Bahai Library Online

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1.   from the main catalog (804 results; expand)

  1. About Bahá'í Library Online. — Background of this private, non-profit library: credits, history, content, ownership, notes.
  2. Inder Manocha. Bahá'í Art: Fact or Fiction? (1993). — A re-examination of the nature of Baha'i art. Includes response by Sonja van Kerkhoff.
  3. Bryan Graham. Baha'i Faith and economics: a review and synthesis (2002). — Review of the secondary literature on the subject and some issues of methodology.
  4. Robert Stockman. Baha'i Faith: A Portrait (1995). — General introduction to Baha'i history and teachings.
  5. Orrol L. Harper. Bird's-Eye View of the World in the Year 2000, A (1924-10). — A fanciful and optimistic vision of life in the Twenty-first Century.
  6. Ruth Eyford, Helgi Eyford. Marriage: the Eternal Principle (1983). — The role marriage plays in our ultimate purpose to know and worship God. The practical implications ...
  7. Seena Fazel. Bahá'í Faith and Academic Journals (1993). — The nature of the major indexes which classify periodical and journal articles by author and subject...
  8. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Use of Generative Imagery in Shoghi Effendi's Dispensation of Baha'u'llah (1998-03). — Examination of metaphors such as "conception," "offspring," and "seed" in some of the Guardian's wri...
  9. Susan Maneck. Women in the Bahá'í Faith (1994). — Baha'i paradigms of womanhood, and some highlights of women's participation in the Faith's history.
  10. Graham Hassall. Baker, Euphemia Eleanor (1996). — Short biography of an early Australian Baha'i.
  11. Bahá'u'lláh. Сокровенные Слова (2000-11-21). — Одна из первых книг Бахауллы. В ней подводятся итоги пр...
  12. Graham Hassall. Self and Society: Biography and Autobiography in Baha'i Literature (1999). — On some of the 'moral implications' in writing biography in a Baha'i perspective; the modes, intenti...
  13. Samuel Graham Wilson. Bahá'ísm and Its Claims: A Study of the Religion Promulgated by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha (1970). — A hostile and uninformed Christian missionary's overview of the Baha'i Faith from 1915; included her...
  14. Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Shirley Macias, ed. Conqueror of Hearts: Excerpts from Letters, Talks, and Writings of Hand of the Cause of God Abu'l-Qásim Faizí (2002). — Collection of articles, personal letters, and learned talks, edited for posting as a single book. In...
  15. Peter Smith, ed. In Iran (1986). — Essays on Babi-Baha'i history, sociology, and theology in Iran.
  16. Edward Sell. Bab and the Babis, The (1901). — An early account of the Babis and Baha'is.
  17. Moojan Momen, ed. Scripture and Revelation: Papers presented at the First Irfan Colloquium (1997).
  18. In Memoriam (1978). — Ahmadpur, 'Inayatu'llah; Arbab, Ruhi; Ashen, Elizabeth Anna; Azamikhah, Qudratu'llah; Baghdadi, 'Abb...
  19. Bahá'u'lláh. Китаб-и-Иган: Книга Несомненности (2000-02-29). — Вторая по важности книга Бахауллы после Китаб-и-Агдас, ...
  20. Bahá'í Faith (1994/1996). — Entry from an early CD-ROM encyclopedia.
  21. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Arts and Crafts (1991).
  22. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Consultation (1991).
  23. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Covenant (1991).
  24. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Power of Divine Assistance, The (1991).
  25. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Divorce (1991).
  26. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Universal House of Justice, comp. Universal House of Justice, Establishment of (1991).
  27. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Excellence in all Things (1991).
  28. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Fire and Light: Excerpts from the Bahá'í Sacred Writings (1982).
  29. Shoghi Effendi. Funds and Contributions, Baha'i (1991).
  30. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Teaching, Guidelines for (1991). — Republication of The Individual and Teaching: Raising the Divine Call.
  31. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Huqúqu'lláh (1991).
  32. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Meetings, Bahá'í (n.d.).
  33. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Opposition (1991).
  34. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Prominent People, Teaching (1991).
  35. Universal House of Justice. Scholarship, Bahá'í: Statements from the World Centre (1993).
  36. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Teaching The Masses (1991).
  37. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Youth (1991).
  38. Ian Kluge. Apologetics: A Personal Vision (2001-09). — Argument for the need for and practice of academic defense of the Baha'i Faith.
  39. Sepehr Manuchehri. Brief Analysis of the features of Bábí Resistance at Sheikh Tabarsi (1998-10). — The unique features of the Babi Resistance in Sheikh Tabarsi; how it compared to other militia movem...
  40. John Hick. Interfaith and the Future (1994). — The development of the interfaith movement over the past 100 years and its possible futures.
  41. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Scholarship: Definitions and Perspectives (1993). — Reflections on strictly religious Baha'i scholarship vis-à-vis secular scholarship, and how one can...
  42. Abdu'l-Bahá. Vladimir Chupin, trans. Лаух-и Афлакийе (Скрижаль ?'селенной) (n.d.). — Первоначально эта Скрижаль была опубликована в издани...
  43. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development (1996-03). — The many meanings of "development" and their spiritual aspects.
  44. Jonah Winters. What's New in Version 4 (2012-01). — Some useful search and interface changes for 2012, in conjunction with the 15th birthday of the Baha...
  45. Hands of the Cause of God (2010/2020). — List of mini bios and thumbnail photos of 43 of the 50 Hands of the Cause.
  46. Moojan Momen. Gulpáygání, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl (1995).
  47. Juan Cole. Bahá'u'lláh (1995). — Biography of Baha'u'llah, the Founder of the Baha'i Faith.
  48. Moojan Momen. Browne, Edward Granville (1995). — Short biography of an English orientalist and famous scholar of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths.
  49. Moojan Momen. Esslemont, John Ebenezer (1995). — Short biography of a famous Baha'i author and Hand of the Cause of God.
  50. John Walbridge. Fasting (1996).
  51. John Walbridge. Nineteen Day Feast (1996).
  52. Moojan Momen. Haziratu'l-Quds (1995).
  53. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Moody, Susan (1998).
  54. John Walbridge. Mulla `Abdu'l-Karim Qazvini (Mirza Ahmad Katib) (1997).
  55. Robert Stockman. Progressive Revelation (1995).
  56. Duane Troxel. Life of Agnes Alexander (1998). — Essay prepared for the Baha'i Esperanto League's 25th anniversary booklet (see
  57. Denis MacEoin. Bayán (Bayán-i-Farsí): Questions on (1998). — Answers to a number of questions relating to the Bab and the Bayan, inspired by MacEoin's translatio...
  58. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Bahá'í Faith and Sexuality (1996-02). — A selection of internet postings from January-February 1996 on the teachings, history, and laws of t...
  59. Robert Weinberg. Who Was Thomas Breakwell? (1997-08). — Brief biography of the first English Baha'i and an individual central in early European Baha'i commu...
  60. Rick Schaut. Toward a Bahá'í Economic Model (1995-10). — Summary of three positive statements which might form the basis for a Baha'i economic model.
  61. Margaret Ruhe. Thoughts on Marriage, Some (1982). — An essay on various aspects of Baha'i marriage.
  62. Sen McGlinn. Meanings of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar (1997). — Summary of the full meanings of Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, "The Dawning Place of the Remembrance of God."
  63. William P. Collins. Fasting: The mercy and grace of God (1998). — Brief overview of the purpose and backround of fasting.
  64. Ahang Rabbani. Kitáb-i-Panj Sha'n, Book of Five Qualification: Notes (1999). — Informal correspondence from the listserver Talisman 1 regarding the Panj Sha'an, including translat...
  65. Brent Poirier. Twin Covenants of the Bahá'í Faith (1998). — Nature of the "Twin Covenants" of the Baha'i Faith — those of Baha'u'llah and of Abdu'l-Baha; incl...
  66. Jonah Winters, Brett Zamir. Notes on Copyright (1998). — Notes about various copyright schemes followed by the Baha'i Library Online, with links to the US Li...
  67. Mary Pat Fisher. New Religious Movements: Bahá'í (1999-04). — Short overview of Baha'i history, teachings, and consultation.
  68. Steven Leacock. Ralph D. Wagner, comp. Yahi-Bahi Society of Mrs. Resselyer-Brown, The (1914). — Canadian humorist's 1914 parody of 'Abdu'l-Baha.
  69. Wellesley Tudor Pole. Private Dowding: The personal story of a soldier killed in battle (1966). — A record of a soldier in WWI allegedly "channeled" to Pole from the afterlife.
  70. Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing. Collective Security: An Indispensable Requisite for a Lasting Peace (2013). — The global community must come to collaborative agreements regarding policing, the military, nuclear...
  71. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. After Communism: What Next?: Warwick Leaflets (1990). — Leaflet proposing the Baha'i Faith as a solution to the hole left in European society by the downfal...
  72. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Consultation: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2010).
  73. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Cyflwyno'r Ffydd: Warwick Leaflets (1993). — Welsh introduction to the Baha'i Faith.
  74. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Bahá'í Faith, The: How It Began: Warwick Leaflets (1990/2012). — A very short introduction to Baha'i history.
  75. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. New Millennium, The: A Bahá'í View: Warwick Leaflets (1999).
  76. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Terrorism, Freedom from: Warwick Leaflets (1996).
  77. Muriel Ives Barrow Newhall. Stories of Muriel Ives Newhall Barrow: Elizabeth Cheney (1998). — One-paragraph account of an incident in the life of Elizabeth Cheney, pioneer Baha'i teacher in Para...
  78. Christopher Buck. Science and Religion Are Complementary (2013).
  79. Personal Page: Ehsan Bayat (-). — Ehsan Bayat's personal compilations.
  80. Valera Allen, John Allen. Haifa Impressions (1954-12). — Notes from a pilgrimage in December, 1954.
  81. Anonymous. Pilgrim's Notes (1953-01). — Anonymous notes from January 1953.
  82. Elmer Beasley, Gladys Beasley. Our Pilgrimage to Haifa (1957). — Notes from a pilgrimage in 1956.
  83. Alice Dudley. Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa: April 15-23, 1957 (1957). — Notes on a pilgrimage in 1957.
  84. Nellie French. Pilgrim's Notes (1952-04-21). — Notes from a pilgrimage in 1952.
  85. LeRoy Jones. Pilgrimage: Notes by LeRoy Jones (1998-02). — Contemporary notes from a 1975 pilgrimage.
  86. Edith McLaren. Notes of the Pilgrimage of Edith McLaren (1954-05). — Notes of a pilgrimage May 2-10, 1954.
  87. Ethel J. Rosenberg. Notes of Miss Ethel Rosenberg of London England, taken in Acca, January 1909 (1909-01). — Includes a short unrelated letter, a "postscript to the letter of Miss Harriet M. Wise" by Reunion M...
  88. Abdu'l-Bahá. John Walbridge, trans. Talk given 2 May 1912 at the Chicago Plaza Hotel (1991-06). — New translation of a short talk for which the original Persian text was recently (as of 1991) discov...
  89. Juan Cole. Introduction to the Tablet of Ashab (1991). — Short overview of Baha'u'llah's evolving proclamation.
  90. Bahá'u'lláh. Denis MacEoin, trans. Tablet of the Wondrous (Lawh-i-al-`Ajab) (1994 (Appendix XVII).
  91. Bahá'u'lláh. Denis MacEoin, trans. Tablet on Marriage (Lawh-i-Nikáh) (1994).
  92. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Surah of the Sacrifice (Súratu'dh-Dhibh) (1996-04).
  93. Abdu'l-Bahá. Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney, trans. La Politique: Treatise on Leadership (n.d.). — Translation into French from Persian by Dreyfus.
  94. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2001: Bahá'í Era 158 (2001-05). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  95. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2002: Bahá'í Era 159 (2002-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  96. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1968: Bahá'í Era 125 (1968-05-09). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  97. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1975: Bahá'í Era 132 (1975-04-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  98. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1978: Bahá'í Era 135 (1978-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world, and message to the friends gathered at National Baha'i C...
  99. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1980: Bahá'í Era 137 (1980-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  100. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1981: Bahá'í Era 138 (1981-03). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  101. Universal House of Justice. Wellspring of Guidance: Messages of the Universal House of Justice 1963-68 (1969). — Collection of letters from the first years after the creation of the Universal House of Justice.
  102. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 14: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2013). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  103. Bahá'u'lláh. Elena Naylor, trans, Vadim Nomokonov, trans. Китаб-и-Агдас: Наисвятая Книга (2001-03-16). — Основополагающий сборник законов Миропорядка Бахаулл...
  104. Sen McGlinn, comp. Star of the West Book 1: Contents lists of the Persian sections (2000).
  105. Bahá'í International Community. Statistical Information on the Bahá'í Faith (1994/1997). — Brief statistics on the number of Baha'is in the world and in certain territories and the activities...
  106. Iraj Ayman, Muin Afnani. Four Valleys (Chahar Vádí): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  107. Iraj Ayman. Seven Valleys (Haft Vádí): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  108. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Hidden Words, also known as Book of Fatimih (Kalimát-i-Maknúnih): Compilation (1988).
  109. E. G. Browne, Jack McLean, Julio Savi, Jonah Winters. Hidden Words, also known as Book of Fatimih (Kalimát-i-Maknúnih): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  110. Brent Poirier. Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1998).
  111. Muin Afnani, Stephen Lambden, Moojan Momen. Tablet of All Food (Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  112. Iraj Ayman. Tablet to the Cousin (Lawh-i-Pisar-'Amm): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  113. Ismael Velasco, Todd Lawson. Qayyúm-al-'Asmá: Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  114. Iskandar Hai, Iraj Ayman. Tablet of Shikkar Shikan (Shikkar Shikkan Shavand): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999).
  115. Bahá'í World Centre. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Bahá'í World Statistics 2001 (2001-08). — From the Department of Statistics, Baha'i World Centre; prepared and with notes added by Arjen Bolhu...
  116. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Earthly Paradise, An: Bahá'í Houses of Worship Around the World, by Julie Badiee: Review (1997).
  117. Seena Fazel. Bahá'ís, The, by Bahá'í International Community: Review (1993).
  118. Barbara Casterline. Secret of Divine Civilization, by 'Abdu'l-Baha: The Education of Nations: A Review (1972-09).
  119. L. P. Elwell-Sutton. Abdu'l-Bahá: The Centre of the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review (1973).
  120. Anonymous. God Passes By, by Shoghi Effendi: Review (1945-01-31). — Brief review by a non-Baha'i journal, written shortly after the publication of God Passes By.
  121. John Taylor. Century of Light, by the Universal House of Justice: Review (2002).
  122. Brad Pokorny. Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet, by Suheil Bushrui: Review (1999-01).
  123. Devin Stewart. Brilliant Proof, The, by Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani: Review (2002-06).
  124. William S. Hatcher. Eternal Quest For God, The, by Julio Savi: Review (1992).
  125. Christopher Buck. Rituals in Babism and Bahá'ísm, by Denis MacEoin: Review (1996-08). — A compact, well-documented academic study including a representative selection of texts; by focussin...
  126. Christopher Buck. Short History of the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith, and Short Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Reviews (1997).
  127. Anonymous. Thief in the Night or The Strange Case of the Missing Millennium, by William Sears: Review (1998).
  128. Veronica Shoffstall. Advancement of Women: A Bahá'í Perspective, by Janet and Peter Khan: Transforming the roles of women and men, a Review (1999-10).
  129. Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman. Miguel Gil, trans. Rúhíyyih Khánum (2024). — Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum, autora, dramaturga, directora de cine, poeta, embajadora baha'i y, sob...
  130. Jonah Winters. Glossary of internet-related terms (1998). — A document created in 1998, when many users were new to the Web, explaining some common internet ter...
