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1995. 26 Dec Start of the Institute Process

In its message of 26 December 1995 to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors the Universal House of Justice announced that a Four Year Plan would be rolled out at Ridván.

  • See as well the Ridván Message 153

    As the term "institute" has assumed various uses in the Bahá'í community, a word of clarification is needed. The next four years will represent an extraordinary period in the history of our Faith, a turning point of epochal magnitude. What the friends throughout the world are now being asked to do is to commit themselves, their material resources, their abilities and their time to the development of a network of training institutes on a scale never before attempted. These centres of Bahá'í learning will have as their goal one very practical outcome, namely, the raising up of large numbers of believers who are trained to foster and facilitate the process of entry by troops with efficiency and love.

  • BWC; Haifa Training Institutes; Teaching Plans; Four Year Plan (1995-1999); Counsellors; Counsellors conferences; * Institute process; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1995 31 Dec In a message from the Universal House of Justice addressed – To the Bahá'ís of the World dated 31 December, 1995 the Four Year Plan was announced. BWC Teaching Plans; Four Year Plan (1995-1999); * Institute process
    1996 Ridván The Universal House of Justice made further clarifications on the subject of Training Institutes in the message addressed to the Bahá'ís of the World as well as in the regional messages. It placed the establishment and development of training institutes in the context of the far-reaching changes that would characterize the progress of the Faith in this period of Bahá'í history.
    "What the friends throughout the world are now being asked to do is to commit themselves, their material resources, their abilities and their time to the development of a network of training institutes on a scale never before attempted. These centers of Bahá'í learning will have as their goal one very practical outcome, namely, the raising up of large numbers of believers who are trained to foster and facilitate the process of entry by troops with efficiency and love." [Message from the Universal House of Justice Ridván 153, Training Institutes and Systematic Growth (Feb 2000), Mess86-01p489-490 para27-para30]
  • Also see [Extracts from Messages re training institutes]
  • BWC Training Institutes; * Institute process
    1997 Ridván The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridván Message that nearly 200 Training Institutes had been established in the previous twelve months. [Mess86-01p580] BWC Training Institutes; Statistics; * Institute process
    1998 Apr The publication of the booklet Training Institutes by the Universal House of Justice. [TP323342] BWC Training Institutes; * Institute process; Publications
    1998 Ridván The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridvan Message the "ten of thousands of individuals have over the last two years completed at least one institute course." [Mess86-01p612] BWC * Institute process; Training Institutes; Growth; Statistics
    1999 Ridván The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridván Message that ....."(t)he further creation of national and regional training institutes, now numbering 344, has pressed this development forward, with the result that, apart from North America and Iran where numerous courses have been given, some 70,000 individuals have already completed at least one institute course." [Mess86-01p668]

    Further, in its message of 26 November 1999 it stated that "An impressive network of training institutes on a scale but dimly imagined at the start of the Plan has been established throughout the world. These nascent centres of learning have made significant strides in developing formal programmes and in putting into place effective systems for the delivery of courses. Reports indicate that the number of believers benefiting directly from training courses has climbed to nearly 100,000." [Message 26 November, 1999]

