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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

World Canada

Date 195-, sorted by date, ascending

date event tags firsts
1950 (In the year)
By this year the Bahá'í population of Black Africa was probably no more than 12. [BBRSM190–1] - Africa; Statistics
1950 (In the year)
The Court of the First Instance in Karkúk, Iraq, registered a Bahá'í marriage certificate. [MBW4; UD248]
  • This was the first time in the East, outside Israel, that a Bahá'í marriage was recognized as being legal, an important precedent for other Oriental countries. [MBW4; UD248]
  • Firsts, other; Iraq; Karkuk, Iraq; Marriage; Recognition (legal); Weddings first Bahá’í marriage recognized in the East (outside Israel)
    1950 (In the decade)
    In Iran, the Hujjatiyya Society was started by Shaykh Mahmúd Halabí to persecute and harass the Bahá'ís. [S1296]
  • During the Pahlaví era it confined itself to this end and was called the Anti-Bahá'í Society. [SI296]
  • See The Anti-Bahá'í Society by Mehdi Abedi and Michael M.J. Fischer.
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Hojjatieh Society; Iran
    1950 (In the year)
    The publication of Prescription for Living by Rúhíyyih Rabbani by George Ronald. The first edition was a run of 300 copies, done in a dark blue cloth, serial numbered and autographed by the author. There were subsequent printings in 1950, 1960, 1972, and 1978. [Collins7.2181-2185; CBN No 13 May 1950]
  • In 1971-1972 the book was transcribed by Gertrude D. Schurgast of Tuscon, AZ into braille. Another "printing" was done by the Service for the Blind Committee in Stevenage, England in 1983. [Collins8.118-119]
  • * Publications; Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum
    1950 (In the year)
    Ghulam Reza Akhzari and his son Nur Allah were killed near Yazd and Bahram Rawhani was murdered in Taft. [Towards a History of Iran's Bahá'í Community During the Reign of Mohammad Reza Shah, 1941-1979 by Mina Yazdani.] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Taft, Iran; Yazd, Iran
    1950 (In the year)
    The publication of The Covenant, An Analysis by George Townshend. It was published in Manchester by the Bahá'í Publishing Trust 15p. [Collins7.2578] Covenant; Manchester, England
    1950 3 Jan
    A woman named Sughrá and her five children were brutally murdered. Members of the Spiritual Assembly of fhte Bahá'ís of Yazd were falsely accused of ordering the crime. The accusations were orchestrated by the judicial authorities from Yazd who were influenced by Mullá Khálisizádih. The trial of these innocent individuals occurred in Tehran with the help of fundamentalist religious authorities. As a result the guilty were never prosecuted and many innocent individuals were imprisoned and executed. [SCF123117] Abarqu, Yazd, Iran; Iran; Mulla Khalisizadih; Yazd, Iran
    1950 15 Jan
    The earliest observation of what has become known as World Religion Day was observed in Portland, Maine in October of 1947 and was entitled "World Peace Through World Religion" after a talk by Firuz Kazemzadeh. [Portland Sunday Telegram And Sunday Press Herald. Portland, Maine. October 19, 1947. p. 42.; BN No 229 March 1956 p1]
    • In 1949 there were observances in various communities in the United States and in December of 1949 it was standardized across the United States by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of the United States to be held January 15, 1950. The purpose of World Religion Day is to highlight the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity. [BN No 226 December 1949 106BE p4-5]
    • It is celebrated internationally each year on the third Sunday in January. [Wikipedia]
    • See World Religion Day (January) by Christopher Buck
    • See message from the Universal House of Justice dated 22 October, 1968 to the Spiritual Assembly of Chicago in Lights of Guidance #1710 in which they describe the purpose of World Religion Day.

      " a celebration of the need for and the coming of a world religion for mankind, the Bahá'í Faith itself." iiiii

    * Interfaith dialogue; Firsts, other; Firuz Kazemzadeh; United States (USA); World Religion Day
    1950 3 Feb
    Dr Sulaymán Birgís was martyred in Káshán, Iran. [BW18:390]
  • For his obituary see BW12:684–5.
  • Two men affiliated with the Islamic Development Association of Kashan, asked Dr Sulayman Berjis to attend to a patient at their home. When the doctor arrived at the house, the two men, and others, stabbed the doctor 81 times, killing him. The murderers, who had the support of influential clerics, turned themselves in to the police. They said they had been motivated by their strong religious beliefs. A number of clerics wrote a letter to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, and asked him to free Berjis's murderers. The trials of the murderers took place from August 27 to September 13, 1950, in Tehran. As a result of the efforts of the clerics and a group of their supporters, conservative businessmen with links to the city's bazaar, the court pronounced the accused not guilty. They were all released. [Iran Wire; Towards a History of Iran's Baha'i Community During the Reign of Mohammad Reza Shah, 1941-1979 by Mina Yazdani]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Kashan, Iran
    1950 26 Mar - 10 Apr
    The British Community needed 22 declarations to complete the goals of their Six Year Plan. The National Spiritual Assembly of Canada sponsored a trip by John Robarts to lend his assistance. During his 13 day stay he visited London, Manchester, Blackpool, Blackburn, Sheffield, Oxford, Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow and Edinburgh and witnessed 18 declarations. By April 10th the goal had been won. [CBN No 13 May, 1950 p4] Belfast, Northern Ireland; Blackburn, England; Blackpool, England; Dublin, Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; Glasgow, Scotland; John Robarts; London, England; Manchester, England; Oxford, England; Sheffield, England
    1950 Ridván
    Shoghi Effendi announced the Africa Campaign (1951-1953) in a cable to the British National Convention. [BW12:52; UD245–6]
  • The British community was to lead the campaign supported by the Bahá'ís of the United States and Egypt. Shoghi Effendi expanded the plan to include the cooperation of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Persia and of India, who were to provide additional pioneers. The Plan was not scheduled to start until Ridván 1950 but the British Bahá'í community as soon as possible after the Plan was announced. [UD245]
  • The object was to open the Faith to three countries, Gold Coast, Tanganyika and Uganda. Shoghi Effendi termed it "the first International collaboration plan in Bahá'í history. (CG157, 159]
  • For the objectives of the campaign see UD245–6.
  • For the importance of the enterprise see UD260–3.
  • The plan was to be launched after a year's respite but the British Bahá'ís begin to implement the plan immediately. [CB317]
  • At the time of the Campaign there was "...since the days of the Blessed Beauty and up to the early 1950s, the activities of the friends in Africa had produced the formation of one National Spiritual Assembly with its seat in Cairo, Egypt, the opening of 12 countries to the light of the Faith, and some 50 localities established throughout its vast lands. It was at such a time that the beloved Guardian ushered in the first African Teaching Plan" [Message from the Universal House of Justice To the Friends gathered at the Bahá'í International Conference at Lagos dated 19 August, 1982 ; The UK Bahá'í Journal/History]
  • The first to arise for the Campaign was Claire Gung who departed from England on the Warwick Castle on the 3rd of January, 1951 bound for Tanganyika. [CG13, 26]
  • Others who pioneered were: Philip Hainsworth, Uganda, June 1951; Hasan and Isobel Sabri, Tanganyika, July 1951; and Ted Cardell, Kenya, October 1951.
  • For additional information see The Baha'i Faith in Africa: Establishing a New Religious Movement, 1952–1962 by Anthony Lee.
  • * Teaching Plans; - Africa; Africa Campaign; Claire Gung; Egypt; Hasan Sabri; Isobel Sabri; Philip Hainsworth; Ted Cardell; United Kingdom; United States (USA) the first International collaboration plan in Bahá'í history
    1950 25 Apr
    Shoghi Effendi cabled the Bahá'í world with the successes of the Bahá'í work in the past year. [MBW3]
  • The number of sovereign states and dependencies where the Faith was established reached 100, an increase of 22 countries since 1944.

    Approximate number of Localities where Bahá'ís resided in the largest Bahá'í communities.

  • European Goal Countries: --> Over thirty localities.
  • Germany and Austria: --> Over forty localities.
  • British Isles: --> Over fifty localities.
  • Australia and New Zealand: --> Over sixty localities.
  • Dominion of Canada: --> Over eighty localities.
  • India, Pakistan and Burma: --> Over eighty localities.
  • Latin America: --> Over one hundred localities.
  • Persia: --> Over seven hundred localities.
  • United States of America: --> Over eleven hundred localities. [Baha'i Historical Facts, January 15, 2018 quoted from The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1950 Information Statistical and Comparative compiled by Shoghi Effendi]
  • Statistics
    1950 25 May
    Dr Khodadad M. Fozdar, a medical officer of the State Railways in India, arrived in Singapore, the first pioneer to the country. [BW13:393]
  • His wife, Shirin Fozdar, joined him in September 1950.
  • Khodadad M. Fozdar; Shirin Fozdar; Singapore first pioneer to Singapore
    1950 (Early June)
    In 1950 Sutherland Maxwell suffered from a severe illness from which he never recovered. He returned to Montreal in early June, 1951. [From CBN undated Memorial Issue] Canada; Haifa, Israel; Montreal, QC; Sutherland Maxwell
    1950 Jul
    The British Six Year Plan was successfully completed. [BW11:25; MBW4] * Teaching Plans; - Teaching Plans, National; United Kingdom
    1950 9 Jul
    The Centenary of the Martyrdom of the Báb was commemorated.
  • For Shoghi Effendi's message to the Bahá'ís on this occasion see BW12:191–3.
  • For accounts of commemorations around the world see BW12:205–8.
  • A small group of Bahá'í pilgrims visited the site of the Báb's martyrdom and other places associated with His life. [BW12:217–26]
  • The columned arcade and parapet of the Shrine of the Báb were completed. [ZK284–5]
  • - Worldwide; Báb, Martyrdom of; Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Centenaries; Haifa, Israel; Iran; Mount Carmel; Pilgrimage; Pilgrims
    1950 24–27 Jul
    The third European Teaching Conference was held in Copenhagen. [BW12:49; SBBR14p243]
  • 177 Bahá'ís from 22 countries attended.
  • - Conferences, International; - Europe; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Teaching; Copenhagen, Denmark; Denmark
    1950 28 - 30 Jul
    The First European Teaching Summer School was held in Elsinore, Denmark. [SBBR14p243] Denmark; Elsinore, Denmark; Summer schools First European teaching summer School
    1950 Sep - Oct
    Four Bahá'ís in Iran were arrested on trumped-up charges. The trial lasted until 1954, when the accused were given prison sentences. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution, Court cases; Court cases; Iran
    1950 23 Oct
    Nur Ali, a well-known and respected public servant in Suva, became a Bahá'í, the first to accept the Faith in Fiji. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Fiji first Bahá'í in Fiji
    1950 Nov
    Brian Burland, the first Bermudian to become a Bahá'í, accepted the Faith in Canada. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Bermuda; Canada first Bermudian Bahá'í
    1950 Nov
    From Switzerland, Shoghi Effendi invited five Bahá'ís—Lotfullah Hakim, Jessie and Ethel Revell, Amelia Collins and Mason Remey—to Haifa. [PP251]
  • They, together with Ben and Gladys Weeden who were already there, were told that they would constitute the International Bahá'í Council. [PP251–2]
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; Amelia Collins; Ben Weeden; Charles Mason Remey; Ethel Revell; Gladys Anderson Weeden; Haifa, Israel; International Bahá'í Council; Jessie Revell; Lutfullah Hakim; Switzerland
    1950 1 Nov
    Mírzá Badí'u'lláh, the youngest son of Bahá'u'lláh, (b.1867 in Adrianople) described by Shoghi Effendi as the 'chief lieutenant' of the 'archbreaker' of the 'divine Covenant' died. [CB340, 355–6; CF89, BIC162, MSBR63, BBR460, RoB3pg230, CH209, SoB92, CoB340, 355-6, CoF89]
  • A close companion of Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí. [CoB165]
  • All his family became Covenant-breakers. [CoB362]
  • He had a short-lived repentance. [CoB152-3, GPB263, Historical Dictionary of the Bahá'í Faith p321, Interview with Badi'u'llah by Howard MacNutt]
  • He opposed both 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi. [CoB165] As an example, in 1939 when Shoghi Effendi proposed to relocate the remains of Mirza Mihdí and Ásíyih Khánum from 'Akka to Haifa, it was Mírzá Badí'u'lláh who led the dissenting faction claiming that as he was more closely related to Mirza Mihdí, it was he, under Moslem law, who had the right to decide as to the disposal of the remains. [BBR460-461]
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; - Biography; Covenant-breaking; Haifa, Israel; Mírzá Badiullah
    1950 (Near end of year)
    Shoghi Effendi entered into negotiations with the government of Israel to exchange some farm land near the border with Jordan for the same acreage in the vicinity of the Shrine and the Mansion in Bahjí. The difficult and protracted talks lasted two years and involved Mr Hautz and Leroy Ioas, who in March 1952, had become the General Secretariat of the International Bahá'í Council and so had become the lead on the negotiations. [SETPE1p124-125] * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); Bahji, Israel; Haifa, Israel
    1950 Dec
    Jalál Nakhjavání arrived in Tanganyika, the first Bahá'í pioneer to the country. [BW18:79]

    History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania says that Claire Gung was the 1st pioneer of the Bahá'í Faith in the country. Her biography, Claire Gung: Mother of Africa p14 confirms that she disembarked the The Warwick Castle sometime in February, 1951.

