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1899 (In the year) A local spiritual assembly called "The Consulting Assembly of Tihrán", a forerunner of the National Spiritual Assembly was established. [EB175–6; 26 November, 2007]
  • Four Hands of the Cause were permanent members; nine others were elected by special electors appointed by the Hands. [EB175–6]
  • Tihran; Iran National Spiritual Assembly, formation; LSA; Hands of the Cause; Appointments; Elections
    1922 25 Apr A National Spiritual Assembly was elected in the United States to replace the Executive Board of the Bahá'í Temple Unity. [SBR94]
  • The difference between this body and its forerunner was little more than a change in name. [DP122]
  • The conversion of the Bahá'í Temple Unity into the National Spiritual Assembly took four years; it was not until 1925 that Shoghi Effendi recognized the American national body as a National Spiritual Assembly. [CT161; DP121-2; GPB333]
  • The election procedures followed that were used this period were not the current Bahá'í procedure: there was electioneering and candidates were nominated with a straw poll taken to trim the number of eligible candidates. [CT160; DP122]
  • Chicago; United States National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Spiritual Assemblies; Executive Board; Bahai Temple Unity; Elections; Shoghi Effendi, Life of
    1923 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of England. [GPB333]
  • The election was by postal ballot. [EJR228]
  • For the membership of the first Assembly see EJR228 and SBR71.
  • See also EJR223-31 for the election and functioning of the Assembly.
  • Prior to becoming the National Spiritual Assembly, the "All-England Bahá'í Council" was formed on the 6th of June, 1922. [Achievements and Victories of the Guardianship:Statistics, chronology, and bibliography compiled by Owen Battrick]
  • In 1930 the name was changed tothe National Spiritual assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. [BCBI423]
  • In 1972 when the National Spiritual Assembly of Ireland was formed, the National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles was renamed the National Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom. [BW15:290]
  • London; United Kingdom National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1923 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma.. It was incorporated in 1932. [GPB333; BW6p303] New Delhi; India; Burma National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1923 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria. [GPB333] Stuttgart; Germany National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1924 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Egypt. It was the first national body in Africa. [BBRSM121; GPB333]
  • It was actually formed in December of 1924 but is listed under this date for uniformity.
  • This community became part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of North East Africa in 1956.
  • Egypt National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1925 (During the year) National Spiritual Assemblies were formed in the Caucasus (Baku) and in Turkistan (Ashkhabad)about this time. Because these Assemblies were not chosen by the election of the members of the local spiritual assemblies or by representatives of the Bahá'í population as is the current practice, they should be considered as preliminary local and national Assemblies. [BW24p44]
  • They were disbanded in 1938 due to government pressure. [Bahaipedia]
  • Ishqabad; Turkmenistan; Baku; Caucasus National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1925 4 Jul – 9 Jul The Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada was held at Green Acre. [GAP117; SBR94]
  • National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada was elected for the first time. The National Assembly superseded the institution of Bahá'í Temple Unity formed during `Abdu'l-Bahá's ministry. [GPB333; SETPE1p107]
  • Like the previous attempts at electing a National Assembly in 1922, 1923 and 1924, the delegates didn't fully understand the Bahá'í election procedure. Nine members were elected as well as nine alternates whose purpose was to replace absent members at meetings. Those elected as members were: Horace Holley, (sec), Montfort Mills, (Chair), Florence Morton (tres.), Siegried Schopflocher, Roy Wilhelm, Alfred Lunt, (vice and asst. treas), Elizabeth Greenleaf, May Maxwell, Agnes Parson. [BN No 4 April 1925 p2]
  • Subsequently it was announced that the following persons were members of the National Assembly: Horace Holley, (Sec'y), Mountfort Mills, (chair) Florence Morton, (Treas.), Fred Schopflocher, Roy Wilhelm,(Vice), Allen McDaniel, Carl Scheffler, Ali Kuli Khan, and Amelia Collins. [BN No 6 July-August 1925 p2, 5]
  • Another ballot was taken for alternatives to those elected and selected were: Alfred Lunt, Agnes Parsons, William Randall, May Maxwell, George Latimer, Louis Gregory, Elizabeth Greenleaf, Mariam Haney and Keith Ransom-Kehler. [BN No 6 July-August 1925 p5]
  • The offices of the National Spiritual Assembly were located in 169 Christopher Steet, New York at this time. [BN No 4 April 1925 p2]
  • Green Acre Horace Holley; Mountfort Mills; Florence Morton; Fred Schopflocher; Roy Wilhelm; Allen McDaniel; Carl Scheffler; Ali Kuli Khan; Amelia Collins; Conventions, National; National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1930. (In the year) The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of England changed its name to become the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. [Bahaipedia United Kingdom; BCBI423] Britain National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1931 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iraq. [GPB333; BBRSM:121; BW4p169] Iraq National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1934 (In the year) The first National Spiritual Assembly of Iran was elected. [BBRSM:121; BW6:268]
  • For a picture see BW6:268.
