Multilinear Translation of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, verses 13-15

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No.: 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22- 24
25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54 55- 57
58-60 61-63 64-66 67-69 70-72 73-75 76-78 79-81 82-84 85-87 88-90
91-93 94-96 97-99 100-02 103-05 106-08 109-11 112-14 115-17 118-20 121-23
124-26 127-29 130-32 133-35 136-38 139-41 142-44 145-47 148-50 151-53 154-56
157-59 160-62 163-65 166-68 169-71 172-74 175-77 178-80 181-83 184-86 187-90

Sentence #33: Verse 13, part 1

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
God hath exempted women who are in their courses from obligatory prayer and fasting. Let them, instead, after performance of their ablutions, give praise unto God, repeating ninety-five times between the noon of one day and the next "Glorified be God, the Lord of Splendour and Beauty". Thus hath it been decreed in the Book, if ye be of them that comprehend.

قد عفااللهٰ عن النّسآء حين ما يجدن الدّم الصّوم و الصّلوٰة و لهنّ ان يتوضّأن و يسبّحن خمساً و تسعين مرّة من زوال الىٰ زوال سبحان اللهٰ ذي الطّلعة و الجمال هٰذا ما قدّر في الكتاب ان انتم من العالمين

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
Women, during the period of menstruation are excused by God from praying and fasting, but they have to bathe themselves and praise God ninety-five times from noon to noon, saying: -"Glory be to God, the Lord of Beauty and Perfection." (Subhan Allah Thil-Talat- Weljamel.) Thus hath the matter been decreed in the book, were ye of those who know.
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
God has exempted women from worship and fasting; whenever they find blood (in menstruating). They have to perform ablutions and praise God ninety-five times from afternoon to afternoon, saying "subhan Allah dhi al-tal'a wa l-jamal" (Praise be to God, the possessor of Countenance and Beauty). This is what we decreed in the Book, [Note 1] if you be of the knowing ones.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #34: Verse 14, part 1

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
When travelling, if ye should stop and rest in some safe spot, perform ye- -men and women alike--a single prostration in place of each unsaid Obligatory Prayer, and while prostrating say "Glorified be God, the Lord of Might and Majesty, of Grace and Bounty". Whoso is unable to do this, let him say only "Glorified be God"; this shall assuredly suffice him. He is, of a truth, the all-sufficing, the ever- abiding, the forgiving, compassionate God.

و لكم و لهنّ في الاسفار اذا نزاتم و استرحتم المقام الامن مكان كلّ صلوٰة سجدة و احدة و اذكروا فيها سبحان اللهٰ ذي العظمة و الاجلال و الموهبة و الافضال والّذي عجز يقول سبحان اللهٰ انّه يكفيه بالحقّ انّه لهو الكافي الباقي الغفور الرّحيم

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
While travelling, it is incumbent upon men and women on arriving at a place of safety for rest, to substitute one prostration for each form of prayer and say "Praise be to God, the owner of greatness, glory, bounty and grace. (Subhan Allah Thil Athamat Walijlall Wal Mowhabat Afthal). And he who cannot manage more, it sufficeth him to say: "Glory be to God" (Subhan Allah). Verily He is the sufficient, the everlasting, the pardoner, the clement!
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
And for you men and women, if, on journeys you stop and rest in a safe location, (there is required) in place of the whole ritual of worship (only) one prostration and the saying of the words, "subhan Allah dhi al-azama wa'l-ijlal wa'l-mawhiba wa'l-afdal" (Praise be to God, the Possessor of Greatness and Majesty, the Free Gift and the Graces)

Whoever is unable (to do this) will say, "subhan Allah" (Praise be to God). Thus is the duty sufficiently performed. He is the Satisfying, the Continuing, the Forgiving, the Merciful One.

Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #35: Verse 14, part 2

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
Upon completing your prostrations, seat yourselves cross-legged--men and women alike--and eighteen times repeat "Glorified be God, the Lord of the kingdoms of earth and heaven". Thus doth the Lord make plain the ways of truth and guidance, ways that lead to one way, which is this Straight Path.

