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1863. 22 Apr - 3 May Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh in the Garden of Ridván.

The garden was located in a large agricultural area immediately north of the walls of the city of Baghdad, about 450 metres (1,480 ft) from the city's northern Mu'azzam gate. Located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in what is now the Bab al-Mu'azzam neighbourhood of Baghdad's Rusafa District, it was directly opposite the district in which Bahá'u'lláh lived during his stay in the city, on the river's western bank. [Wikipedia]

Extract from a Tablet of Baha'u'llah-Khadimu'llah. (Edited provisional translation below)

    "On the first day that the Ancient Beauty occupied the Most Great Throne in a Garden which hath been designated Ridván, the Tongue of Grandeur uttered three blessed verses.
    [1] The first of them was that in this Manifestation the use of the sword in holy war is put aside.
    [2] Secondly, prior to the completion of a millennium any theophanological claim put forward by any person must be considered baseless. In this respect the year should be considered a complete year.
    [3] Thirdly, the True One, exalted be His Glory, at that time manifested all the Divine Names upon all things.
      "Verily, all created things were immersed in the sea of purification when, on that first day of Ridván, We shed upon the whole of creation the splendours of Our most excellent Names and Our most exalted Attributes". [Kitab-i-Aqdas para75 p47]

    And the following choice verse was subsequently revealed but has been ordained to be of the same rank as the preceding three; namely, whatever personal designations are mentioned before the Face, whether living or dead, such have thereby attained the Presence of God by virtue of being mentioned by the King of Pre-Existence. [UCMERCED site]
Baghdad; Iraq Ridvan; Bahaullah, Declaration of; Ridvan garden; Najibiyyih Garden; Gardens; Holy days; Bahaullah, Life of; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Bahaullah, Basic timeline
1863 22 Apr Thirty–one days after Naw-Rúz, which in this year fell on 22 March, Bahá'u'lláh left His house for the last time and walked to the Najíbíyyih Garden, afterward known as the Garden of Ridván (Paradise). This garden was on an island in the Tigris River and belonged to the governor of Baghdad, Najib Pásha. The river has since changed its course and the island is now a park on the north bank of the Tigris. [C3MT15]
  • See BKG168, GPB149, RB1:260–1 and SA234–5 for details of His walk.
  • For the first time, He wore a tall táj as a symbol of His station. [BBD221; BKG176; GPB152]
  • Bahá'u'lláh entered the Garden just as the call to afternoon prayer was being made. [GPB149; RB1:261]
  • On this day Bahá'u'lláh declared His mission to a few of His disciples. [RB1:260, 262]
  • On the afternoon of Bahá'u'lláh's arrival at the Garden He revealed the Lawh-i-Ayyúb (Tablet of Job) (also known as the Súriy-i-Sabr (Súrat of Patience), Madínatu's-Sabr (City of Patience) and Súrat Ayyúb for Hájí Muhammad-i-Taqíy-i-Nayrízí whom He surnamed Ayyúb (Job). He was a veteran of the battle of Nayríz. The Tablet praised Vahíd and the believers of Nayríz. [SA239; Tablet of Patience (Surih Íabr): Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh and Selected Topics by Foad Seddigh]
  • He also revealed the Tablet of Ridván, an Arabic tablet beginning with "He is seated upon this luminous throne.... [SA239]
  • ...and Húr-i-'Ujáb (The Wondrous Maiden). [SA239]
  • well as Qad atá Rabí'u'l-Bayán, ...The Divine Springtime is come.... [SA240]
  • and an Arabic Tablet that begins...When the gladness of God seized all else. [SA240]
  • ‘Of the exact circumstances … we, alas, are but scantily informed.' [BKG173; GPB153]
  • For such details as are known, see BKG173–5 and GPB153. iiiii
  • For the import of the event, see BKG169–73; G27–35; GBP153–5.
  • This initiated the holy day of the First Day of Ridván, to be celebrated on 21 April. [BBD196]
  • This marked the end of the dispensation of the Báb and of the first epoch of the Heroic or Apostolic Age of the Bahá'í dispensation. [BBD72, 79]
  • On the same day Bahá'u'lláh made three important statements to His followers:
    1. He forbade the use of the sword.
    2. He stated that no other Manifestations will appear before one thousand years. This was later reiterated in the Kitáb-i-Badí‘ and in The Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
    3. He stated that, as from that moment, all the names and attributes of God were manifested within all created things, implying the advent of a new Day. [RB1:278–80]