  • Iran National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1934. 26 Apr The first national convention of the Bahá'ís of Iran was held in Tehran over a period of eight days. The social and religious affairs of the national community prior to this time had been directed by the former Central Assembly of Tehran. Following the formation of the National Spiritual Assembly, the by-laws of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States were translated into Persian and adopted with modifications. Also, national committees were appointed to help the National Spiritual Assembly with specific tasks. [GPB333; BW6p22-23; WOB99; BAHAISM v. The Bahai Community in Iran by V. Rafati]
  • ARG83, 118 (photo) says that 1933 was the date of the first National Convention.
  • BW6p94 says that 1935 was the date of the first National Convention.
  • Tihran; Iran By-laws; Conventions, National; Central Assembly of Tehran; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1934 15–18 May The first National Convention of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand was held in Sydney, with nine delegates in attendance. [SBR165]
  • The first Regional Spiritual Assembly of Australia and New Zealand was elected with its seat in Sydney. [GPB333,SBR165] iiiii
  • Those elected were: Percy Almond, Ethel Blundell, Hilda Brooks, Robert Brown, Hyde Dunn, Silver Jackman, Charlotte Moffitt, Margaret Stevenson, and Oswald Whitaker. [A Vision of Unity p10-11]
  • Sydney; Australia; New Zealand Conventions, National; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; First conventions
    1934 Dec The National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt and the Sudan incorporated. [GPB336; BN No 321 November 1957 p4,/a<]
  • This is the first national assembly in an Islamic country to secure civil recognition and the status of an independent religion. [BW6:24]
  • Egypt; Sudan National Spiritual Assembly, incorporation; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1946 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria was re-established. [BN No 187 September 1946 p8-9]
  • It was elected for the first time since 1937. Those elected were: Fred Kohler, Dr Adelheid Jäger, De Hermann Grossmann, Martha Brauns-Forel, Erwin Knorr, Paul Golfer, Edith Horn, Martel Weiss, Hede Schubert. [The German Baha'i Community under National Socialism p18]
  • Three American servicemen, Bruce Davison, John Eichenauer, and Capt Henry Jarvis rendered service to the stricken community. See the article The Baha'i Faith: Banned by the Nazis and the Communists by Caroline Fowler on Bahá'í
  • It would appear that there was no Austrian representation at this National Convention nor at the National Convention the following year. [BW11p30]
  • See The German Baha'i Community under National Socialism p21-26 for the persecution of the Bahá'í community before and during the war.
  • Germany; Austria National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1947 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma added the newly formed nation of Pakistan to their unit. As the state of Pakistan was created on the 14th of August 1947 it can be assumed that the National Spiritual Assembly of India, Pakistan and Burma was created after this date. In a letter from the Guardian 24 October 1947 he mentions all three nations as one unit. [MSEIp289] ] India; Myanmar (Burma) National Spiritual Assembly, formation; India and Burma
    1948. Ridván When the state of Pakistan was formed it was incorporated into the National Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma. The name of the new assembly was known as the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India, Pakistan and Burma.
  • This assembly until Pakistan formed an independent Assembly in 1957.
  • India; Pakistan; Burma National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1948 24 - 25 Apr The National Spiritual Assembly of the Dominion of Canada was established. [BBRSM:186; BW13:856; MBW143; PP397]
  • See BW11:160, 184 for pictures.
  • The first National Convention was held in the Maxwell's home (in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's home as will be the election of the Universal House of Justice some 15 years hence.) with 13/19 delegates from all the provinces attending. (Six were unable to attend due to a flood.) Those elected to the first National Spiritual Assembly were: Laura Davis, Rowland Estall, Lloyd Gardner, Doris Richardson, John Robarts, Emeric Sala, Rosemary Sala, Siegfried Schopflocher, and Ross Woodman. [TG110, OBCC269]
  • For a picture of the first Canadian National Spiritual Assembly see OBCC148.