    - Pioneers; Claire Gung; Jalal Nakhjavani; Tanganyika, Tanzania first Bahá’í pioneer to Tanganyika
    1950 15 Dec
    The Guardian appealed directly to Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to recognize the interest of the Bahá'í community in the property known as Mazra'ih as a holy place. After a protracted struggle to obtain ownership of the property, then a Moslem religious endowment, he leased the site from the Department of Moslem and Druze affairs in the Ministry of Religions. [DH93, GBF137, PP290, CB331, MBW7, Bahá'í News, no. 244, June 1951, p. 4] Akka, Israel; David Ben-Gurion; Haifa, Israel; House of Bahá'u'lláh (Mazra'ih); Israel; Mazraih, Israel
    1951 (In the year)
    Khadaram and Parvin Payman were the first pioneers in Indonesia. [PH62] Indonesia; Khadaram Payman; Parvin Payman
    1951 (In the year)
    Portuguese Bahá'ís Mr António and Mrs Ema Rocha, Mrs Guedes DeMelo Rocha and Mrs D. Laura Rodriquez, the first pioneers to Angola, took up residence in Luanda. - Travel teachers and pioneers, First; Angola; Luanda, Angola first pioneers to Angola
    1951 (In the year)
    Muhammad Kayvani was murdered in Najafabad. [Towards a History of Iran's Bahá'í Community During the Reign of Mohammad Reza Shah, 1941-1979 by Mina Yazdani.] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Najaf, Iranabad, Iran
    1951 (In the year)
    Shoghi Effendi received the original manuscript of The Kitáb-i-Íqán, in the handwriting of 'Abdu'l-Bahá with some marginal additions by Bahá'u'lláh, and placed it in the International Bahá'í Archives. * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; International Bahá'í Archives; Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude)
    1951 (In the year)
    Throughout Iran, the government introduced repressive measures against Bahá'ís. [BW18:390]
  • Bahá'ís were dismissed from government positions. [BW18:390]
  • Fifty Bahá'í employees of the public hospital in Mashhad were dismissed. [BW18:390]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Iran; Mashhad, Iran
    1951 (In the year)
    Bahá'ís in Árán, Káshán, Iran, were attacked, and one died. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Kashan, Iran
    1951 (In the year)
    Bahá'í women in Egypt were extended the right of membership on local spiritual assemblies. [MBW12]
  • Shoghi Effendi called this 'a notable step in the progress of Bahá'í women of the Middle East'. [MBW12]
  • Egypt; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Women
    1951 (In the year)
    By this year the first Canadian Inuit had become a Bahá'í. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; - First believers by background; Canada; Inuit people first Canadian Inuit Bahá'í
    1951 (In the year)
    Palle Benemann Bischoff, the first to become a Bahá'í in Denmark, settled in Aasiaat, and became the first Bahá'í to live in Greenland. [MC22]
      Shoghi Effendi had given Canada the goal of opening Greenland, a seemingly impossible task because it was a closed country in which no one could enter with obtaining permission from the Danish government. See BW20p803-804 for John Robarts role in opening the path for Palle Bischoff.
  • Despite having a degree in commercial science, he began his career in Greenland as a fisherman, later working as a manager in a fishing station, and then opening a ski school.
  • He was best known for being the first person to teach the Greenlanders to ski and for having organized the first ski competition in West Greenland.
  • He returned to Denmark in 1954 where he became a member of the first local assembly of Copenhagen as well as the Regional Assembly of Scandinavia and Finland from 1957 until 1963 when he was elected to the first National Spiritual Assembly of Denmark. He also served as a member of the Auxiliary Board from 1963 until 2000. [BW20 p303; Bahaipedia]
  • Greenland; John Robarts; Palle Benemann Bischoff first Bahá’í in Denmark; first Bahá’í resident in Greenland
    1951 9 Jan
    Shoghi Effendi announced the formation of the International Bahá'í Council. [BBD118; BBRSM127; GBF109; MBW7–8; PP252; UD261]

    Proclaim National Assemblies of East and West weighty epoch-making decision of formation of first International Bahá'í Council, forerunner of supreme administrative institution destined to emerge in fullness of time within precincts beneath shadow of World Spiritual Center of Faith already established in twin cities of 'Akká and Haifa....

  • The members were: Rúhíyyih Khanum (1951–61) Liaison with Shoghi Effendi; Hand of the Cause of God Charles Mason Remey (1951–61) President; Hand of the Cause Amelia Collins (1951–61) Vice President; Hand of the Cause Leroy Ioas (1952–61) Secretary General; Hand of the Cause Jessie Revell (1951–61) Treasurer Luṭfu'lláh Ḥakím (1951–61) Eastern Assistant Secretary Ethel Revell (1951–61) Western Assistant Secretary Ugo Giachery (1952–61) Member-at-large; Hand of the Cause Ben Weeden (1951–52); Gladys Weeden (1951–52); Sylvia Ioas (1955–61).
  • See UD261 for the significance of the establishment of the International Bahá'í Council. Between 1951 and 1957 Shoghi Effendi directed the members and used the Council to create an image of an international body handling the Bahá'í affairs in Haifa. According to Shoghi Effendi, the Council's responsibilities were to:
  • establish links with the Israeli authorities, and
  • negotiate with them concerning and establishing of a Bahá'í court to deal with personal matters,
  • Shoghi Effendi to complete the superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb
  • as an international Bahá'í secretariat.

    This body functioned until the election of the Universal House of Justice in 1963.

  • It was a forerunner to the Universal House of Justice. [BBD118]
  • For its functions see MBW7–8.
  • Its seat is the Western Pilgrim House. [BBD178]
  • For the stages of its evolution see CB324.
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel; International Bahá'í Council; Pilgrim House, Western (Haifa); Pilgrim Houses; Shoghi Effendi, Works of; Universal House of Justice
    1951 25 Jan or 4 Feb
    Claire Gung arrived in Tanganyika aboard the Warwick Castle and obtained employment as a matron in a boys' boarding school in Lushoto. She was the second Bahá'í pioneer to the country. [CG160; CBN No 18 Mar 1951 p10]
  • She later pioneered to Uganda and Southern Rhodesia during the Ten Year Crusade.
  • An additional group of early arrivals in East Africa settled in Tanganyika in 1951. They included Hassan and Isobel Sabri who came from Egypt, and Jalal Nakhjavání and his family from Iran. By 1954, a Local Spiritual Assembly had been elected in Dar es Salaam including three native believers. Among them was Denis Dudley-Smith Kutendele, the first to accept the Faith in Tanzania. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2]
      History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania said that the first local spiritual assembly was elected in Dar es Salaam in 1952 and that it received civic registration later under Tanganyika's Trustee's Incorporation Ordinance.
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Claire Gung; Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Denis Dudley-Smith; Hassan Sabri; Isobel Sabri; Jalal Nakhjavani; Kutendele, LSA, formation; Tanzania Denis Dudley-Smith Kutendele, the first to accept the Faith in Tanzania
    1951 25 Feb
    In a letter from the Guardian addressed to the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles, concerning its Two Year Plan which immediately preceded the Ten Year Crusade, he made a reference to the election of the Universal House of Justice:

    On the success of this enterprise, unprecedented in its scope, unique in its character and immense in its spiritual potentialities, must depend the initiation, at a later period in the Formative Age of the Faith, of undertakings embracing within their range all National Assemblies functioning throughout the Bahá'í world—undertakings constituting in themselves a prelude to the launching of worldwide enterprises destined to be embarked upon, in future epochs of that same Age, by the Universal House of Justice, that will symbolize the unity and coordinate and unify the activities of these National Assemblies. [UD261; 9 March 1965]

    - Bahá'í World Centre; Universal House of Justice, Election of
    1951 Mar
    The Bahá'ís of El Salvador called on the president of the Republic to dispel any suspicions that the Bahá'í community was linked to communism. Communism; El Salvador
    1951 2 Mar
    Shoghi Effendi announced the completion of the restoration of the House of 'Abbúd. [MBW8] * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Restoration and renovation; Akka, Israel; Haifa, Israel; House of Abbud (Akká)
    1951 7 Mar
    The Prime Minister of Iran, Haj 'Alí Razmara was assassinated during a memorial service in a mosque in Tehran. He had planned to have the Bahá'í prisoners including the members of the Spiritual Assembly of Yazd and others, killed on their way to Tehran. [SCF123note63] - Prime Ministers; - Prime Ministers of Iran; Haj Ali Razmara; Iran; Tehran, Iran
    1951 12 Mar
    Bahá'ís in Taft, Iran, were attacked and one was killed. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Taft, Iran
    1951 21 Mar
    Shoghi Effendi announced the completion of the excavation for the eight pillars to support the dome of the Báb's Sepulchre and the decision to place a $130,000 contract for the stonework for both the cylinder and the dome. [CBN No19 April 1951 p4] - Bahá'í World Centre; Báb, Shrine of (Haifa)
    1951 2 Apr
    Shoghi Effendi announced the completion of two additional terraces, a scheme initiated a quarter of a century prior, to fulfill the Master's plan to connect, through a series of nine terraces, the Shrine of the Báb with the Templar Colony at the foot of Mount Carmel. [CBN No 19 April 1951 p4] - Bahá'í World Centre; Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Mount Carmel; Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb (Haifa)
    1951 Ridván
    The Bahá'ís of the British Isles launched a Two Year Plan (1951-1953). [Ruhi 8.2 p46]

    Some goals were:
      - To strengthen the nineteen Spiritual Assemblies already established in the British Isles
      - To form nuclei in three dependencies of the British Crown in East or West Africa
      - To translate, publish and disseminate Bahá'í literature in three additional African languages

  • Note that the British community was concentrating on homefront goals and playing a leading role in the African Campaign coordinated with five other National Spiritual Assemblies. [The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]
  • * Teaching Plans; British Isles; British Two Year Plan; Ireland; United Kingdom
    1951 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India, Pakistan and Burma launched the Indian Nineteen Month Plan (1951-1953). [Ruhi 8.2 p46; BBRSM158; DND148–50]

    Some goals were:
      - To offer Rs 2,500,000 to the Shrine of the Báb Fund
      - To enrich Bahá'í literature in local languages
      - To send pioneers to Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal, Vietnam, Zanzibar and Madagascar
      - To increase the number of Local Spiritual Assemblies in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
      - To enhance the status of the Bahá'í New Era School in Panchgani