    During the 12 days in the Ridván Garden Bahá'u'lláh confided to ‘Abdu'l-Bahá that He was ‘Him Whom God shall make manifest'. [CH82]

  • See CH82–3 for the effect of this announcement on ‘Abdu'l-Bahá.
  • Baghdad; Iraq Bahaullah, Writings of; Ridvan; Naw-Ruz; Bahaullah, Life of; Bahaullah, Declaration of; Ridvan garden; Najibiyyih Garden; Ages and Epochs; Heroic Age; Lawh-i-Ayyub; Haji Muhammad-i-Taqiy-i-Nayrizi; Abdul-Baha, Life of; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Bahaullah, Basic timeline; Firsts, Other; Taj; Holy days
    1863. 30 Apr Bahá'u'lláh's family joined Him in the Garden. [BKG175; RB1:281; SA235]
  • This initiated the holy day of the Ninth Day of Ridván, to be celebrated on 29 April. [BBD 196]
  • Baghdad; Iraq Ridvan; Bahaullah, Declaration of; Bahaullah, Family of; Bahaullah, Life of; Ridvan Festival; Najibiyyih Garden; Holy days
    1863. 3 May Bahá'u'lláh left the Garden of Ridván.
  • This initiated the holy day the Twelfth Day of Ridván, to be celebrated on 2 May. [BBD196]
  • As He was about to leave He revealed a Tablet addressed to Áqá Mírzá Áqá in Shíráz. It brought relief and happiness to those who received it. [EB222]
  • His leaving was accompanied by symbolic signs of His station: He rode a horse rather than a donkey and wore a tall táj. [BBD221; BKG176]
  • See BKG175–6, GPB155 and RB1:281–2 for descriptions of the scenes that accompanied His departure.

    Bahá'u'lláh and His party arrived at Firayját, about three miles away on the banks of the Tigris. [BKG176]

