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2012 Dec (mid)
Sangesar's old Bahá'í cemetery was thoroughly covered in soil and rubble by bulldozers and trucks and all the graves were covered by dirt and rocks so that no more graves could be seen. [Iran Press Watch 19720] - Persecution, denial of burial; Sangesar, Iran; Iran
2012 26 Nov
The Universal House of Justice shared, in a message to all National Assemblies, a statement prepared by the Office of Social and Economic Development at the Bahá'í World Centre, a statement on the subject of and with the title of, Social Action. The statement offered a brief overview of the involvement of the Bahá'í community in the area of social and economic development, placing it in the context of current activity at the level of the cluster. In this connection, the House of Justice requested the Bahá'í Community to make clear that the distribution of the document should not be seen as a call for widespread action in this area; it was intended as an instrument to further raise consciousness about the nature of social action and some of the methods it employed. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 26 November, 2012] - Institute process; Social action; Social and economic development; * Bahá'í World Centre
2012 15 Nov
In contribution to the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women the Bahá'í International Community issued a statement entitled Towards the Eradication of Violence Against Women and Girls.
  • PDF..
  • Bahá'í International Community; Equality; Women; - Statements; New York, USA; New York City, NY
    2012 29 Oct
    The Bahá'í International Community published a special report on The Baha'is of Semnan: A Case Study in Religious Hatred. (Video) This video report highlighted the effect on one community of the Iranian government's methodical and organized campaign to incite hatred against the Bahá'ís and eliminate them as a viable social entity.
  • The Bahá'ís of Semnan had been the focus in recent years of intensifying persecution, facing an array of economic, physical, and psychological attacks. While these types of attacks on Bahá'ís were not confined to Semnan, the situation there was noteworthy for its particular intensity and the mobilization and coordination of official and semi-official elements -- including the police, the courts, local officials, and the clergy. [BWNS]
  • The report was also made availalble in hard copy. (PDF).
  • Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Bahá'í International Community; - BIC statements; Semnan, Iran; Iran
    2012 Jul
    The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace was assumed by Professor Hoda Mahmoudi who previously headed a research department at the Bahá'í World Center in Israel. [Bio Professor Hoda Mahmoudi]

    She studied structural racism and root causes of prejudice, equality of women as a prerequisite to peace, human nature, global governance, and globalization and the environment. Professor Mahmoudi collaborated with a wide range of scholars, researchers, and practitioners to advance interdisciplinary analysis and open discourse on global peace. Before joining the University of Maryland faculty, Professor Mahmoudi served as the coordinator of the Research Department at the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa, Israel. Prior to that, Dr. Mahmoudi was Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Northeastern Illinois University, where she was also a faculty member in the Department of Sociology. Professor Mahmoudi's books include: A World Without War: 'Abdu'l-Baha and the Discourse for Global Peace, co-authored with Dr. Janet Khan; Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Rights.

  • The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace website.
  • Publications.
  • Hoda Mahmoudi; Bahá'í Chair for World Peace; University of Maryland; Maryland, USA; United States (USA)
    2012 19 Jun
    Over 100 people gathered to mark the re-dedication of the "Peace Monument," which contains soil brought from nearly 150 countries and is a symbolic representation of the oneness of humanity and the global cooperation needed to achieve lasting peace. The monument was built by the Bahá'í International Community and the Bahá'í Community of Brazil in 1992 for the 1992 Earth Summit. Members of the Baha'i International Community's delegation attending were: Duncan Hanks, Daniel Perell, May Akale, Ming Hwee Chong, Peter Adriance. [One Country; BIC HIstory 2012] United Nations; Bahá'í International Community; Peace Monument; Duncan Hanks; Daniel Perell; May Akale; Ming Hwee Chong; Peter Adriance; Earth Summit; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Brazil
    2012 Jun
    After the January 25th revolution against Mubarak and a period of rule by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the Muslim Brotherhood took power in Egypt through a series of popular elections with Egyptians electing Islamist Mohamed Morsi to the presidency in June 2012.

    On 3 July 2013, Morsi was deposed by a coup d'état led by the minister of defense General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The situation of Egypt's Bahá'í community remained uncertain. The prescriptions of the 1960 Presidential Decree, despite the revolution, had yet to be annulled. This meant that despite the 2009 lifting of the restrictions on identification documents, the Bahá'í Faith still had not received actual recognition as a religion and Bahá'í were frequently subjected to public vilification. It was a period of extreme unrest. It is estimated that between Sisi's overthrow of Morsi and the 2014 presidential elections, an estimated 20,000 activists and dissidents were arrested by the police under the interim government. El-Sisi went on to become Egypt's president by popular election in 2014.

