of religion; project of modernity; culture vs. civilization; the Bahá'í extension of modernity; Bahá'í departure from modernity; separation of religion and state.
- Three Ages of Man, The: Are They Integrated?, by Viva Rodwell. (1996) Childhood, adulthood, old age, and family integration in contemporary culture.
- To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith, by Universal House of Justice. (2010-04-02) Regarding subjects such as family life, wealth, materialism, and justice.
- To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith, by Universal House of Justice. (2009-11-24) Regarding the family and its role in the advancement of civilization.
- Toward a New Paradigm of Management, by George Starcher. (1991/1997) The fundamental changes taking place in management and organization in reaction to globalization and changing technology, and the new knowledge and information based economy.
- Towards a Bahá'í Ethics, by Udo Schaefer. (2004) Bahá'í ethics are a transformative way of life and detachment involving truthfulness, trustworthiness, justice, moderation, wisdom, and prudence.
- Towards a Spiritual Methodology of Scholarship, by Chris Jones Kavelin. (2003) Attempt to offer youth a vision of their sacred duty to pursue scholarship and a confidence in their unique spiritual genius to enable a world civilization to become conscious of its own Divine origin, spiritual nature, sacred purpose and glorious destiny
- Transformative Leadership: Its Evolution and Impact, by Joan Barstow Hernandez. (2018) The ideas behind the conceptual framework and capabilities of Núr University’s "Transformative Leadership Program," developed as a Bahá’í-inspired approach to leadership in academic settings or in projects of social action.
- Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023) Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging.
- True Foundation of All Economics, The, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Hooshmand Badee, comp. (1993/2000/2013) Book-length compilation ordered by chapters covering 26 themes on the economy, welfare, development, women's employment, work ethics, morality, agriculture, extremes of wealth and poverty, profit-sharing, health and alcohol, consultation.
- Two Parts of the Law of God, The: The Essential and the Secondary Teachings of the True Religion of God, and Counterfeit Doctrines, Peter Terry, comp. (2022) Four compilations on themes related to the progressive revelation of the religion of God; essential vs. secondary teachings; counterfeit doctrines of the false religion of man.
- Universal Education, by Abdu'l-Bahá. (1912) Tablet to the second international congress on moral education in The Hague.
- Universal Values, by William S. Hatcher. (2007) Once we acknowledge that human beings are the supreme value in creation, we act on that knowledge. We treat human beings as the ultimate value, as ends rather than means. Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
- Unrestrained as the Wind: A Life Dedicated to Bahá'u'lláh, National Youth Committee, comp. (1985) Compilation of quotations on topics of especial interest to Bahá'í youth.
- Values Education in Bahá'í Schools, by Jennifer Chapa, Rhett Diessner. (2000) A general introduction to a Bahá'í view of the purpose of education, along with a review of common principles and features of Bahá'í-inspired schools, with a multiculturally sensitive curriculum.
- Violence Against Women and Children, by Universal House of Justice. (1993-11-23) Bahá’í principles on violence, sexual abuse, family dynamics, gender equality, consultation, child discipline, and community protection.
- Whanau (extended family) Structures as an Innovative Intervention into Maori Educational and Schooling Crises, by Graham Hingangaroa Smith. (1995) The development of an innovative response by the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand to the dual crises of Maori educational underachievement on the one hand and to the loss of Maori language, knowledge and culture on the other.