  • There they stayed in a borrowed garden for a week while Bahá'u'lláh's brother, Mirza Musa, completed dealing with their affairs in Baghdad and packing the remaining goods. Visitors still came daily. [SA235]
  • One of the loyal followers who was left behind was Ahmad-i-Yazdi. He would later make the journey to Constantinople where he received a Tablet from Bahá'u'lláh. [C3MT17]
  • Baghdad; Firayjat; Iraq; Shiraz; Iran Ridvan; Bahaullah, Declaration of; Bahaullah, Life of; Ridvan Festival; Aqa Mirza Aqay-i-Afnan (Nurud-Din); Afnan; Horses; Donkeys; Taj; Tigris; Rivers; Ridvan garden; Najibiyyih Garden; Holy days
    1865 - 1866 Prior to and during the crisis that was to follow, Bahá'u'lláh began revealing Tablets at a prodigious rate. From about this time until approximately June, 1867 when He transferred His residence to the house of ‘Izzat Áqá, Bahá'u'lláh had revealed the following Tablets among numerous others:
  • The Lawḥ-i-Nuqṭih (The Tablet of the Point)
  • The Lawḥ-i-Aḥmad-i-Arabí (The Tablet of Ahmad, Arabic), revealed in honour of Ahmad of Yazd.
  • The Súriy-i-Aṣḥáb (Tablet of the Companions) addressed to Mírzá Áqáyi-Muníb. [BW19p584]
    • The Lawḥ-i-Sayyáḥ (Tablet of the Traveller) (Note there are several Tablets with this name revealed at different times to different recipients.)
    • The Súriy-i-Damm (The Tablet of Blood) addressed to Nabíl-i-A'zam. [N&N27]
    • The Súriy-i-Ḥajj (Tablet of Pilgrimage) for pilgrimage to the House of the Báb
    • The Lawḥu'r-Rúḥ (Tablet of the Spirit)
    • The Lawḥu'r-Riḍván
    • The Lawḥu't-Tuqá (The Tablet of Piety or the Fear of God)
      [GPB171; N&N23-29; BW13p1061-1062]
    • Súriy-i-Amr (Surih of Command) (Leiden list suggests late 1865 - early 1866]
  • Edirne (Adrianople); Turkey Bahaullah, Writings of; Suriy-i-Amr (Surih of Command); Lawh-i-Nuqtih (Tablet of the Point); Lawh-i-Ahmad (Tablet of Ahmad (Arabic)); Suriy-i-Ashab (Surah of the Companions); Lawh-i-Sayyah (Tablet of the Traveller); Suriy-i-Damm (Tablet of Blood); Suriy-i-Hajj; Lawhur-Ruh (Tablet of the Spirit); Lawh-i-Ridvan (Tablet of Ridvan); Lawhut-Tuqa (Tablet of Piety or the Fear of God)
    1875 (In the year) `Abdu'l-Bahá rented a small garden near `Akká for Bahá'u'lláh's use. [BBD196–7; DH95]
  • See DH95 for its situation.
  • This garden on the river Na`mayn was later named Ridván by Bahá'u'lláh. [DH95]
  • Akka Ridvan Garden; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Bahaullah, Life of; Gardens
    1877. Jun Possibly the first visit of Bahá'u'lláh to the Ridván Garden outside `Akká. [BBD196–7; DH95; GPB193]
  • See DH95–101 for a description of the garden and Bahá'u'lláh's use of it.
  • See CH96–8 for Túbá Khánum's description of the garden.
  • See RoB4p15 for the Tablet He revealed. Adib Taherzadeh made the following comment:
      "A Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh revealed there and translated into English hangs on the wall of that room today. Its perusal enables the reader to see how much Bahá'u'lláh enjoyed the Garden and how much He loved the beauty of nature. ... Rádíyih, who is mentioned in this Tablet, was a sister of Munírih Khánum, the wife of 'Abdu'l-Bahá. The dinner was given on behalf of her husband who was not present at the time. He was her cousin Siyyid 'Alí, the only son of Mírzá Hádí, a distinguished Bábí, and the illustrious Shams-i-Duhá."
    (More about Shams-i-Duhá can be found in Memorials of the Faithful p175.
  • The Tablet can also be found on Bahai-Library where it was named Tablet of the Garden of Ridván (Lawh-i-Bágh-i-Ridván). Note that the name was not applied to this Tablet in RoB4p15-16 from where it was copied.
  • The gathering in the Ridván Garden was held in honour of Siyyid Àlí, son of Mírzá Hádí and Shams-i-Duhá. He was not in attendance but was represented by his wife, Rádíyih.
  • Akka Ridvan Garden; Bahaullah, Life of; Gardens; Firsts, Other; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre; Bahaullah, Writings of; Radiyih (sister of Munirih Khanum)
    1881 (In the year) The Ridván Garden and the Firdaws Garden were purchased in the name of Bahá'u'lláh. [BBD84, 196; DH95, 103]
  • Most of the flowering plants in the Ridván Garden were brought by pilgrims from Iran. [CH96]
  • BWC; Akka Ridvan Garden; Firdaws Garden; Gardens; Pilgrims; Purchases and exchanges; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre
    1923 Ridván "...Ridvan messages: As early as 1923 Shoghi Effendi sent a letter of encouragement and greeting to the American national Bahá'í convention at Ridvan. It became his regular practice to write a Ridván letter to the Bahá'ís of the world summarizing the progress of the Faith in the previous year and setting out general directions for the coming year. The Universal House of Justice has continued this practice. Other Bahá'í institutions, especially national spiritual assemblies, also sometimes issue Ridvan letters." [SA241] BWC Ridvan Message
    1997 Ridván The Universal House of Justice restricted the formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies to the first day of Riḍván. This measure had the effect anticipated; there was a decrease in the number of these institutions but the fall was not drastic. [Message from the Universal House of Justice Ridván 2000]