و بعد اتمام السّجود لكم و لهنّ ان تقعدوا علىٰ هيكل التّوحيد و تقولوا ثماني عشرة مرّة سبحان اللهٰ ذي الملك و الملكوت كذٰلك يبيّن اللهٰ سبل الحقّ و الهدىٰ و انّها انتهت الىٰ سبيل و احد و هو هٰذا الصّراط المستقيم

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
On the completion of your worship you must sit down on the temple of unity (sit on the floor with the feet under the body) and say "Glory be to God - the possessor of the kingdom and the realm of creation." (Subhan Allah Thil Mullwal Malacoot) Thus hath God expounded unto you the paths of truth and guidance which have eventually terminated in one path, and it is this which is the "Right path".
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
After completing the prostration, you and the women are to sit at the temple of Unity (haykal al-tawhid) [Note 2] and say eighteen times, "subhan Allah dhi al-mulk wa'l- malakut" (Praise be to God, the Possessor of the kingdoms of this world and the next).

Thus God explains the ways of Reality and Guidance. They end, indeed, in one way which is the Straight Path (al-sirat al-mustaqim).

Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #36: Verse 14, part 3

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
Render thanks unto God for this most gracious favour;

اشكروا اللهٰ بهٰذا الفضل العظيم

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
Give thanks to God for this great bounty!
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Give thanks to God for this great Grace.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #37: Verse 14, part 4

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
offer praise unto Him for this bounty that hath encompassed the heavens and the earth;

احمدوا اللهٰ بهٰذه الموهبة الّتي احاطت السّمٰوات و الارضين

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
Praise God for this gift which encompasseth the heavens and earth!
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Praise God for this free gift which encompassed the heavens and the earths.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #38: Verse 14, part 5

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
extol Him for this mercy that hath pervaded all creation.

اذكروا اللهٰ بهٰذه الرّحمة الّتي سبقت العالمين

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
And celebrate the name of God for this mercy which *proceeded* the worlds!
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Remember God for this mercy which preceded the worlds.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #39: Verse 15, part 1

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
Say: God hath made My hidden love the key to the Treasure; would that ye might perceive it!

قل قد جعل اللهٰ مفتاح الكنز حبّي المكنون لو انتم تعرفون

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
Say: God hath made His hidden love as a key to the treasure if ye are to know,
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Say: God has made my hidden love the key of the treasure, if you would only perceive.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #40: Verse 15, part 2

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
But for the key, the Treasure would to all eternity have remained concealed; would that ye might believe it!

لولا المفتاح لكان مكنوناً في ازل الاٰزال لو انتم توقنون

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
and were it not for the key, it would remain hidden for eternities of eternities, were ye to believe.
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Were it not for the key, it would be hidden for the eternity of past eternities, if you were only certain.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #41: Verse 15, part 3

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
Say: This is the Source of Revelation, the Dawning-place of Splendour, Whose brightness hath illumined the horizons of the world.

قل هٰذا لمطلع الوحي و مشرق الاشراق الّذي به اشرقت الاٰفاق لو انتم تعلمون

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
Say: This is indeed the dayspring of revelation and the dawning place of effulgence
Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
Say: This is the Rising-place of Revelation and the Sunrise-place of the Brilliance by which the horizons became light,
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Sentence #42: Verse 15, part 4

Authorized translation (ca. 1953-1992) Authorized Arabic text (1995)
Would that ye might understand! This is, verily, that fixed Decree through which every irrevocable decree hath been established.

انّ هٰذا لهو القضآء المثبت و به ثبت كلّ قضآء محتوم

Haddad translation (1900-01) Provisional Arabic transliteration (1998)
were ye to know!

Verily this is the irreversible decree, whereby every decisive fate is established.

Provisional Literal translation (1998) Earl E. Elder translation (1961)
if you only knew. This is the established decision (al-qada') By it every settled decision is established.
Notes to Translations (1998) Correspondence on Literal trans. (1998)

Kitab-i-Aqdas Multilinear Translation table of contents
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No.: 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22- 24
25-27 28-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-54 55- 57
58-60 61-63 64-66 67-69 70-72 73-75 76-78 79-81 82-84 85-87 88-90
91-93 94-96 97-99 100-02 103-05 106-08 109-11 112-14 115-17 118-20 121-23
124-26 127-29 130-32 133-35 136-38 139-41 142-44 145-47 148-50 151-53 154-56
157-59 160-62 163-65 166-68 169-71 172-74 175-77 178-80 181-83 184-86 187-90

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