  • Canada National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Conventions, National; Laura Davis; Rowland Estall; Lloyd Gardner; Doris Richardson; John Robarts; Emeric Sala; Rosemary Sala; Siegfried Schopflocher; Ross Woodman
    1951 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central America, Mexico and the Antilles was elected at an international convention in Panama City. Those elected were: Srta. Raquel J. Francois, Mrs. Cora H. Oliver, Srta. Elena Marsella, Srta. Natalia Chavez, James V. Facey Srta. Zenayda Jurado C, Mrs. Louise Caswell, Dr. David Escalante, Artemus Lamb. [BW12:60; Bahá'í News No 244 June 1951 p12]
  • 25 delegates representing 12 countries were present at the convention. [BW12:60]
  • For a photo of those attending see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • The countries of Central America were Belize, Costa Rica (confirmed) El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
  • Panama National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Raquel Francois; Cora Oliver; Elena Marsella; Natalia Chavez; James Facey; Zenayda Jurado C; Louise Caswell; David Escalante; Artemus Lamb
    1951 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of South America was elected at an international convention in Lima, Peru. Elected were: Edmund J. Miessler (Sao Paulo), Mrs. Margot Worley (Bahia), Miss Eve Nicklin (Lima), Manuel Vera (Lima), Dr. Alejandro Reid (Punta Arenas), Mrs. Gayle Woolson (Bogota), Esteban Canales L. (Asuncion), Srta. Mercedes Sanchez (Lima), Rangvald Taetz (Montevideo) [BW12:60; Bahá'í News No 244 June 1951 p12]
  • 18 of the 27 delegates were present at the convention. [BW12:60]
  • For a photo see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • The countries involved were: Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia. The union lasted until 1957 when it was split into two administrative bodies.
  • Lima; Peru National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1953 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland was established. Elected were: Prof. Mario Fiorentini, Mrs. Anna Kunz, Dr. Ugo R. Giachery, Miss Elsa Steinmetz, Mrs. Stella Lonzar, Mrs. Anne Lynch, Friedrich Schar, Mrs. Marion Little, and Prof. Alessandro Bausani.
  • For a photo see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • Italy; Switzerland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1956 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa was formed with its seat in Johannesburg, South Africa. The National Convention was held at the Sears farm. Those elected to serve were: John Allen, Festus Chembeni, Walter Dlamini, William Masehla, Robert Miller, Andrew Mofokeng, John Robarts, William Sears and Max Seepe. In January 1957 Walter Dlamini resigned and Marguerite Sears was elected to replace him. [BW13:284; MBW71-72; BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was the Union of South Africa, Basutoland, Zululand, Swaziland, Bechuanaland, South West Africa, Angola, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Nyasaland, Mozambique, Madagascar, Réunion Island, Mauritius and St Helena Island. See the Guardian's message to this Assembly. [That Promising Continent 28-29]
  • Johannesburg; South Africa National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1956 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Central and East Africa was formed with its seat in Kampala, Uganda. [BW13:284; MBW71-72]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Uganda, Tanganyika, Kenya, Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, French Equatorial Africa, Zanzibar, Comoro Islands and Seychelles Islands. See the Guardian's message to this Assembly. [That Promising Continent 30]
  • Ali Nakhjavani, Hassan Sabri, Philip Hainsworth, Oloro Epyeruj, Jalal Nakhjavani, Aziz Yazdi, Tito Wanantsusit, Max Kenyerezi, and Sylvester Okurut were members of the first regional national assembly. [History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania]
  • This regional assembly was dissolved at Ridván 1964. [BW14p96]
  • Kampala; Uganda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1956 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa was formed with its seat in Tunis, Tunisia. [BW13:284]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco (International Zone), Spanish Morocco, French Morocco, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, French West Africa, Gambia, Portuguese Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gold Coast, Ashanti Protectorate, British Togoland, French Togoland, Nigeria, British Cameroons, French Cameroons, Northern Territories Protectorate, Spanish Guinea, St Thomas Island, Cape Verde Islands, Canary Islands and Madeira. [MBW71-72]
  • See the Guardian's message to this Assembly. [That Promising Continent 27, 32]
  • Tunis; Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1956 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North East Africa was formed by expanding the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt and Sudan. [BW13:284]
  • Its area of jurisdiction now included Egypt, Sudan, Abyssinia, Libya, Eritrea, British, French and Italian Somaliland and Socotra Island.