    Worldwide Ridvan; Elections; Administration; Local Spiritual Assemblies; LSA; Growth; Statistics; Bahai Faith, Evolutionary nature of; Maturity
    2008 12 May After several years of negotiations, agreement was reached with the Israeli government for the acquisition of a rectangular plot of land 90,000 square metres in area, located between Bahjí and the main road. This land was being used by the government. This acquisition opened the way to further beautification of the environs of the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, the Qiblih of the people of Bahá, described by ‘Abdu'l-Bahá as the "luminous Shrine" and "the place around which circumambulate the Concourse on high".
  • The property in the possession of the Faith had been further augmented by the conclusion, after negotiations which extended over some twenty years, of a land exchange with the Israel Land Administration, by which a portion of the land bequeathed to the Faith in the Ein Sara neighbourhood of Nahariya, north of ‘Akká, had been exchanged for an additional 100,000 square metres to the east of the Mansion of Bahjí, an area of about 32,000 square metres adjoining the island at the Riḍván Garden and the caravanserai adjacent to the Mansion of Mazra‘ih. They reported that discussions were continuing with the authorities for a further exchange, using more of the Ein Sara land to acquire additional property in close proximity to the Bahá'í Holy Places in the ‘Akká area required to protect the sanctity and tranquillity of these places in the face of the rapid urbanization of the region.
  • It was also announced that work had been completed on the restoration of the Junayn Gardens, a small farmhouse and orchard north of Bahjí visited occasionally by Bahá'u'lláh, which was subsequently donated to the Faith. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 12 May, 2008]
  • Haifa; BWC; Ein Sara; Nahariya; Akka; Mazraih; Bahji; Israel Junayn Gardens; Bahaullah, Shrine of; House of Bahaullah (Mazraih); House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Ridvan Garden; Purchases and exchanges; Caravanserai (caravansary); Restoration; World Centre; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens
    2009. 15 Dec The Universal House of Justice gave a progress report on the work that was being done at the World Centre.

    The International Archives Building was reopened for visits by pilgrims after a three-year programme for its restoration and improvement. The exterior stonework was repaired. The foundations of the building have been waterproofed, and the entire structure made earthquake resistant through incorporation within it of a reinforced concrete and steel frame, not visible to visitors, extending from the foundations to the roof level.

    Interior improvements included installation of an attractive granite floor at the main level; use of high-quality display cabinets similar to the original cabinets, designed to ensure preservation of the objects on display far into the future; development of basement facilities for receiving pilgrims; provision of means for persons with a physical disability to have access to the building; and installation of complete environmental, safety, and security systems.

    Progress was made with the restoration of the edifice of the Shrine of the Báb. A comprehensive programme for the structural reinforcement of the original building and the superstructure for earthquake resistance was nearing completion. Restoration and repair work to the exterior stonework and the ornamental metal balustrades was ongoing. Work was advancing on the preparation for use by pilgrims and other visitors of the three rooms on the southern side of the Shrine, and arrangements were being made for restoration of the dome and replacement of its golden tiles to recover the original lustre. Installation of a new electrical and environmental control system was in progress.