  131. Soroush Shakib. Dispensation of Baha'u'llah: Study Guide (2000). — Short study questions, some by Morten Bergsmo, for each paragraph of this document.
  132. Hugh McKinley. Two Poems: Threnody, Mystery of Life (2003).
  133. Peter J. Khan. 1995: Four Year Plan (1996-09-29). — Talk organized by the US NSA and the LSA of Washington, DC.
  134. Universal House of Justice. Administrative Order, Bahá'í (2000-08-13). — A number of questions about the functioning of the Baha'i Administrative Order.
  135. Universal House of Justice. Alcohol, Prohibition of (1997-03-30). — Explanation of the prohibition on drinking alcohol; guidelines on how to approach and impose adminis...
  136. Universal House of Justice. Alcoholics Anonymous (1987-11-09). — Three short letters concerning Baha'i participation in Alcoholics Anonymous.
  137. Earl Redman. Century of Light: New Trends in Understanding (2003). — "Century of Light" turns conventional wisdom on its head in expressing Baha'u'llah's statement about...
  138. Universal House of Justice. Dissidence and Criticism by Bahá'ís and Scholars (1996-07-02). — Response to a latter about the content and tone of some online discussions in email listservers in t...
  139. Shoghi Effendi. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Criticism: Extracts from letters written on behalf of the Guardian to individual believers (1996).
  140. Universal House of Justice. Nineteen-Day Feast, Scheduling the (2001-04-10). — Two letters about the composition, structure, and scheduling of Nineteen-Day Feasts.
  141. Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Homosexuality (1993). — Extracts from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, letters written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi and letters w...
  142. Universal House of Justice. Homosexual Practices, Bahá'í Teachings on (1995-11-23). — Overview of Baha'i teachings towards homosexual practices, and how the community should approach hom...
  143. Universal House of Justice. Homosexuality, Advice on (1994-05-03). — Clarification to a Baha'i woman in love with another Baha'i woman that the Guardian's interpretation...
  144. Universal House of Justice. Huququ'llah Transactions, Examples of (1991-11-12). — Information and examples about calculating Huququ'llah transactions.
  145. Universal House of Justice. Internet: Creation of the newsgroup talk.religion.bahai (1997-10-14). — Two letters, sent at different times and to different individuals, regarding the proposed newsgroup ...
  146. Universal House of Justice. Photograph of Baha'u'llah on Website (1999). — Source of a photo of Baha'u'llah publicly displayed on a non-Baha'i website, and whether action can ...
  147. International Teaching Centre. Bahá'í scholarship: importance, nature, and promotion of (1984-08-09). — Information on Baha'i scholarship to devise ways to foster the development of Baha'i scholarship alo...
  148. Edwin McCloughan. Concise Encyclopedia of the Baha'i Faith, by Peter Smith, A: Review (2001). — An invaluable reference book for Baha'i scholars.
  149. Universal House of Justice. International Youth Year, 1985 (1985-01). — Two letters, giving words of inspiration and guidance for the International Youth Year, 1985.
  150. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Duane Troxel, comp. Extraterrestrial Life (1996).
  151. Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Covenant-breakers, Electronic Communication with (1998).
  152. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Economics, Agriculture, and Related Subjects (2000).
  153. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Ehsan Bayat, comp. Fear of God (2002).
  154. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Roger Reini, comp, Darren Hiebert, comp. Homosexuality, Bahá'í Writings on (1996-01-13).
  155. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Sen McGlinn, comp. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar (1998). — Compilation on the Baha'i temple, the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, "Dawning Place of Remembrance."
  156. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Continental Board of Counsellors, comp. Covenant-breakers, Non-association with (1999-12-7). — Includes extracts regarding electronic communication with Covenant-Breakers.
  157. Helen Reed Bishop. Kitáb-i-Íqán: Introduction to the 1950 Edition (1950). — Overview of its themes and historical context.
  158. Shoghi Effendi. Messages to the Bahá'í World (1971). — General messages of Shoghi Effendi to the Baha'is, written between 1950 and 1957.
  159. Richard Francis. Badi, Áqá Buzurg (1993/2001). — Life of "the Pride of the Martyrs."
  160. Richard Francis. Chase, Thornton: The First Bahá'í from the Western Hemisphere (1998). — Biography of the life of Thornton Chase, a prominent early American Baha'i.
  161. William S. Hatcher. Reflections on Infallibility (2007). — The progress seen in human history would have been impossible without periodic Revelations. Infallib...
  162. Brad Pokorny. Beyond the Culture of Contest: From Adversarialism to Mutualism in an Age of Interdependence, by Michael Karlberg: Review (2004).
  163. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 15 (1968-1973) (1976). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  164. Fiftieth Anniversary of the Passing of Bahiyyih Khanum, The Greatest Holy Leaf (1986). — Includes compilations about Bahiyyih Khanum, a selection of her letters, the 50th anniversary commem...
  165. Stephen A. Fuqua. Global Interfaith Movement, The (2003-04). — Summary of examples of interfaith dialogue from 1993-2003.
  166. In Memoriam (1970). — Valiyu'llah Varqa, Amelia Collins, George Townshend, Corinne Knight True, Horace Holley, Clara Dunn,...
  167. Christopher Buck. Temples, Bahá'í (2011).
  168. Loni Bramson. Ransom-Kehler, Keith (2011).
  169. Moojan Momen, Todd Lawson. Tahirih Qurratul-ayn (2011).
  170. Moojan Momen, Todd Lawson. Ruh al-Quddus (2011).
  171. Moojan Momen, Todd Lawson. Bab, The (2011).
  172. Loni Bramson. Root, Martha Louise (2011).
  173. Moojan Momen. 'Abdul-Baha (2011).
  174. Robert Stockman. Baha'i Faith: Overview (2011).
  175. Anonymous. Baha'u'llah (2011).
  176. Christopher Buck. Temples, Bahá'í (2010).
  177. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2010: Bahá'í Era 167 (2010-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  178. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2009: Bahá'í Era 166 (2009-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  179. Universal House of Justice. Naw-Rúz 2009: Bahá'í Era 166 (2009-03-21). — A message to the Baha'is of the world.
  180. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2011: Bahá'í Era 168 (2011-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  181. Peter J. Khan. Reflections on the Ridvan 2009 Message (2009-07-03). — The concept of change in religion and in the Baha’i Faith, and the importance of wholehearted obed...
  182. 'Abdu'l-Baha (2004).
  183. George Starcher. Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring (2001). — A condensation of a 130 page joint working paper of the International Labour Office and EBBF. Does n...
  184. George Starcher. Responsible Entrepreneurship: Engaging SMEs in Socially and Environmentally Responsible Practices (2004). — The importance of reputation, and segmentation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) according to t...
  185. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 13: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2012). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  186. Kristine Leonard Asuncion. Armstrong, Counsellor Leonora: A Loving Portrait (1982-08). — Brief biographical sketch of Counsellor Armstrong, the "Spiritual Mother of South America" (1895-198...
  187. Sergio Carro Martin. An Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith: Review (2012).
  188. Moojan Momen. Understanding Bahá'í History: Introduction to the study of history (2013-03). — Video and transcript, prepared for the Wilmette Institute, about how to approach and understand the ...
  189. Michael Knopf. Bahá'í or Spiritual Themed Musical Works (1990-2018). — Dozens of musical scores in .pdf and .musx formats, drawn from a lifetime of original music, from a ...
  190. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, Extracts on the Institution of (1985). — Readings on the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, in both English (unpublished) and German (published as Das Baha'i...
  191. Sana Rezai. Exploration of the Ridvan 2010 Message, An (2010-12). — Six common elements of Plan letters by the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice (praise, anal...
  192. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Gitanos, Compilación de (n.d.). — Compilación de cartas de la Casa Universal de Justicia sobre la importancia y modo de la enseñanza...
  193. In Memoriam (1976). — 'Ala'i, Ni'mat; Alexander, Agnes Baldwin; Allen, Jeanne Gwendolin; Almond, Percy Meade; Backwell, Ri...
  194. R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram. Politics, Text, and Context: In Search of the Bahá'í Revolution (1986). — The rationale for Shoghi Effendi requiring Baha'is to disassociate themselves from other churches an...
  195. William Garlington. Visions of Peace, Strategies for Change: Bahá'í Books on Creating a New World Order (1986). — Reviews of To the Peoples of the World: A Baha'i Statement on Peace, by the Universal House of Justi...
  196. Denison Ross. Babism (1901/1912). — Chapter-length overview of Babi and early Baha'i history.
  197. Duane L. Herrmann. Barbara Senn Hilty Ehrsam (1997). — Ehrsam (1848-1924) was a religious seeker who was instrumental in the establishment of the first Bah...
  198. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 1999: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: 1999: Booklets 33-40 (2003). — These poems were written in 1999 and are part of an annual series of prose-poetry I began sending to...
  199. Giuseppe Robiati. Economy for a New World Order (2005). — A new vision of economics inspired by unity in diversity, respect of nature and other humans, and th...
  200. Badi Villar Cardenas. Apostasía en al Marco Jurídico Bahá'í, La (2001). — Este ensayo constituye uno de los primeros esfuerzos por construir una marco juridico para los proce...
  201. In Memoriam (1986). — 95 biographies from Baha'i World 18. Includes detailed bios of H.M. Balyuzi, A.Q. Faizi, Robert Hayd...
  202. Joan Lincoln. Freedom from Prejudice (2006-06). — Talk from Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre.
  203. Hooper Dunbar. Art and Image in the Writings (1988-10-30).
  204. Ugo Giachery. Shoghi Effendi's Works (n.d.).
  205. Graham Hassall. World Bahá'í Bibliography, A: Project Proposal and Prospectus (2003-09).
  206. Story of Quddus (n.d.). — Quddus was one of the early notable Baha'is. Speaker not known.
  207. Said Zafar. Proclamation of Baha'u'llah (n.d.).
  208. Firuz Kazemzadeh. Bahá'í History (n.d.). — Significance of history to the study of the Baha'i Faith.
  209. Margit Warburg, ed. Bahá'í and Globalisation (2005). — Articles from a conference held at the University of Copenhagen in 2001.
  210. C. M. MacGregor. Bábís (1995-12). — Short overview, as excerpted by MacGregor from Shiel's Glimpses of Life and Manners.
  211. Harry Charles Lukach. Anatolica (1924). — One-page discussion of Mirza Yahya, Subh-i-Azal.
  212. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Ridvan Message from the US National Spiritual Assembly (2007-04). — An annual report/summary of activities, with discussion of low enrollments.
  213. Geoffrey Parrinder. Comparative Religion (1962). — Three passing mentions.
  214. H. M. Munje. Finley P. Dunne, ed. Bahá'í Viewpoint, A (1970). — Short essay on Baha'i principles, presented along with other "leaders of the world's great religions...
  215. Discussions between MacEoin, Cole, Hatcher, Afnan, Lambden, Momen, et al.: index and links (1974-2013). — Table of contents and links for a variety of published scholarly debates within Baha'i studies, 1974...
  216. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 07 (1936-1938) (1939). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  217. Richard Thomas. Vision of Shoghi Effendi as Reflected in The Advent of Divine Justice (1984-11).
  218. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 16 (1973-1976) (1978). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  219. Abdu'l-Bahá. Завещание Абдул-Баха (2011-03-18). — Один из важнейших документов Веры Бахаи, устанавливаю...
  220. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 13 (1954-1963) (1970). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. Includes for...
  221. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 03 (1928-1930) (1930). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  222. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 02 (1926-1928) (1928). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. Then titled ...
  223. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 14 (1963-1968) (1974). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  224. Edward Sell. Babis, The (1896-05). — An early 10-page overview of Babi history and beliefs, published in a monthly journal of missionary ...
  225. Brett Zamir, comp. Prosperity of Humankind Study Outline (2003). — Detailed outline of this publication.
  226. Bahá'í Computer and Communications Association. Summary of Baha'i Activities on Worldwide Computer Networks (1995) (1995-10-11). — A snapshot of the very early online Baha'i community, when there were "over 1,000" Baha'is on the in...
  227. Ted Slavin. Youths of today can make a difference, if we let them (2010-10-16). — If given opportunity to, teens want to be helpful in their community, not just be "cool."
  228. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VI.1 Essays: Unpublished Essays (2003). — This is section VI.1 of my autobiography: unpublished essays. I wrote some 300 essays as a student, ...
  229. Jonah Winters. Vision Statement / Mandate of the Bahá'í Library Online (2003 / 2010). — Early description of content, intent, and functioning of the Baha'i Library Online. Now outdated, bu...
  230. Universal House of Justice. Withdrawal of Administrative Rights (1986-10-26). — Spiritual Assemblies may remain in contact with those Baha'is who have had their Administrative Righ...
  231. Bahá'u'lláh. Pasajes do los Escritos de Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah.
  232. Bahá'u'lláh. Epistola al Hijo del Lobo (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
  233. Bahá'u'lláh. Tabla de Fuego (n.d.). — Spanish translation of the English translation "The Fire Tablet" of the Arabic Lawh-i-Qad-Ihtaraqa`l...
  234. Abdu'l-Bahá. Unidad de los Profetas (1912/1982). — Select essays from Promulgation of Universal Peace.
  235. Shoghi Effendi. El Dia Prometido Ha Llegado (1973). — Spanish translation of The Promised Day is Come.
  236. Shoghi Effendi. Advenimiento de la Justicia Divina, El (1939). — Spanish translation of Advent of Divine Justice.
  237. Glosario Basico de Terminos Bahá'ís (2004). — Spanish glossary of 404 terms used in the Baha'i writings, community and administration, as well as ...
  238. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Alcohol, Compilación Sobre (1972). — Compilación de la C.U.J. sobre el Alcohol y las drogas, publicada en el Boletin Baha'i de España d...
  239. Universal House of Justice. Siglo de la Luz (2001). — Spanish translation of Century of Light.
  240. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Reed Chandler, comp. Fuente de Todo Bien, La (1991).
  241. Bahá'u'lláh. Libro de Certeza (1995). — Spanish translation of Kitab-i-Iqan, The Book of Certitude.
  242. Abdu'l-Bahá. Universal House of Justice, comp. Selección de los Escritos de 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1985). — Spanish translation of Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha.
  243. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Ehsan Bayat, comp. Steadfastness (2004). — Compilation on "The King of all acts."
  244. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Ehsan Bayat, comp. Sacrifice (2004). — Compilation on "The Field of Sacrifice."
  245. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Ehsan Bayat, comp. Justice: The Best Beloved of All Things (2004).
  246. In Memoriam (1974). — Leroy Ioas, Jessie Revell, Mildred Eileen Clark, Marcia Steward de Matamoros, Charles William Dunnin...
  247. Shoghi Effendi. Guidance for Today and Tomorrow: Excerpts (1953). — A compilation of letters from Shoghi Effendi, all but one published in other volumes. This version o...
  248. Hartmut Grossmann. Chaste and Holy Life, A (2006-05).
  249. Glenford Mitchell. Guardian of the Faith, The (2007-07).
  250. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 2000: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Poetry Booklets 40-43 (2004). — This poetry was written during the year 2000, the twentieth year of my writing poetry. I wrote four ...
  251. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Ron Shigeta, comp. Waves of One Sea, The: A Compilation on Unity in the Bahá'í Writings (2004). — A compilation on the nature, significance, and promotion of Unity.
  252. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 2001: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Poetry Booklets 44 to 47 (2004). — The poetry in this collection I wrote during 2001. It is part of a larger collection begun in 1980 a...
  253. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 2002: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 48-51 (2004). — After 30 years of writing occasional pieces of poetry(1962-1992), I have now written poetry 15 years...