    BWC Training Institutes; * Institute process; Statistics
    2000 23 Mar The publication of the document entitled Training Institutes and Systematic Growth by the International Teaching Centre as a sequel to the one dated April 1998. [Mess86-01p710] See also TP343. BWC Training Institutes; International Teaching Centre; * Institute process; Publications
    2001 9 Jan In its message to the Conference of the Continental Board of Counselors to launch the 1st Five Year Plan and Universal House of Justice said, "the training institute is effective not only in enhancing the powers of the individual, but also in vitalizing communities and institutions." It went on to say that "The continued development of training institutes in the diverse countries and territories of the world, then, must be a central feature of the new Plan." [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 9 January, 2001, Mess86-01p763-764] BWC Five Year Plan (2001-2006); Teaching Plans; Training Institutes; Counsellors; Counsellors conferences; * Institute process
    2001 12 Jan The Administrative Order was further developed by the Universal House of Justice in its message to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counselors of 9 January 2001 in which the concept of the "cluster" was first introduced. The cluster, a subdivision of the region, is to be formed on the basis of cultural, language, pattern of transport, infrastructure or the social life of the inhabitants.
  • In its message of 12 December 2011 the Universal House of Justice stated that the cluster should have three coordinators appointed by the Training Institute, one concerned with study circles, junior youth groups and a third for children's classes.
  • National Assemblies worldwide divided their countries into clusters on the basis of demographic, geographic, and socio-economic factors. A third of the resulting 15,000 clusters were in Africa.
  • TP176 says that there are now (17 January 2003) close to 17,000 clusters worldwide, excluding those countries where, for one reason or another, the operation of the Faith is restricted. The number of clusters per country varies widely—from India with its 1,580 to Singapore, which necessarily sees itself as one cluster. Some of the groupings are sparsely populated areas with only a few thousand inhabitants, while the boundaries of others encompass several million people. For the most part, large urban centers under the jurisdiction of one Local Spiritual Assembly have been designated single clusters, these in turn being divided into sectors, so as to facilitate planning and implementation.
  • BWC; Haifa Administrative Order; Clusters; Counsellors; Counsellors conferences; * Institute process
    2001 Ridván The launch of the First Five Year Plan (2001-2006).
  • See The Five Year Plan, 2001-2006 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
  • For the definitive report see The Five Year Plan, 2001-2006 Summary of Achievements and Learning (PDF) published under the supervision of the International Teaching Centre.
  • BWC Five Year Plan (2001-2006); Teaching Plans; * Institute process
    2003 Apr The publication of Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth by the International Teaching Centre at the request of the Universal House of Justice. Because of the cancellation of the 9th International Conference this publication had to be sent to all National Spiritual Assemblies rather than giving a copy to the delegates as had been planned. [BW03-04p35] See also TP367. BWC * Institute process; Training Institutes; Growth; International Teaching Centre; Publications; Building Momentum (document); ITC publications
    2005 Jul The publication of Impact of Growth on Administration Processes by the International Teaching Centre on behalf of the Universal House of Justice.
  • The PDF for Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice can be found here. The document Impact of Growth on Administration Processes is part of that document.
  • See also TP397.
  • BWC * Institute process; Growth; Administration; Clusters; Training Institutes; Publications; Local Spiritual Assemblies; National Spiritual Assemblies
    2005. 28 Dec In its message to all National Spiritual Assemblies the Universal House of Justice said "we have reached the conclusion that the books of the Ruhi Institute should constitute the main sequence of courses for institutes everywhere..." [28 December 2005] BWC Ruhi Institute; * Institute process; Training institutes
    2006 Ridván The launch of the Second Five Year Plan (2006-2011).
  • For the achievements of Plan see The Five Year Plan 2006-2011; Summary of Achievements and Learning, prepared under the supervision of the International Teaching Centre, published by the Bahá'í World Centre, September 2011.
  • See Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 28 December 2005.
  • See Message 12 December 2011 a letter that has been labelled Ruhi Institutes and the Five Year Plan.
  • For the definitive report see The Five Year Plan, 2006-2011 Summary of Achievements (PDF) prepared under the supervision of the International Teaching Centre.
  • The core activities delineated for it were:
      -Study Circles
      -Children's Classes
      -Devotional Gatherings
      -Junior Youth Groups
      -Intensive Programs of Growth in "A" Clusters
      -One of the goals was the numerical goal of achieving Intensive Programmes of Growth in no less than 1,500 clusters throughout the world.
  • BWC Five Year Plan (2006-2011); Teaching Plans; * Institute process; Core activities
    2008 Apr The publication of Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents by International Teaching Centre. The Universal House of Justice asked the International Teaching Centre to choose one example from each continent of an intensive programme of growth and prepare a document to demonstrate at once the diversity of conditions in which the believers everywhere were labouring and the coherent vision that united them as they advanced the process of entry by troops. The document consisted of five case studies and a closing analysis.
  • BWC; London; United Kingdom; Norte del Cauca; Colombia; Bihar Sharif; India; Kenya; Kiribati * Institute process; Growth; Attaining the Dynamics of Growth; Visuals; Documentaries, BWC; Documentaries; ITC publications
    2008 Apr The publication of For the Betterment of the World: The Worldwide Bahá'í Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development by Office of Social and Economic Development. It contained essays, photographs, and overviews of local projects around the world illustrating how Bahá'í principles of social and economic development were being carried out in practice.
  • See 2018-04-27 for an updated version.
  • BWC * Institute process; Social and economic development; Social action; For the Betterment of the World (document)
    2009. 2 - 4 Nov A new initiative of the UN Development Programme and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation launched at Windsor Castle afforded the Bahá'í International Community the opportunity to begin to apply the framework of action underlying the Institute Process to the problem of climate change. Represented by the Bahá'í International Community, the Bahá'í Faith joined other world religions in articulating a Seven-Year Plan for Generational Change with respect to environmental stewardship. Their plan, one of the 31 presented, outlined a community-based methodology of social transformation rooted in the spiritual development of the individual and the channeling of collective energies towards service to humanity. [One Country]
  • During the conference BIC representatives Tahirih Naylor and Arthur Lyon Dahl were presented with certificates from HRH Prince Philip, the founder of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC). [BIC History 2009]
  • Windsor Castle United Nations; Bahai International Community; * Institute Process; Tahirih Naylor; Arthur Dahl
    2011 - 2016 The launch of the Third Five Year Plan (2011-2016).
  • The main goals of the Plan were:
      - To raise the number of clusters with a Programme of Growth from 1,500 to 5,000
      -The institutions will mature their own dynamic process.   -The individuals will spare no effort to increase participation. Habits of thought will evolve to reduce dichotomies and learn process.   -With the maturity of the institutions, cooperation and reciprocity will increase among the three protagonists.   - will be continued expansion of the programs of intensive growth as well as material development.   - centennial of the writing of the Tablets of the Divine Plan will be commemorated.   - National Mashriqu'l-Adhkárs to be constructed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Papua New Guinea
      - Local Mashriqu'l-Adhkárs planned for clusters. The first five were to be in Battambang, Cambodia; Matunda Soy, in Kenya; in Bihar Sharif, India; Norte del Cauca, in Colombia; and in Tanna, Vanuatu.
  • See the message from the Universal House of Justice dated 28 December, 2010 addressed to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors. Other message are:
  • BWC Five Year Plan (2011-2016); Teaching Plans; Institute process; Programmes of growth
    2011 11 Dec The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the creation of "an International Advisory Board to assist the Ruhi Institute in overseeing its system for the preparation, production, and distribution of materials, the content and structure of which now draw extensively on Bahá'í experience worldwide in applying the teachings and principles of the Faith to the life of humanity. As it gradually takes up its work, the Board will be able to respond to related issues and follow the development of supplementary materials that are aligned with the direction set by the global Plans". [December 11, 2011] BWC; Haifa Ruhi Institute; * Institute process
    2012 26 Nov The Universal House of Justice shared, in a message to all National Assemblies, a statement prepared by the Office of Social and Economic Development at the Bahá'í World Centre, a statement on the subject of and with the title of, Social Action. The statement offered a brief overview of the involvement of the Bahá'í community in the area of social and economic development, placing it in the context of current activity at the level of the cluster. In this connection, the House of Justice requested the Bahá'í Community to make clear that the distribution of the document should not be seen as a call for widespread action in this area; it was intended as an instrument to further raise consciousness about the nature of social action and some of the methods it employed. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 26 November, 2012] BWC * Institute process; Social action; Social and economic development
    2016 Ridván The launch of the Fourth Five Year Plan (2016-2021).
  • The principal goals of the Plan were to "seek to raise the number of clusters where a programme of growth has become intensive to 5,000 by Riḍván 2021" and to add "several hundred more" to some two hundred clusters that have already advanced beyond the third milestone. [Message dated 29 December 2015 from the Universal House of Justice to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors.