    In the Akka work was continuing in both the Riḍván Garden and the newly acquired land surrounding the resting-place of Bahá'u'lláh, the Qiblih of the Bahá'í world. [15 December 2009]

    BWC; Haifa; Akka Bahai World Centre; International Archives Building; Riḍvan Garden; Restoration
    2010 29 Oct After three years the restoration, work was completed on the Ridván Garden some two kilometers southeast of the old city of Acre. The work included the restoration of a circulating water system that recreated the island as well as an Ottoman flour mill that was in use during the time of Bahá'u'lláh. That site, designated by Him as "Our Verdant Isle", was once again open to pilgrims, who will have the opportunity to experience the tranquillity of the surroundings that greeted the Blessed Beauty when He visited it at the termination of His nine-year confinement within the walls of the prison-city of ‘Akká. [BWNS797; 29 October 2010] BWC; Akka; Bahji; Haifa Ridvan garden; Restoration; BWNS; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre

    from the main catalogue

    1. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh (2018/2023). 80 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
    2. Baha'u'llah's Paradise of Justice: Commentary and Translation, by Christopher Buck and Adib Masumian, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 20 (2014/2018). The tablet Riḍvānu’l-‘Adl, "Paradise of Justice," shows how the concept of justice — which encompasses both faith and action — is the essence of the Baha’i concept of salvation, both individual and societal. [about]
    3. Bahá'u'lláh's Symbolic Use of the Veiled Ḥúríyyih, by John S. Hatcher and Amrollah Hemmat, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 29:3 (2019). Analyzing some of the meanings behind the appearance of the Veiled Maiden, as alluded to by Bahá'u'lláh in His letters. [about]
    4. Coordinates of Baha'i Holy Sites and the Junaynih Garden (2016/2022). Latitude, longitude, and brief descriptions of key sites such as Akka prison, Bahji, Ridvan Garden, Bahá'í cemetery, cave of Elijah, and the houses of Bahá'u'lláh, Abbud, Udi Khammar, and Abdu'l-Bahá, followed by a history of the Junaynih Garden. [about]
    5. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays, by Marzieh Gail (1976). A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Bahá'í studies and history. Most of these were first published in Star of the West and World Order between 1929 and 1971. [about]
    6. Days of Remembrance: Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh for Bahá'í Holy Days, by Bahá'u'lláh (2017). Forty-five selections revealed for, or relating to, nine Bahá’í Holy Days. [about]
    7. Declaration of Baha'u'llah in the Ridvan Garden in 1863, by David Merrick (2008/2016). Bahá'u'lláh's Declaration in the Garden of Ridvan, told in plain English suitable for reading aloud. Includes photos and 2 maps. Based on many accounts. [about]
    8. Dramatic Readings, by Marlene Macke (2017-2020). Nineteen screenplays prepared as part of a Writers' collective at Desert Rose Bahá'í Institute, either fictionalized dramatic presentations of pivotal events in Bahá'í history or adapted from historical books. [about]
    9. Exploration of the Ridvan 2010 Message, An, by Sana Rezai (2010-12). Six common elements of Plan letters by the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice (praise, analysis, directives, reminder of fundamentals, guidance, encouragement), statistically analyzed by word counts. [about]
    10. Five Year Plan, The: 2006-2011: Messages of the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (2006/2011). Five Ridvan messages, one message to the Counsellors, and three other letters. [about]
    11. Garden of Justice (Ridvan al-'adl), by Bahá'u'lláh (1996). [about]
    12. Inseparability and Complementarity of the Book and the Universal House of Justice, The, by Sana Rezai (2018-11). Direct references the House of Justice makes to the words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, as illustrated through the 26 November 2018 message. [about]
    13. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). Tablets of ‘Abdul-Bahá describing aspects of the life of Bahá’u’lláh including the tribulations He suffered, events in His homeland, the purpose and greatness of His Cause, and the nature and significance of His Covenant. [about]
    14. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden. A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links to manuscripts, texts, introductions. Includes Shaykhi and Bábí studies, bibliographies, genealogies, provisional translations. [about]
    15. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (1996). [about]
    16. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, by Universal House of Justice (1976). [about]