  254. Hartmut Grossmann. Power of Prayer (2007-06).
  255. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 2003-4: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 51-53 (2004). — The poetry in this section was written during the two years 2003-4 and is part of Section VIII of a ...
  256. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 1998: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 28-33 (2004). — This is the fourth year, beginning in 1995, that I have put poetry on this site. The previous 15 yea...
  257. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 1997: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 23-28 (2004). — The poetry on this document was written in 1997 when I was age 52-3 and living in Perth Western Aust...
  258. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 1996: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 17-23 (2004). — This poetry comes from the fourth year of my writing poetry extensively. By extensively I mean some ...
  259. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 1995: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII: Booklets 12-17 (2004). — After writing poetry very occasionally for thirty years,1962-1992,I began to write it seriously in t...
  260. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Continental Counsellors of Europe, comp. Arte (n.d.). — Spanish translation of English "Compilation on the Arts."
  261. Bahá'u'lláh. Tabla a los Cristianos (n.d.). — Spanish translation of "Tablet to the Christians," also known as "Most Holy Tablet", from Tablas de ...
  262. Bahá'u'lláh. Palabras Ocultas, Las (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Hidden Words. Translator and date not known.
  263. Bahá'u'lláh. Tablas de Baha'u'llah Reveladas despues del Kitab-i-Aqdas (1988). — Spanish translation (date unknown) of Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas (1988)...
  264. Bahá'u'lláh. Oraciones y Meditaciones Revelado por Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). — Traducción de "Prayers and Meditations." Traducción del original persa y arabe al inglés por Shog...
  265. Bahá'u'lláh. Tabla de Ahmad (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Tablet of Ahmad (Arabic).
  266. Abdu'l-Bahá. Voluntad y Testamento de Abdu'l-Baha (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha.
  267. Abdu'l-Bahá. Tablas del Plan Divino, Las (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Tablets of the Divine Plan.
  268. Shoghi Effendi. Desenvolvimiento de la Civilización Mundial. — Spanish translation of The Unfoldment of World Civilization.
  269. Shoghi Effendi. Dispensación de Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). — Spanish translation of Dispensation of Baha'u'llah.
  270. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Holocaust, the Greater Plan of God, and the Destiny of the Jewish People (1998).
  271. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2004: Bahá'í Era 161 (2004-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  272. Daniel C. Jordan. Your True Self (n.d.).
  273. Javidukht Khadem. Shoghi Effendi (1968-07).
  274. Firuz Kazemzadeh. Bahá'í Faith, The: World Religious Statistics (1988/1999). — A reprint of the widely-circulated encyclopedia article showing the Baha'i Faith to be the world's s...
  275. Firuz Kazemzadeh. Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith (n.d.). — Overview of the Faith, given at Stanford University.
  276. Universal House of Justice, comp. May Ellis Maxwell (1925-1954). — Detailed biography, published in A Compendium of Volumes of the Baha'i World I-XII, 1925-1954; inclu...
  277. Grace Shahrokh. Darius K. Shahrokh: Obituary (2005-03-20). — Bio of the creator of Windows to the Past study series.
  278. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Continental Counsellors of Europe, comp. Arts: Compilation from other compilations (n.d.).
  279. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry Volumes 1 to 5: Pioneering Over Four Epochs (2004). — This document contains poetry, prose, interviews, essays, pages from my memoirs, indeed, a pot pourr...
  280. Seena Fazel. Bahá'í Faith Seen through the Eyes of Major Encyclopedias, The (1992). — Overview of some themes and organization/structure common to articles about Baha'i topics published ...
  281. Kerry Hart. Role of Music in the Advancement of Civilization, The (1989). — Music is interrelated with feeling, value, and the very sense of self-identity. Nurturing an individ...
  282. Nasser Sabet. Introduction to the Kitáb-i-Iqán, An (1991). — The importance, style, and contents of the Book of Certitude, and its five major themes: the true se...
  283. Gilbert Bartholomew (published as G. A. Bartholomew). Harmony of Science and Religion: A Complementarity Perspective (1989). — The principle of complementarity, which can account for certain phenom­ena in quantum mechanics, ca...
  284. Anthony Lee. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram: In Memoriam (2004-10). — A short biography of Baha'i scholar and archivist R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, who passed away Octob...
  285. Holly Hanson. Overview of Bahá'í Social and Economic Development (1993). — Evolution of Baha'i involvement in social and economic development, and some current projects.
  286. Beatrice Ashton. Pilgrim's Notes on Teaching and Administration, A (1952-12). — Statements made to the National Spiritual Assembly after Ashton's return from pilgrimage to Haifa, w...
  287. Peter J. Khan. Aspects of Bahá'í Scholarship, Some (1999).
  288. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2003: Bahá'í Era 160 (2003). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  289. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1999: Bahá'í Era 156 (1999-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  290. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1998: Bahá'í Era 155 (1998). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  291. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1997: Bahá'í Era 154 (1997). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  292. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1965: Bahá'í Era 122 (1965). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  293. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1966: Bahá'í Era 123 (1966). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  294. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1967: Bahá'í Era 124 (1967). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  295. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1969: Bahá'í Era 126 (1969). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  296. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1970: Bahá'í Era 127 (1970). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  297. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1971: Bahá'í Era 128 (1971). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  298. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1972: Bahá'í Era 129 (1972). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  299. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1973: Bahá'í Era 130 (1973). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  300. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1977: Bahá'í Era 134 (1977-03-24). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  301. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1982: Bahá'í Era 139 (1982). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  302. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1983: Bahá'í Era 140 (1983). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  303. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1984: Bahá'í Era 141 (1984). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  304. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1985: Bahá'í Era 142 (1985). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  305. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1988: Bahá'í Era 145 (1988). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  306. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1989: Bahá'í Era 146 (1989). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  307. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1990: Bahá'í Era 147 (1990). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  308. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 1991: Bahá'í Era 148 (1991). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  309. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1992: Bahá'í Era 149 (1992). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  310. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1993: Bahá'í Era 150 (1993). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  311. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1994: Bahá'í Era 151 (1994). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  312. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1995: Bahá'í Era 152 (1995). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  313. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 1: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2000). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  314. Julio Savi. Development of Humankind, The (2000). — From a religious perspective, beyond their material and intellectual development, human beings can a...
  315. Cyrus Ala'i. Kitáb-i-Aqdas as Described and Glorified by Shoghi Effendi (2000). — Basic facts about the Kitab-i-Aqdas. Shoghi Effendi's analysis of the book in his God Passes By.
  316. Bahá'u'lláh. 隐言经 (Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh) (n.d.). — Chinese translation of the Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah.
  317. Ron Price. Unpublished Essays: Autobiography: Section VI.1 (2005). — After 58 years of association with the Baha'i Faith, 1953-2011, I had collected some 200 unpublished...
  318. Ron Price. Interviews With Ron Price About Poetry: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII (2005). — Interested readers will find a series of 29 interviews held in the 20 years between 1996 and 2015. T...
  319. Ron Price. Essays on Poetry: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII Poetry (2005). — The essays on the subject of poetry are, for the most part, introductions to my 78 booklets of poetr...
  320. Ron Price. Bill Washington, ed. Letters of Ron Price: 1960-2015, The: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VII--Letters (2005). — This document attempts to place in a general perspective the approximately 10,000 letters, emails an...
  321. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section X.2 Diary or Journal: Section X.2 Journal (2005). — I began the process of diary and journal making on January 19th 1980, nine years after my internatio...
  322. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Notebooks-Section IX: Autobiography: Section IX (2005). — The Notebooks I now possess were collected over a thirty year period, 1980 to 2010, from the age of ...
  323. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Sections X.I Photographs and XI Memorabilia (2005). — I have added some photographs going as far back as 1908 and a brief literary-historical sketch of my...
  324. Ron Price. Autobiographical Poetry 2005: Booklets 54-57: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII:Poetry (2005). — The first poem that I wrote was at the start of my pioneering life in 1962, but I did not keep any o...
  325. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Literary Work As Epic: Epic Poetry, Epic Narrative and the Epic of Bahá'í History (2005). — In the ten year period September 1997 to September 2007 the concept, the organizing principle, the b...
  326. Peter Adriance. Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World, The (2009-08-14).
  327. Ann Boyles. To Build in the World of Things a Safe Home for the Children of Men (2009-08-16).
  328. Udo Schaefer. Les Bahá'ís: Un chapitre de l'histoire religieuse récente (1989 Summer).
  329. 2004: Newspaper articles archive (2004). — Collection of newspaper articles from 2004.
  330. Grahame Howells. Conservation of the Earth's Resources: What on Earth is the Answer? (1998). — The environmental problems facing humanity can only be solved by a strengthened spirituality, a worl...
  331. 2003: Newspaper articles archive (2003). — Collection of newspaper articles from 2003.
  332. 1997: Newspaper articles archive (1997). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1997.
  333. Family, The: Our Hopes and Challenges (1995). — Proceedings from the National Baha'i Studies Conference, Hobart, Australia, July 1994.
  334. Kitáb-i-Aqdas, The: Studies from the First National Conference on the Holy Book Volume 1 (1996). — Five papers, proceedings from a Baha'i Studies Conference in Sydney, 1993.
  335. Graham Nicholson. Towards the New World Order: A Bahá'í perspective (1996). — We live in a troubled world in which the Baha'i Faith is a living example of an endeavour to establi...
  336. Betty Eskuche. Poems Often Enrich My Spirit (2005). — A collection of a dozen poems and the Baha'i quotes that inspired them.
  337. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2000: Bahá'í Era 157 (2000-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  338. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1987: Bahá'í Era 144 (1987). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  339. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 1986: Bahá'í Era 143 (1986). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  340. Sue Podger. Why Indigenous Peoples Are Distinctive (1996). — The Baha'i Faith supplies the direction to follow in the healing of the planet and its peoples. Do i...
  341. Chris Jones Kavelin. Journey of Broken Hearts (2005). — Three poems on meeting or loving the Beloved, and one inspired by the music of Henryk Górecki.
  342. Noojan Kazemi. Global Prosperity for Humankind: The Bahá'í Model (1996).
  343. Aflatoon Payman. Huqúqu'lláh: The Right of God (1996). — Huqúqu'llah is a voluntary tax on wealth which enables the individual to contribute to the work of ...
  344. Marc Wasley. Next Five Years, The: An Internet Perspective (1996). — Some predictions (made in 1996) of how the Internet will change and how Baha'is can make best use of...
  345. Shoghi Effendi, comp. Bahá'í Faith, The: 1844-1950: Information Statistical and Comparative (1950).
  346. Hands of the Cause, comp. Bahá'í Faith, The: 1844-1963: Information Statistical and Comparative, Including the Achievements of the Ten Year International Bahá'í Teaching & Consolidation Plan 1953-1963 (1963). — Statistical information compiled by the Hands of the Cause of God residing in the Holy Land regardin...
  347. Vahid Chittleborough. Two poems: "A Portrait of Time" and "Surrender" (1995).
  348. Brett Zamir, trans, Violetta Zein, trans. English Translations of French Passages in God Passes By (2005).
  349. Susan Maneck. Justice, Fairness and the Meekness of God (1999). — How the concepts of justice and fairness relate to the responsibilities laid upon the rulers, whethe...
  350. Ron Price. Reviews Of: Books, Articles, Creative Activities and Community Functions: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Sections V & VI: Published & Unpublished Work (2006). — In my pre-pioneering and pioneering life as a Baha'i(1953-2007) I wrote: reviews, commentaries of bo...
  351. Ron Price. 10th Stage of History: The First 50 Years: 1963-2013, The: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII Poetry (2006). — In 1953 Shoghi Effendi outlined a ten stage sequence or framework for the study of contemporary hist...
  352. Ron Price. 275 Years of the Creative and Performing Arts: 1740-2015: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII Poetry (2006). — Music, theatre, dance, dramaturgy, the graphic arts, cartooning, the performing arts, film, publishi...
  353. Ron Price. Bahá'í Administration: 1953-2003: Pioneering Over Four Epochs, Section VIII Poetry (2006). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  354. Ron Price. Nature Poetry: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VII Poetry (2006). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  355. Ron Price. Poems On the Afterlife: Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VII Poetry (2006). — In the late 1970s and early 1980s, as I approached the age of 40, I began to take a serious interest...
  356. Barbara Kay. Looking for Mother's Helper, at Least 15 Years Old, Able to Swim (2012-07-25). — Short essay saying some complimentary things about Baha'is, notable partly because published in a ma...
  357. Andrew Mancey, comp. List of 350 Kindle Books in the "Baha'i" Category (2021). — List of all the English-language titles in the Baha'i category in Amazon's Kindle e-book library.
  358. William S. Hatcher. Fear of Teaching: A Meditation on Authenticity in Human Relationships (2008).
  359. William S. Hatcher. Reflections of a Human Spirit in a Male Body (2008). — Includes discussions of the nature of patriarchy, chauvinism, and feminism.
  360. William S. Hatcher. Elements of a Bahá'í-Inspired Natural Theology (2008).
  361. William S. Hatcher. Causality and Duality (2008).
  362. William S. Hatcher. Causality Principle in the World of Being, The (2008).
  363. William S. Hatcher. Spiritual Education of Children (in Russian and English) (2008). — Fireside talk given in English, with Russian translation.
  364. Bahá'u'lláh. 七谷书简 (Seven Valleys) (n.d.). — Chinese translation of the Seven Valleys by Baha'u'llah.
  365. William S. Hatcher. Abdu'l-Bahá: pour toujours le Centre de l'Alliance (2002). — Fireside talk.
  366. Eric Hadley-Ives, comp. Dreams mentioned in Bahá'í Literature (1999). — A collection of dream narratives and poetry from a variety of sources.
  367. Marco Oliveira. Epístola de Maqsúd: Introdução ao estudo da Epístola de Maqsud (2005-04-01). — A Epistola de Maqsud é uma das mais citadas epistolas de Baha'u'llah.Este texto pretende encorajar ...
  368. William S. Hatcher. La sexualité et la spiritualité 2 (2002-04-24). — Fireside talk.
  369. William S. Hatcher. La poursuite de l'excellence (2008). — Fireside talk.
  370. William S. Hatcher. La consultation (2008). — Fireside talk.
  371. William S. Hatcher. La sexualité et la spiritualité 1 (2008). — Fireside talk.
  372. William S. Hatcher. Ce mystère qu'est l'amour (2004). — Fireside talk.
  373. Riaz Ghadimi. Riaz Masrour, trans. Báb, The: The King of Messengers (2009). — A talk by Dr. Riaz Ghadimi, published posthumously in English.
  374. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 12: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2011). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  375. Universal House of Justice. Socio-Political Order, Speaking on (2011). — Extent to which Baha'is, in this case an academic political scientist, may give their views on polit...
  376. Baha'i Faith and Marxism: Foreword, Introduction, Bios (1987). — In 1986, with the encouragement of the Universal House of Justice, the Association for Baha'i Studie...
  377. Michael Curtotti. Human Rights: Reflections from a Bahá'í Viewpoint (2001). — Born in modern times, the Baha’i Faith addresses human rights in the language of modernity but als...
  378. Farhad Rassekh. Bahá'í Faith and the Market Economy, The (2001). — Baha'i teachings relevant to the market system as described in classical economics and the roles...
  379. Peter J. Khan. Aspects of Bahá'í Scholarship, Some (1999). — Four ideas that characterize Baha’i scholarship: the central position of the Word in the acquisiti...
  380. Sandra S. Fotos. Strategies for Spiritualization (1999). — If the spiritualization process in adults is similar to other learning tasks, then active use of lea...
  381. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: A Century of Precursors: 1743-1843: Section VIII Poetry (2007). — There were four epochs from 1844 to 1944 and a precursor period which, here, I define as 1743 to 184...