    Other messages related to the Plan are:

    • 2 January 2016 – To the Bahá'ís of the World
    • 26 March 2016 – To the Bahá'ís of the World acting under the Mandate of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá
    • 26 March 2016 – To the chosen recipients of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets of the Divine Plan, the Bahá'ís of the United States and the Bahá'ís of Canada
    • Riḍván 2016 – To the Bahá'ís of the World


    • institute process to gain strength
    • strengthen the pattern of life (Nucleus of friends 29 December2015)
    • build the capacity to accompany
    • widen the circle of participation
    • to have 5,000 intensive programs of growth
    • there will be "Precious possibilities that will not return" (Ridván2016)
    • the Area Teaching Committes to rise to a new level of functioning
    • the Local Spiritual Assemblies development for increased capacity
    • to commemorate the Bicentenials in 2017 and 2019, the Ascension in 2021
    • All the the followers of Bahá'u'lláh have learned in the last 20 year will culminate in the accomplishments of the next 5. [29 December 2015]
  • BWC Five Year Plan (2016-2021); Teaching Plans; * Institute process; Statistics
    2017 Jan The publication of Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning by the International Teaching Centre. This comprehensive document prepared by the International Teaching Centre in January 2017 provides an in depth analysis of the guidance about the main sequence of courses, the junior youth spiritual empowerment program, the program for the spiritual education of children and the processes involved in developing institutional capacity. BWC Training Institutes; * Institute process; Publications; ITC Publications
    2017. 18 Oct The release of the film Light to the World. The 51 minute film recounted the story of Bahá'u'lláh's remarkable life and the impact of His teachings on communities around the world. [BWNS1208] BWC Light to the World (film); Film; Documentaries; Documentaries, BWC; Bahaullah, Life of; * Institute process; BWNS; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Centenaries
    2018. 27 Apr The publication of the booklet entitled For the Betterment of the World by the Office of Social and Economic Development to be made available to the more than 1,300 delegates at the International Bahá'í Convention. As with the editions published in 2003 and 2008, it provided an illustration of the Bahá'í community's ongoing process of learning and action in the field of social and economic development. [BWNS1255] BWC * Institute process; Social and economic development; Social action; For the Betterment of the World (document); - Basic timeline, Expanded
    2018 30 Apr The announcement of the election of the 12th Universal House of Justice. Those elected were Paul Lample, Chuungu Malitonga, Payman Mohajer, Shahriar Razavi, Stephen Hall, Ayman Rouhani, Stephen Birkland, Juan Francisco Mora, and Praveen Mallik. [BWNS1258]
  • The twelfth International Bahá'í Convention was held from the 29th of April until the 2nd of May. In the election of the Universal House of Justice over 1,300 ballots were cast by representatives of 160 national communities. [BWNS1256, BWNS1257, BWNS1259, BWNS1261]
  • See Vimeo for a short film of the International Convention by Farideh Baki-Nasseri.
  • The film A Widening Embrace was screened at the Convention, enriching the consultations of the delegates. It is a documentary film about the community-building efforts of the Bahá'í world. Many of the themes discussed over the days of the Convention were highlighted in the practical examples presented in the documentary which tells the story of the transformation of communities unfolding throughout the world by featuring the process in 24 communities representing different realities and contexts. The 77-minute film, which was commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was made available in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, and Persian. [BWNS1260] .
  • BWC; Haifa Paul Lample; Chuungu Malitonga; Payman Mohajer; Shahriar Razavi; Stephen Hall; Ayman Rouhani; Stephen Birkland; Juan Francisco Mora; Praveen Mallik; Universal House of Justice, Election of; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Conventions, International; BWNS; Widening Embrace, A (film); Documentaries; Documentaries, BWC; * Institute process; Social action; Social and economic development; Farideh Baki-Nasseri
    2018 (post International Bahá'í Convention) Some 80 members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors met for a conference at the Bahá'í World Centre following the 12th International Bahá'í Convention. On that occasion, the Counsellors were able to reflect on major developments in Bahá'í communities around the world. In order to share their experiences some of their stories were recorded and made available via podcasts. The Counsellors discussed the impact of spiritual and moral education programs offered by the Bahá'í community on youth and the communities in which they live, drawing on experiences in Cambodia, Kiribati, India, Norway, Spain, and Timor Leste (or East Timor). [BWNS1264]
  • Counsellors in Africa, Alain Pierre Djoulde, Clément Thyrrell Feizouré, Maina Mkandawire, and Judicaël Mokolédiscuss discussed endeavours in the field of education in that continent. [BWNS1269]
  • The podcasts can be found here or on SoundCloud.
  • BWC; Haifa; Cambodia; Kiribati; India; Norway; Spain; Timor Leste (East Timor) Counsellors; Conferences, Counsellors; * Institute process; Youth; Podcasts; Education; Conventions, International; BWNS
    2018 21 Sep The Bahá'í World Centre announced the release of three short films that highlighted aspects of the community building endeavours of Bahá'ís and like-minded friends around the world. Totaling about 32 minutes, the new films covered three themes: nurturing younger generations, exploring the empowerment of junior youth, and communities learning to advance together. The films complement the recently produced documentary film A Widening Embrace released in April. [BWNS1286]