    17. O Pen!: Reflections on Suriy al-Qalam (Surih of the Pen), by Sandra Lynn Hutchison, in, vol. 6 (2017 Autumn). On the background and themes of Bahá'u'lláh's tablet about the inception of his revelation and the assumption of his prophetic mission. Essay published in online art magazine e*lix*ir. [about]
    18. One Year Plan, The: 2021-2022, by Universal House of Justice (2021-04). Letter "To the Bahá’ís of the World" (5 November 2020), Ridvan message (20 April 2021), and a chart "Unfoldment of the Divine Plan" (2021). Link to free download of book (offsite). [about]
    19. Programs for the Observance of Bahá'í Holy Days (2014/2017/2021). Booklets from four devotional programs at the Wilmette House of Worship: 9th day of Ridván (2014), 1st day of Ridván (2017), martyrdom of The Báb (2017, and birth of Bahá'u'lláh (2021), with selections of relevant passages from the Writings. [about]
    20. Reconstructing Ridvan, by Ismael Velasco, in Bahá'í Journal UK, 19:1 (2002-05). Brief historical overview of an event about which the Guardian said the circumstances are "shrouded in an obscurity which future historians will find it difficult to penetrate." [about]
    21. Reflections on the Ridvan 2009 Message, by Peter J. Khan (2009-07-03). The concept of change in religion and in the Bahá’í Faith, and the importance of wholehearted obedience to the Covenant. [about]
    22. Revealed on the Day of Ridván (Nuzzila fi al-Yawm ir-Ridván): Excerpt, by Bahá'u'lláh (2001). Excerpt from a Tablet revealed by Bahá'u'lláh proclaiming the new Revelation. [about]
    23. Ridvan, by John Walbridge, in Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time: Bahá'í Studies volume 1 (1995). Two versions of a short article about the 12-day Bahá'í festival. [about]
    24. Ridván 1964: Bahá'í Era 121, by Universal House of Justice (1964). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    25. Ridván 1965: Bahá'í Era 122, by Universal House of Justice (1965). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    26. Ridván 1966: Bahá'í Era 123, by Universal House of Justice (1966). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    27. Ridván 1967: Bahá'í Era 124, by Universal House of Justice (1967). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    28. Ridvan 1968: Bahá'í Era 125, by Universal House of Justice (1968-05-09). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    29. Ridván 1969: Bahá'í Era 126, by Universal House of Justice (1969). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    30. Ridván 1970: Bahá'í Era 127, by Universal House of Justice (1970). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    31. Ridván 1971: Bahá'í Era 128, by Universal House of Justice (1971). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    32. Ridván 1972: Bahá'í Era 129, by Universal House of Justice (1972). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    33. Ridván 1973: Bahá'í Era 130, by Universal House of Justice (1973). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    34. Ridvan 1974 (Naw-Rúz): Bahá'í Era 131, by Universal House of Justice (1974-03). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    35. Ridvan 1975: Bahá'í Era 132, by Universal House of Justice (1975-04-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    36. Ridvan 1976 (Naw-Rúz): Bahá'í Era 133, by Universal House of Justice (1976-03-18). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    37. Ridván 1977: Bahá'í Era 134, by Universal House of Justice (1977-03-24). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    38. Ridvan 1978: Bahá'í Era 135, by Universal House of Justice (1978-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world, and message to the friends gathered at National Bahá'í Conventions. [about]
    39. Ridvan 1980: Bahá'í Era 137, by Universal House of Justice (1980-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    40. Ridvan 1981: Bahá'í Era 138, by Universal House of Justice (1981-03). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    41. Ridván 1982: Bahá'í Era 139, by Universal House of Justice (1982). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    42. Ridván 1983: Bahá'í Era 140, by Universal House of Justice (1983). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    43. Ridván 1984: Bahá'í Era 141, by Universal House of Justice (1984). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    44. Ridván 1985: Bahá'í Era 142, by Universal House of Justice (1985). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    45. Ridván 1986: Bahá'í Era 143, by Universal House of Justice (1986). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    46. Ridván 1987: Bahá'í Era 144, by Universal House of Justice (1987). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    47. Ridván 1988: Bahá'í Era 145, by Universal House of Justice (1988). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    48. Ridvan 1989: Bahá'í Era 146, by Universal House of Justice (1989). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    49. Ridvan 1990: Bahá'í Era 147, by Universal House of Justice (1990). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    50. Ridvan 1991: Bahá'í Era 148, by Universal House of Justice (1991). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    51. Ridván 1992: Bahá'í Era 149, by Universal House of Justice (1992). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    52. Ridván 1993: Bahá'í Era 150, by Universal House of Justice (1993). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    53. Ridván 1994: Bahá'í Era 151, by Universal House of Justice (1994). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    54. Ridván 1995: Bahá'í Era 152, by Universal House of Justice (1995). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    55. Ridván 1996: Outline, by Foad Shodjai (1996). Summary of this letter, in outline format. [about]
    56. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan): Message to the Counsellors, by Universal House of Justice (1995-12-26). Letter to the Counsellors, preceding the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    57. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan): Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    58. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh (in Australia and the Pacific): Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: South Pacific. [about]
    59. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in Cambodia, Hong Kong, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: East Asia. [about]
    60. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in North America: Alaska, Canada, Greenland and the United States: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: North America. [about]
    61. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: South-east Asia. [about]
    62. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in Western and Central Asia: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: Asia. [about]
    63. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh (in Latin America and the Caribbean): Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: South America. [about]
    64. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in Africa: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: Africa. [about]
    65. Ridván 1996 (Four Year Plan) - To the Followers of Bahá'u'lláh in Europe: Bahá'í Era 153, by Universal House of Justice (1996). Country-specific portion of the annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world: Europe. [about]
    66. Ridván 1997: Bahá'í Era 154, by Universal House of Justice (1997). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    67. Ridván 1998: Bahá'í Era 155, by Universal House of Justice (1998). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    68. Ridván 1999: Bahá'í Era 156, by Universal House of Justice (1999-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    69. Ridvan 2000: Study Outline, by Arjen Bolhuis (2000). Short summary and outline of the Ridván 2000 message of the Universal House of Justice. [about]
    70. Ridván 2000: Bahá'í Era 157, by Universal House of Justice (2000-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    71. Ridvan 2001: Study Guide, by Lal Fernando and Dheena Fernando (2001). Summary and key points of this Message. [about]
    72. Ridvan 2001: Bahá'í Era 158, by Universal House of Justice (2001-05). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    73. Ridvan 2002: Bahá'í Era 159, by Universal House of Justice (2002-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    74. Ridván 2003: Bahá'í Era 160, by Universal House of Justice (2003). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    75. Ridvan 2004: Bahá'í Era 161, by Universal House of Justice (2004-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    76. Ridvan 2005: Bahá'í Era 162, by Universal House of Justice (2007). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    77. Ridvan 2006: Bahá'í Era 163, by Universal House of Justice (2006). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    78. Ridván 2007: Bahá'í Era 164, by Universal House of Justice (2007). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    79. Ridvan 2008: Bahá'í Era 165, by Universal House of Justice (2008). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    80. Ridván 2009: Bahá'í Era 166, by Universal House of Justice (2009-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    81. Ridván 2010: Bahá'í Era 167, by Universal House of Justice (2010-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    82. Ridvan 2010 comments, by Paul Lample (2010-06-02). Reflections on the 2010 Ridvan letter and the teaching plans, delivered in Foundation Hall at the Bahá'í House of Worship in Wilmette. [about]