  382. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: The Heroic Age: The 2nd Epoch: 1853-1892: Pioneering Over Four Epochs Section VIII: Poetry (2007). — The prose-poetry in this document involves, in various ways, the Person of Baha'u'llah, His life and...
  383. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII - Poetry - The Heroic Age: 3rd Epoch: 1892-1921 (2007). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  384. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII Poetry - The Formative Age: 1st Epoch (1921-1944) (2007). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  385. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII: Poetry 2006 (2007). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  386. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Section VIII: Poetry (2007). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  387. Divine Institution of Marriage, The: Bahá'í Studies Notebook (1983). — Compilation of essays on marriage from a Baha'i perspective.
  388. Anonymous. Divine Institution of Marriage, The (1983).
  389. John Walbridge. Essays and Notes on Babi and Baha'i History (2002-03). — Includes: culture of Iran; Baha'i Faith in Iran; in Turkey; uprising in Zanjan; Babi martyrs; Islami...
  390. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Part 1.1: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography (2011). — Abstract: This autobiographical, memoiristic, work is that of a Bahai over 7 decades of teaching & ...
  391. Moojan Momen. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Community (1988). — The place of scholarship in the Baha’i community and the value of Baha’i studies to that communi...
  392. William S. Hatcher. Scholarship: A Bahá'í Perspective (1988). — Baha’i scholarship seeks to understand and/or apply truths contained in the writings of the Baha...
  393. William S. Hatcher. Les Valeurs economiques et les valeurs morales (1989).
  394. William S. Hatcher. Science of Religion, The (1980). — Contains three essays: “Science and Religion,” “The Unity of Religion and Science,” and “S...
  395. Robert Stockman. Bahá'í Faith, The (2008).
  396. Hossain Danesh. Spiritual Dimensions of Health Science (n.d.).
  397. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Address to the National Convention (1983).
  398. Harris Eyeford Polk. Social and Economic Development (n.d.).
  399. Varqa Roberts Furutan. Evening with Hands of the Cause (n.d.).
  400. Hasan M. Balyuzi. Triumph of the Cause, The (n.d.).
  401. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Allowance of non-Bahá'ís at Feast (2008-12-16). — A directive from the UHJ via the NSA of the US confirming that, if a non-Baha'i attends a Feast, the...
  402. Michael Stausberg, Denis MacEoin, Sen McGlinn. Challenging Apostasy: Responses to Moojan Momen's 'Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community' (2008). — Six letters to the editor published in the issue following Momen's article.
  403. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2007: Bahá'í Era 164 (2007). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  404. Universal House of Justice. Pioneering (2007-03-09). — Short letter to the Baha'is of the world.
  405. Ron Price. Memorials of the Faithful: Revisited (2001 Summer). — Literary themes in Abdu'l-Baha's book of biographies.
  406. Barney Leith. Pursuing Excellence (2001 Autumn). — What is excellence, is it ineffable, how do we recognize it, and how might we pursue it?
  407. Jonathan Patrick. Examination of the Cultural Relativity of Human Rights, An (2001 Autumn). — On the discourse between proponents of the universality of human rights, and those of their cultural...
  408. Sana Rezai. Prosperity of Humankind: An Outline (2012). — Content outline of the document prepared by the Bahá'í International Community's Office of Publi...
  409. Vahid Rafati. Burial: in Bahá'í Communities (1990). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  410. Babism (2008-07).
  411. Shahriar Razavi. Mihdí, Mírzá (2009). — On the son of Baha’u’llah, who entitled him "the Purest Branch," younger brother of ‘Abdu’l-...
  412. Julie Badiee. Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (2009). — On the "Dawning Place of the Praise of God," a term used to refer to a Baha’i House of Worship and...
  413. Muhammad Afnan, Todd Lawson, Peter Smith, et al.. Letters of the Living (Hurúf al-Hayy) (2009). — Title given by the Bab to His first eighteen disciples.
  414. Glenford Mitchell. Administration, Bahá'í (2009-04). — On the international system governing the affairs of the Baha’i Faith; a framework based on electe...
  415. Firuz Kazemzadeh. 'Abdu'l-Bahá 'Abbás (2009-04). — On the eldest son and appointed successor of Baha’u’llah, the Center of His Covenant, and the He...
  416. Paul Dodenhoff. Buddy, Can You Spare a Paradigm?: The Bahá'í Faith and the New Age Movement (1999). — The juxtaposition between the 'New Age' movement in the United States and Britain and the Baha'i Fai...
  417. Christopher Buck. Kahlil Gibran (2010). — A detailed study of the life and work of the Arab-American author and artist Gibran (1883—1931), w...
  418. Juan Cole. Conversion: to Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths (1993). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  419. Denis MacEoin. Bushrú'í, Mullá Muhammad Husayn (1990). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  420. Denis MacEoin. Badí' Calendar (1989). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  421. Denis MacEoin. Báb (Door, Gate) (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  422. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2006: Bahá'í Era 163 (2006). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  423. Denis MacEoin. Hands of the Cause (Ayádí Amr Alláh) (1987). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  424. Moojan Momen. Balyuzi, H. M. (1989). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  425. Moojan Momen. Bahá'íyyih Khánum (1989). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  426. Moojan Momen. Haydar Alí Isfahání (2004). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  427. Moojan Momen. Divorce (1996). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  428. Moojan Momen. House of Justice (Baytu'l-'Adl) (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  429. Moojan Momen. Festivals, Bahá'í (1999). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  430. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2005: Bahá'í Era 162 (2007). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  431. Calmard Jean. Gobineau, Joseph Arthur de (2003). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  432. Minou Foadi. Nabil-i Akbar (2005). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  433. Nosratollah Mohammad-Hosseini. Quddus (2009). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  434. Graham Hassall. Bahá'í Faith, The (2009).
  435. Vahid Rafati, Fariborz Sahba. Temples, Bahá'í (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  436. Denis MacEoin. Bábí Movement (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  437. Denis MacEoin. Bábí Executions and Uprisings (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  438. Moojan Momen, Todd Lawson. Lawh (Tablet) (2005). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  439. Sen McGlinn. Secret of Divine Civilization (Risaliy-i-Madiniyyih) (2009). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  440. Denis MacEoin. Báb, The (ʿAlí Mohammad Shirází) (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  441. Juan Cole. Bahá'u'lláh (1989). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  442. Sholeh A. Quinn, Stephen Lambden. Kitáb-i-Íqán (2010). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  443. Stephen Lambden. Eschatology in the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths (1998). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  444. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography: Part 2.1 (2008). — This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one ...
  445. Moojan Momen. Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (2010). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  446. Michael Wickens. Browne, Edward Granville: life and academic career (1990). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  447. William P. Collins. Future of Bahá'í Studies, The (2001 Winter/Spring). — On the need for planning for the future, diversification, scholarly study by non-Baha'is, scholarshi...
  448. Shahrokh Monjazeb. Sealed Words, The: A Brief Account of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh's Kitáb-i-Iqán (2005). — Overview of the historical context of the Iqan, its themes, and the original manuscript.
  449. Bahá'u'lláh. Die Verborgenen Worte (n.d.). — German translation of The Hidden Words.
  450. Ehsan Bayat, comp. Compilation on Detachment (2008).
  451. Sara M. Kenny. Notes on 1954 Pilgrimage (1954). — Notes from Kenny (1900-1968), Knight of Baha'u'llah to Medeira.
  452. Ian C. Semple. Indispensability of Consultation for Ordering Human Affairs, The (2010). — Consultation is not just another word for discussion. It is not just a technique to be learned, but ...
  453. Universal House of Justice. Scholarly Activities, Development of (2009).
  454. Theses and dissertations on the Bahá'í Faith: 1954-1994/2003 (1995/2003). — List of dissertations, as taken from the ProQuest database. Needs to be updated.
  455. Moojan Momen, ed. Bahá'í Faith and the World's Religions (2005). — Papers presented at 'Irfan Colloquia.
  456. Husayn Villar. Quddús (2008-01-02).
  457. Husayn Villar. Los Apóstoles de Bahá'u'lláh: Un cuadro básico de los 19 Apóstoles de Bahá'u'lláh (2010). — A poster showing photos and names of the 19 "apostles" of Baha'u'llah. In Spanish, but useful for no...
  458. Baha'i Association for the Arts (-). — Biographies of, essays about, and artwork by contemporary Baha'i artists.
  459. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Daoust, trans. Kitáb-i-Aqdas: le plus saint livre (2022). — Révision de la traduction française du Kitab-i-Aqdas (ed. MEB, 2014); voir Avant-propos.
  460. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Spierckel, trans. Prières et méditations: Choix de prières et de méditations révélées par Bahá'u'lláh, compilé et traduit en anglais par Shoghi Effendi (2024). — French translation of Prayers and Meditations.
  461. Iscander Micael Tinto. Manifestations of God and Their Function in Human History, The (2004). — The terminology, purpose and mission, sufferings, functions, and the threefold reality of the Manife...
  462. Shahbaz Fatheazam. Models and Idols: Towards a Philosophy of the Community of Mind (2005). — It is the coexistence of action and learning that modifies community and its traditions, and this co...
  463. Wolfgang A. Klebel. True of Thyself: The Mystical Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and Ken Wilber's System of Integral Philosophy (2005). — A comparison of Wilber's integration of the tradition of liberalism with a genuine spirituality and ...
  464. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon. Bahá'í Faith and Economics, The by Bryan Graham: Commentary (1999).
  465. William P. Collins. Concise Encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith, by Peter Smith: Review (1999).
  466. Julio Savi. Bahá'í Faith and the Perennial Mystical Quest, The: A Western Perspective (2007-12). — Mysticism is an intrinsic aspect of the Baha'i Faith and mystical experience as formulated by Willia...
  467. Marguerite R. Sears. Pilgrims Notes (1953). — Pilgrimage to Haifa, Israel, February 26 to March 9, 1953.
  468. Justin Scoggin. Forging the Divine Economy (2002-12). — Advancing the establishment of Baha'u'llah's divine economy through the operation of community curre...
  469. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Space: The Final Frontier?: Warwick Leaflets (1997).
  470. Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani. David Merrick, ed. Life of Tahirih: The Wonderful Life of Kurratu'l-Ayn (1923-08). — The Life of the great Heroine of the Babi Faith
  471. 2005: Newspaper articles archive (2005). — Collection of newspaper articles from 2005.
  472. Universal House of Justice. Messages from the Universal House of Justice: 1986-2001 (2009). — Messages from the fourth epoch of the Formative Age.
  473. 1998: Newspaper articles archive (1998). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1998.
  474. 2000: Newspaper articles archive (2000). — Collection of newspaper articles from 2000.
  475. 2002: Newspaper articles archive (2002). — Collection of newspaper articles from 2002.
  476. 1996: Newspaper articles archive (1996). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1996.
  477. 1999: Newspaper articles archive (1999). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1999.
  478. Shirley Macias, Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Conqueror of Hearts: Talks by Hand of the Cause of God Abu'l-Qásim Faizí (2002). — Biography, and talks by Faizi to the World Congress (1963) and Wilmette House of Worship (1974).
  479. Shirley Macias. My Memories of Hand of the Cause of God, A. Q. Faizí (2002). — Personal letters from Faizi to Macias, and her recollections of him.
  480. Shirley Macias, comp. Hand of the Cause of God Abu'l-Qásim Faizí: Biography and photographs (2002). — A eulogy for Hand of the Cause Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, also spelled "Fayḍi" (1909 [or 1906]–1980).
  481. Alain Locke. Christopher Buck, ed, Betty J. Fisher, ed. Four Talks Redefining Democracy, Education, and World Citizenship (2008). — The Preservation of the Democratic Ideal; Stretching Our Social Mind; On Becoming World Citizens; Cr...
  482. William P. Collins, Anthony Fitchue, Derik Smith. Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy, by Christopher Buck: Reviews (2006/2007). — Three reviews of the book Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy.
  483. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2008: Bahá'í Era 165 (2008). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  484. Christopher Buck. Locke, Alain (2010).
  485. Ian Kluge. Call into Being: Introduction to a Bahá'í Existentialism (2003). — An existential approach to the Writings and their Aristotelian substratum provides a bridge between ...
  486. Robert Stockman. Writings of the Bab, The: A Survey Based on English Language Sources (2010). — PowerPoint presentation on the scope, style, and history of the Writings of The Bab.
  487. Robert Stockman. Bahá'í Faith, The (2002).
  488. Robert Stockman. Macnutt, Howard (1995).
  489. Robert Stockman. Knobloch, Fanny (1995).
  490. Salman Oskooi. When Science and Religion Merge: A Modern Case Study (2009). — The problem of disharmony between scripture and science is rooted in an unwarranted misattribution o...
  491. Tooraj Enayati, comp. Bahá'í Philately (2010). — Collection of postal stamps and postcards related to the Baha'i Faith.
  492. James B. Thomas. World Peace in a Piecemeal World: An exposition on excerpts from the writings of `Abdu'l-Bahá (2008). — World peace is a challenge facing mankind that must be clearly identified; remedies are put forth fo...
  493. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and A Study In Autobiography: Part 3.1 (2009). — This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one ...
  494. Ghasem Bayat. Journey through the Seven Valleys, A (2002). — An epistle revealed in an eloquent language and composed in a masterful style, with beauty and brevi...
  495. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 2: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2001). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  496. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 3: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2002). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  497. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 4: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2003). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  498. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 5: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2004). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  499. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 6: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2005). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  500. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 7: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2006). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  501. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 8: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2007). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  502. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 9: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2008). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  503. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 11: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2010). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  504. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 10: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2009). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  505. Peter Terry. Philosophy: Material and Spiritual (2005/2024). — Compilation and commentary on matters relating to material and divine philosophy, and definitions of...
  506. Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-86 (1996).
  507. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Eight Prefaces: Subtitle of document: A Study of Autobiography (2010). — This autobiography of a Bahai over six decades of teaching and consolidation, travel-teaching and so...
  508. Gretchen Sousa, L. B. Chase, Ahmad Shamlu, Susan Pershing. Poetry from dialogue magazine (1986-1988). — Nine poems by six authors, published in various volumes of Dialogue.
  509. Jack McLean. Alcoholics Anonymous: Reviews of two books by James Duncan (2005/2011). — Reviews of World Awakening: AA and Higher Power Mutual Aid and Living the Twelve Steps: Change Ourse...
  510. Jack McLean. Dissidents and the Bahá'í Faith (2005). — Author's personal experiences with "disgruntled" ex-Baha'is and critics online in the 1990s.
  511. Jack McLean. Crucible, The: Poems (1995-1996). — 53 poems, some written after the passing of the author's father, Allan James McLean (d. 1995).
  512. Jack McLean. Gathering Traces: Selected Poems 1975-2002 (2002). — 95 poems written during phases of life including marriage and child-rearing in Quebec, a teaching ca...
  513. Jack McLean. Whispers of Angels: Poems (1990). — A collection of 89 poems dedicated to the author's father.
  514. Moojan Momen. Spiritual Assembly (Mahfel-i-Ruháni) (2011). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  515. Moojan Momen. Hidden Words (Kalemát-i-Maknuna) (2011). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  516. Iraj Ayman. Forutan, Alí-Akbar (2012). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  517. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 01 (1925-1926) (1926). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. Then titled ...
  518. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 04 (1930-1932) (1932). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  519. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 05 (1932-1934) (1936). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  520. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 06 (1934-1936) (1937). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  521. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 08 (1938-1940) (1942). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  522. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 09 (1940-1944) (1945). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  523. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 10 (1944-1946) (1948). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  524. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 11 (1946-1950) (1952). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  525. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 12 (1950-1954) (1956). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  526. In Memoriam (1956). — William Sutherland Maxwell, Roy Wilhelm, Siegfried Schopflocher, Louis Gregory, Dorothy Baker, Mario...