    The films can be downloaded using the link below:
    Nurturing younger generations
    Exploring the empowerment of junior youth
    Communities learning to advance together

    BWC Widening Embrace, A (film); * Institute process; Childrens classes; Youth empowerment program; Ruhi Institute; Films; Documentaries; Documentaries, BWC
    2021 Ridván Core Activities: 2016 100,000          2021 300,000

    Participants in Core Activities: 2016 approx 333,000          2021 2,000,000

    Number of National and Regional Training Institutes in Operation:      2021 329

    Number of participants who have complete at least one book in the sequence:      2021 750,000

    Number of courses completed by participants in the main sequence of courses: 2016 approx. 666,666     2021 2,000,000

    Number of Clusters with an Intensive Program of Growth:      2021 approx. 4,000

    Number of Cluster that have passed the third milestone: 2016 20 in 40 countries          2021 1,000 in nearly 100 countries. [Riḍván Message 2021]

    BWC Statistics; * Institute process; Core activities
    2021 The end of the Five Year Plan marked the conclusion of a series of plans that began in 1996 with the Four Year Plan (1996-2000) and the call to establish a series of Training Institutes. Next came the Twelve Month Plan (2000-2001) followed by four Five Year Plans, 2001-2006,2006-2011, 2011-2016 and finally, the Fourth Five Year Plan (2016-2021). For a synopsis of the progress of the Faith during this period see the Ridván Message.

    Achievements of the last Five Year Plan (2016-2021)

  • Two Bicentenaries were commemorated, the anniversary of the birth of Bahá'u'lláh on the 21st and the 22nd of October in 2017 and the birth of the Báb on the 29th and 30th of October in 2019.
  • The last continental House of Worship was completed in Santiago in 2016.
  • Other Houses of Worship were completed, Battambang (National)(2017), Villa Rica Cauca (Local) (2018), Port Moresby(National) (2016), Matunda Soy (Local) (2019), and Tanna (Local) (2019).
  • Designs for Houses of Worship in Bihar Sharif and Kinshasa were completed in 2020.
  • Some 300,000 core activities were sustained, a rise from 100,000 at the beginning of the Plan. Participation had risen above 2,000,000 (3 fold).
  • There were some 329 national and regional training institutes in operation.
  • By this time 750,000 people had completed Book 1. The number of courses completed by individuals was at 2,000,000, a rise of over 1/3 in 5 years.
  • Clusters where there were Intensive Programs of Growth was at 4,000 (hindered by the global health crisis).
  • Those Clusters where the third Milestone was passed was at 200 in 40 counties at the beginning of the Plan has risen to 1,000 in 100 countries. There were over 30 clusters where the number of core activities exceeded 1,000, in places, several thousand involving the participation of more than 20,000 people in a single cluster.
  • Evidence of the society-building power of the Faith was becoming more and more evident. In some instances there has been a movement of populations where age-old hostilities were being left behind. A significant advance in the process of entry by troops has been achieved.
  • There has been an "undreamed capacity to learn, to grow, and to serve humanity.