    * Teaching Plans; - Teaching Plans, National; India; Myanmar; Pakistan
    1951 Ridván
    Several National Spiritual Assemblies-Britain, Egypt, India, Iran and the United States, joined forces in their first collaborative teaching effort called the Africa Campaign (1951-1953). [Ruhi 8.2 p46, BBRSM158, MBW135-140]
  • See also UD261 for the significance of the Africa Campaign.
  • See Bahá'í Communities by Country: Research Notes by Graham Hassall for further details of the Plan.
  • * Teaching Plans; - Africa; Africa Campaign; Egypt; India; Iran; United Kingdom; United States (USA)
    1951 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central America, Mexico and the Antilles was elected at an international convention in Panama City. Those elected were: Srta. Raquel J. Francois, Mrs. Cora H. Oliver, Srta. Elena Marsella, Srta. Natalia Chavez, James V. Facey Srta. Zenayda Jurado C, Mrs. Louise Caswell, Dr. David Escalante, Artemus Lamb. [BW12:60; Bahá'í News No 244 June 1951 p12]
  • 25 delegates representing 12 countries were present at the convention. [BW12:60]
  • For a photo of those attending see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • The countries of Central America were Belize, Costa Rica (confirmed) El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
  • Artemus Lamb; Cora Oliver; David Escalante; Elena Marsella; James Facey; Louise Caswell; Natalia Chavez; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Panama; Raquel Francois; Zenayda Jurado C first NSA of Central America
    1951 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of South America was elected at an international convention in Lima, Peru. Elected were: Edmund J. Miessler (Sao Paulo), Mrs. Margot Worley (Bahia), Miss Eve Nicklin (Lima), Manuel Vera (Lima), Dr. Alejandro Reid (Punta Arenas), Mrs. Gayle Woolson (Bogota), Esteban Canales L. (Asuncion), Srta. Mercedes Sanchez (Lima), Rangvald Taetz (Montevideo) [BW12:60; Bahá'í News No 244 June 1951 p12]
  • 18 of the 27 delegates were present at the convention. [BW12:60]
  • For a photo see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • The countries involved were: Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. The union lasted until 1957 when it was split into two administrative bodies.
  • Lima, Peru; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Peru first NSA of South America
    1951 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of India, Pakistan and Burma launched a Nineteen Month Teaching Plan (1951-1953). The Plan included both homefront and international goals. [DND149-154; The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2] * Teaching Plans; India, Pakistan and Burma Nineteen Month Plan
    1951 Ridván
    The number of sovereign states and dependencies open to the Faith was 106, while some of the Writings had been translated into more than 80 languages. [MBW11] - Bahá'í World Centre; Statistics
    1951 25 Apr
    Shoghi Effendi cabled the Bahá'í world with list of the successes of the Bahá'í work in the past year. [MBW11–13] * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); * Translation; - Worldwide; Statistics
    1951 25 Apr
    The Bahá'í International Fund was established. [MBW13–14] * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; Funds; Funds, International
    1951 23 May
    Jamshed and Parvati Fozdar arrived in Kuching with their son, Vijay, and became the first Bahá'ís to settle in Sarawak. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Jamshed Fozdar; Kuching, Malaysia; Malaysia; Sarawak, Malaysia first Bahá’í residents in Sarawak
    1951 Jun
    Bahá'ís in Fárán, Iran, were attacked and several houses burned. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Destruction; Faran, Iran; Iran
    1951 Jul
    Mr P. K. Gopalakrishnan Nayer, an Indian, became a Bahá'í in Dar-es-Salaam, the first person to accept the Faith in Tanganyika. [BW12:53] - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Tanganyika, Tanzania; Tanzania first Bahá'í in Tanganyika
    1951 30 Jul
    Louis Gregory, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Eliot, Maine, near Green Acre. [CoF163; BW12:666; TMW310, LOF98; SYH236; BN No 247 September 1951 p1]
  • A national memorial service was held for him at the Temple in Wilmette on the 24th of November 1951. [SYH236]
  • Soon after his passing he was designated by Shoghi Effendi the first Hand of the Cause of his race. (On 5 August, 1951) [BBD91; BW12:666, MoCxxii]
  • Louis Gregory was the first person of his race to be elected to any administrative body in the United States. [-from talk by Louis Venters 2min 13sec]
  • See TG114, 117-8 for a description of his passing .
  • For his obituary see BW12:666–70.
  • See a list of his publications.
  • For biographical information on Hand of the Cause Louis Gregory see Gayle Morrison, To Move the World: Louis G. Gregory and the Advancement of Racial Unity in America (Wilmette, IL, USA Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982, 1999 printing).
  • For short biographical information see Bahá'í Encyclopedia]
  • Louis Gregory kept a journal of his visit to 'Abdu'l-Baha in 1911 including statements of 'Abdu'l-Baha, stories of the believers in the Holy Land and his experiences at the Shrines. It includes a selection of tablets 'Abdu'l-Baha addressed to him. A Heavenly Vista: The Pilgrimage of Louis G. Gregory".
  • See Louis Gregory, the Oneness of Humanity, and Highlights in the Development of the African-American Lawyer a presentation by Anthony Vance.
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; - In Memoriam; Eliot, ME; Firsts, other; Hands appointed posthumously by Shoghi Effendi; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Louis G. Gregory; Maine, USA; United States (USA) first black Hand of the Cause
    1951 2 or 3 Aug
    The establishment of the Faith in Uganda with the arrival of Mr. Músá Banání, his wife Samí'ih Banání, their daughter, Mrs. Violette and her husband, Mr. Ali Nakhjavani, of Iran, with their baby daughter Bahiyyih, and Mr. Philip Hainsworth who arrived in Kampala from England. [Wiki Bahá'í Uganda]
  • See BWNS135 for an account of the celebration of 50 years of the Faith in Uganda and the accomplishments.
  • - Africa; Alí Nakhjavání; Bahiyyih Nakhjavani; Kampala, Uganda; Musa Banani; Philip Hainsworth; Samiih Banani; Uganda; Violette Nakhjavani first pioneers to arrive in Uganda
    1951 Sep
    National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States provided guidance on military service. [BN No 247 September 1951 p4] Military; Military (armed forces); United States (USA); War; Weapons
    1951 Oct
    Marthe Jeanne Molitor, the first Belgian Bahá'í to settle in another country, left for the Belgian Congo (Zaire) one day after becoming a Bahá'í. Congo, Democratic Republic of; Marthe Jeanne Molitor first Belgian Bahá’í to settle in another country
    1951 11 Oct
    Edmund (Ted) Cardell, arrived in Kenya, the first Bahá'í pioneer to the country in the Africa Campaign. [UD488]
  • Marguerite Preston, the wife of a tea grower, had been living in Kenya since August 1945. She was killed in an air crash in February 1952.
  • Edmund (Ted) Cardell; Kenya; Marguerite Preston first pioneer to Kenya in Africa Campaign
    1951 22 Oct
    Ethel Stephens, the first black American pioneer to Africa, arrived in Accra, the first Bahá'í pioneer to Ghana. [UD273] Ethel Stephens; Ghana first black American pioneer to Africa; first pioneer to Ghana
    1951 30 Nov
    Shoghi Effendi announced plans for the Great Jubilee commemorating the centenary of the birth of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh in the Síyáh-Chál. [BW12:24–6, 115–16; MBW16–18] Bahá'u'lláh, Birth of Revelation of; Centenaries; Great Jubilee (1952-1953); Haifa, Israel
    1951 Dec
    Brothers-in-law Fred Bigabwa, a Mutoro, and Crispin Kajubi, a Muganda, became Bahá'ís in Uganda, the first to accept the Faith in that country. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Uganda first Bahá'ís in Uganda
    1951 13 Dec
    Shoghi Effendi's brother Riáz Rabbáni was the last of his siblings to become a Covenant-Breaker. "With feeling profound concern, grief, indignation, am compelled disclose Bahá'í world recent developments Holy Land furnishing further incontestable proof relationship established old and new Covenant-breakers demonstrating increasing boldness, marked, tragic decline in character and spiritual condition grandchildren `Abdu'l-Bahá. Their shameful attitude and conduct receiving approbation their elders. Evidences multiplying attesting Ruhi's increasing rebelliousness, efforts exerted my eldest sister pave way fourth alliance members family Siyyid Ali involving marriage his granddaughter with Ruha's son and personal contact recently established my own treacherous, despicable brother Riaz with Majdi'd-Din, redoubtable enemy Faith, former henchman Muhammad-'Ali, Archbreaker Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant. Convey information all National Assemblies." [MBW16, CoB358, 362, 364] - Bahá'í World Centre; Covenant-breaking; Haifa, Israel; Riaz Rabbani
    1951 20 Dec
    Hand of the Cause Roy C. Wilhelm, (b.17 September, 1875) passed away in Lovel, Maine. He was buried in the Wilhelm Family Cemetery in Stoneham, Maine. [BW12:662]
  • He became a Bahá'í when he accompanied his mother on her pilgrimage to 'Akká in 1907. He introduced Martha Root to the Faith in 1908. In 1909 he was elected to the Executive Board of the Bahá'í Temple Unity and served on the American National Spiritual Assembly. A Unity Feast was held at his home in West Englewood, NJ in June of 1912, an event commemorated every year. [Highlights of the First 40 Years of the Bahá'í Faith in New York, City of the Covenant, 1892-1932 by Hussein Ahdieh p7]
  • He, along with Stanwood Cobb, and Genevieve Coy, wrote In His Presence: Visits to 'Abdu'l-Bahá These are said to be "three of the most important, and most touching, accounts of pilgrimages to the Holy Land in the time of `Abdu'l-Bahá. These are three classic works of Bahá'í history and literature. Roy Wilhelm's account is from his visit in 1907.
  • On his passing Shoghi Effendi designated him a Hand of the Cause of God. (23 December, 1951) [MoCxxii, BW12:662]
  • For his obituary see BW12:662–4.
  • Find a grave
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; - In Memoriam; Hands appointed posthumously by Shoghi Effendi; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Lovel, ME; Maine, USA; Martha Root; Roy C. Wilhelm; United States (USA)
    1951 24 Dec
    Shoghi Effendi appointed 12 Hands of the Cause of God, the first contingent of Hands to be appointed. BBRSM127; BW12:38–40, 374–5; BW13:333–4; MBW20; PG223-224]
  • They were Sutherland Maxwell, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins (she had been appointed in 1946, but her appointment had not been made public), Valíyu'lláh Varqá, Tarázu'lláh Samandarí, 'Alí-Akbar Furútan, Horace Holley, Dorothy Baker, Leroy Ioas, George Townshend, Hermann Grossmann and Ugo Giachery [GBF110–11; MBW20; PP253–4]
  • - Hands of the Cause; `Alí-Akbar Furútan; Amelia Collins; Charles Mason Remey; Dorothy Baker; George Townshend; Haifa, Israel; Hands of the Cause, Appointments; Hands of the Cause, Contingents; Hands of the Cause, First Contingent; Hermann Grossmann; Horace Holley; Leroy Ioas; Sutherland Maxwell; Ṭaráẓu’lláh Samandarí; Ugo Giachery; Varqa; Varqa, Valiyullah
    1952 (In the year)
    The establishment of the Bahá'í Service for the Blind and the Physically Handicapped as a committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States. Its purpose is to provide the literature of the Faith in mediums which can be used by those individuals whose physical or mental handicaps prevent them from using normal print. [website] Blindness; Disability; United States (USA)
    1952 (In the year)
    Published on the instructions of Shoghi Effendi, Dr Yúnis Afrukhtih's Khatirát-i-Nuh-Saliy-i- Akká, has been described as "pre-eminent among those works dealing with the history of Covenant-breaking".

    The English translation was titled, Memories of Nine Years in Akka) by Riaz Masrour and was published by George Ronald in 2004.

    Over those nine years, 1900 to 1909, Jináb-i-Khán (the title by which Dr. Yúnis Afrukhtih was honoured by 'Abdu'l-Bahá) served the Master in Akká as secretary, translator, envoy and physician. These were difficult years when the Master was imprisoned in the city of Akká, His every move subject to misrepresentation by the Arch-breaker of the Covenant and his associates, and even His life was in danger. At the same time the period saw the victories of the construction of the Shrine of the Báb and the House of Worship in Ishqábád, as well as the rise of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh in the West.

    * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); Covenant-breaking; Memories of Nine Years in Akka (book); Riaz Masrour; Youness Afroukhteh (Yunis Afrukhtih)
    1952 (In the year)
    Aziz Yazdi from Persia joined Ted Cardell in Nairobi. In 1953 they were joined by Ursula Samandari from England. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2] - Pioneers; Aziz Yazdi; Kenya; Nairobi, Kenya; Ted Cardell; Ursula Samandari
    1952 (In the year)
    Mr Narain Das, a textile salesman from India working in Singapore, became a Bahá'í, the first person in the country to accept the Faith. A few months later Mr Teo Geok Leng, a Chinese Singaporean, became a Bahá'í, the first native of Singapore to accept the Faith. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Singapore first Bahá'í in Singapore; first Chinese Singaporean Bahá'í
    1952 (In the year)
    Bahá'ís and their homes were attacked in Najafábád, Iran, and several houses were set on fire. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Destruction; Iran; Najaf, Iranabad, Iran
    1952 (In the year)
    Dudley Smith Kutendere from Zomba in the south of Malawi became a Bahá'í in Dar-es-Salaam, the first African to become a Bahá'í in Tanganyika and the first in all of Central and East Africa.
  • Denis has the unique distinction of being the first native believer in sub-Sahara Africa to take the Faith to a new country when in 1952 he left Tanzania to return to his native Nyasaland settling in his home town of Zomba. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2]
  • Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Dudley Smith Kutendere; Malawi; Zomba, Malawi first African Bahá’í in Tanganyika, and Central and East Africa
    1952 (In the year)
    Walli Khan, a Fiji Indian, became a Bahá'í, the first person in Fiji to accept the Faith. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Fiji first Bahá'í in Fiji
    1952 (In the year)
    Khodabakhch Attar-Hamedani, his wife, and four sons were the first to pioneer to Algeria. The first Local Assembly was formed in 1954 and several others were formed after. He served on the National Spiritual Assembly of Algeria and Tunisia and was appointed to the Auxiliary Board until all foreign Bahá'ís were expelled in 1968. [BWIM114] Algeria; Algiers, Algeria; Persecution, Algeria first to pioneers to Algeria
    1952 10 Jan
    The passing of Honoré Jaxon (b. 1861 as William Henry Jackson in the village of Wingham, ON). He died one month after his eviction from his basement apartment where he hoarded three tons of archival material which he hoped would become a library for the study of the Métis people of Saskatchewan.

    See Speechless 4 December 2009 for a chronological biography as well as a bibliography / webliography of other works on him.

    See NUVO for a photo of his eviction from the New York Daily News archive and a short biography.

    See as well BFA1p90-93; OBCC18-21, 25-26.

  • For his biography see Honoré Jaxon: Prairie Visionary by Donald B. Smith and Strange Empire: Louis Riel and the Métis People by Joseph Howard.
  • - Biography; - In Memoriam; Honoré Jaxon; Metis people; New York, USA
    1952 Feb
    Enoch Olinga became a Bahá'í, the third Ugandan and the first of the Iteso tribe to accept the Faith.
  • See TG160 for the story of how he became a Bahá'í.
  • Enoch Olinga; Uganda first Bahá'í of Iteso tribe
    1952 Feb
    Eric Manton and his son Terry arrived in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), the first Bahá'ís to settle in the country. They settled in the Copperbelt region from where he was able to raise a number of native believers who took the Faith to other parts of Zambia. [A Brief Account of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nance Ororo-Robarts and Selam Ahderrom p2]
  • The first local convert was Christopher Mwitumwa in 1954. [Wikipedia]
  • - Travel teachers and pioneers, First; Eric Manton; Northern Rhodesia; Terry Manton; Zambia first residents in Northern Rhodesia
    1952 21 Feb
    For their part in the Africa Campaign, Egypt was asked to send pioneers to Libya and to Algeria. The first pioneer to Libya, Dr. Hussein Gollestaneh, arrived in Benghazi from Egypt.
  • By June 5, 1952 the first Libyan. Mr El Alamy, declared his faith in Bahá'u'lláh. Later in June a Bahá'í family, the Gorrah family, arrived to assist with the teaching work. [BN No 246 August 1951 p10; BN No 260 October 1952 p5]
  • Benghazi, Libya; Gorrah family; Hussein Gollestaneh; Libya; Mr El Alamy first libyan to declare his Faith
    1952 29 Feb
    Shoghi Effendi appointed the second contingent of Hands of the Cause of God. [BW12:375–6; CT202–3 MBW20–1; PP254; ZK47]
  • They were Fred Schopflocher, Corinne True, Dhikru'lláh Khádem, Shu'á'u'lláh 'Alá'í, Adelbert Mühlschlegel, Músá Banání and Clara Dunn. [BW12:375–6; MWB19–20]
  • Shoghi Effendi described their two-fold function: propagation of the Faith and preservation of its unity. [BW12:376; MBW21]
  • - Hands of the Cause; Adelbert Muhlschlegel; Clara Dunn; Corinne True; Dhikrullah Khadem; Fred Schopflocher; Haifa, Israel; Hands of the Cause, Appointments; Hands of the Cause, Contingents; Hands of the Cause, Second Contingent; Musa Banani; Shuaullah Alai
    1952 Mar
    Mariette Bolton of Australia visited New Caledonia, the first Bahá'í to visit the islands. [BW15p437]
  • During her visit Mlle Françoise Feminier became a Bahá'í, the first person in New Caledonia to accept the Faith.
  • - First Bahá'ís by country or area; - Islands; New Caledonia first Bahá’í to visit New Caledonia; first Bahá'í in New Caledonia
    1952 Mar
    The Octagonal component of the Shrine of the Báb was completed. [The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1952 Information Statistical & Comparative p6] Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Haifa, Israel; Mount Carmel
    1952 4 Mar
    Shoghi Effendi described plans for a marble colonnade to encircle the Shrine of the Báb as an intermediate step to building a superstructure for the Shrine and sent his ideas to Italy for scale drawings and estimate. [SE133–4] Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Haifa, Israel; Italy; Mount Carmel
    1952 8 Mar
    Shoghi Effendi announced the enlargement of the International Bahá'í Council to eight members. [MBW22; PP252–3]
  • Its members were Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins, Ugo Giachery, Leroy Ioas, Jessie Revell, Ethel Revell and Lotfullah Hakim. [BW12:379; MBW22]
  • Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; Amelia Collins; Charles Mason Remey; Ethel Revell; Haifa, Israel; International Bahá'í Council; Jessie Revell; Leroy Ioas; Lutfullah Hakim; Ugo Giachery
    1952 25 Mar
    Sutherland Maxwell, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal. He died in the very room that the Master had slept in during His visit to Canada. (b.14 November, 1874) [DH143; MBW132; PP246; CBN undated Memorial Issue]
  • For his obituary see BW12:657–62.
  • Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the first contingent on the 24th of December, 1951. [MoCxxiii]
  • For his relationship with Shoghi Effendi and work on the superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb see PP236–43.
  • Shoghi Effendi named the southern door of the Báb's tomb after him in memory of his services.
  • On June 16th, 1956, friends of the Montreal area gathered at the grave to place, under the headstone, an alabaster box that had been sent by the Guardian. The box contained a piece of plaster taken from the walls of the prison in Máh-Kú where the Báb had been incarcerated in 1847. Another piece of plaster from the same source had been placed under the first golden tile of the dome of the Shrine of the Báb. The superstructure of the Shrine had been designed by Sutherland Maxwell. [TG55; CBN No 80 September 1956 p2]
  • Find a grave.
  • For a brief biography see LoF276-286.
  • The Canadian Bahá'í News published a special Memorial issue.
  • - Architects; - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Canada; Fortress of Mah-Ku, Iran; Gifts; Montreal, QC; Relics; Sutherland Maxwell
    1952 26 Mar
    Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum was appointed Hand of the Cause of God to replace her father. [GBF111; MBW132–3] Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; Haifa, Israel; Hands of the Cause, Appointments
    1952 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central America launched a One Year Plan (1952-1953). [Ruhi 8.2 p46; The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]

    Shoghi Effendi provided the following advice for the aims of the Central American Assembly:
      -To establish harmony, love and understanding among the Bahá'ís
      -To promote the teaching work
      -To win support for the National Bahá'í Fund
      -To assure publication of Bahá'í literature in well-translated Spanish editions in cooperation with the National Spiritual Assembly of South America. [BW12p68-69; Shoghi Effendi: Author of Teaching Plans ]

    * Teaching Plans; - Teaching Plans, National; Central America; Central America One Year Plan
    1952 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly of Uganda was established in Kampala.
  • Enoch Olinga was a member.
  • Kampala, Uganda; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly of Uganda
    1952 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in Tanganyika was established in Dar-es-Salaam. Jalal Nakhjavani, Hassan Sabri, Isobel Sabri, Leslie Matola, Khanum Darakshandeh Nakhjavani, Dudley Denis-Smith Kutendele, Eustace Mwalimu, and Naimi Frahang Nayer Gopalkrishnan were among its members; Matola belonged to the Yao tribe, while Mwalimu belonged to another. [History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania] Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly in Tanganyika
    1952 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly of Singapore City was established. [BW12:573; PH58, 67] Local Spiritual Assemblies; Singapore first Local Spiritual Assembly Singapore City
    1952 Ridván
    The National Convention of the Bahá'ís of Central America was scheduled to be held in a prestigious hotel in San Jose, Costa Rica. When a distinguish believer, Mr Matthew Bullock, was not allowed to register at the hotel because of his race, the National Assembly moved the Convention to another venue and registered guests moved to small pensions rather than staying at the hotel. [SDSC65]
  • Matthew Bullock was one of the early African-American believers in the United States. He became an enrolled believer in 1940 after 15 years of knowledge of the Faith. In 1952 he was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly and along with fellow NSA member Elsie Austin, represented that institution at the first Intercontinental Teaching Conference in Uganda in 1953. [LoS108, SDSC102]
  • Central America; Conventions, National; Costa Rica; Elsie Austin; Matthew Bullock; NSA; Race; San Jose, CA
    1952 27 Apr
    Hyde Dunn was appointed a Hand of the Cause of God posthumously in a cable sent to the National Spiritual Assembly of Australia and New Zealand. [BW13:861; SBR169] - Hands of the Cause; Hands appointed posthumously by Shoghi Effendi; Hyde Dunn
    1952 May (end)
    Plans drawn up by Mason Remey for a Mashriqu'l-Adhkár on the promontory of Mount Carmel in Haifa were approved but construction is not presently planned.
  • For a photo of the model of the design see BW12p548. This model was presented and place on view at the Intercontinental Conference in Chicago in 1953. It is now at the main hall of the Mansion at Bahjí. [SER170-174]
  • For an address by Mason Remey made at the unveiling of the model see BW12p547-550]
  • - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Design; Charles Mason Remey; Haifa, Israel; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Haifa
    1952 18 May
    The case brought against Shoghi Effendi by the Covenant-breakers in connection with the demolition of a house adjoining the Shrine and Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh at Bahjí was removed from the civil courts by the government of Israel. [CB330; GBF138–9; PP233–4, 290]
  • For the history of this case and the outcome see BW12:384–7.
  • Bahá'u'lláh, Shrine of (Bahjí); Bahji, Israel; Court cases; Covenant-breaking; Haifa, Israel; House of Bahá'u'lláh (Bahji)
    1952 c. Jun
    Dudley Smith Kutendere returned to his home in Nyasaland, becoming the first Bahá'í in the country.
  • He taught the Bahá'í Faith to his brother, who becames the first person to accept the Faith in Nyasaland.
  • Dudley Smith Kutendere; Malawi first Bahá’í resident in Nyasaland; first Bahá’í in Nyasalan
    1952 1 Jun
    In a letter written on behalf of the Guardian by the Assistant Secretary, the National Spiritual Assembly was informed that Ahmad Sohrab had cabled the Israeli Minister of Religion to influence the court case brought by the Covenant-breakers, against the Guardian, and which resulted in complete vindication of the Guardian's control of the Bahá'í Shrines and properties. Sohrab's cable identified the Caravan with the Covenant-breakers and stated that the organization was not under the authority of Shoghi Effendi. In a letter dated May 25, 1941, the Guardian wrote through his Secretary that Sohrab "is no doubt the most subtle, resourceful and indefatigable enemy the Faith has had in America." Ahmad Sohrab; Covenant-breaking; New History Society; United States (USA)
    1952 Jun or Jul
    Mr C. C. Cheng, a newspaper reporter; Professor L. S. Tso, a professor of engineering; and Miss Rosie Du (Ruthy Tu) became Bahá'ís in Taiwan, the first people to accept the Faith in the country. - Asia; - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Taiwan first Bahá'ís in Taiwan
    1952 Jun
    Aaron ('Arthur') B. Wellesley Cole, a Sierra Leonean barrister, returned to Sierra Leone from England, the first Bahá'í to enter the country. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Sierra Leone first Bahá’í resident Sierra Leon
    1952 26 Aug
    The martyrdom of Nuri'd-Dín Fath-'Azam near Tehran. [BW12p690-692] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Iran; Tehran, Iran
    1952 8 Oct
    Holy Year, "The Great Jubilee", October 1952 to October 1953, was inaugurated. [MBW16-18; BW12:116; DG84; PP409–10; SBR170–1]
  • Centenary celebrations of the birth of Bahá'u'lláh's mission were initiated. [MBW16–18]
  • "Shoghi Effendi began the Holy Year to commemorate the centenary of Bahá'u'lláh's experience in the Siyáh Chál in October 1952 and closed the Holy Year in October 1953 (which corresponds to the centenary of the "Year Nine", the Islamic year 1269)". [Two Episodes from the Life of Bahá'u'lláh in Iran p21 by Moojan Momen]
  • Four international conferences were scheduled in Kampala, Wilmette (dedication of the Temple), Stockholm and New Delhi. [SETPE2p31-43]
  • For a brief description of the Kampala Conference see CG20-21.
  • Bahá'u'lláh, Birth of Revelation of; Centenaries; Great Jubilee (1952-1953); Holy Years; India; Kampala, Uganda; New Delhi, India; Síyáh-Chál (Black Pit, Tehran); Stockholm, Sweden; Sweden; Uganda; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL
    1952 8 Oct
    Shoghi Effendi announced his decision to launch 'the fate-laden, soul-stirring, decade-long world-embracing Spiritual Crusade' in the coming year. [BW12:253–5; MBW40-41; StS42]
  • For the objectives of the Crusade see BW12:256–14.
  • Among the goals to be achieved was the construction of the International Bahá'í Archives building. [BBD22; DH168; MBW43]
      "the first of the major edifices destined to constitute the seat of the World Bahá'í Administrative Centre to be established on Mount Carmel". [PP264]
  • See The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1952 Information Statistical and Comparative (PDF) compiled by Shoghi Effendi.
  • See map of the Ten Year Crusade.
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); * Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded; International Archives Building (Haifa); Shoghi Effendi, Works of; Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963)
    1952 12 Nov
    The government of Israel exchanged 145,000 square metres of land surrounding Bahjí for property at Ein Gev on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee belonging to the descendants of Bahá'u'lláh's brother Mírzá Muhammad-Qulí and given to the Faith for this purpose. [DH118, 208; PP233, SETPE1p134-125, MBW454-46]
  • Bahá'í holdings at Bahjí up to this time amount to only 4,000 square metres.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; Bahji, Israel; Haifa, Israel; Israel; Mírzá Muhammad-Quli; Sea of Galilee, Israel
    1952 12 Nov
    Dagmar Dole, pioneer to Alaska and Denmark, passed away in Glion, Switzerland.
  • Shoghi Effendi said she was the 'first to give her life for the Cause in the European project'. [BW12:702; ZK66–7]
  • For her obituary see BW12:701–2.
  • See also Bahá'í Chronicles and Find a Grave.
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Alaska, USA; Dagmar Dole; Denmark; Glion, Switzerland; Switzerland; United States (USA) first to give life for Cause in the European project
    1953 (In the year)
    Bahá'ís and their houses were attacked in Bushrúyih and Fárán, Iran. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; Bushrúyih, Iran; Faran, Iran; Iran
    1953 (In the year)
    Marthe Molitor, a Belgian from Rwanda, began to teach the Bahá'í Faith in Kalina (now Gombe), a district in Léopoldville (now Kinshasa). [] Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo; Marthe Molitor
    1953 (In the year)
    Mr. Mohammad Ali Djalali was among the first Baha'i's to reside in Morocco, for which Shoghi Effendi gave him the title "Knight of Baha'u'llah." [BW34p239]