  • From this date forward all African territories originally allocated to the United States, the Persian, the Egyptian, the Indian, and the British National Spiritual Assemblies became, in the course of the Ten-Year Plan, to benefit from the advantages of sustained assistance by these Assemblies Spiritual Assemblies. [MBW71-72]
  • Since 1956 National Spiritual Assembly of North East Africa had been led by the former National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt and the Sudan. In 1960 difficulties in Egypt made it impossible to administer territories outside of Egypt a regional administrative committee was formed and this, in turn, was replaced with a new National Spiritual Assembly with its headquarters in Addis Abba. [BW13p287]
  • Egypt; Libya; Sudan; Eritrea; French Somaliland (Djibouti); Djibouti; Italian Somaliland; Ethiopia; Socotra Island; British Somaliland; Abyssinia; Eritrea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries was formed with its seat in Brussels, Belgium. [BW13:274]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
  • Brussels; Belgium; Netherlands; Luxembourg; Benelux National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly for the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain) was formed with its seat in Madrid, Spain. [BW13:274]
  • The Assembly was disbanded in 1962 when Spain and Portugal established independent National Assemblies.
  • Madrid; Spain; Portugal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Mexico and the Republics of Central America was formed at Panama City, Panama. [BW13:257]
  • The countries involved were: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.
  • Mexico; Panama; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Honduras; El Salvador; Guatemala National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia was formed at Buenos Aires, Argentina. [BW13:257]
  • Prior to this time, since 1951 it had been administer by the National Spiritual Assembly of South America. [Bahaipedia NSA; South America]
  • Buenos Aires; Argentina; Chile; Uruguay; Paraguay; Bolivia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela was formed at Lima, Peru. [BW13:257]
  • Prior to this time, since 1951 it had been administer by the National Spiritual Assembly of South America. [Bahaipedia NSA; South America]
  • Lima; Peru National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles was formed with its seat in Kingston, Jamaica The Assembly was disbanded in 1961 when individual National Assemblies were formed for the constituent countries.. [BW13:257]
  • The countries involved: Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic [BN No 312 p7]
  • Kingston; Jamaica National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia was formed with its seat in Tokyo, Japan. [BW13:304]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Japan, Korea, Formosa, Macau, Hong Kong, Hainan Island and Sakhalin Island.
  • Tokyo; Japan National Spiritual Assembly, formation; North East Asia
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of South East Asia was formed with its seat in Djakarta. [BW13:289,302]
  • Its area of jurisdiction was Borneo, Indo-China, Indonesia, Malaya, Sarawak, Siam, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Philippines, Dutch New Guinea, Mentawai Islands, Cocos Islands, Portuguese Timor and Brunei.
  • A subsidiary Six-Year Plan was formed. [BW13:302]
  • This assembly was dissolved in 1964. [BW14p99]
  • Djakarta; Indonesia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Pakistan was formed with its first National Convention in Karachi. Previously it was administered by the Regional Assembly of India, Pakistán and Burma. The "mother assembly" reverted by to its former name, The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India and Burma and was so until 1959. [BW13p299]
  • On May 28th the Assembly was incorporated. [BW13p300]
  • Karachi; Pakistan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Australia and New Zealand formed separate National Assemblies. [BW13p306]
  • Since 1934 they were part of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand.
  • New Zealand National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska was formed and incorporated immediately upon formation. [HE31]
  • This was the first time a political entity (i.e. the United States) was subdivided to form a national spiritual assembly. [BW13:270]
  • In 1927 the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada resolved, in their Declaration of Trust and By-law of the National Spiritual Assembly, to exclude Alaska and Hawaii and all United States trusts and territories including Puerto Rico from their jurisdiction. [Constitution of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States]
  • Picture.
  • Alaska; United States Incorporation; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland was formed with its seat in Stockholm, Sweden. [BW13:274] Stockholm; Sweden National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula with its seat in Bahrayn (Bahrain). [BW15p296]
  • The area was altered in 1972 for the formation of two National Spiritual Assemblies, Eastern Arabian and Kuwait. [BW15p297]
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1957. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula was established at the first National Convention of Arabia which was held in Manama, Bahrain. [BWIM249]

    By 1962, the regions with Bahá'í communities under the Assembly's jurisdiction were the Aden Protectorate, Bahrain, Hijaz, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. [BW13p955]

  • From 1962 until 30 November 1967, British administered the Aden Protectorate in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The constituent territories were the following: Aden (including the city of Aden and its surrounding areas), Hadhramaut, Mahra, Upper Aulaqi Sultanate, Lower Aulaqi Sultanate, Dhala, Fadhli Sultanate, and Beihan. It was known as the Federation of South Arabia and it was to become, for the most part, The Peoples Republic of South Yemen.