  527. In Memoriam (1936). — Bahiyyih Khanum, Keith Ransom-Kehler, Agnes Parsons, Yusuf Khan-i-Vujdani, Arastu Khan Hakim, George...
  528. In Memoriam (1937). — Susan I. Moody, Hooper Harris, Harry H. Romer, Howard Luxmoore Carpenter, Edward C. Getsinger, Sarah...
  529. In Memoriam (1942). — May Ellis Maxwell, Lua Getsinger, Martha Root, Thornburgh-Cropper, Lady Blomfield, Rahmatu’lláh ...
  530. In Memoriam (1945). — John Henry Hyde Dunn, Abdu'l-Jalil Bey Sa'ad, Mirza Buzurg Afnan Ala'i, Margaret Stevenson, Mary Rev...
  531. In Memoriam (1939). — Alfred E. Lunt, Zia Bagdadi, Laurie C. Wilhelm, Mary Hanford Ford, Elmore E. Duckett, Colonel I. Pir...
  532. In Memoriam (1948). — Siyyid Mustafa Rumi, Henrietta Emogene Martin Hoagg, Azizu'llah Mesbah, Muhammad Sa'id Adham, Ali-As...
  533. In Memoriam (1952). — Fannie Lesch, Walter Olitzki, Fanny Knobloch, Marta Brauns-Forel, Fred Mortensen, Haj Taha El-Hamams...
  534. Shoghi Effendi. Non-Political Character of the Bahá'í Faith, The: Excerpts from the Writings of Shoghi Effendi (1986). — Published as Section 6 of Baha'i World 18, preceding a section on "Relationship to Government."
  535. Leo de Colange, ed. Babism (1869). — Possibly the earliest encyclopedia entry on The Bab.
  536. Darius Shahrokh. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl: The Greatest Scholar (1992). — Lengthy biography of an early scholar, whose writings Persian Baha'is often consider as ranking seco...
  537. Darius Shahrokh. Abdu'l-Bahá: The Mystery of God (1992). — Overview of the life of Abdu'l-Baha.
  538. Darius Shahrokh. History of the Báb (1994). — Biography of the Bab, distributed by Images International as a 34-page booklet.
  539. Darius Shahrokh. Significance of the Kitab-i-Aqdas (1993). — History and background of the Aqdas; circumstances of its revelation; the text itself; authority and...
  540. Darius Shahrokh. Mulla Rida: The Indestructible (1992). — Extracts from the Persian book Masabih-i-Hidayat, by Azizu'llah-i-Sulaymani, about a famous life-lon...
  541. Darius Shahrokh. Covenant, The (1995-09). — Overview of two covenants: one with all Prophets regarding the next Manifestation, specifically the ...
  542. Grace Shahrokh, Darius Shahrokh. Shoghi Effendi: The Sign of God on Earth (1998-07). — The Guardian's life, his station, his accomplishments, and his passing.
  543. Darius Shahrokh. Fadl-i-Shirazi: Guided By Dreams (1992). — Life story of an early believer; content derived from the Persian book Masabih-i-Hidayat by Aziz'u'l...
  544. Introduction to the Bahá'í Tradition (1997/2009). — Brief overview of The Bab and Baha'u'llah; worldwide expansion; affirming oneness; feast and firesid...
  545. Jonah Winters. What's New in Version 5 (2013-2024). — Updates to BLO code. (This page was originally a list of structural improvements for Baha'i Library ...
  546. J. E. Esslemont (1926). — Esslemont's is the only biography or in memoriam in this first volume of Baha'i World.
  547. In Memoriam (1930). — Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney, Mirza Mahmud Zargani, William H. Randall.
  548. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 18: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2017). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  549. Paul Vreeland, ed. In Memoriam 1992-1997 (2010). — The first In Memoriam supplement to Baha'i World after the journal converted to a shorter, annual fo...
  550. In Memoriam (1981). — Anderson, Angela Annette; Azzavi, Siyyid Muḥammad; Battrick, Jeannette Hilda; Blackwell, Ellsworth...
  551. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 17 (1976-1979) (1981). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  552. Verse (1986). — Poems by Ruhiyyih Khanum, Giuseppe de Marco, Gilbert Robert, Martyn Burke, Audrey Marcus, Anneke Buy...
  553. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 23 (1994-1995) (1996). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  554. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 24 (1995-1996) (1997). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  555. Charles James Wills. In the Land of the Lion and the Sun, or, Modern Persia: Being Experiences of Life in Persia from 1866 to 1881 (1891). — Numerous passing mentions of the Babi Faith.
  556. Tom Price. Homosexuality and the Bahá'í Faith (2012-06-07). — Homosexuality and the Baha'i teachings in the light of human rights, prejudice, and science.
  557. James A. Herrick. Bahá'í and the Space Connection (2008). — Brief discussion of Baha'i interest in extraterrestrial life.
  558. Todd M. Johnson, comp, Brian J. Grim, comp. Bahá'ís (2013). — Statistics of Baha'i populations in 1910 and 2010, growth rates, and geographic distribution.
  559. David Skinner. Globalization and Religion (2003). — An empirical examination of globalization's religious dimension. Publicly available databases show t...
  560. Universal House of Justice. Intellectual life and the future of Bahá'í studies (2013-07-24). — Observations on the current state of intellectual pursuits in the Baha'i community and guidance for ...
  561. Gregory C. Dahl. Vladimir Chupin, trans. Шаги в сторону экономической модели бахаи (1991). — Светлые идеалы бесплодны, если их обладатели сидят, сл...
  562. Paula R. Hartz. Bahá'í Faith, The (2002/2009). — Overview of Baha'i history, teachings, and scripture, with many photographs and illustrations; part ...
  563. Vahid Payman. Drug Abuse Prevention: The Spiritual Dimension (1999). — [needs abstract]
  564. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: Part 1.2: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography (2014-02). — This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one ...
  565. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and a Study in Autobiography: Part 2.2 (2014-02). — This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one ...
  566. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: An Autobiographical Study and A Study In Autobiography: Part 3.2 (2014-02). — This autobiography/memoir of a Bahai over seven decades of teaching and international travel is one ...
  567. Ron Price. Memorials of the Faithful: Review (1999). — [needs abstract]
  568. Reflections on a Culture of Learning and Growth: Community and Individual Paradigm Shifts: Part B: A Contemporary, Historical, Futuristic and Personal Context (2014). — The building of the community and administrative structure of this new world Faith was at the core o...
  569. Sen McGlinn. Common sense versus secularism: American Bahá'í literature as a window on implicit culture (2007). — Religion and politics must be kept in separate spheres with different, though complementary, rules. ...
  570. Miriam Zuleta. Biografía de Clemencia Pavón Mejía (2022). — Biografia de Pavón Mejia (1931-2020), una miembra de la Asamblea Espiritual Nacional de los Baha’...
  571. Michael Knopf. Paucity of Music in Bahá'í Devotional Practice and Considerations in the Composition of Music for Bahá'í Devotional Purposes, The (1999). — Devotional music in Western communities is limited to local and popular expressions and Eastern chan...
  572. William S. Hatcher. Science and the Bahá'í Faith (1976). — Seeing religion and science as in opposition derives from a conception of science as being too restr...
  573. Arash Abizadeh. How Bahá'ís Should Vote (2008). — When voting, Baha'is should consider the qualifications of individual Assembly members, the collecti...
  574. Eunice Braun. Bahá'u'lláh: His Call to the Nations: A Summons to World Order (1967). — On the irreversible movement toward the interdependence of all peoples and nations, a Baha'i perspec...
  575. Juliet Thompson. 'Abdu'l-Bahá: The Center of the Covenant (1948). — 'Abdu'l-Baha's vibrant personality and unique function as the Centre of the Covenant. His role as th...
  576. Linn Andersson. Bahá'ísm hopes to unite the world and religious conflicts: An interview with Hutan Hejazi Martinez (2012-05-10). — An outsider's view of Baha'i history and ideology (doxa).
  577. Shoghi Effendi: After a Hundred Years (1997 Fall). — Editorial for an issue dedicated to the centennial of the Guardian's birth, summarizing his life and...
  578. R. L. Bridgman. World Organization Secures World Peace (1904-04). — While this paper does not mention the Baha'i Faith, it is an interesting snapshot, and history of, e...
  579. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 15: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2014). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  580. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. Selected Extracts from Letters on Scholarship (1979/1983). — Two compilations on scholarship.
  581. Leonard Harris. Locke, Alain Leroy (2014). — The life and work of Locke (1885-1954), the African-American philosopher and literary critic who hel...
  582. Robert M. Greenberg. Hayden, Robert Earl (2000). — The life and work of Hayden (1913-1980), African-American poet and teacher; his membership of the Ba...
  583. Julio Savi. Remoteness: Selected Poems (2002). — A lengthy collection of poems, some originally written in Italian and translated to English by the a...
  584. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 16: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2015). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  585. In Memoriam: Amin Banani (1926-2013) (2014). — Bio of an Iranian-American Baha'i and prominent academic who authored The Modernization of Iran, and...
  586. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Consultation and the Transformation of Society (2014). — Overview of consultation in the Baha'i Faith, from its introduction in the Aqdas and first implement...
  587. Crawford Howell Toy. Thomas Kelly Cheyne (1916-01). — Overview of the works and diverse intellectual interests of Cheyne, who championed the Faith as an i...
  588. Firuz Kazemzadeh. Preface (1961-01). — The original introduction for the book. In editions after 1967, this preface has been replaced by a ...
  589. Lowell Johnson. Tahirih (1982). — Overview of the life of Qurratu'l-`Ayn, "Solace of the Eye," aka Zarrin-Taj, "Crown of Gold."
  590. James T. Bixby. Babism and the Bab (1897-12). — Overview of Babi history, with some discussion of literature and theology.
  591. Graham Hassall. Collective Security within Reach by Sovaida Ma'ani Ewing: Review (2013).
  592. Anjam Khursheed. Crossing Religious Boundaries: Interfaith Challenges for the Future (1999). — Baha'i approach to inter-religious harmony: coming together with other faiths in the search for trut...
  593. Barron Harper, et al.. Hand of the Cause Mr. `Alí-Akbar Furútan, 1905-2003 (2005). — Compilation of information about Mr. Furutan: biography, in memoriam, photograph, and list of his bo...
  594. Peter Mputle. Solace of the Heart: selected poems (2015/2020). — 30 contemporary poems on spirituality, inspired by the Seven Valleys and "troubles of the affairs of...
  595. Shirin Sabri. Crystallizations: 20 Works by Bahá'í Artists, ed. Ross Woodman: Review (1999).
  596. Deborah K. van den Hoonaard. Ageing: Challenges and Opportunities, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review (1994).
  597. Anne Pearson. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith, by Moojan Momen: Review (1990).
  598. Moojan Momen. Nineteen Day Feast (2014). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  599. Moojan Momen. Mazhar-i Ilahi (Manifestation of God) (2016). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  600. Leslie Garrett. Poems (2016-2019).
  601. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 17: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2016). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  602. Todd Lawson. Martyrdom (2008?). — Overview of the history of and sacred texts about martyrdom in Islam, with a passing mention of the ...
  603. Negin Sanaei. Creativity and Spirituality: Are They Related? (2000). — Short essay on utilizing our talent and appreciating the importance of the imagination.
  604. Grover Gonzales. A Lost History of the Baha'i Faith, by Eric Stetson: Review (2016). — Critical review of a book about the history of some covenant-breaker groups.
  605. Robin M. Chandler. Beautiful Flight toward the Light, The: Reflections on an Artist's Life (2000). — Subjective reflections about the nature of creativity from the author's own point of view, training ...
  606. Hiroyasu Takano. Sheridan Sims, ed. Memories of Talks with the Guardian (2016). — Memories of a pilgrimage in 1954. Takano was the only Japanese Baha'i other than Saichiro Fujita to ...
  607. Ahang Rabbani. Dispensation of Bahá'u'lláh (2005). — A course on Shoghi Effendi's book, a summary of its contents, and its historical context.
  608. Wendy M. Heller. Gail, Marzieh (2016). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  609. Peter Smith. Bahá'í Studies videos (2013). — Twelve introductory videos about Baha'i history, practice, and teachings.
  610. Christopher Buck. Edward Granville Browne (2014). — Bio of E.G. Browne, with focus on his books and translations.
  611. Adib Masumian. Pierre Spierckel, trans. La réfutation des mythes: Les théories du complot en Iran sur l'origine et les objectifs de la religion bahá'íe (2017). — French translation of "Debunking the Myths: Conspiracy Theories on the Genesis and Mission of the Ba...
  612. Bernardo Bortolin Kerr. Overview of Bahá'í Eschatology, in a Tapestry of Four Strands, An (2016). — Survey of scholarship on the Baha'i conception of apocalypse; God's eternal revelation by reflection...
  613. Baher Forghani, comp. Days to Remember: Baha'i Holy Days - A Compilation (1983). — Suggested readings for celebration or commemoration of Baha’i Holy Days and anniversaries.
  614. Moojan Momen. Family and Early Life of Tahirih Qurrat al-`Ayn, The (2003). — Summary of information about the ancestry and background of Tahirih available in Persian and Arabic;...
  615. Jamileh Yazdi. Gertrude Bell and the Babi and Baha'i Faiths (2017). — Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) was a British scholar and government official who knew the Middle East wel...
  616. Florence Pinchon. Coming of "The Glory", The (1928). — An introduction to the Baha’i Faith by an early British Baha’i.
  617. Eugene Flandin. Voyage en Perse (1851). — A detailed travel diary, giving a sense of what Iran was like at the time of the Bab.
  618. Bahá'í World Centre, comp. Institution of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, The (2017-09). — A statement and compilation prepared by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice.
  619. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Selected Passages from Century of Light (2002). — Compilation of selected highlights that summarize the main themes of the book. This is a personal in...
  620. Seena Fazel. Baha'i Studies at the Crossroads: Key Papers and Developments in the Baha'i Studies Review 1990-2002 (2018). — Review of the first 12 years of the BSR journal, highlighting some key papers and developments from ...
  621. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 19: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2018). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  622. Bahá'í Fast: A compilation (2018). — Description and purposes of the Fast; how to fast; additional insights.
  623. William S. Hatcher. Phenomenon of Prejudice, The (2003-10-12). — Fireside at the Baha'i Centre in St. Petersburg.
  624. William S. Hatcher. Nature of the Soul (2003-10-19). — Fireside talk at the Baha'i Center in St. Petersburg.
  625. William S. Hatcher. Sacrifice (2003-10-28). — Fireside talk in St. Petersburg.
  626. William S. Hatcher. Relationship Between Science and Religion (2003-10-02). — Fireside in St. Petersburg.
  627. William S. Hatcher. Backbiting (2003-10-17). — Fireside in St. Petersburg.
  628. Iraj Ayman, ed. Lights of 'Irfán Book 20: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (2019). — Papers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
  629. Gerald Warren, comp. Bahá'í Translation Work: A Compilation (2008/2017). — Quotations by the Central Figures, the House, and the International Teaching Centre about translatin...
  630. Shoghi Effendi, comp. Bahá'í Faith, The: 1844-1952: Information Statistical and Comparative (1953).
  631. Wolfgang A. Klebel. Sow the Seeds of My Divine Wisdom in the Pure Soil of Thy Heart: Towards Coordinating Langs' Communicative Approach of Psychoanalysis with the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (2019). — On correlating the contemporary world and the Baha’i Revelation through the psychoanalysis of Robe...
  632. Daniil V. Pivovarov. Doctrine of Progressive Revelation in the Baha'i Faith (2011). — On the ideological basis of progressive revelation, views of Baha'u'llah and his followers on the na...