    It is not certain which "Morocco".

    - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Morocco
    1953 (In the year)
    The arrival of Knights of Bahá'u'lláh Dr. Mihdi Samandari and Mrs. Ursula Samandari (Newman) in Mogadishu, Somalia [BWNS230] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Mogadishu, Somalia; Somalia
    1953 (In the year)
    Áqá Rahmán Kulayní-Mamaqání was martyred in Durúd, Iran. [BW18:390] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Durúd, Iran; Iran
    1953 (In the year)
    Alfred Amisi (Maragoli), Jacob Kisombe (Mtaita), Laurence Ouna (Mluhya), Labi Mathew (Zulu), and Zablon Bob (Luo) were among the first Kenyans to become Bahá'ís. - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Kenya first Kenyans Bahá’ís
    1953 (In the year)
    Grant Mensah, a Ghanaian, became a Bahá'í in Ruanda-Urundi, the first person to accept the Faith in that country. Grant Mensah; Ruanda-Urundi first Bahá’í in Burundi
    1953 (In the year)
    Anjoman-e Hojjatieh ("Society of Allah's Proof Over Creation"), also called the Hojjatieh Society was founded specifically as an anti-Bahá'í organization by a charismatic Shiite Muslim cleric, Shaikh Mahmoud Halabi in the aftermath of the coup d'état of 1953. Between the early 1950s and the early 1970s a great number of the future elite of the Islamic revolution were trained by Hujjatieh. During the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Society was to play an important role in stirring animosity against Bahá'ís. However, in part because of differences in theology—among other things the Hojjatieh believe a truly Islamic state cannot be established until the return of the 12th Imam—the Society fell into disfavour and was banned by the regime in 1984. [Hojjatieh Society, Wiki] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Other; Hojjatieh Society; Iran
    1953 (In the Year)
    The publication of Questions about the Second Coming by George Townshend by the Bahá'í Publishing Committee in Wilmette in response to questions asked of him by the Bahá'ís of Kampala.
  • The publication is available in PDF.
  • - Christianity; George Townshend; Uganda; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL
    1953 12–18 Feb
    The first Intercontinental Teaching Conference was convened by the British National Spiritual Assembly in Kampala, Uganda. [BW12:121, MBW135-140; BN No 267 May 1953 p5-7]
  • For Shoghi Effendi's message to the conference see BW12:121–4.
  • For a report of the conference see BW12:124–30.
  • It was attended by ten Hands of the Cause, Bahá'ís from 19 countries and representatives of over 30 tribes. [PP413]
  • Over a hundred new African believers attended as personal guests of the Guardian. [PP413]
  • With this conference the Ten Year World Crusade was launched. [BBRSM158–9; BW12:253; MBW41]
  • Picture. [BW12p118]
  • See some candid video footage taken by Ted Cardell.
  • - Africa; - Conferences, Intercontinental; - First conferences; - Hands of the Cause; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Teaching; Guardianship; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Kampala, Uganda; Teaching; Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963); Uganda first Intercontinental Teaching Conference; first international conference held in Africa
    1953 (Early in the year)
    Shoghi Effendi obtained a wrought-iron gate from England with the intention of installing it at the bottom of the terraces on Mount Carmel. Instead, he had it installed on the path radiating out from the entrance to the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh. The Pyramidal-obelisks and the flower-urns made of lead, border the path on either side. He had originally planned to pave the main path with Carrara marble, the same stone used in the Monument Gardens but abandoned the idea and used pebbles from the Sea of Galilee as he had done on the path between the second and third gates leading to the Shrine of the Báb and at the house of 'Abdu'l-Bahá at 7 Persian Street.
  • It was Amelia Collins who provided the funds for the purchase of the gate and so Shoghi Effendi named it the "Collins Gate" in her honour. [SE129-130]
  • Another account has it that Millie Collins suggested the Guardian take a summer holiday when she saw that the Guardian was working himself into exhaustion. He stalled her several times citing the requirements of his work but finally, when she would not relent, admitted that he did not have the money. She provided the funding for the trip but he spent it on the gate. [Sweet and Enchanting Stories (PDF) p41-42 edited by Aziz Rohani]
  • Amelia Collins; Bahá'u'lláh, Shrine of (Bahjí); Bahji, Israel; Collins Gate (Bahjí)
    1953 19 Mar
    Suhayl Samandarí arrived in Mogadishu and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for Italian Somaliland. [BW13:452]
  • Within a short time, Sa'íd 'Alí Masqatí, a Somali from the port of Baraawe, became a Bahá'í, the first person to accept the Faith in Somalia.
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Italian Somaliland; Mogadishu, Somalia first Somali Bahá’í
    1953 25 Mar
    Enayat Sohaili, an Iranian, arrived in Mozambique from India, the first Bahá'í pioneer to the country. [BW13:290]
  • He was imprisoned and deported in June 1953. [BW13:290]
  • - Persecution; - Persecution, Arrests; - Pioneers; - Travel teachers and pioneers, First; Enayat Sohaili; Mozambique; Persecution, Mozambique first Bahá’í pioneer Mozambique
    1953 Apr
    The first local spiritual assembly in Finland was established in Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly in Finland
    1953 19 Apr
    Shoghi Effendi announced plans to build a House of Worship in Frankfurt. [BW13:733; LDG191–2]l
  • For the difficulties in pursuing the project see BW13:733–7.
  • * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Europe; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Frankfurt, Germany; Germany; Langenhain, Germany; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Langenhain
    1953 20 Apr
    The Second Seven Year Plan ended with 2,425 localities, 611 local spiritual assemblies, 100 countries, islands and dependencies opened to the Faith. There were 12 national assemblies to this date; [UC43]
    • NSAs in Canada, Central and South America;
    • Assisted the systematic spread of Faith in Europe, incl. forming 10 LSAs in goal cities;
    • Interior ornamentation complete;
    • Supported the building of the Shrine of the Báb;
    • Expansion and more LSAs on homefront. [The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]
  • From 1921 to this time the Faith had expanded to 128 countries and territories, 15 during the time of Baha'u'llah, 20 during the time of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and an additional 58 under the stewardship of the Guardian. [Patheos website]
  • * Teaching Plans; Second Seven Year Plan, US and CA (1946-1953); Statistics
    1953 Ridván
    The Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963) was launched. See MBW151-156, MBW151.

    The four primary goals of the plan were outlined as follows:
      -the development of institutions at the World Centre
      -consolidation of the twelve countries where the Faith was well established
      -consolidation of all other territories already open
      -the opening of the remaining "chief virgin territories" around the globe (131)

    For the objectives of the Crusade see BW12:256–14. Among the goals to be achieved was the construction of the International Bahá'í Archives building. [BBD22; DH168; MBW43] "the first of the major edifices destined to constitute the seat of the World Bahá'í Administrative Centre to be established on Mount Carmel". [PP264]

    To those Bahá'ís who arose to open new territories to the Faith during the Ten Year Crusade, the title 'Knight of Bahá'u'lláh' was given. On 27 May 1992, the Roll of Honour containing the names of all the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh was deposited beneath the entrance door to the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh.

    "…Sometimes people strive all their lives to render outstanding service. Here is the time and opportunity to render historic services; in fact, the most unique in history, aiding in the fulfillment of Daniel's Prophecies of the Last Day, and the 1335 days, when men are to be blessed by the Glory of the Lord, covering the entire globe—which is the real goal of the Ten Year Crusade. [DG54-55]

    A map of goals for the Ten Year World Crusade by Shoghi Effendi can be found in Bahá'í World, Vol. 12 (April 1950-1954). Electronic versions, in both medium and large format can be found here.

    The achievements of the Ten Year Crusade were celebrated at the Most Great Jubilee in April and May 1963, which commemorated the Centenary of the Declaration of Baha'u'llah's Mission. Two historic events transpired during that time: the International Convention, convened in Haifa, Israel, to elect the first Universal House of Justice; and the World Congress held in London, England.