    This date marked the beginning of the Third Epoch of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan. [Message 30 December 2021]

  • Statistics; * Institute process; Core activities; Five Year Plan; Plans; Ages and Epochs; Tablets of the Divine Plan
    2022. 1 Jan The Universal House of Justice announced that the courses of the Ruhi Institute would continue to be a prominent feature of the educational endeavours of all training institutes during this new series of global Plans. The Ruhi Institute will, during the Nine Year Plan, complete the preparation of all the materials it has outlined for use in children's classes, junior youth groups, and study circles, and the revision of published editions as necessary in light of experience. However, beyond what it has already delineated, it is not expected to develop new materials to be used worldwide. [Message 1 January 2022] BWC Nine Year Plan (2022-2031); * Institute process; Childrens classes; Youth empowerment program; Ruhi Institute
    2022 Ridván - 2031 Ridván In a letter dated 25 November 2020 the Universal House of Justice announced a Nine Year Plan to begin at Ridván 2022. In the letter to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors dated 30 December 2021 the details were announced.


  • establish programs of growth in all cluster in the world (22,000) 14,000 at some level and 11,000 intensive, with 5,000 past the third milestone.
  • establish at least on Milestone Three cluster in every country and every region of the world. This "constitutes on of the Plan's chief objectives"
  • deployment of teams of international and homefront pioneers.
  • enrollments "wide open" involvement of families and households as larger groups embrace the pattern of Bahá'í life.
  • expanding nucleus
  • coordination of large numbers as more communities enter the 3rd milestone
  • maturation of Bahá'í institutions
  • in areas where activities reach high degree of prevalence the inhabitants now possess a substantially increased capacity to steer the course of their own development, and the institutions and agencies of the Faith there now have an expanded vision of their responsibilities.
  • more efforts to support social and economic development
  • participation in the discourses of society as a means of releasing what the Guardian described as "the society-building power" of the Faith.
  • It will be heralded by the convocation of a series of conferences held over a span of months across the globe. [25 November 2020]
  • BWC Teaching Plans; Nine Year Plan (2022-2031); * Institute process; Conferences; Global Conferences
    2023. 30 Apr The film, An Expansive Prospect, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was screened at the 13th International Bahá'í Convention.

    The 72 minute film highlighted efforts in four regions of the world where people, communities, and institutions were striving together to channel the transformative power of the Bahá'í teachings toward social change. It was scripted in English with subtitled versions in other languages. A voiceover version of the film in Arabic was also made available.

  • It can be found on YouTube in the original English. Other versions include Russian, Spanish, French, Farsi, and Arabic.
  • BWC Conventions, International; Film; Documentaries, BWC; Social change; * Institute process; Nine Year Plan (2022-2031); An Expansive Prospect (film)