  • Prior to their unification on the 22 of May, 1990. North Yemen, (the Yemen Arab Republic), and South Yemen, (the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen), existed as separate countries with distinct political systems.
  • Manama; Bahrain; Yemen National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Aden Protectorate
    1958 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of France was formed. [BW13p274]
  • For the message of the Custodians to the French National Convention see MC86–9.
  • France National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1959 Ridván Separate national spiritual assemblies were formed for Germany and Austria. [BW13p274, 283; BBRSM186]
  • For the letter of the Custodians to the national convention of Austria see MC158–60.
  • For a photo of the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Austria see WMSH244. The members were: Johanna (Hauff) von Werthern, Franz Pollinger, Bertha Matthisen, Leopoldine Heilinger, Dr Mehdi Varqá, Gunther Hang, Ursula Kohler, Dr Masoud Berdjis and Dr Aminolláh Ahmedzadeh.
  • Austria; Germany National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1959 Ridván Separate National Spiritual Assemblies were formed for India and Burma. Up until 1957 this group had included Pakistan. [BW13p300]
  • For the letter of the Custodians to the national convention of Burma see MC155–7.
  • See a picture of the first National Spiritual Assembly of Burma.
  • Myanmar (Burma); India National Spiritual Assembly of India; National Spiritual Assembly of Myanmar (Burma); Custodians; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1959. Ridván Upon the establishment of an independent Spiritual Assembly for Burma, the National Assembly of India and Burma was succeeded by the present-day National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India. [BW13p300] New Delhi; India National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1959 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Turkey was formed.
  • For the letter of the Custodians to the national convention see MoC148–51.
  • Election of the first National Assembly of Turkey had to be carried on by mailed ballots because difficulties visited upon the Faith in that country prevented the holding of the Convention. Hand of the Cause Dhikru'lláh Khádem, officially representing the Hands of the Cause, was able to visit Turkey for the occasion, as did Professor Manfichihr Ḥakím, representing the National Assembly of Persia. [BW19p297-298]
  • Turkey National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1959 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Islands was formed with its seat in Suva, Fiji. [BN No 267 MY 1953 P1]
  • Its area of jurisdiction comprised of ten island groups: Samoa, Fiji, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Loyalty Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Marshall Islands, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, and Tonga. [BW13:308]
  • For the letter of the Custodians to the national convention see MC151–5.
  • In 1963 the Universal House of Justice announced that the Assembly was to be dissolved and succeeded by a National Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Ocean, and a National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean, with the new Assemblies being formed the following year.
  • Suva; Fiji; Samoa; New Caledonia; New Hebrides Islands (Vanuatu); Loyalty Islands; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Marshall Islands; Cook Islands; Solomon Islands; Tonga National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1960 Aug All Bahá'í activity in Egypt was prohibited by Presidential Decree No 263 issued by President Nasser of the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria).
  • Bahá'ís were interrogated, arrested, fined and imprisoned and their property confiscated. [BBRSM174; MC228]
  • Since 1956 National Spiritual Assembly of North East Africa had been led by the former National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt and the Sudan. In 1960 difficulties in Egypt made it impossible to administer territories outside of Egypt a regional administrative committee was formed and this, in turn, was replaced with a new National Spiritual Assembly with its headquarters in Addis Abba. [BW13p287]
  • See message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá'ís of Egypt dated 21 December 2006.
  • Egypt Persecution, Egypt; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Argentina was formed. [BW13:258] Argentina National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Bolivia was formed. [BW13:258] Bolivia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Chile was formed. [BW13:258]
  • For picture see BW13:260.
  • Chile National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Colombia was formed. [BW13:258] Colombia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Costa Rica was formed. [BW13:258]
  • For picture see BW13:261.