    Persecution, Egypt; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Human rights; History (general); Egypt
    2012 11 May
    The Universal House of Justice sent a message to the Bahá'ís of Iran near the four-year anniversary of the illegal arrest and imprisonment of the former members of the Yárán and the more recent injustice meted out against the co-workers of the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE). [BWNS823, Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 11 May, 2012, In Farsi] Yaran; Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; Universal House of Justice; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); - Persecution; - Persecution, Education; Iran
    2012 21 Apr
    Plans were announced that the Universal House of Justice was entering into consultations with respective National Spiritual Assemblies regarding the erection of the first local Houses of Worship in each of the following clusters: Battambang, Cambodia; Bihar Sharif, India; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Norte del Cauca, Colombia; and Tanna, Vanuatu.
  • It was announced in the Ridván Message that a Temples Fund was established at the Bahá’í World Centre to support the construction of the two national and five local Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs, as well as other such projects. The friends everywhere are invited to contribute to it sacrificially, as their means allow. [BWNS906; Riḍván 2012 To the Bahá'ís of the World]
  • In a message from the Universal House of Justice dated 1 August 2014 it was announced that the Office of Temples and Sites had been created in 2012.
  • * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Battambang, Cambodia; Cambodia; Bihar Sharif, India; India; Matunda Soy, Kenya; Kenya; North Caucasus; Colombia; Tanna, Vanuatu; Vanuatu; Temples Fund; Office of Temples and Sites First local Mashriqul-Adhkar
    2012 21 Apr
    Plans were announced for the building of the first two national Mashriqul-Adhkárs that were to be raised up in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Papua New Guinea. [Riḍván 2012 To the Bahá'ís of the World; BWNS906] Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Port Moresby; * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, National; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Kinshasa; * Bahá'í World Centre; Congo, Democratic Republic of; Papua New Guinea first national Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs
    2012 24 Feb
    The inaugural screening of Iranian Taboo by Dutch-Iranian filmmaker Reza Allamehzadeh in Los Angeles. [Iranian Taboo, BWNS890] Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Other; - Persecution; - Documentaries; Iranian Taboo (film); Reza Allamehzadeh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Los Angeles, CA; United States (USA)
    2012 20 Feb
    The passing of Anneliese Bopp, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre at Bad Bruckenau, Northern Bavaria, Germany. [BWNS892]
  • First appointed to the Continental Board of Counsellors at Ridván 1970, she served at the International Teaching Centre from 1979 until 1988.
  • See Vimeo for a short biographical film on Anneliese Bopp entitled Miss Anneliese Bopp: A Champion of Faith.
  • Bahaipedia.
  • Anneliese Bopp; - In Memoriam; Births and deaths; International Teaching Centre; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Bad Bruckenau, Germany; Germany
    2012 15 Feb
    Queen Elizabeth II launched the Diamond Jubilee of her reign with a multifaith reception at Lambeth Palace, the official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Highlighting the ongoing centenary commemorations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's travels to Egypt and the West, the Bahá'í community displayed a robe that He had worn. The exhibit also included a framed calligraphic rendering of words from 'Abdu'l-Bahá's first ever public speech, delivered on 10 September 1911 at London's City Temple: "The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and of the fundamental oneness of religion."

    The Bahá'í delegation was lead by Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi and also consisted of Patrick O'Mara – Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, Nasrin O'Kane from Northern Ireland and Liam Stephens from the Isle of Skye. [BWNS889]

    Queen Elizabeth II; Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi; Patrick O'Mara; Nasrin OKane; Liam Stephens; London, England; United Kingdom
    2012 1 Feb
    The announcement of the publication of Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh in Korean. [BWNS885] Korean language; Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh; * Translation; * Publications; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Korea
    2012 Feb
    Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi was elected as president initiating a two-year transitional period. However, government forces continued to commit human rights violations, including unlawful killings and enforced disappearances, against supporters of secession in south and a conflict with the Huthi armed group in north was renewed. Yemen, Recent history; Yemen
    2012 (In the year)
    The release of the film, The Gardener by Mohsen Makhmalbaf in Farsi with English subtitles. The Gardener (film); Mohsen Makhmalbaf; - Film
    2012 (In the year)
    Stanford University's Bahá'í Collection was the first university-based collection of its kind in the United States and is a premier research resource of all topics Bahá'í related.
  • The Stanford Libraries preserves and makes accessible to all students and researchers a wealth of rare and unique archival materials and books on the Bahá'í Faith. The initial donation of the Jack H. Lee and Arden T. Lee Baha'i Collection in 2012, one of the most extensive private libraries of materials related to the Bahá'í Faith, includes thousands of books, letters, newspaper clippings, photographs and early Bahá'í publications from many countries and in various languages, from Urdu to Japanese to Greenlandic.
  • Holdings in the Bahá'í Collection also include the personal materials from the life's work of renowned educator, psychologist and philosopher Daniel C. Jordan (which include the only original 16 mm film of his ballet, Metamorphosis of the Owls, as well as the Bahá'í Library of Hourolain and Nasrollah Maghzi, an important collection of Persian rare books.
  • Donations to the physical collection or monetary contributions can be made. [Bahá'í Collection]
  • Stanford University; Universities; Libraries; Nasrollah Maghzi; Hourolain Maghzi; Dan Jordan; Arden Lee; Jack Lee; United States (USA) the first university-based collection of Baha'i resources of its kind in the United States
    2012 (In the Year)
    The Office of Temples and Sites was established at the Bahá'í World Centre. The purpose of the office was to coordinate initial preparations for the temple builds with the respective National Spiritual Assemblies.
  • Firstly a committee is formed in each country, entrusted with identifying, together with institutions and agencies at all levels of the community, means to promote widespread participation and to channel the enthusiasm engendered among the friends following the announcement of the projects.
  • Another practical step in these national and local projects has been the selection of a suitable piece of land, one which is modest in size, strategically located, and easily accessible. Then a construction office for the project is established to assist with the management of technical, financial, and legal issues.
  • The next step is to call for the preparation of a design for the Temple edifice. This begins with the selection of potential architects and the formulation of an architectural brief defining the requirements for the structure which will ultimately result in a contract for the final design. Architects are presented with the singular challenge of designing Temples "as perfect as is possible in the world of being" that harmonize naturally with the local culture and the daily lives of those who will gather to pray and meditate therein. The task calls for creativity and skill to combine beauty, grace, and dignity with modesty, functionality, and economy and consideration for local customs and practices. [The Universal House of Justice message dated 1 August, 2014]
  • * Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Design; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, National; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Local; Architecture; Beauty; Economics; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Ishqabad; - Basic timeline, Expanded; * Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel
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