    from the main catalogue

    1. Address at Queen's Birthday Weekend Conference, Aukland, by Peter J. Khan (2000-06). Addresses a variety of issues facing the Bahá'í community, especially as pertains to New Zealand Bahá'ís. [about]
    2. Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents, by International Teaching Centre (2008-04). This World Centre publication was used for consultation at the 10th International Bahá'í Convention. In pictures, case studies, testimonials, and analysis of programs of growth on 5 continents, it demonstrates the diverse conditions of Bahá'ís worldwide. [about]
    3. Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity, by Shoghi Effendi and Universal House of Justice (2022-10). Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U.S., Iran, and the world; reasons for the Bahá’í stance against partisan activity and its approach to social change; Bahá'í use of social media. [about]
    4. Baha'i Faith: The Basics by Christopher Buck: Review, by Jack McLean (2020-01). [about]
    5. Bahá'í Feast Book, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (2000). Quotations for all 19 Feasts, nicely laid-out with graphics and suitable for printing. [about]
    6. Baha'i Glossary, A, by Neil McMillan and Brian Didier (2016). A glossary of Bahá'í principles and concepts, as derived from hundreds of messages of the Universal House of Justice. [about]
    7. Begin with the Village: The Bahá'í Approach to Rural Development, by Paul Hanley, in Bahá'í World (2019-05). About the focus on rural areas, the role of farmers and villages in achieving sustainable development, establishing community institutions, social action and public discourse. [about]
    8. Book of Certitude, The: An Interview with Hooper Dunbar, by Hooper Dunbar (1998(?)). Significance and themes of the Kitáb-i-Íqán; its Islamic context; meaning of "certitude"; the importance of deepening and knowledge of the Writings. [about]
    9. Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth, by International Teaching Centre (2003-04). Guidance for the Bahá'í world in advancing the process of entry by troops. Part 3 of a series, following "Training Institutes" (1998) and "Training Institutes and Systematic Growth" (2000). [about]
    10. Change of Culture, A, by Moojan Momen (2003/2011). An overview of the process of cultural change in the Bahá'í community. [about]
    11. Changing Reality: The Bahá'í Community and the Creation of a New Reality, by Moojan Momen, in História Questões & Debates, 43 (2005). The Bahá’í teachings criticize the socially created realities of warfare, environmental destruction, and the subordination of women, lower social classes and ethnic minorities, instead promoting a vision of global solidarity and individual worth. [about]
    12. Community and Collective Action, by Gustavo Correa, in Bahá'í World (2015/2020-08). On the hopeful efforts of groups of people around the world to build a new kind of community based on the oneness of humankind, and the vision and process guiding these efforts. [about]
    13. Constructive Imaginary, The, by Michael Karlberg, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 30:3 (2020). In a 2007 letter on the closing of the BIHE, the Universal House of Justice introduced the concept of "constructive resilience"; on the relationship of this to other concepts in discourses on social change, and its relevance to the exigencies of the age. [about]
    14. Continental Boards of Counsellors, Letter to the Conference of, by Universal House of Justice (2010-12-28). [about]
    15. Core Activities of the Five Year Plan and the Movement of Clusters, by Farzam Arbab (2004). [about]
    16. Creating a New Mind: Reflections on the Individual, the Institutions, and the Community, by Paul Lample (1999). On the influence of the human mind in shaping human reality, and three vehicles for changing reality: the individual, the institutions, and the community at large. Two versions of book included. [about]
    17. De l'action sociale, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (2020). Concepts de développement dans les enseignements baha'is, dimensions matérielles et dimensions spirituelles de l'existence, problèmes communautaires, thèmes spécifiques de l'éducation, de l'agriculture, de l'économie, de la santé, des arts et technologie. [about]
    18. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2022-11-01). Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, the human family's crisis of identity, prejudice, Africa, and economic injustice. [about]
    19. Devotional Gatherings, Selected Guidance concerning, by Universal House of Justice (n.d.). Structure and character of devotional practices. [about]
    20. "Double Crusade" and the American Baha'i Community, The, by Universal House of Justice (2018-08-10). Comments on what the double crusade means, how it relates to the current series of Plans of the Faith, what should be done to carry it out, and the Advent of Divine Justice. [about]
    21. Enrollments and limited growth of the Bahá'í community, by Universal House of Justice (2002-08-22). The lack of significant numerical growth in certain Western Bahá'í communities is related to the preceding decades of struggle, achievement and disappointment. [about]
    22. Entry by Troops, Promoting, by Shoghi Effendi and Universal House of Justice, in Compilation of Compilations, Volume 3 (2000). [about]
    23. Exploring Learning Processes within a Collaborative Study Circle: Cultural-historical activity theory perspective on individual and social transformation, by Jean-Marie Nau (2012-02). Processes of learning in communities outside school-related education; Bahá'í theories of how education can express humans as noble beings; knowledge as a manifestation of social reality; teleological history; humanity as an organically evolving entity. [about]
    24. Falta de crecimiento y el cambio de cultura, La, by Universal House of Justice (2002-08-22). [about]
    25. Five Year Plan 2011-2016, The: Summary of Achievements and Learning, by International Teaching Centre (2017-05). Advancing the process of entry by troops; programs of growth; the potential of youth; enhancing institutional capacity; houses of worship; social action; participating in the discourses of society; developments at the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    26. Five Year Plan, The: 2006-2011: Messages of the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (2006/2011). Five Ridvan messages, one message to the Counsellors, and three other letters. [about]
    27. For the Betterment of the World: The Worldwide Bahá'í Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development, by Office of Social and Economic Development (2003/2008/2018/2023). Essays, photographs, and overviews of local projects around the world, illustrating how Bahá'í principles are being carried out in practice, prepared by the Office of Social and Economic Development of the Bahá'í International Community. [about]