  • See The Journal of Bahá'í Studies Vol 14, no. 3-4, 2004 for the essay The Ten Year Crusade by Ali Nakhjavani.
  • See CBN No 66 July 1956 in a message dated the 13 of May 1956 Leroy Ioas, (unsure if it was sent on behalf of the Guardian or from the International Bahá'í Council, probably the former), Mr Ioas outlined the three phases of the Crusade; First Phase: open virgin territories, Second Phase: 1. widespread dispersal, 2. settlement in new areas, 3. formation of Local Assemblies and National Assemblies, 4. incorporate Local Assemblies. Third Phase: (open on 21 April 1956, the formation of National Assemblies, with their own Haziratu'l-Quds, have their own endowments and to be incorporated.
  • See The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1952 Information Statistical and Comparative (PDF) compiled by Shoghi Effendi.
  • For a graphic representation of the goals of the Ten Year Crusade see Objectives and Tasks of Ten-Year Spiritual Global Crusade of the Bahá'í World Faith by Shoghi Effendi compiled by Beatrice Ashton published in Bahá'í World, Vol. 12 (April 1950-19540).
  • Map of Goals for the Ten Year World Crusade by Shoghi Effendi published in Bahá'í World, Vol. 12 (April 1950-1954) Wilmette, IL: Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1956.
  • Progress Bahá'í World Crusade 1953-1958 was the map that Shoghi Effendi finished on the night of his passing.
  • At the start of the Ten Year Crusade the only sovereign countries in Africa were Egypt and Ethiopia, the remainder were still under the yoke of colonialism.
  • Many who arose as pioneers to the African continent came from Iran, the United States, the United Kingdom, and India. In Southern Africa alone, 27 pioneers arrived in the first year of the Crusade. Among them were Melvin and Helen Hope in Angola; Fred and Beth Laws in Lesotho; Enayat Sohaili and 'Izzat Zahrai in Mozambique; Mehranguiz Munsiff in Madagascar; Ottilie Rhein in Mauritius; Lowell and Edith Johnson, William, Marguerite and Michael Sears and Harry and Bahíyyih Ford in South Africa; Claire Gung in Southern Rhodesia; and Ted Cardell in South West Africa. In the whole of Africa, 58 of the international pioneers opened new territories and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh [A Brief Account of the Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nancy Oloro-Robarts and Selam Ahderom p3]
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); * Teaching Plans; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Worldwide; Endowments; Roll of Honour; Shoghi Effendi, Works of; Statistics; Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963)
    1953 Ridván
    Mrs Meherangiz Munsiff, the wife of an Indian diplomat in London, arrived in Madagascar and was acknowledged as the first Bahá'í in the country. [BWNS288]
  • There was one other Bahá'í in Madagascar before Mrs Munsiff but he was not a Bahá'í in good standing.
  • Suffering ill health, Mrs. Munsiff left in January 1954 a day after Danile Randrianarivo, 29, accepted the Faith, becoming the first Malagasy Bahá'í.
  • - First Bahá'ís by country or area; Danile Randrianarivo; Madagascar; Meherangiz Munsiff first Bahá’í in Madagascar
    1953 Ridván
    The first local spiritual assembly in Kenya was established in Nairobi. Kenya; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Nairobi, Kenya first Local Spiritual Assembly in Kenya
    1953 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland was established. Elected were: Prof. Mario Fiorentini, Mrs. Anna Kunz, Dr. Ugo R. Giachery, Miss Elsa Steinmetz, Mrs. Stella Lonzar, Mrs. Anne Lynch, Friedrich Schar, Mrs. Marion Little, and Prof. Alessandro Bausani.
  • For a photo see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • Italy; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Switzerland first NSA Italy and Switzerland
    1953 Ridván
    Bahjí was lit for the first time by 99 four-branched wrought iron lamp posts. [GBF32; PP89–90] Bahá'u'lláh, Shrine of (Bahjí); Bahji, Israel; Firsts, other; Haifa, Israel; Light first time Bahjí lit
    1953 29 Apr
    In a moving ceremony, Shoghi Effendi placed a silver box containing a fragment of plaster from the ceiling of the Báb's cell in Máh-Kú under a tile in the golden dome of the Shrine of the Báb. [BW12:239; ZK285] Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Boxes containing dust, earth or plaster; Haifa, Israel; Iran; Mah-Ku, Iran; Mah-Ku, Iran; Mount Carmel
    1953 29 Apr - 2 May
    The All-American Jubilee celebrations began. [BW12:149] Centenaries; United States (USA)
    1953 30 Apr
    Messages from Shoghi Effendi regarding a victory in France:
      "Finally share the heart-warming news of the impending establishment of the long-overdue Hazíratu'l-Quds in the French capital through the conclusion of an agreement to purchase a nine thousand pound property situated in the best residential quarter of the city. Kiyani's spontaneous, generous contribution is solely responsible for the achievement of the great victory of the establishment of the institution designed to serve as the administrative headquarters of both the present Paris Assembly and the projected French National Spiritual Assembly." [MBWp141]

      "The second Ḥaẓíratu'l-Quds to be acquired during this period was one in Paris, destined to become the national administrative headquarters of the French Bahá'í community. This achievement was announced in the Guardian's cablegram to the Forty-Fifth Annual Bahá'í Convention of the United States Bahá'ís on April 30, 1953, as follows: "Heart-warming news (of the) impending establishment (of the) long overdue Ḥaẓíratu'l-Quds (in the) French capital through (the) conclusion (of an) agreement (to) purchase (a) nine thousand pound property situated (in the) best residential quarter (of the) city." The acquisition of this property was made possible by the spontaneous and generous contribution of a single believer, Mr. Hussayn Quli Kiyani, recently come to Paris from Persia. The formal dedication of the Paris Ḥaẓíratu'l-Quds took place on July 4, 1953, with Dr. Ugo Giachery, Hand of the Cause of God, coming from Rome to assist in the ceremonies." [BW12p55]
    France; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Hussayn Quli Kiyani; Paris, France; Ugo Giachery
    1953 May
    Mary and Reginald (Rex) Collison, an elderly Canadian-American couple, arrived in Ruanda-Urundi (Burundi) from Uganda and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455]
  • For the story of Mary Collison's life see BW15:486–8 as well as Servants of the Glory page34.
  • Arriving in July was Dunduzu Chisza, a young Baha'i from Malawi, (then Nyasaland) The earliest Rwandan Bahá'í whose name is recorded was Alphonse Semanyenzi. [The Bahá'í Faith in Rwanda website; BWNS349]
  • The first Bahá'í to travel through Rwanda may have been Marthe Molitor c. 1947 after becoming a Bahá'í in Belgium. She moved on to the Belgian Congo. [Taarifa]
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Alphonse Semanyenzi; Dunduzu Chisza; Marthe Molitor; Mary Collison; Rex Collison; Ruanda-Urundi First Baha'i in Rwanda
    1953 1 May
    The House of Worship in Wilmette was consecrated in a simple ceremony for Bahá'ís only. [BW12:143, 152; ZK93]
  • For details of the dedication see BW12:152–4.
  • A most wonderful and thrilling motion will appear in the world of existence," are 'Abdu'l-Bahá's own words, predicting the release of spiritual forces that must accompany the completion of this most hallowed House of Worship. "From that point of light," He, further glorifying that edifice, has written, "the spirit of teaching … will permeate to all parts of the world." And again: "Out of this Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, without doubt, thousands of Mashriqu'l-Adhkárs will be born." "It marks the inception of the Kingdom of God on earth. [CoF69 Message of 21 March 1949]
  • - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Dedications; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL
    1953 2 May
    The House of Worship in Wilmette, the Mother Temple of the West, was dedicated in a public ceremony. [BW12:142, BWNS218]
    • For the text of the Guardian's message of dedication see BW12:141–2.
    • For an account of the event see BW12:154–63.
    • See BN No 261 November 1952 p9-10. The Temple Dedication Committee consisted of: Paul E. Haney, Mrs. Corinne True, Allen B. McDaniel, Carl Scheffler, Albert R. Windust with Horace Holley as the chairman.
    • See The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1952 Information Statistical & Comparative p24-26 for project statistics and a chronology of events.
    • Towards the end of his life in Tehran, Ahmad (of "Tablet of Ahmad" fame) had entrusted the original Tablet to his grandson Jamal who, in turn, out of the purity of his heart and his devotion to the Faith of God, offered it as a gift to Hand of the Cause, Trustee of Huqúq, the son and brother of two illustrious martyrs, Jinab-i-Valiyu'llah Varqá. When Jinab-i-Varqa, according to the instructions of the beloved Guardian, was sent to take part in this dedication ceremony he brought this most precious Tablet as his offering to the archives of the Bahá'ís of the United States. [A Flame of Fire by A.Q. Faizi.]
    • See the message of the Universal House of Justice dated 1 August, 2014 for more on the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár in Wilmette.
    • See The Story of the Temple by Allen Boyer McDaniel. [CBN No43 August 1953 p4; Collins p101 7.1479]
    • See the video The Temple History Design and Construction.