  • Costa Rica National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Cuba was formed. Since 1957 they had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles. [BW13:258] Cuba National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Dominican Republic was formed. Since 1957 they had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles. [BW13:258] Dominican Republic National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Ecuador was formed. [BW13:258] Ecuador National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Guatemala was formed. Prior they had been part of Regional Spiritual Assembly of Mexico and the Republics of Central America. [BW13:258]
  • Upon forming the Assembly was made responsible for administrating the Bahá'í community of British Honduras although there were no Bahá'ís in British Honduras at the time. British Honduras remained under its jurisdiction until forming its own National Spiritual Assembly in 1967. [BN No364 July 1961 p2]
  • Guatemala; Honduras National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of El Salvador was formed. [BW13:258]
  • For picture see BW13:263.
  • El Salvador National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Haiti was formed. Previously it had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles. [BW13:258] Haiti National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Honduras was formed. [BW13:258; National website; Bahaipedia Honduras; BN No364 July 1961 p3]
  • For picture see BW13:265.
  • Honduras National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Conflict
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Jamaica was formed. Since 1957 they had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles. [BW13:258]
  • Elected Randolph Fitz-Henley, William A. W. Mitchell, Alfred Senior, Clarence Ullrich, Alice Maud Gallier, Percival Aiken, Emily Taylor, Margarite Ullrich and Ruby Taylor. [The Gleaner]
  • Jamaica National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Mexico was formed. Those elected were: Mrs. Florence Mayberry, Samuel Burafato, Dr. Edris Rice-Wray, Sra. Carmen de Burafato, Mrs. Chappie Angulo, Earl Morris, Mrs. Anna Howard, Mrs. Valeria Nichols, and Harold Murray. [BW13:258]
  • For picture see BW13:266.
  • Mexico National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Nicaragua was formed. [BW13:258] Nicaragua National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Panama was formed. [BW13:258] Panama National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Paraguay was formed. [BW13:258] Paraguay National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Peru was formed. [BW13:258] Peru National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Venezuela was formed. [BW13:258] Venezuela National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Uruguay was formed. [BW13:258]
  • For picture see BW13:268.
  • Uruguay National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil was formed. [BW13:258] Brazil National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1961 Ridán The National Spiritual Assembly of North East Africa had been led by the former National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt and Sudan since 1956. In 1960 difficulties in Egypt made it impossible to administer territories outside of the country so a regional administrative committee was formed and this, in turn, was replaced with the new National Spiritual Assembly of Ethiopia with its headquarters in Addis Abba. [BW13p287] Addis Ababa; Ethiopia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Denmark was formed. Since 1957 they had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:276 and OLOM10.
  • The formation of the National Assembly accomplished, in part, by the influx of Iranian pioneers. [SRRB14p247]
  • Denmark National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Finland was formed. Since 1957 they had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:277 or BN No373 August 1962 p6.
  • Finland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Luxembourg was formed. Since 1957 it had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:279.
  • Luxembourg National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Netherlands was formed. Since 1957 it had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:279.
  • Netherlands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Norway was formed. Since 1957 they had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:280.
  • Norway National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Portugal was formed. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:280.
  • Portugal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Spain was formed. Since 1957 the had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly for the Iberian Peninsula. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:281.
  • Its first members were: Antonio Jimenez, Luis Ortuno, Francisco Salas, Jose Lopez Monge, Ruhollah Mehrabhkani, Carlos Chias, Ramon Escartin, Isidro Torrella, and Charles Ioas.[Baháʼí News. No. 376. August 1959 p. 14]
  • Andorra was placed under the jurisdiction of this National Assembly and with the launching of the Nine Year Plan France was assigned to assist in the consolidation of Andorra. [BW14p121]
  • Spain National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sweden was formed. Since 1957 they had been part of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) plus Denmark and Finland. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:281 or BN No373 August 1962 p7.
  • Sweden National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Switzerland was formed. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:282.
  • Switzerland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962. Ridván In 1953 the National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland had been formed. This Ridván, with the formation of the National Spiritual of Switzerland, the regional assembly was re-named the National Spiritual Assembly of Italy. [BWNS909>/a>] Italy National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Belgium was formed. Since 1957 it had come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Benelux Countries. [BW13:283]
  • For picture see BW13:275.