  633. Leyla Melikova. How Baha'ism Travelled from the East to the West: Ideological Evolution of the Neo-universalist Religious Doctrine (2013). — On the ideological evolution of the Baha'i Faith in the context of social and cultural trends of Wes...
  634. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Universal Principles of the Bahai Movement: Social, Economic, Governmental (1912). — Excerpts from the Writings of Baha’u’llah and 'Abdu’l-Baha on the basic principles of the Baha...
  635. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Daoust, trans. Rashḥ-i-'Amá: Les Nuages des Royaumes d'en-haut (2020). — Poème de Baha’u’llah publié dans "The Call of the Divine Beloved", édition anglaise du Centre...
  636. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Daoust, trans. Tablette de la Vierge (2020). — Tablette de Baha’u’llah (1852). Traduction française provisoir.
  637. Universal House of Justice. Pierre Daoust, trans. Changement du climat (2020). — Traduction provisoire.
  638. Pierre Daoust, trans. Tablettes additionnelles, Extraits et Causeries: Tablettes supplementaires données par 'Abdu'l-Bahá à 'Akká (2020). — Provisional French translation of "Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks."
  639. Duane L. Herrmann. Prairies of Possibilities (2005). — Sample of poems from the published book, selected by the author — whom Midwest Quarterly celebrate...
  640. Duane L. Herrmann. Ichnographical: 173 (2016). — Poems of life, experience, and transcendence. Sample of poetry from the published book, selected by ...
  641. Duane L. Herrmann. Remnants of a Life (2019). — Poems that reflect on a childhood that was survived in spite of events and conditions; a message of ...
  642. Duane L. Herrmann. Flash Fiction: Spiritual Conversations (2014-2020). — Nine short stories; brief conversations that may aid enlightenment.
  643. Kerilyn Schewel. Rethinking Migration from a Global Perspective (2020-07). — On migration and social transformation and humanity's response to displacement.
  644. Per-Olof Akerdahl. Martyrdom and Servanthood in the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths: A Struggle to Defend a Cosmic Order (2014). — From mystical Islam stems the ideal of servanthood, which is preferred over a concept of martyrdom t...
  645. Moojan Momen. Between Karbalá' and Tabríz: Contested Martyrdom Narratives (2014). — On two models of martyrdom in the time after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, that of the ruling elit...
  646. Susan Gammage, comp. What Do Baha'is Know About Dreams? (2014). — How dreams are described in the Baha'i Faith, dreams vs. visions, kinds and purposes of dreams, inte...
  647. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Daoust, trans. De la Lettre Bá' à la Lettre Há' (2020). — Tablette de Baha’u’llah, publiée dans "The Call of the Divine Beloved", édition anglaise du Ce...
  648. Light of Baha'u'llah, The: An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith (1974). — General introductory book: Baha'i history, life of Baha'u'llah, spiritual teachings, social teaching...
  649. Graham Hassall. Bahá'í House of Worship, The: Localization and Universal Form (2012). — On the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Baha'i thought and practice; interplay between the universal specificati...
  650. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Daoust, trans. Paroles Cachées: Essai de correction de traductions françaises antérieures (2020). — Nouvelle traduction française du rendu anglais de Shoghi Effendi de Hidden Words.
  651. Violette Nakhjavani. Tribute to Amatu'l-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum, A (2000). — Born Mary Maxwell in Montreal, Amatu’l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum’s life spanned almost the entire 20t...
  652. Stanwood Cobb. Tomorrow and Tomorrow (1951). — On worries about the future; the New World Order; solutions of economic problems; prejudice; one wor...
  653. Stanwood Cobb. Character: A Sequence in Spiritual Psychology (1938). — A spiritual autobiography; scientific and religious foundations for character; self-development; the...
  654. Stanwood Cobb. Meaning of Life, The (1932). — The sole purpose of life, so far as the individual is concerned, is growth through struggle. Not to ...
  655. Stanwood Cobb. Homoculture: Principles of Baha'i Education (1935). — With its teachings of universal civilization the Baha'i Faith contains a wealth of directions regard...
  656. Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. Lifeblood of the Cause (1970/1975). — Selections from the writings of the Guardian on the proper appreciation of the importance and meanin...
  657. Christopher Buck. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics (2021). — Introduction "What is the Baha'i Faith?", front-matter, and back-matter.
  658. Christopher Buck. Baha'i Faith: The Basics: Presentation for Book Launch (2021-02-26). — PowerPoint for live Zoom book launch of Baha’i Faith: The Basics (Routledge, 2020), hosted by the ...
  659. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ali Kuli Khan, trans. Tablets Revealed by the Master Abdul Beha Abbas (1901-09-12). — Tablets revealed by Abdu'l-Baha "To the House of Justice at Chicago, To the Ladies' Assembly of Teac...
  660. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahmad Sohrab, trans, Ali Kuli Khan, trans. Tablets Containing Instructions (1906). — Described by Abdu'l-Baha as a few Tablets revealed for believers in Persia; if they are translated a...
  661. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Difficult Art of Translation, The: Selected Extracts From Letters Written By and On Behalf of the Universal House of Justice Concerning the Translations of Shoghi Effendi (2002). — Seven selections, from 1964-1999, on various matters regarding translation.
  662. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Faruq Izadinia, trans. امر بهائی و هنر (Amr-e Bahai va Honar) (2007). — Persian translation of Compilation on the Arts.
  663. Eleanor S. Hutchens. Power of Prayer, The (1969/1975). — Reflections on the purpose of humankind, the nearness of God, the healing power of revealed prayer, ...
  664. Eugene V. Gallagher, ed, W. Michael Ashcraft, ed. Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America, Volumes 1-5 (2016). — Multiple excerpts referencing the Baha'i Faith from this 5-volume set.
  665. Phyllis K. Peterson. Wil van der Kooij, trans. Basisvertrouwen (1998). — Over hoe vertrouwen in de baha'i-gemeenschap kan worden gecreëerd, met baha'i-geschriften als richt...
  666. Babysme, Babys (1868).
  667. Charles William Heckethorn. Babis, The (1897). — Neutral-to-sympathetic overview of: The Bab, the founder; progress of Babism; Babi doctrine; recent ...
  668. Babi, or Babists (1878).
  669. Reviews: The Philosophical Year and the Bábys (1869-08-21). — Brief review of the recently-published scholarship of Gobineau and Kazem-Beg, with an overview of Ba...
  670. Edwin E. Bliss. Bab and Babism (1869-05). — Summary and review of an article from earlier that year by Edward Evans, adding the opinion that Bab...
  671. Bab al-Bab (Mulla Husayn Bushrui, the "Bábu'l-Báb") (1988/2020). — One-line cross-reference entry, with no author's name.
  672. Nader Nasiri-Moghaddam. Nicolas, Alphonse (A.-L-.M. Nicolas) (2021). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  673. Helmuth von Glasenapp. Bahai (1963). — Two-page overview of Baha'i history.
  674. Said Zafar. When Saddam Hussein's Number Comes Up (1991-02-05). — Brief article on the history and symbolism of the number 19, with mention of the Baha'is and Saddam ...
  675. Oakland Ross. Holy Land's Low-Profile Religion, The (2007/10/22). — Brief overview of the Baha'i Faith and its place in Israel.
  676. Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, comp. Challenge: Messages to Bahá'í Youth (1975). — Compilation of messages to Baha'i youth in English and French.
  677. Abdu'l-Bahá. Nicole Rossignol Ben Hamed, trans. Douze Conversations à Table à 'Akká par 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — French translation of "Twelve Table Talks Given by 'Abdu'l-Baha in 'Akka."
  678. Moshe Sharon. Notes and Observations on some of the Writings of the Báb (2013). — Only a small portion of the Bab's writings are available in English. This is a summary of the untran...
  679. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Badi Shams, comp. Bahá'í Perspective on Economics of the Future: A Compilation from the Bahá'í Writings (1989/2000). — Collection of Writings originally organized for the author's research study into Baha'i teachings on...
  680. Badi Shams. Random Thoughts of a Mystic Economist (2016-2023). — Collection of 61 articles published on
  681. Iran Furutan Muhajir, comp. Mystery of God, The (1971/1979). — Text extracted from a book of rare photographs of 'Abdu'l-Baha accompanied by extracts from the writ...
  682. Badi Shams. Economics of the Future Begins Today (2016/2019). — This book presents a lesson in economics in simple terms and puts forward the Baha’i view of the c...
  683. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Badi Shams, comp. La Economia del Futuro: Una Recopilacion de los Escritos Baha'is (1995). — Una colección de cincuenta temas sobre las enseñanzas baha'is en materia de economia.
  684. Badi Shams. Hacia un nuevo orden económico-espiritual desde una perspectiva Baha'i (2021). — Una colección de trabajos acerca del concepto de economia Baha’i. Mi objetivo siempre ha sido sim...
  685. Badi Shams. Study of the Bahá'í Writings on Economics (2021). — Annotated compilation on: divine economy, Baha'i economic system, station of humankind, material civ...
  686. Badi Shams. Workshop Material for The Baha'i Writings on Economics (2021). — Structured outlines, study questions, and compilation for use in workshop sessions on the nature of ...
  687. Mikhail Sergeev. Bahá'í Teachings and the Principle of Separation between Religion and State (2012). — Historical background of the concept of separation of church and state, some contemporary views with...
  688. Ian Kluge. Philosophy Special Interest Group Sessions at the 38th Annual ABS Conference, 2014: Conference Report (2014). — Summary of four presentations: K. Naimi's "Thinking Sociologically About Independent Investigation,"...
  689. Badi Shams. Economics and Spirituality from a Baha'i Perspective (2021). — The role of morality in economics; on developing a humane economy; definition of economics and its h...
  690. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Bahá'í International Community. Iscander Micael Tinto, comp. Justice: A Compilation (2013).
  691. Iscander Micael Tinto, comp. Aspects of the Harmony of Science and Religion in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Talks (2010). — Definitions of science and religion; relations between them as expounded in the discourses Abdu’l-...
  692. Iscander Micael Tinto. Transformation (2013). — The concept of transformation — the change of something's condition, nature, or character, such as...
  693. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Iscander Micael Tinto, comp. Creation and Evolution: A Compilation (2013). — Short compilation of passages on the creation of the universe, nature, and existence.
  694. Duane L. Herrmann. Sweet Scented Dreams: Poems for Devotion (2011). — Selection of twelve poems of a devotional nature from a Baha'i perspective, some previously publishe...
  695. Bahá'u'lláh. Eric Michot, comp. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 3: Compilation and Provisional Translations (2021). — A selection of provisional translations from the Writings of Bahaʼu'llah, occasionally accompanied ...
  696. Bahá'u'lláh. Eric Michot, comp. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 1: Compilation and Provisional Translations (2021). — A selection of provisional translations from the Writings of Bahaʼu'llah occasionally accompanied b...
  697. Bahá'u'lláh. Eric Michot, comp. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 2: Compilation and Provisional Translations (2021). — A selection of provisional translations from the Writings of Bahaʼu'llah, occasionally accompanied ...
  698. Babak Farrokhzad. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl (2021). — Wikipedia-Artikel über Mirza Abu‘l-Fadl, der den neusten Stand der Literatur (Oct 2021) berücksi...
  699. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Jours de souvenance: Sélection des Écrits de Bahá'u'lláh pour les jours saints bahá'ís (2021). — Quarante-cinq sélections révélées pour neuf jours saints baha'is. Traduction de Days of Remembra...
  700. Universal House of Justice. la commission de traduction, trans. Une seule et même foi (2021). — Des passages des écrits de Baha'u'llah et des écritures d'autres confessions qui éclairent les cr...
  701. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Tablettes révélées après le Kitab-i-Aqdas (2021). — Traduction de Tablets of Baha'u'llah Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas.
  702. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Le tabernacle de l'unité: Réponses à Mánikchí Sahib et autres écrits (2014). — Traduction de The Tabernacle of Unity: Baha'u'llah's Responses To Manikchi Sahib.
  703. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Appel du Bien-Aimé divin: Sélection d'oeuvres mystiques (2021). — Sept tablettes révélées avant 1863. Traduction de Call of the Divine Beloved.
  704. Universal House of Justice. la commission de traduction, trans. Le siecle de lumiere (2020). — Enquête sur l'histoire et les changements dramatiques du 20e siècle et l'émergence de la foi baha...
  705. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. la commission de traduction, trans. Prières bahá'íes: Un choix de prières révélées par Bahá'u'lláh, le Báb et 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2002/2010). — Traduction de Baha'i Prayers.
  706. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Épître au fils du Loup (2021). — Traduction de Epistle to the Son of the Wolf.
  707. Badi Shams. Pensamientos varios de un economista místico (2016-2021). — Colección de 59 articulos publicados en
  708. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 20 (1986-1992) (1998). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  709. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 19 (1983-1986) (1994). — Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  710. Anonymous. Bahaism (1913-03). — Early Western report on the Baha'i Faith, notable because it's one of the first references to Baha'u...
  711. Badi Shams. Towards a New Spiritual Economic System (2021). — Collection of some of work on the concept of Baha’i economics. The goal is to simplify economics a...
  712. Lil Osborn. Bahá'í Faith, The (2021). — Origins; Baha'u'llah; `Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi; 'world religion' from 1957; beliefs and pract...
  713. Roshan Danesh. Bahá'í Law (2021-11-02). — Baha'i law in its historical, cultural, social, religious, political, and legal contexts, within pro...
  714. Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez (published as Susan B. Brill). Conversive Relationality in Bahá'í Scholarship: Centering the Sacred and Decentering the Self (1995). — Ways in which Baha’i scholars might follow the process of consecration by centering the sacred wit...
  715. John E. Kolstoe. Improved Access to Intelligent Responses Using the Bahá'í Model of Consultation: Two Exploratory Small-Sample Studies (1997). — Studies using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale show that people consulting together can access ...
  716. Roland Faber. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review (2021-11-30).
  717. James J. Keene. Dawn-Breakers Movie, The (1986/2021). — Sample sections of a movie script of historical fiction: preface, first scene, and appendices 1-5: D...
  718. James J. Keene. Dawn-Breakers Novel, The (2021). — Sample chapters from a book of historical fiction: preface and chapters 1-3: Anticipation of the mis...
  719. James J. Keene. Justice Book: Some Bahá'í Teachings on Human Development (2010/2021). — Three sample chapters from a collection of essays on the "big picture" of the world today: What is j...
  720. Dominique Marchal, reader. Enregistrements audio en français (2021/2022). — Enregistrements audio en français des écrits sacrés baha'is, par Dominique Marchal.
  721. Duane Troxel. 25 Bahá'í Crossword Puzzles (2021). — Crossword puzzles with Baha'i themes. Solutions provided after each puzzle.
  722. Erica Toussaint, comp. Characterized by an Abiding Sense of Joy: Practical Application of Spiritual Principles in Everyday Life (1987/2002). — Cultural influences from the outside world; the nature of humanity; purpose of life; pain and suffer...
  723. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review (2022-02).
  724. Báb, The. Épître du Báb aux Lettres du Vivant (1972/2016).
  725. Bahá'u'lláh. Florilège d'écrits de Bahá'u'lláh (2006/2016).
  726. Universal House of Justice. Term Limits for Members of Spiritual Assemblies (2022-02-17). — Quotations from Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice on matters regarding Baha'i electi...
  727. Jonah Winters. Bahá'í Library Online at 25: Background, Functioning, and Future (2022-05). — Notes written for the 25th anniversary of this website.
  728. Boris Handal. Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, The (2008/2022). — Overview of the Baha'i Covenant, the nature of Covenant-breaking, and the spiritual foundation for b...