    28. Framework for Action: 2006-2016, Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material, by Universal House of Justice (2017). 58 letters from the House; "Social Action," by the Office of Social and Economic Development; "Insights from the Frontiers of Learning" and "Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning," prepared by the International Teaching Centre. [about]
    29. Handbook for Childrens' Class Coordinators, by Universal House of Justice and International Teaching Centre (2016). Guidance on the duties and responsibilities of children’s class coordinators. [about]
    30. Harvard Pluralism Project: Baha'i (2023). Six overview essays on Bahá'í history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite) [about]
    31. Human Knowledge and the Advancement of Society, by Hoda Mahmoudi, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 22:1-4 (2012). Knowledge is the means toward realizing a global civilization. The current Five Year Plan focuses the Bahá'í community’s consultation, reflection, and global growth, and the individual’s applying spiritual and secular knowledge to help this process. [about]
    32. Institutos de Formación y el Crecimiento Sistemático, Los, by International Teaching Centre (2000-02). [about]
    33. Intensive Growth Programs, by Farzam Arbab (2001-04-28). Talk delivered as part of a two-day seminar on the Five Year Plan, sponsored by the Youth Activities Committee at the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    34. Intensive Growth: 2004 letter to all Continental Counsellors, by International Teaching Centre (2004-11-28). [about]
    35. la Conferencia de los Cuerpos Continentales de Consejeros, A: 28 de diciembre de 2010, by Universal House of Justice (2010-12-28). [about]
    36. Learning About Growth: The Story of the Ruhi Institute and Large-scale Expansion of the Bahá'í Faith in Colombia, by Farzam Arbab (1991). On the formation and development of the Ruhi Institute in Colombia; difficulties Bahá'ís faced in developing ​​a large-scale teaching project; analysis of all the measures taken and the degree of their success. [about]
    37. Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (2006). Two letters to the US NSA dealing with expansion and administration, and a document prepared by the International Teaching Centre, "Impact of Growth on Administration Processes." [about]
    38. Materialism Wearing Away at Our Kids, by Ted Slavin, in St. Catharines Standard (2012-02-11). The materialism of modern society and media is distracting many of our children. Adults must be aware that they are key role models for their kids. [about]
    39. Measuring Success: An Exploratory Study of United States Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies and the Five Year Plan, by Armin J. Jezari (2010). Applied research project on what degree a typical Local Spiritual Assembly in the United States is adopting elements of effective public administration based on the Five Year Plan (2006-2011). [about]
    40. Memorization, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (2006). [about]
    41. Message on clusters, institutes, and growth, by International Teaching Centre (2007-09-30). Message from the Counsellors on growth and enrollments. [about]
    42. Message on World Peace, by Universal House of Justice (2019-01-18). Letter about important steps the world made towards world peace, and the current situation, in relation to the activities the Bahá'ís are involved with. [about]
    43. Message to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors on the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2021-12-30). Features of the new 9-Year Plan, "the first major undertaking in a sacred twenty-five-year venture, generational in its scope and significance," to be implemented Ridvan 2022. [about]
    44. Next Stage, The, by Douglas Martin, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 23:1-4 (2013). Bahá'í scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a discourse that is free of "haughty intellectualism." The Association for Bahá’í Studies can help promote the Bahá'í cause to institutions of higher learning. [about]
    45. Nine Year Plan, The: 2022-2031, by Universal House of Justice (2021-2022). 9 letters from November 2021 to January 2022, addressed to the Bahá'í world, Continental Counsellors, Auxiliary Board members, and National Spiritual Assemblies. Link to free download of book (offsite). [about]
    46. On the Betterment of the World and the Countering of Negative and Disunifying Forces, by Universal House of Justice (2020-11-24). On how individuals can contribute to the betterment of society in view of the present state of the world. [about]
    47. On the Calamitous State of World Affairs and the Material Sustainability of Communities, by Universal House of Justice (2020-12-03). On concerns about the affairs of the world and catastrophic events, and whether the global Bahá’í community should undertake projects to address the material sustainability of communities. [about]
    48. One Year Plan, The: 2021-2022, by Universal House of Justice (2021-04). Letter "To the Bahá’ís of the World" (5 November 2020), Ridvan message (20 April 2021), and a chart "Unfoldment of the Divine Plan" (2021). Link to free download of book (offsite). [about]
    49. Power and the Bahá'í community, by Moojan Momen, in Lights of Irfan, 19 (2018). While Bahá'í social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the case today. The problem the world faces is not in the principles that would lead to a better society, but in their application. [about]
    50. Prayer and Devotional Life, by Báb, The and Bahá'u'lláh (2019-02). A compilation to assist Bahá'ís in a time when, as the House says in its cover letter, "devotional activities are everywhere multiplying and are increasingly being integrated into the core of community life." [about]
    51. Principles and Practices of Curriculum Design and Development, by Farzam Arbab (2004). [about]
    52. Progress of the Faith in the United States and South Carolina, by Universal House of Justice (2019-03-12). While growth may not be always apparent in local regions, efforts of clusters country-wide are showing overall progress. [about]
    53. Pursuit of Social Justice, The, by Michael Karlberg, in Bahá'í World (2022-08-03). An interdisciplinary examination of prevailing conceptions of human nature, power, social organization, and social change, and their implications for the pursuit of peace and justice. [about]
    54. Race, Place, and Clusters: Current Vision and Possible Strategies, by June Manning Thomas, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 27:3 (2017). Division by place affects the possibilities for racial unity, especially in fragmented U.S. metropolitan areas. The "institute process” as a strategy could overcome challenges that place-based action poses for racial unity. [about]