    83. Ridván 2011: Bahá'í Era 168, by Universal House of Justice (2011-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    84. Ridván 2012: Bahá'í Era 169, by Universal House of Justice (2012-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    85. Ridvan 2013: Bahá'í Era 170, by Universal House of Justice (2013-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    86. Ridvan 2014: Bahá'í Era 171, by Universal House of Justice (2014-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    87. Ridvan 2015: Bahá'í Era 172, by Universal House of Justice (2015-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    88. Ridvan 2016: Bahá'í Era 173, by Universal House of Justice (2016-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    89. Ridvan 2017: Bahá'í Era 174, by Universal House of Justice (2017-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    90. Ridvan 2018: Bahá'í Era 175, by Universal House of Justice (2018-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    91. Ridvan 2019: Bahá'í Era 176, by Universal House of Justice (2019-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    92. Ridvan 2020: Bahá'í Era 177, by Universal House of Justice (2020-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    93. Ridván 2021: Bahá'í Era 178, by Universal House of Justice (2021-04-20). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    94. Ridván 2022: Bahá'í Era 179, by Universal House of Justice (2022-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    95. Ridván 2023: Bahá'í Era 180, by Universal House of Justice (2023-04-30). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    96. Ridván 2024: Bahá'í Era 181, by Universal House of Justice (2024-04-19). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    97. Ridvan Message from the US National Spiritual Assembly, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (2007-04). An annual report/summary of activities, with discussion of low enrollments. [about]
    98. Ridván, Festival of, by Christopher Buck, in Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, Vol. 5, ed. J. Gordon Melton & Martin Baumann (2010/2012). [about]
    99. Ridván, Festival of, by Christopher Buck, in Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations (2011-09). [about]
    100. Seeing Double: The Covenant and the Tablet of Ahmad, by Todd Lawson, in Bahá'í Faith and the World's Religions (2005). The Tablet of Ahmad is believed to have special potency. "Seeing double" means both looking at the words of Scripture, and looking in the direction beyond the words, as indicated by the context. This paper also discusses the meaning of Covenant in Islam. [about]
    101. Tablet of Patience (Surih Sabr): Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh and Selected Topics, by Foad Seddigh, in Lights of Irfan, 15 (2014). This significant Tablet from Ridvan 1863 covers the Seal of the Prophets, appearance and presence of God, resurrection, and the Qayyum al-Asma. Includes context of Bahá'u'lláh's life and troubles during this period. [about]
    102. Tablet of Ridván (Lawh-i-Ridván): Wilmette Institute faculty notes, by Duane Troxel and Juan Cole (1999). [about]
    103. Tablet of Ridván (Lawh-i-Ridván): Tablet study outline, by Jonah Winters (1999). [about]
    104. Tablet of the Garden of Ridván (Lawh-i-Bágh-i-Ridván), by Bahá'u'lláh (n.d.). Short tablet from the late ’Akká period, revealed during one of Bahá’u’lláh’s visits to the small house inside the Garden of Ridván where he joined the believers for feasting. [about]
    105. Tablette du Paradis de la Justice (Lawḥ-i-Riḍvánuʼl-ʻAdl), by Bahá'u'lláh (2020). Tablette de Bahá’u’lláh, traduction française provisoire. [about]
    106. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masumian; listed here for the sake of search engines and tagging. [about]
    107. Turning Point: Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material 1996—2006, by Universal House of Justice (2006). Forty-three letters, plans, and documents covering the Four-Year Plan of 1996-2000. [about]
    108. Views of Akka, Haifa, Mt. Carmel, and Other Places: Photographs of "The Dwelling Place of the Most High," Authorized by Abdu'l-Baha (1911/2007). Pictures of Akká taken between 1903-1911, with historical annotations and bibliographical data added later, in 2007 by Troxel and in 2008 by Cary Enoch Reinstein. [about]
    109. Wider Horizon: Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice 1983-1992, by Universal House of Justice (1992-09). [about]
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