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1846 Sep - Oct On His approach to Isfahan the Báb wrote to Manúchihr Khán, the governor-general of Isfahán, and asked him where He should take shelter. The governor requested that Siyyid Muhammad, the Imám-Jum`ih of Isfahán, accommodate Him. During His stay of 40 days the Báb impressed His host as well as many of the clerics. [Bab109–10, 13; DB199–202, 208]
  • See Bab108–9 for information on Manúchihr Khán.
  • It was during His six-month stay in Isfahán that the Báb took a second wife, Fátimih, the sister of a Bábí from that city. She was the sister of Mulla Rajab-`Alí Isfahání. [RB1:249]
    • She became the 6th wife of Mírzá Yahyá in 1854 - 1856. He married her in Baghdad during Bahá'u'lláh's absence in Sulaymaniyah, and divorced her about a month later, giving her in marriage to Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani. [The Cyprus Exiles by Moojan Momen] iiiii
  • See Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Section 28 para 6 for information on this and additional marriages of Mírzá Yahyá while in Baghdad.
  • Isfahan; Iran Bab, Life of; Manuchihr Khan; Governor-generals; Siyyid Muhammad (Imam-Jumih); Fatimih; Mirza Yahya (Subh-i-Azal)
    1850. 27 May-
    21 Jun
    First Nayríz upheaval.

    Vahíd traveled from Yazd towards Shíráz, eventually coming to Nayríz. He went to the Mosque of Jum‘ih where he ascended the pulpit and proclaimed the Cause of God. The governor moved against him and Vahíd ordered his companions to occupy the fort of Khájih. The siege that followed lasted a month. [B178, 204–5; BBR109–13; BW18:381; For23]

  • See RB1:325–31 for the story of Vahíd. See also GPB50, KI223.
  • See also B178–82; BBD171; BBR109–13; BBRSM28, 216; DB485–99; GPB42–4; RB1:264; TN245.
  • See BW19p381 for a chronicle of events.
      The main events were:
    • 27 May: Entry of Vahid into Nayriz; his address at the Jum‘ih mosque; the Governor made moves against him; Vahid ordered his companions to occupy the fort of Khájih..
    • about 6 June: Arrival of Mihr-‘Ali Khan-i-Nuri with troops from Shiraz.
    • about 8 June: Night sortie by Bábis routed troops.
    • about 9 June: Prolonged fighting on this day led to many deaths on both sides.
    • 17 June: Vahid, having received a promise of safety written on the Qur'án, left the fort for Mihr-‘Ali Khan's camp.
    • 21 June: The Bábis were, through treachery, induced to leave the fort, then set upon and killed.
    • 24 June: The arrival in Shiraz of thirteen severed heads of Bábfs which were paraded through the town.
    • 29 June: Martyrdom of Vahfd.
    • 11 July: Mihr-‘Ali Khan arrived in Shiraz with Bábi' prisoners and decapitated heads.
  • Nayriz; Yazd; Shiraz; Iran Vahid (Siyyid Yahyay-i-Darabi); Mosques; Jumih; Governors; Fort Khajih; Nayriz upheaval; Upheavals; Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Other; Persecution
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