  729. Sharon Nur Hatcher. Spirituality in Medicine: Reflections of a Bahá'í Physician (2015). — A self-reflective piece by a family physician and educator; personal experiences and challenges with...
  730. Gilbert Bartholomew (published as G. A. Bartholomew). Science and Religion: Towards the Restoration of an Ancient Harmony, by Anjam Khursheed: Review (1988).
  731. John Danesh. Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne on the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, ed. Moojan Momen: Review (1989).
  732. Brad Pokorny. Achieving Peace by the Year 2000, by John Huddleston: Review (1989).
  733. Roger Lapointe. Bahá'í Faith, Sect or Religion? by Udo Schaefer: Review (1989).
  734. Ross Woodman. "Symbols of Individuation in E. S. Stevens's The Mountain of God," by Cal E. Rollins: Review (1989-1990).
  735. Susan Gilman. "Whither the International Auxiliary Language?" by Phyllis Ghim Lian Chew: Commentary (1990).
  736. Mary Fish. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review (1991).
  737. Edward Rappaport. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review (1991).
  738. Ann Boyles. Rhapsody, God's Whimsy, and Planet Dreams, by Michael Fitzgerald: Reviews (1991).
  739. Alex Aronson. Occasions of Grace, by Roger White: Review (1991).
  740. William Gregg. Unless and Until: A Bahá'í Focus on the Environment, by Arthur Lyon Dahl: Review (1991).
  741. Larry Rowdon. Night Songs and New Seeds, by Michael Fitzgerald: Review (1993).
  742. Jacqueline McClaran. Ageing: Challenges and Opportunities, by Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian: Review (1994).
  743. Michael J. Bruwer. Bahá'í Families: Perspectives, Principles, Practice, by Patricia Wilcox: Review (1992).
  744. Larry Rowdon. "Notes Postmarked The Mountain of God," by Roger White: Review (1997).
  745. Caitlyn Bolton. Community Agency and Islamic Education in Contemporary Zanzibar (2020). — Western political philosophy is primarily concerned with the dynamics of rights and responsibilities...
  746. Duane Troxel. 15 Bahá'í Word Search Puzzles (2022). — Word-search puzzles with Baha'i themes. Solutions provided at end.
  747. Bahá'u'lláh. Eric Michot, comp. Tablets of Baha'u'llah vol. 4: Compilation and Provisional Translations (2022). — A selection of provisional translations from the Writings of Bahaʼu'llah occasionally accompanied b...
  748. Susan Maneck. Bahá'í Faith: The Basics, by Christopher Buck: Review (2022-04).
  749. Universal House of Justice. Pierre Daoust, trans. La Constitution do la Maison Universelle de Justice (2022). — La Constitution fut signée dans la Ville de Haïfa le quatrième jour du mois de Qawl de la cent-vi...
  750. Filip Boicu. Strong Foundationalism in the Bahá'í Faith?: An Analysis of Michael Karlberg's 'Ontological Foundationalism' (2022-04). — A close reading of Michael Karlberg's Constructing Social Reality. An Inquiry into the Normative Fou...
  751. Clemencia Pavon de Zuleta. Reseña Biográfica de la Vida de la Sra. Isabel Pavón de Calderón: Biographical Summary of the Life of Mrs. Isabel Pavón de Calderón (2009-03). — Biografia de Pavón de Calderón (1929-2000), una miembra de la Asamblea Espiritual Nacional de los ...
  752. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador. Carmen Olimpia Ballesteros Sosa y Vicente Quiñonez de Esmeraldas: Epitafios (2020/2021). — Messages from the NSA of Ecuador honoring the lives of Carmen Olimpia Ballesteros Sosa (-2020) and V...
  753. Horace Holley, Amin Banani, Geoffrey W. Marks. Forewords and Preface to Tablets of the Divine Plan (1974/1977/1993). — Preface to the 1974 edition by Horace Holley; foreword to 1977 edition by Amin Banani; forewords to ...
  754. Abdu'l-Bahá. Sélection des Écrits de 'Abdu'l-Bahá (1984/2016).
  755. Jack McLean. Poems in Latter Days, Some (2022). — Poems written 2009-2022 on themes from incidents in everyday life, eulogies to friends who have pass...
  756. Appreciations of the Bahá'í Faith (1972-09). — [needs abstract]
  757. Bahiyyih Khanum. Letter from Bahiyyih Khanum, A: To the Friends of the Lord and the Handmaids of the Merciful throughout the West (1924-03-30). — [needs abstract]
  758. Franklin Kahn. Reaching and Teaching the Indians: Clinics and Task Force Discussions #17 (1967-04-27). — [needs abstract]
  759. Lucy Jane Marshall. Convention Report, 1927 (1927-05-19). — Short summary of the 19th Baha'i national Baha'i convention, held in Montreal, May 19 1927, taken fr...
  760. Amelia Collins. Notes from a Talk about Visiting Haifa (n.d.). — Notes taken from a talk given by Collins about her months visit in Haifa, on obligatory prayers, the...
  761. Tarazu'llah Samandari. Notes Taken from a Visit to the Bahá'is at Hawthorne California (n.d.). — [needs abstract]
  762. Shoghi Effendi, Rúhíyyih Khánum. Letter to the Bahá'ís of Macy Nebraska (1947-12-21). — One-paragraph letter of greeting from the Guardian, with a short intro from Ruhiyyih Khanum, stating...
  763. Significant Events in Bahá'í History (1969?). — Two-page chronology of major events in Baha'i history, 1817-1969.
  764. Marzieh Gail. In the High Sierras (1950-04-21). — A poetic meditation about mankind's grappling with the coming of a new Revelation.
  765. Bahá'u'lláh. Pierre Spierckel, trans. Rashh-i-'Amá: traduction en assonances (2023). — Poème de Baha’u’llah, traduction provisoire.
  766. Bahá'u'lláh. la commission de traduction, trans. Rashh-i-'Amá: Les nuées du plus haut des cieux (2021). — Traduction officielle d'une poème de Baha’u’llah publié dans "The Call of the Divine Beloved" ...
  767. Rúhíyyih Khánum, Rowshan Mustapha. Enoch Olinga: Main de la cause de Dieu (2006). — French version of Ruhiyyih Khanum's "Enoch Olinga, Hand of the Cause of God" (Baha'i World 18, 1986)...
  768. Grover Gonzales. God, the Conscious Energy (2023). — Thoughts on the transference between matter and energy, the energetic nature of miracles, science an...
  769. Rúhíyyih Khánum, Rowshan Mustapha. Enoch Olinga: Hand of the Cause of God (2001). — Lengthy biography of a Hand of the Cause, published in the In Memoriam section of Baha'i World (1986...
  770. Boris Handal. Ásíyih Khánum Called Navváb, Entitled Varaqiy-i-Ulyá "The Most Exalted Leaf," the Wife of Bahá'u'lláh (2023). — The story of Baha'u'llah's wife Ásiyih Khanum, entitled Navvab (1820–1886), covering her life in ...
  771. Boris Handal. Áqá Buzurg, Entitled Badí "The Wonderful" (2023). — Áqa Buzurg and Baha'u'llah's Lawh-i-Sultan; Tablet to Badi from Baha'u'llah; the Pride of the Marty...
  772. Merwin Bannister. Our Own Times: A Continuous History of the Twentieth Century (1904). — Brief mention of the Baha'i Faith.
  773. W. Morgan Shuster. Strangling of Persia, The (1912). — Anecdote from a diplomat in Persian about rumours of American travellers proselytizing the Baha'i fa...
  774. Kenneth D. Stephens. So Great a Cause!: A Surprising New Look at the Latter Day Saints (1973). — A thorough overview of parallels in the thought of Mormonism and the Baha'i Faith. Book offsite, ava...
  775. Jalal Sunstrum. Chase's Chaste Chase: Poems (2023). — Twelve poems on the theme of facing reality on our way to the promised land of world peace and joy. ...
  776. Filip Boicu. Notes on Uncertainty & the World: Theories for Social Change? A Framing (2023-09). — On what theories are dominant in a particular setting via the use of a basic grid; social and religi...
  777. Hooshmand Badee. به سوی یک جامعه مشترک المنافع در اتحادیه جهانی بهائی از دیدگاه حضرت ولی امرالله (Bih Súy-i-Yik Jámi'iy-i-Mushtaraku'l-Manáfi' dar Ittiḥádíyyiy-i-Jaháníy-i-Bahá'í az Dídgáh-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-Valíyy-i-Amru'lláh): "Towards a Bahá'í World Commonwealth from the Guardian's Perspective" (2013).
  778. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Shoghi Effendi, comp. Tablets Revealed in Honor of the Greatest Holy Leaf (1933). — Short collection of passages compiled by Shoghi Effendi for sharing with the United States and Canad...
  779. Hooshmand Badee. نظری اجمالی به زیانهای ناشی از تبعیضات اقتصادی بر ضد جامعه بهائی در ایران (Naẓarí Ijmálí bih Zíyán-háy-i-Náshí az Tab'íḍát-i-Iqtiṣádí bar Ḍidd-i-Jámi'iy-i-Bahá'í dar Írán): "A brief overview of economic apartheid against the Bahá'ís in Iran and its impact on the economy of Iran" (2015-07).
  780. Hooshmand Badee. حضرت عبدالبهاء - پیشگام اقتصاد اخلاقی (Ḥaḍrat-i-'Abdu'l-Bahá: Píshgám-i-Iqtiṣád-i-Akhláqí): "'Abdu'l-Bahá - A Pioneer of Moral Economics" (2021 October/November).
  781. Marco Oliveira. Estudo da Epístola Filho do Lobo (2022). — Links to six videos in Portuguese: translation and adaptation of Melanie Smith's Study Guide to the ...
  782. Marco Oliveira. Estudo da Súriy-i-Haykal (2023). — Nine videos. Nesta Epistola, Baha'u'llah revela a majestade e a glória do Templo - que é o Seu pr...
  783. Susan Gammage. Holy Day Programs (2013-2018/2023). — Programs for all thirteen significant dates on the Baha'i calendar, with Youtube links for opening a...
  784. Farshad Arjomandi. El liderazgo que viene (2022). — Aqui exploramos algunas de las preguntas que esta nueva etapa de la evolución de la humanidad plant...
  785. Harry Liedtke. `Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet of the Universe (2023). — Summary of the themes and meanings behind the Lawh-i-Aflakiyyih in light of contemporary science.
  786. Sheridan Sims. Agnes Baldwin Alexander, Hand of the Cause of God, by Earl Redman and Duane Troxel: Review (2023-05).
  787. Abdu'l-Bahá. Payman Rowhani, comp. Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá - مجموعه خطابات حضرت عبدالبهاء: Including All Published Talks and Utterances in Persian and English (2020). — Complete collection, in both Persian and English, of all of 'Abdu'l-Baha's talks and spoken words.
  788. Violetta Zein. Tribute to the Greatest Holy Leaf, A (2023). — Compilation of biographical materials, quotations, and photographs, from the year of her passing (19...
  789. Violetta Zein. Tribute to Hand of the Cause Hájí Akhúnd, A (2023). — Compilation of selections from biographies and articles, tablets and prayers, and photographs of one...
  790. Farahnaz Feeney, Kynan Feeney. Youth Suicide in Australia: Future Directions in the New Millennium (2002). — [needs abstract]
  791. Mishkin Berteig. Work is Worship: Business is a Spiritual Game (2022-04-16). — Fireside interview with the CEO and chief scientist at the Berteig Institute, an education company t...
  792. QED Communications. Bahai: A Documentary on Lotus Temple (2012-05-04).
  793. Religion World Talks. Lotus Temple, New Delhi: The Gates of God (2022-01-30). — Transcript prepared by Doug Couper from video online at
  794. Wm. Keith Bookwalter, comp. Potentialities and their Manifestation: A Selection of Passages from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb and from the Writings and Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2024-06-20). — The primary principle of the Anisa Model of Education is "the actualization of potentiality" or "the...
  795. Jonah Winters. Proposed Changes for Version 6 (2024-07-01). — Some structural or systemic improvements necessary for future Baha'i Library expansion 2025-.
  796. Shoghi Effendi, comp. World Survey, A: The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1944 (1944). — Summary document showing countries opened, centres founded, languages translated, properties purchas...
  797. Wm. Keith Bookwalter. My Memories of Stanwood Cobb (2024-08-19). — Brief recollections of meeting Cobb in 1973 at Ohio State University on a lecture tour. Includes bib...
  798. Stanwood Cobb. Various Books: 12 Books for Download (1932-1977). — Titles include: Discovering the Genius Within You, Sage of the Sacred Mountain, Radiant Living, Trou...
  799. Chicago Defender: Newspaper Archive 1910-1975 (1910-1975). — 1,677 clippings, unsorted, in scanned PDF.
  800. California Digital Newspaper Collection: Unformatted Partial Archive 1872-2017 (1872-2017). — 9,851 uncorrected OCR-ed clippings from the California Digital Newspaper Collection, in Excel or HTM...
  801. Robert Sarracino. What Does Spirituality Look Like? (2024-09). — Overview of the concepts of spirit and spirituality in the Baha’i writings; discussion of a letter...
  802. Horace Holley. Our Covenant with Abdu'l-Bahá (1949-03). — Every Baha'i has a mission to do their part in the quickening of souls. Baha'is meet in the spirit o...
  803. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Horace Hotchkiss Holley (1970). — Fairly detailed biography, including observations of the relationship between Holley and the Guardia...
  804. Boris Handal. Quddús: The First in Rank (2024). — Two chapters from a biography of Quddús: "Martyrdom of Quddús" (ch. 17) on the most revered figure...

2.   from the Chronology (109 results; expand)

  1. 1990-11-11 — For the first time in 45 years, a Baha'i meeting was held in a public building in Bulgaria. [BINS236...
  2. 1991-11-12 — The first Baha'i meeting to be held in a public location in Mongolia took place in the theatre of th...
  3. 1941-00-03 — John Ferraby, Hand of the Cause of God, heard about the Baha'i Faith from Victor Cofman, a non-Baha'...
  4. 1950-04-25 — Shoghi Effendi cabled the Baha'i world with the successes of the Baha'i work in the past year. [MBW3...
  5. 1954-03-21 — Shoghi Effendi announced that there were Baha'is in 219 countries. [MBW57]...
  6. 1954-04-00 — Shoghi Effendi announced that there were Baha'is in 228 countries and that Baha'i literature has bee...
  7. 1956-04-00 — Shoghi Effendi announced that the Baha'i Faith was established in 247 countries, in 3,700 localities...
  8. 1958-09-23 — Chartered planes took the conference delegates to Singapore....
  9. 1966-00-05 — The island of Niue was opened to the Baha'i Faith for the first time....
  10. 1971-00-00 — The first Amerindian to become a Baha'i in French Guiana enrolled....
  11. 1972-11-00 — Thirty–two people enrolled in Corsica....
  12. 1973-12-01 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Puerto Rico held its first Baha'i school. [BW16:194]...
  13. 1977-03-24 — In a cabled message, the Universal House of Justice called upon Baha'i women around the world to ari...
  14. 1979-04-20 — The Baha'i World Centre reported that ten countries or territories had a Baha'i population that exce...
  15. 1981-07-01 — An International Chinese Teaching Committee was appointed by the Universal House of Justice. [BW19:7...
  16. 1988-07-31 — Over 500 people became Baha'is in Liberia. [BINS184:8]...
  17. 1988-07-10 — The first Youth Convention of Spain was held in Madrid. [BINS180:5]...
  18. 1988-07-02 — Eighty–nine people became Baha'is in Belize. [BINS186:2]...
  19. 1988-09-00 — An intensive teaching campaign in Kenya enrolled 448 new Baha'is. [BINS184:8]...