      Location: Wilmette, Illinois, U.S. Cook County
      Administration: On the same day as the internment of the sacred remains of the Báb on Mount Carmel, March 21st, 1909, the first American Bahá'í Convention opened in Chicago. The Convention established the 'Bahá'í Temple Unity', incorporated to hold title to the Temple property and to provide for its construction. A constitution was framed and an Executive Board of the Bahá'í Temple Unity elected. This body became the future National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada. [BBD39; BBRSM:106; BW10:179; GPB349; PP397; SBBH1:146; BFA2:XVII, 309; BW13:849; MBW142–3]
      Foundation Stone: by 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 1 May, 1912
      Construction Period:The purchase of the site completed: 1914. Design Chosen: 1920. Superstructure: 1921 – 1 May 1931. External Ornamentation: June 1932 -1943. Interior: 1951
      Dedication: 1 May 1953
      Architects: Louis Bourgeois with Alfred Shaw (interior cladding) Bourgeois became a Baha'i in New York City in 1907, and two years later responded to the call for designs for the Temple. In 1920, delegates from across the country unanimously selected his innovative design. Bourgeois traveled to Haifa to consult with 'Abdu'l-Bahá. With 'Abdu'l-Bahá's encouragement, Bourgeois refined and scaled down the size of his design. [The House of Worship Architecture]
      Seating: 1,191 [DP220]
      Dimensions: 203ft at the base and 49ft high
      Cost: $2.6 million (another source) $51,500 (land) plus $3,212,517.60 (construction costs 1921-1953)
      Dependencies: Construction of a home for the aged was began in December, 1957 and inaugurated on 1 February, 1959. It is located about three blocks away.
      Note: In GPB349 Shoghi Effendi states that "…this enterprise—the crowning achievement of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh in the first Bahá'í century…".
      References: CEBF236-241,GPB348-353, MDM121-239, The Dawning Place, The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1963 Information Statistical & Comparative p36-37. iiiii
    * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Architects; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Dependencies of; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Mother Temples; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Quick facts; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Alfred Shaw; Archives; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Dedications; Gifts; Homes for the aged; Lawh-i-Ahmad (Tablet of Ahmad (Arabic)); Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Continental; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette; United States (USA); Wilmette, IL
    1953 3 – 6 May
    The All-America Intercontinental Teaching Conference was held in Chicago. [BW12:133]
  • For the texts of Shoghi Effendi's messages to the conference see BW12:133–41 and MBW142–6.
  • Twelve Hands of the Cause were present. The Guardian was represented by Amatu'l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum. [BW12:143; CBN No 82 November, 1956 p3]
  • At the conference, five members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States resigned from that body in order to go pioneering: Elsie Austin, Dorothy Baker, Matthew Bullock, Mamie Seto and Dr William Kenneth Christian. [ZK102]
  • Extract from the second message to All-American Intercontinental Conference from Shoghi Effendi... [MBW150]
    .....the lands contributed in Latin America for a similar purpose approximate one-half of a million square meters, ninety thousand of which have been set aside near Santiago, Chile, for the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of South America..
  • - Conferences, Intercontinental; - Hands of the Cause; - Pioneers; Chicago, IL; Chile; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Teaching; Dorothy Baker; Elsie Austin; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Mamie Seto; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Santiago; Matthew Bullock; Pioneering; Purchases and exchanges; Santiago, Chile; Teaching; Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963); United States (USA); United States (USA); William Kenneth Christian first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in South America
    1953 23 May
    The Hand of the Cause of God, Mr. Valiollah Vargha, arrived in Guayaquil accompanied by Miss Eve Nicklin, a pioneer and the spiritual mother of Perú. He also visited Quito and left the country in early July to attend the conference in Stockholm. [Heroes of God pp53-54] Ecuador; Ecuador; Eve Nicklin; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Quito, Ecuador; Valiollah Vargha
    1953 28 May
    In a message addressed on the eve of the 61st anniversary of the passing of Bahá'u'lláh, at the opening of the Ten Year Crusade, Shoghi Effendi encouraged 70 pioneers to arise to fill the goals promising that a Roll of Honour with their names would be deposited at the entrance door of the inner Sanctuary of the Tomb of Bahá'u'lláh. [MBW48-49]
  • He further elaborated in a message addressed to the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada. See the message of the 8 June 1953. [MtC177]
  • See 1992 28 May.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; - Pioneers; Bahá'u'lláh, Shrine of (Bahjí); Haifa, Israel; Roll of Honour
    1953 Jun
    Ghulám 'Alí Kurlawala arrived in Daman and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:451] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Daman, India
    1953 Jun
    Dunduzu Chisiza, a Nyasaland student who had recently become a Bahá'í in Uganda, arrived in Ruanda-Urundi (Burundi) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Ruanda-Urundi
    1953 6 Jun
    'Izzatu'lláh Zahrá'í (Ezzat Zahrai) arrived in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:456] - Africa; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Zimbabwe
    1953 20 Jun
    Shoghi Effendi designated the Maxwell home in Montreal as a Shrine. [MtC179] * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); Canada; Firsts, other; Maxwell residence, Montreal, QC; Montreal, QC; Montreal Shrine first Bahá'í Shrine in North America
    1953 Jul
    Rawshan Áftábí and Fírúzih Yigánigi arrived in Goa and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Firuzih Yiganigi; Goa, India; India; Rawshan Aftabi
    1953 Jul
    Eskil Ljungberg of Sweden, aged 67, arrived in the Faroe Islands and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:451]
  • He was the only Bahá'í on the islands for over a decade.
  • For the story of his life see BW19:658–61.
  • - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Faroe Islands, Denmark
    1953 Jul
    Arthur and Ethel Crane arrived in Key West and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW16:453] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Key West, FL
    1953 Jul
    Sa'íd Nahví arrived in Pondicherry and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; India; Pondicherry, India
    1953 Jul
    Jack Huffman and Rose Perkal arrived on the Kodiak Islands and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Kodiak Islands, AK
    1953 Jul
    Jenabe and Elaine Caldwell arrived in the Aleutian Islands and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:449] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Aleutian Islands, AK; Elaine Caldwell; Jenabe Caldwell
    1953 21 – 26 Jul
    The European Intercontinental Teaching Conference was held in Stockholm. [BW12:167; CBN No 46 November, 1953 p4; CBN No 47 December 1953 p6; CBN No 49 February 1954 p3]
  • For Shoghi Effendi's message to the conference see BW12:167–71.
      In it he called for "the opening of the following thirty virgin territories and islands: Albania, Crete, Estonia, Finno-Karelia, Frisian Islands, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Rumania, White Russia, (Belarus) assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Germany and Austria; Channel Islands, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, Hebrides Islands, Malta, Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles; Andorra, Azores, Balearic Islands, Lofoten Islands, Spitzbergen, Ukraine, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States of America; Liechtenstein, Monaco, Rhodes, 160 San Marino, Sardinia, Sicily, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Italy and Switzerland". [MBW157]
    • For a report of the conference see BW12:171–8.
    • Fourteen Hands of the Cause were present. [BW12:171]
    • 374 Bahá'ís from 30 countries attended, of these 110 come from the ten goal countries. [BW12:171]
  • - Conferences, Intercontinental; - Europe; - Hands of the Cause; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Teaching; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Stockholm, Sweden; Sweden; Teaching; Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963)
    1953 27 Jul
    Siegfried (Fred) Schopflocher, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal and was buried beside the grave of Sutherland Maxwell in Mount Royal Cemetery. He was born in Landkreis Fürth, Germany 26 September 1877. [BW12:664-666, LOF390, TG119, CBNS 24 July 2014, Bahá'í Chronicles, SCRIBD, Schopflocher, Siegfried (1877–1953) by Will C. van den Hoonaard]
  • Shoghi Effendi had appointed him among the second contingent on the 29th of February, 1952. [MoCxxiii]
  • See TG32, 228 and LoF384-390 for short biographies.
  • Bahá'í Encyclopedia for a biography written by Will van den Hoonaard.
  • See Schopflocher, Siegfried by Will C. van den Hoonaard.
  • For his obituary see BW12:664–6.
  • He was known as the "Temple Builder" because of his great contributions to the completion of the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár of the West. [BW12:664-666]
  • For a brief biography see Bahá'í Chronicles.
  • Find a grave.
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - Hands of the Cause; - In Memoriam; Canada; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Hands of the Cause, Second Contingent; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Wilmette; Montreal, QC; Siegfried Schopflocher
    1953 Aug
    The Congo-Belgian colony had its first believers, identified under the term "The Spiritual Sowers". The story begins with Louis Selemani Bin Kimbulu (the first person to accept the Faith) and Sébastien Ilunga Ngoy Buanga Tumba, two Congolese bank officials who were living and working in neighbouring Burundi, where they received, from a servant working for a Western expatriate, a book of Bahá'í prayers which they did not hesitate to liken to a grimoire. Finding it interesting, they sent a letter for further clarification regarding the nature of the prayers to the Bahá'í Publishing House which published the book.

    In response to their correspondence, an American Bahá'í living in Usumbura, present-day Bujumbura, went to meet these two men. Some time after they met, and after conducting the independent search for Truth, they decided to become Bahá'ís. This is how they began to spread the "new message" to their other colleagues at the Bank, all Congolese living in eastern DRC.

    Very quickly, these two young bankers succeeded in finding souls receptive to the message of the Bahá'í teachings. They were 19 in all and constituted the nucleus called "Spiritual Sowers", the founders of the Faith in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [;; A Remarkable Response Film 4:18]

    Bujumbura, Burundi; Congo, Democratic Republic of; Louis Selemani Bin Kimbulu; Sébastien Ilunga Ngoy Buanga Tumba first believers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    1953 Aug
    Shawkat Nahví arrived in Pondicherry and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; India; Pondicherry, India
    1953 Aug
    'Abbás Vakíl arrived in Cyprus and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:450] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Cyprus
    1953 2 Aug
    Fred Schechter, an American, arrived in Djibouti and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for French Somaliland. [BW13:451]
  • Mr Schechter went on to pioneer to several Latin American countries, he spent thirteen year on the Continental Board of Councillors for the Americas and served on the International Teaching Centre. He passed away on 27 January 2017 in California, U.S.A. He was 89 years old. [BWNS1149]
  • See In Memoriam Fred Schechter: Bahá'í House of Worship Memorial Program.
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Counsellors; Djibouti, East Africa; Fred Schechter; French Somaliland; International Teaching Centre, Members of
    1953 Aug
    Shiyam Behari arrived in Pondicherry and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; India; Pondicherry, India
    1953 Aug
    Amír Húshmand Manúchihrí arrived in Liechtenstein and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453] - Europe; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Liechtenstein
    1953 Aug
    Salísa Kirmání and Shírín Núrání arrived in Karikal and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Karikal, India
    1953 Jul - Aug
    Amín and Sheila Banání, a Persian-American couple, settled in Athens-Kifissia in August 1953 and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Greece. [BW452]
  • They were able to stay in Greece until 1958 when they were asked to leave by the government. [from an interview with Sheila Banani 10 November, 2022 on Thursday Night @7]
  • See Professor Amin Banani, 1926–2013: A Prominent Scholar of Iranian Studies by Ehsan Yarshater in Iranian Studies, 2014, Vol 47 No 2 p347-351 for an obituary of Amin Banani.
  • - In Memoriam; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Amin Banani; Athens, Greece; Greece; Sheila Banani
    1953 Aug
    Edythe MacArthur arrived in the Queen Charlotte Islands (now Haida Gwaii) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455; BWIM143-145] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Queen Charlotte Island, BC
    1953 Aug
    Udai Narain Singh arrived in Sikkim and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455; PH63] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; India; Sikkim, India; Udai Narain Singh
    1953 11 Aug
    Virginia Orbison arrived in the Balearic Islands from a pioneer post in Spain and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for the Balearic Islands. [BW13:449]

    It was neither her first nor her last pioneer experience. Between 1942 and 1946 she pioneered to Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. After World War II she went to Madrid, Spain where she helped raise the first local spiritual assembly and she did the same thing in Barcelona the following year.

    In July of 1953 she went to the Stockholm Intercontinental Teaching Conference where she offered to pioneer to Mallorca in one of the Balearic Islands, She stayed about one year before returning to Barcelona in August of 1954 where she attended the Iberian Teaching Conference that was attended by 60 people. Late that nine, she and nine others were arrested by the police and interrogated for 18 hours. They had thought that the Bahá'í were Communists.

    In 1956 she moved to Portugal where she was elected to the first Iberian Regional Spiritual Assembly. After three years she was forced to leave by the authorities because of her Bahá'í activities, holding property and owning a telephone.

    She was asked to go to Luxembourg where she spent nine years but made little progress in establishing the Faith. She was then asked to got to Malaga, Spain and by 1972 Malaga had a local spiritual assembly so she pioneered to Margella in 1979.

    The National Spiritual Assembly asked her to write a history of the Faith in Spain which was completed in 1980.

    As was her wish, she passed to the Abha Kingdom in 1985, still a pioneer. [KoB346-347; Wikipedia]

    See also Also see Bahá'í World 19 pages 715-721 or 692-697 in the print version and Bahá'í News #586 January 1980 p2-5.

    - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Argentina; Balearic Islands, Spain; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Ecuador; Luxembourg; Mallorca, Spain; Peru; Portugal; Spain; Spain; Virginia Orbison
    1953 14 Aug
    In a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria it was stated that:
      He is Particularly anxious to have some of the German Bahá'ís enter the western territories of the Soviet Union not yet open to the Faith, namely: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, White Russia and Moldavia, and every effort should be made to enable some of the Bahá'ís, German or of other nationality, to go to these countries. The young people in particular may be able to arrange their affairs in such a way as to procure employment in the Soviet Union. This would be a great service, and is part of the work allotted to the German Bahá'ís under the World Crusade. [14 August 1953]
    Austria; Germany; Moldavia; Soviet Union
    1953 (Late August)
    Soon after becoming a Bahá'í in Kampala, Enoch Olinga, together with fellow new believers Max Kanyerezi and Samson Mungono, responded to the Guardian's call and left his home in Uganda, to fulfill pioneering goals accompanied by Persian pioneers Ali and Violette Nakhjavání. Leaving in late August 1953 they traveled for almost 3 months, covering a distance of over 5000 kilometers.

    The first leg took them to Samson Mungono's post in Kamina, in the Katanga region of the Belgian Congo. They then took a grueling route to Brazzaville, where Max was dropped off and continued through the thick forests of French Congo and Gabon, hoping to pass through French Cameroons and finally reach the British Cameroons. The car broke down in the tropical forest of Gabon leaving the three remaining friends unable to continue. Enoch volunteered to walk to a town 50 miles ahead through the forbidding jungle to get help. Upon arrival Enoch was so ill he was hospitalized for two days and could not travel for a week. He told of a dream he had in which Shoghi Effendi took him in his arms to comfort and reassure him in his desperation. In mid-October they reached the British Cameroons on the very evening of the conclusion of the Holy Year.

