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full details for

Lights of Guidance

Author Bahá'u'lláh
Author 2
Author 3
Shoghi Effendi
Author 4
Universal House of Justice
Title of item
Lights of Guidance
Subtitle of item
A Bahá'í Reference File
Editor, translator, etc.  
Helen Bassett Hornby, comp
Date of this edition 1988
Permission author and publisher
Posted 2006-03-10 by Brett Zamir
Formatted 2004-10-17 by Brett Zamir
Classified in Books and Personal compilations
Abstract The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition.
Notes A special thanks to Charles Hornby and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador for their generous permission allowing us to publicly post this invaluable Bahá'í resource as well as to those volunteers who originally typed up and proofread the digital document on which this formatted version was based.

For those who are interested to republish this work, we were informed of the following by the Publishing Trust: "Permission for publication of “Lights of Guidance” on the Internet is allowed, and if there is any cost involved in obtaining it, the usual 10% royalty applies, to the name of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Ecuador, as per the author’s request."

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Locations Israel; Worldwide
Cross-referencesSee also
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Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
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