    55. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (2023-11-28). Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guardianship, global expansion, community building and development, participation in societal discourse, and construction of the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    56. Revelation and Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality, by Paul Lample (2009). The nature of change in social reality, Bahá’í understanding and practice, learning and growth, participating in the advancement of society, and problems of knowledge and power. [about]
    57. Ridván 2012: Bahá'í Era 169, by Universal House of Justice (2012-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    58. Ridvan 2013: Bahá'í Era 170, by Universal House of Justice (2013-04). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    59. Ridvan 2014: Bahá'í Era 171, by Universal House of Justice (2014-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    60. Ridvan 2015: Bahá'í Era 172, by Universal House of Justice (2015-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    61. Ridvan 2016: Bahá'í Era 173, by Universal House of Justice (2016-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    62. Ridvan 2017: Bahá'í Era 174, by Universal House of Justice (2017-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    63. Ridvan 2018: Bahá'í Era 175, by Universal House of Justice (2018-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    64. Ridvan 2019: Bahá'í Era 176, by Universal House of Justice (2019-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    65. Ridvan 2020: Bahá'í Era 177, by Universal House of Justice (2020-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    66. Ridván 2021: Bahá'í Era 178, by Universal House of Justice (2021-04-20). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    67. Ridván 2022: Bahá'í Era 179, by Universal House of Justice (2022-04-21). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    68. Ridván 2023: Bahá'í Era 180, by Universal House of Justice (2023-04-30). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    69. Ridván 2024: Bahá'í Era 181, by Universal House of Justice (2024-04-19). Annual message to the Bahá'ís of the world. [about]
    70. Role and Function of Bahá'í Institutes in the Life of the Bahá'í Community, by William S. Hatcher (2008). Bahá'í training institutes are a wonderful new opportunity for self-development and for sharing our talents with others; their forms and programmes can be diverse. [about]
    71. Role of the Local Assembly in Cluster Growth, by Universal House of Justice and International Teaching Centre (2009-05-15). Practical guidelines for LSAs to organize and teach more effectively. [about]
    72. Ruhi book series, by Ruhi Institute (1987-2024). Published volumes of the Ruhi Institute books. (Links to documents, offsite.) [about]
    73. Ruhi Institutes and the Five-Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2011-12-12). Letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies about the role of the Ruhi Institute, coordination of clusters, education of children, and training institutes in the 2011-2016 5-Year Plan. [about]
    74. Social Action, by Office of Social and Economic Development (2012-11-26). A paper sent to all LSAs, and the subject of the plenary talk by Valerie Dana at the 2012 SED conference (Orlando, FL). Prepared by the Office of Social and Economic Development of the Bahá'í World Centre. [about]
    75. Social Action, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (2020). Concepts of social and economic development in the Bahá'í teachings; material vs spiritual dimensions of existence; community issues; specific themes of education, agriculture, economics, health, arts, and technology. [about]
    76. Social Action, Public Discourse, and Non-involvement in Political Affairs, by Universal House of Justice (2017-04-27). Alternative courses of action to civil disobedience, circumscribed roles for protest, and the freedom that Bahá’ís have to engage in social action and public discourse, particularly in relation to the principle of non-involvement in political affairs. [about]
    77. Social Affinity Flow Theory: A New Understanding of Both Human Interaction and the Power of the Baha'i Training Institute Process, by Christopher G. Gourdine and Justin R. Edgren, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 29:4 (2019). On a new explanation of social rifts prevalent in many societies today as well as constructive efforts of social change, including community-building work of the Bahá'í Faith, in both its teachings and its training institute process. [about]
    78. Spatial Strategies for Racial Unity, by June Manning Thomas, in Bahá'í World (2020-09). On the nature and approaches of Bahá’í educational programs and community building efforts which seek, in the context of neighborhoods and villages, to raise capacity for service to humanity. [about]
    79. Training Institute and the Main Sequence of Courses, The, by Farzam Arbab (2004). [about]
    80. Training Institutes, by Universal House of Justice (1998-04). Overview of the efforts thus far made by the worldwide Bahá'í community to establish institutes; review their accomplishments to date and explores their possibilities for further development and potential effect on the process of entry by troops. [about]
    81. Training Institutes: Letter to an individual, by Universal House of Justice (2001-05-31). Short letter to an individual on the importance of studying the Writings in group training institutes, rather than through independent study; however, both methods are encouraged. [about]
    82. Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning, by International Teaching Centre (2017-01). Assistance to Bahá'ís managing institutes, to help better implement the main sequence of courses, the youth spiritual empowerment and education programs, and matters related to the institutional capacity of training institutes. [about]
    83. Training Institutes and Systematic Growth, by International Teaching Centre (2000-02). [about]
    84. Turning Point: Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material 1996—2006, by Universal House of Justice (2006). Forty-three letters, plans, and documents covering the Four-Year Plan of 1996-2000. [about]
    85. Working for Betterment of Society, by Gustavo Correa (2008?). [about]
    86. Younger Generation Has Always Had the Power to Reshape Our World, The, by Ted Slavin, in St. Catharines Standard (2010). Young people have a great potential to shape society. Youth trained to lead junior youth groups are called "animators"; they can help guide activist potential to achieving positive effect. [about]
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