    Confirmations of the monumental efforts these first African pioneers made soon followed: Enoch, Max and Samson all successfully brought many local people under the banner of the Greatest Name. [A Brief Account of the Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nancy Oloro-Robarts and Selam Ahderom p4]

    - Pioneers; Alí Nakhjavání; Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo; Cameroon; Congo, Democratic Republic of; Enoch Olinga; Max Kanyerezi; Samson Mungono; Violette Nakhjavani
    1953 26 Aug
    Ella Bailey (b. 16 December, 1864, Houston, Harris County, Texas) passed away in Tripoli, Tarabulus, Libya at the age of 88 years. [BW12:687]
  • She was elevated to the rank of martyr. [MBW170]
  • For the story of her life see PSBW131–42.
  • See Bahá'í Chronicles.
  • For her obituary see BW12:685–8.
  • For information on her burial site and a short biography see Find-a-grave.
  • See Youtube video I Adjure Them - The Ella Bailey Story as told by Hand of the Cause of God William Sears.
  • She had accompanied Mr and Mrs Rober Gulick in their settlement in Tripoli. [BN No 271 september 1953 p6]
  • - Biography; - Births and deaths; - In Memoriam; Ella Bailey; Houston, TX; Libya; Names and titles; Texas, USA; Tripoli, Libya; United States (USA)
    1953 (In the year)
    Pioneers began to arrive in Libya;
  • Mustapha Salem arrived in July and settled in Tripoli, [BN No 272 October 1953 p9}
  • Asia and Feridon Zein and their two children settled in Benghazi, [BN No 272 October 1953 p9}
  • Rizvaniyyih Iqrari pioneered to Benghazi, Libya on 10 September,
  • Mohsen Enayat pioneered within Libya from Tripoli to Feezan on the 26th of September,
    • SeeSETPE2 p63-66 for an account of Moshen's stay during which he was able to reach two provincial ministers including the Minister of Finance. He was forced to leave by the government after 10 months but was able to recruit Foad Rushdy from Egypt to replace him.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ne'mat 'Abdu'l Wahid and Mr. Wahid's sister-in-law arrived in Tripoli, Libya in late September. [BN No 273 November 1953 p12-13]
  • Mrs. Laura Kelsey Allen arrived in Tripoli, September 3, 1953. [BN No 280 June 1954 p9]
  • As a result a Local Spiritual Assembly was formed in Benghazi in 1953 and in November of the same year in Tripoli. . [BN No 274 December 1953 p2; BN No 280 June 1954 p10]
  • Asia Zein; Benghazi, Libya; Feridon Zein; Laura Kelsey Allen; Libya; Libya; Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Mohsen Enayat; Mr and Mrs Nemat `Abdu'l-Wahid; Mustapha Salem; Rizvaniyyih Iqrari; Tripoli, Libya
    1953 28 Aug
    Mildred Clark, a pioneer in Norway, and Loyce Lawrence (née Drugan), a nurse and hospital matron, arrived in the Lofoten Islands and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453]
  • Mrs Lawrence began teaching the Saami.
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Lofoten Islands, Norway; Norway; Sámi people
    1953 Sep
    Brigitte Hasselblatt arrived in Shetland and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Scotland; Shetland Islands; United Kingdom
    1953 Sep
    Gertrude Eisenberg arrived in Las Palmas and is named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for the Canary Islands. [BW13:450] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Canary Islands, Spain; Las Palmas, Canary Islands
    1953 Sep
    Evelyn Baxter arrived in the Channel Islands and was named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:450] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Channel Islands, UK; Evelyn Baxter
    1953 Sep
    Ada Schott, Elizabeth Hopper, Sara Kenny and Ella Duffield arrived in the Madeira Islands and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. BW13:453] - Europe; - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Madeira; Portugal
    1953 Sep
    Brigitte Lundblade (nee Hasselblatt), (b. 1923 - d. 17 May 2008) arrived in the Shetland Islands and was later honoured with being named as Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [Bahaipedia] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Scotland; Shetland Islands; United Kingdom
    1953 Sep
    The arrival of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Enayat Sohaili in Nyasaland (now known as Malawi) [BWNS240] - Africa; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Malawi
    1953 Sep
    Kathleen Weston arrived in the Magdalen Islands and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Magdalen Islands, QC
    1953 Sep
    Julius Edwards arrived in the Northern Territories Protectorate (now part of Ghana) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Ghana; Northern Territories Protectorate
    1953 Sep
    Doris Richardson arrived on Grand Manan Island and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Grand Manan Island, NB
    1953 8 Sep
    Jameson and Gale Bond arrived in Arctic Bay in the District of Franklin and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:451, SDSC127] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Arctic Bay, NU; Franklin, QC; Gale Bond; Jameson Bond
    1953 9 Sep
    Rooho'llah Mavadatt arrived in Algeria as a pioneer. [BN No277 p8] Algeria
    1953 9 Sep
    José (d. 1985) and Hilda (née Summers) Xavier Rodrigues, a Portuguese-English couple, arrived in Bissau from Portugal as the first Bahá'í pioneers to Portuguese Guinea (Guinea Bissau) and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bissau, Guinea-Bissau; Guinea Bissau; Portuguese Guinea
    1953 Sep
    Cora Oliver arrived in British Honduras (Belize) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:449] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Belize; Cora Oliver
    1953 12 Sep
    Nellie French arrived in Monaco and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:454]

    Then 85, she was the first Bahá'í to arrive in Monaco, but she passed away a few months later. For her act of service in bringing the Faith to the country, she received the accolade Knight of Baha'u'llah from Shoghi Effendi.

    A celebration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Bahá'í Faith in the Principality was held on 24-25 April 2004 at the Theatre des Varietes in Monte Carlo, and opened with the reading of a welcoming message from the National Council of the Principality. [Newspaper Archive on BLO]

    - Biography; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Monaco
    1953 Sep
    Dick Stanton arrived in Keewatin and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Keewatin, NT
    1953 Sep
    Howard Snider arrived in Key West and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:453] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Key West, FL
    1953 Sep
    Diá'i'lláh Asgharzádih arrived in the Channel Islands and was named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:450] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Channel Islands, UK; Diaillah Asgharzadih
    1953 Sep
    Elsa Grossman arrived in the Frisian Islands and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Elsa Grossmann; Frisian Islands
    1953 Sep
    Hugh McKinley and his mother, Violet, arrived in Cyprus and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:450]
  • Violet passed away in 1959 and she was laid to rest in Famagusta. Hugh remained in Cyprus until 1963. He died in Suffolk in 1999 was was buried in Lawshall, Suffolk. He had been born on the 18th of February, 1924.
  • See Ismael Velasco's paper entitled In Memoriam: Hugh McKinley.
  • See Life of Hugh McKinley, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by Olive McKinley.
  • See Memoram: Hugh McKinley by Ismael Velasco.
  • - Biography; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Cyprus; Famagusta, Cyprus; Hugh McKinley; Ismael Velasco; Olive McKinley; Violet McKinley
    1953 18 Sep
    Dwight and Carole Allen arrived in Athens and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Greece. [BW13:452] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Athens, Greece; Greece
    1953 20 Sep
    The arrival of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Mr. Max Kanyerezi in Middle Congo (now called Republic of Congo). At this time the country was, together with the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, and Gabon, part of a much larger French territory called the Federation of French Equatorial Africa which was dissolved in 1958. [BWNS246; A Brief Account of the Progress of the Bahá'í Faith in Africa Since 1953 by Nancy Oloro-Robarts and Selam Ahderom p8]
  • Max and his wife Florence later moved back to Uganda where he had been raised. [CG106-107]
  • The website of the Bahá'ís of the Republic of the Congo gives a different date for the arrival of Max Kanyerezi...
      "Le premier bahá'í au Congo était Max Kanyerezi. Il fut déposé par Violette et Ali Nakhjavani en 1955." (Translation) "The first Bahá'í in Congo was Max Kanyerezi. He was dropped off by Violette and Ali Nakhjavani in 1955." [Reference]
  • - Africa; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Congo, Democratic Republic of
    1953 20 Sep
    Countries (in which) Bahá'ís residenow aggregate over (one) hundred fifty. over seventy (have been) added (in the) course (of the) nine years separating (the) first (and) second Jubilees. [From a letter from Shoghi Effendi CBN No 46 November 1953 p1] - Bahá'í World Centre; Statistics
    1953 23 Sep
    Ted and Joan Anderson arrived in Whitehorse, Canada, and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for the Yukon. [BW13:457] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Canada; Joan Anderson; Ted Anderson; Whitehorse, YT
    1953 26 Sep
    The martyrdom of Rahmán Kulayní Mamaqání. He was stabbed by a ruffian in a mob. [BW12p710-711] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution, Mobs; Durúd, Iran; Iran
    1953 30 Sep
    Manúchihr Hizárí and Hurmuz Zindih arrived in Tangier and were named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Morocco (International Zone). [BW13:454] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Morocco; Tangier, Morocco
    1953 Oct
    Mrs (Alexandra) Ola Pawlowska arrived in St Pierre and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for Miquelon Island and St Pierre Island. [BW13:454] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Ola Pawlowska; St. Pierre and Miquelon
    1953 Oct
    Helen Robinson arrived on Baranof Island and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:449] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Baranof Island, AK
    1953 Oct
    Ursula von Brunn arrived in the Frisian Islands and was named Knights of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Frisian Islands; Ursula von Brunn
    1953 Oct
    Katharine Meyer arrived on Margarita Island and was named Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:454] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Katharine Meyer; Margarita Island, Venezuela
    1953 Oct
    The arrival of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Edith Danielson in the Cook Islands. [BWNS265] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Cook Islands; Pacific
    1953 Oct
    Edmund ('Ted') Cardell arrived in Windhoek and wss named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for South West Africa (Namibia). [BW13:456]
  • He was later joined by his wife Alicia and the first German Bahá'ís to pioneer to Africa, Martin and Gerda Aiff and their children.
  • In 1955 Hilifa Andreas Nekundi, (also known as Tate Hilifa), was the first Namibian to become a Bahá'í. Mr. Nekundi later served on the first Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Windhoek, and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Namibia. [BWNS280]
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Alicia Cardell; Gerda Aiff; Hilifa Andreas Nekundi; Martin Aiff; Namibia; Tate Hilifa; Ted Cardell; Windhoek, Namibia first German Bahá’ís pioneers to Africa; the first Namibian to become a Bahá'í.
    1953 Oct
    Muhammad Mustafá Sulaymán, an Egyptian, arrived in Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. BW13:456]
  • For the story of his life see BW18:768–71.
  • - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Muhammad Mustafa Sulayman; Spanish Sahara
    1953 Oct
    The superstructure of the Shrine of the Báb was completed. [BBD210; CB324–5; PP235; ZK85–6]
  • Marble for the Shrine of the Báb came from Chiampo, Italy as did marble for the Archives Building, the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi, the Seat of the Universal House of Justice, the Terraces Project, the Monument Gardens and the Houses of Worship in India and Samoa. It was cut and chiseled by a firm called Margraf, formerly known as Industria Marmi Vincentini. [BWNS1223]
  • 'Abdu'l-Bahá described the Shrine of the Báb as the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkár. [ABF18]
  • In a letter from the International Bahá'í Council dated the 2nd of May 1955, they reported on the great interest that has been taken in the Shrine of the Báb since the completion. [CBN No65 Jun 1955 p1; BN 292 Jun 1955 p4]
  • * Shoghi Effendi, Basic timeline; * Shoghi Effendi (chronology); - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship); Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Chiampo, Italy; Haifa, Israel; Italy; Marble; Margraf; Mount Carmel; Shoghi Effendi, Works of
    1953 Oct
    Claire Gung arrived in Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. She spent 18 months in Salisbury (Harare) where she was a member of the first local spiritual assembly. [CG161] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Southern Rhodesia; Zimbabwe first spiritual assembly of Salisbury (Harare)
    1953 Oct
    The arrival of Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Emma Rice, followed one week later by Knights Stanley and Florence Bagley and their three teenage children, Susan, Gerrold and Carol in Palermo, Sicily. [BWNS254] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Italy; Sicily, Italy
    1953 Oct
    Lionel Peraji arrived in Mahé and is named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:454] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Mahé, India
    1953 Oct
    Charles Dunning arrived in the Orkney Islands and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:455] ul>
  • In probably it was October of 1954 Harold and Marzieh Gail depart from St Matthew's Quay in Aberdeen destined to pay a visit to Charles Dunning in Kirkwall. On the island the diminutive Charles Dunning is referred to as "a wee chappie". [OPOP55-59]
  • - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Orkney Islands, Scotland
    1953 Oct
    Geraldine Graney arrived in the Hebrides and was named a Knight of Bahá'u'lláh. [BW13:452] - Islands; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Geraldine Graney; Hebrides
    1953 4 Oct
    Una Townshend arrived at her pioneer post. It was planed that her father, Hand of the Cause George Townshend, accompany her to Malta where the warm climate might improve his health. He was not well enough to go so Una went alone. Unfortunately his illness advanced and Shoghi Effendi asked her to return home to care for him so she left at the end of 1954. Una and her brother Brian helped him to complete Christ and Bahá'u'lláh by writing down his dictations as he was dying from Parkinson's. Shoghi Effendi called the book Hand of the Cause of God George Townshend's 'crowning achievement'. [KoB359-360] - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh; Malta

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