  20. 1988-09-10 — A three-month teaching project was launched in Colombia, resulting in 1,245 people becoming Baha'is....
  21. 1988-09-24 — The six-week Manicaland Teaching Campaign was launched in Zimbabwe and reported 166 enrolments in th...
  22. 1988-12-04 — A two-week teaching project was launched, resulting in 414 people becoming Baha'is, including ten ch...
  23. 1988-12-30 — Senior officers of the Baha'i International Community in the Holy Land, Geneva, and New York met wit...
  24. 1989-00-03 — The first travel teachers to visit Albania since World War II arrived from Italy....
  25. 1989-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice reported that nearly half a million people had became Baha'is in the ...
  26. 1989-07-23 — The first meeting of Baha'i women in Mauritius took place at the Baha'i Institute. [BINS215:6]...
  27. 1899-00-00 — It is believed that the first Baha'is, a couple, were in Italy in 1899. [BN #43 Aug 1930 p8] A ...
  28. 1913-02-12 — Date of the last of the 12 letters sent to Edward Granville Browne by 'Abdu'l-Baha. The first of the...
  29. 1922-02-27 — Shoghi Effendi wrote to Professor Auguste Forel, advising him of 'Abdu'l-Baha's passing and enclosin...
  30. 1891-00-00 — Tablet of Visitation for Imam Husayn was revealed by Baha'u'llah. It was originally revealed as "La...
  31. 1999-00-00 — Based on initial experiences, the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity learned that many peopl...
  32. 2018-12-00 — During a dialogue with the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination as it considered a ...
  33. 1966-00-00 — In Iraq the national and one local Ḥaẓiratu'l-Quds were seized and the activities of the friends...
  34. 1919-11-21 — In the period after the war 'Abdu'l-Baha was flooded with requests from India and points East for Hi...
  35. 2013-00-00 — The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity initiated a line of action conceived as "areas of inq...
  36. 2001-08-00 — For Baha'i World Statistic as of this date see Baha'i World Statistics August 2001 CE, by the Depar...
  37. 1921-11-29 — The Faith had spread to 35 countries, an increase of 20 since the passing of Baha'u'llah. [...
  38. 1985-03-07 — The passing of Continental Board of Counsellor Lloyd Gardner. [Mess63-68p660] See ...
  39. 1966-10-27 — The passing of Loulie Albee Mathews (b. October 12, 1869, New Castle, New Hampshire) in Colorado Spr...
  40. 1960-05-00 — The National Library Placement Committee offered to place one or two books in local libraries on beh...
  41. 1960-02-00 — The National Promulgation Committee consisted of Fred Graham, Douglas Martin, Donald Dainty with Jea...
  42. 1849-07-31 — Baha'u'llah conceived of a plan, a plan that was endorsed by the Bab, to have the Bab appoint Mirza ...
  43. 2004-11-15 — The Iranian Baha'i Community addressed a letter to Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, outlining the...
  44. 1901-00-00 — The Faith is introduced to China by a Persian. [Major events of the Century of Li...
  45. 1963-00-00 — 1963 - 1963 was a Year of Preparation and a time to consolidate the victories of the Ten Year Crusad...
  46. 1973-04-21 — 1973 - 1974 was a Year of Preparation. [Mess63-86pxli]...
  47. 1957-04-21 — The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula with its seat in Bahrayn (...
  48. 2010-00-00 — The Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) provided data from the World Christian Database (20...
  49. 1844-12-00 — A senior cleric, a convert to the new faith of the Bab, arrived in Yemen through the then internatio...
  50. 1975-04-21 — The zone of Northwestern Africa was split into the two separate zones of Northern and Western Africa...
  51. 1955-04-21 — (The) design (for the) Mother Temple (in the) cradle (of the) Faith (was) unveiled (in the) presen
  52. 2021-03-04 — Singapore's National Heritage Board (NHB) has added the Baha'i Nineteen Day Feast to its intangible ...
  53. 1921-00-00 — The publication of Abdul Baha in London; Addresses, & Notes of Conversations (American edition). Pub...
  54. 1906-11-29 — The publication of Compilation of Utterances from the Pen of Abdul-Baha Regarding His Station. 19p. ...
  55. 2018-08-31 — To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the arrival in the Holy Land the Baha'i World News Service p...
  56. 2000-04-20 — For a summary of achievements of the Four Year Plan see Ridvan 2021 Messag...
  57. 2018-00-00 — The population of the Baha'is of the world was given as 8,327,581 or 0.10% of the population. India...
  58. 2020-07-10 — In a message to an individual the Universal House of Justice stated that a Baha'i was required to ob...
  59. 2020-12-08 — In a letter to an individual on the advisability of taking the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine the Un...
  60. 2020-12-15 — In a letter to an individual the Universal House of Justice stated that an individual Baha'i could n...
  61. 2021-02-26 — In a letter to a National Spiritual Assembly the Universal House of Justice addressed the question o...
  62. 2020-04-08 — In a letter to a National Spiritual Assembly The Universal House of Justice clarified burial during ...
  63. 1988-00-00 — The publication of La terre n'est qu'un seul pays! by Andre Brugiroux. Brugiroux, a French travelle...
  64. 2021-10-29 — In preparation for the commemoration of His passing, the Baha'i communities around the world release...
  65. 1905-07-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha had been promising visiting pilgrims that He would visit America when the friends becam
  66. 1909-00-00 — Martha Root became a Baha'i. [SYH58]...
  67. 1911-12-12 — 'Abdu'l-Baha arrived in Egypt for His second stay in the country. This sojourn lasts 3 months and
  68. 1892-05-24 — See Bibliography for the Tablets of Baha'u'llah: List of citations and resources for Tablets reveale...
  69. 1921-00-00 — The first publication in Chinese was published by the Baha'is in Shanghai. [Video Early history o...
  70. 1990-04-22 — Earth Day went global, mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries. [Earth Day website]...
  71. 2010-04-22 — Earth Day Network launched ...
  72. 1968-00-00 — Twenty years prior, on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted and proclaimed...
  73. 1969-08-00 — New Statistics based on information received from the Universal House of Justice: Countries Opene...
  74. 1971-04-21 — Localities: 46,707 Local Assemblies: 10,461 National Assemblies: 113 [from a pamphlet published ...
  75. 1973-04-21 — Localities: 54,102 Local Assemblies: 13,737 National Assemblies: 113 Tribes and minorities repr...
  76. 1930-04-21 — Number of countries and territories where the Faith has been established: 42 Number of National Spi...
  77. 1985-04-21 — Number of countries and territories where the Faith has been established: 355 Number of National Sp...
  78. 1912-04-15 — The Titanic was the largest steamship ever built. She was 882 feet long, 96 feet wide, displacing 45...
  79. 1968-04-21 — The formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly of Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands. A special ce...
  80. 1941-10-15 — The first Baha'i group was formed in Quito. [Heroes of God: History of the Baha'i Faith in Ecua...
  81. 1947-04-21 — The first Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Quito was established. Those elected were: Hascle Co...
  82. 1935-05-07 — In response to a letter from a very successful National Convention in Germany the Guardian called th...
  83. 1944-04-20 — The end of the first Seven Year Plan. Some of the accomplishments of the plan were: Local Spiritua...
  84. 1986-04-20 — The world population of Baha'is was estimated to be 4,335,000. [BW19p67] ...
  85. 1921-10-00 — Shoghi Effendi visited the Baha'i community of Manchester. At his first meeting with the friends he...
  86. 2022-04-20 — The end of the One Year Plan Achievements Gathering in the Holy Land November 2021 for the Centena...
  87. 2023-04-21 — More than 40 political, social and human rights activists inside and outside Iran, some from inside ...
  88. 1798-07-01 — The start of the French invasion of Egypt. It ended in a military disaster for France, albeit a pol...
  89. 2015-10-27 — The Universal House of Justice announced the appoint of the Counsellors (81) who will serve for the ...
  90. 1968-06-24 — The Universal House of Justice made the first appointments to the Continental Board of Counsellors. ...
  91. 1978-03-27 — Counsellors do not have any legislative, executive or judicial authority, priestly functions, and ca...
  92. 1995-12-26 — The Universal House of Justice clarified the functioning of the Continental Boards: "Fundamental to...
  93. 1953-09-09 — Rooho'llah Mavadatt arrived in Algeria as a pioneer. [BN No277 p8]...
  94. 1985-07-02 — In his report to the UN Human Rights Commission, the special rapporteur on the prevention and punish...
  95. 2001-05-06 — In a letter to an individual in response to a query about the wisest course that a believer can adop...
  96. 2008-05-01 — The publication of Iranian Baha'is from Jewish Background: A Portrait of an emerging Baha'i Communit...
  97. 2023-03-08 — The publication of One More Mountain: Fleeing Iran for America by Mansur Nurel with Jeannette Monger...
  98. 2023-09-15 — The publication of Rúhiyyih Khanum by Hussein Ahdieh and Hill...
  99. 1955-04-21 — The first Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Monaco was established. The first person to become...
  100. 1919-07-17 — From the newspaper Globe and Commercial Advertiser in New York, Àbdu'l-Baha was quoted as saying : ...
  101. 1926-09-00 — In a letter addressed to the Persian Baha'is he emphasizes the importance of compiling a general his...
  102. 1988-01-01 — The publication of Fountain of Wisdom: A Collection of Writings from Baha'u'llah by the Baha'i Publi...
  103. 1940-04-21 — Annual Report National Spiritual Assembly of the Ba...
  104. 17 - 24 Se — The first Italo-Swiss Joint Summer School was held September 17-24 in Bex les Bains in Switzerland, ...
  105. 1994-11-01 — The publication of Olya's Story: A Survivor's Dramatic Account of the Persecution of Baha'is in Revo...
  106. 1914-04-25 — The Baha'i Temple Unity Convention was held in Chicago at the Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple. See...
  107. 2023-06-02 — The Huthi-affiliated Grand Mufti in Sana’a attacked the Baha'is in Yemen in his Friday sermon, acc...
  108. 1958-04-21 — The first Local Spiritual Assembly was formed in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (the Southern Rhodesia. [KoB111...
  109. 2003-05-00 — The publication of For the Celebration of My Praise by the Baha'i Publishing Trust in Wilmette the c...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (51 results; expand)

  1. 1931-04-02 — There were still only 30 Baha'is in Canada by this date. [BBRSM186]
  2. 1976-11-06 — The first Canadian Baha'i Native Council was held in Tyendinaga, Ontario. [BW17:162]
  3. 1982-00-00 — Canadian Baha'i International Development Service was established. [BBRSM154]
  4. 1893-09-24 — Baha'u'llah's recent passing in Akka was announced to the World Parliament of Religions, held in C
  5. 1912-00-00 — It is estimated that there were no more than two dozen Baha'is in Canada at this point. [BFA2p158]
  6. 1922-03-05 — Shoghi Effendi wrote that "in every locality where the number of adult declared believers exceed
  7. 1925-00-01 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada was established....
  8. 1932-02-21 — Some time before this date Canadian Baha'is were exempted from combative service in the armed fo
  9. 1937-05-01 — The First Seven Year Plan was launched in North America. [BBD180; BBRSM158; BW7:17–18; MA9]
  10. 1947-04-21 — In 1937 there had been 18 localities and 2 spiritual assembly. Ten years later there were 38 loc
  11. 1947-07-18 — Melba Loft, (née Whetung), a Chippewa, became a Baha'i while she was living in Michigan. She was th...
  12. 2000-00-00 — One Year Plan
  13. 2006-00-00 — First Five Year Plan
  14. 1958-02-00 — In an article in the Canadian Baha'i News the National Spiritual Assembly asked those in the communi...
  15. 1957-11-04 — Following the directive from the Guardian following the passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf in 1932, t...
  16. 1959-03-00 — It was announced in the Canadian Baha'i News in the March, 1959 issue that the criteria for testing ...
  17. 1960-09-00 — A series of twelve professional advertising mats with graphics and an explanation of the Faith were ...
  18. 2017-12-07 — In its letter to all Local Spiritual Assemblies the National Spiritual Assembly introduced the Commu...
  19. 2016-04-26 — From this time forward the Board of Trustees for the Huqúqu'llah had representation at the National...
  20. 1950-05-00 — The annual budget for 107B.E. was set at $19,000. [CBN 14 July 1950 p2]...
  21. 1949-05-00 — The annual budget for 106B.E. was set at $15,000. [CBN 14 July 1950 p2]...
  22. 1950-08-00 — The National Public Relations Committee announced that they had obtained the services of a professio...
  23. 1953-06-21 — In a message from the Guardian he stated that of all the objective of the Ten Year Plan for Canada, ...
  24. 1953-09-00 — A list of National committees with their mandates and addresses of the secretaries was published in ...
  25. 1954-05-00 — The National Archives Committee made an appeal to all assemblies and individuals to keep and record ...
  26. 1954-09-00 — The annual publication of the list of National Committees and their mandates was published in the Se...
  27. 1956-01-00 — The National Teaching Committee launched a teaching campaign directed at the Ukrainian population. F...
  28. 1955-10-00 — In an article in the Canadian Baha'i News the procedure for the "exchanged of cheques" was explained...
  29. 1955-10-00 — In an article in the Canadian Baha'i News The Indian (First Nations) Teaching Committee quoted Fred ...
  30. 1956-01-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly published the policy on membership in Freemasonry. From the Ameri...
  31. 1962-03-00 — Some Statistics as of March, 1962: Montreal; 27 Ottawa: 24 Toronto: 35 Hamilton: 30 Winnipeg: 1...
  32. 1956-09-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly published the policy for the performing of a Baha'i marriage by a lo...
  33. 2021-06-15 — The Universal House of Justice determined that, exceptionally, the new term for Auxiliary Board Memb...
  34. 1968-07-10 — The passing of Mariette Germaine Roy Bolton (b. 1900 Québec) in New South Wales, Australia. She was...
  35. 2018-05-30 — The publication of Stumbling in the Half-Light: The Stories by John D Sar...
  36. 1981-00-00 — The founding of the Canadian Baha'i International Development Agency (CBIDA). It takes on projects ...
  37. 1910-01-05 — On this date a contribution was recorded to "Temple Unity" from an unknown Baha'i in Winnipeg. ...
  38. 1978-04-21 — [CBN No 315 June/July 1978 p5]
  39. 1934-00-00 — The first talk on the Baha'i Faith was given in Calgary. May Maxwell had arrived by train at the Pal...
  40. 1963-03-00 — At this time there were 1,500 enrolled Baha'is in Canada, 500 of these were First Nations. [CBN Spec...
  41. 1962-00-00 — Native believer Shirley Lindstrom enrolled in the Faith in the Yukon. Months after becoming a Baha'...
  42. 1956-02-00 — With the growing number of Baha'is in the Yukon they were able to send their first delegates to the ...
  43. 2007-08-03 — In an email addressed to all Local Spiritual Assemblies and Baha'i Groups, Gerald Filson, the Direct...
  44. 2006-11-18 — The members of the Spiritual Assemblies in Canada voted for the members of their respective Regional...
  45. 1995-04-00 — The publication of When Your Patient is a Baha'i; An information sheet for health care professionals...
  46. 1992-11-00 — The formation of The Baha'i Medical Association of Canada (BMAC). [Canadian...
  47. 2016-09-07 — The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Canada paid tribute to Professor Irwin Cotler at t...
  48. 1912-01-25
  49. 1953-01-00 — A special edition of the Canadian Baha'i News focused on the purpose of the Haziratu'l-Quds as a sym...
  50. 2023-11-27 — The National Spiritual Assemblies announced the names of those who were selected to serve on the Reg...
  51. 1976-00-00 — In the International Survey of Current Baha'i Activities of the Baha'i World special mention was mad...
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