  • The founding members were: Fernand Gillain, Elsa de Koninck, Lea Nys, Robert Hubar, Shoghi Ghadimi, Benjamin Levy, Adolphe de Couvreur, Louis Hénuzet, and Hasan-Ali Kamran. [Bahaipedia]
  • Belgium National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1962 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) was formed in Colombo. [BW13:301] Colombo; Sri Lanka National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda and Central Africa was formed with its seat in Kampala. [BW14p96]
  • This Assembly had jurisdiction over the following countries: Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Congo Republic, (Leopoldville), Congo Republic, (Brazzaville), Gabon, Central African Republic, and Chad.
  • Kampala; Uganda; Burundi; Rwanda; Leopoldville; Congo Republic; Brazzaville; Gabon; Central African Republic; Chad National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 was split into two regions, the Spiritual Assembly of West Africa and the "new" North West Africa region with its seat in Tunis included the following countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Madeira, Canary Islands. [BW14p96]
  • The seat of the National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa was transferred from Tunis (1963-1967) to Rabat (1967-1974). [BW14p97]
  • Tunisia; Algeria; Morocco; Mauritania; Rio de Oro; Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara); Ifni; Madeira; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 was split into two regions, the "new" North West Africa region and the Spiritual Assembly of West Africa with its seat in Monrovia.

    This latter assembly, Spiritual Assembly of West Africa, Ivory Coast; Mali, and Upper Volta, had jurisdiction over the following countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Portuguese Guinea, and Cape Verde Islands. [BW14p96; BN No 393 Dec 1964 p2 ]

    Monrovia; Liberia; Sierra Leone; Guinea; Gambia, The; Senegal; Portuguese Guinea (Guinea Bissau); Cape Verde Islands; Ivory Coast; Mali; Upper Volta National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of West Central Africa was formed with its seat in Victoria, (now Limbe) in the Cameroon Republic and had the following countries under its jurisdiction: Spanish Guinea, Fernando Po Island, Corisco Island, São Tomé and Principe Islands, Nigeria, Niger, Dahomey, Togo, and Ghana. [BW14p96] Victoria; Cameroon National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed with its seat in Dar-es-Salaam. The jurisdiction included Pemba and Mafia Island. Those elected were: H. S. Akida, Mary Elston, Allen Elston, Lamuka Mwangulu, Wallace NgaUomba, Jalal Nakhjavani, Glory Nyirenda, Jamsheed Samandari, and Ruhulah Yazdani.
  • In 1965 there were seventy-five local assemblies and Bahá'is in around 265 locations. [BW14p96; History of the Bahá'í Faith in Tanzania]

    In 1964 Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, later renamed the United Republic of Tanzania so now it is call the National Spiritual Assembly of Tanzania.

  • Dar-es-Salaam; Tanganyika (Tanzania); Tanzania; Zanzibar (Tanzania) National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South and West Africa that was formed in 1956, was altered and two additional national assemblies were formed, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean,(Mauritius, Réunion and Madagascar) and the National Spiritual Assembly of South Central Africa and leaving the altered South and West Africa leaving only Angola, Basutoland, St. Helena, South West Africa, South Africa and Swaziland.

    The National Spiritual Assembly of South Central Africa was formed with its seat in Salisbury had jurisdiction over the following countries: Northern Rhodesia, Malawi (formerly changed in 1964 from Nyasaland), Southern Rhodesia, and Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland; name changed in 1966). [BW14p96; BW15:195; BN no608 November 1981 p11]

  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean included Mauritius, the Chagos Archipelago, Madagascar, the Malagasy Republic, Seychelles, Comoros and Réunion. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Salisbury; Northern Rhodesia; Nyasaland (Malawi); Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe); Zimbabwe; Bechuanaland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South and West Africa that was formed in 1956, was altered and two additional national assemblies were formed, Indian Ocean, and South Central Africa. South and West Africa remained.

    The National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean was formed with its seat in Port Louis had jurisdiction over the following countries: Mauritius, Chagos Archipelago, Rodriguez Island, Malagasy Republic, (formerly Madagascar; name changed in 1958) Seychelles Islands, Comoro Islands, and Reunion Island. [BW14p96; BW15:195]

    Port Louis; Mauritius; Chagos Archipelago; Rodriguez Island; Malagasy Republic (Madagascar); Seychelles; Comoro Islands; Reunion National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Kenya was formed with its seat in Nairobi. Its members were: Its members were: James Wasilwa, Aziz Yazdi, Elamu Muswahili, Taherih Ala'i, Festas Mulkalama, Bonaventure Wafula, Julius Makanda, Frank Mnkoyani, and Christopher Musambai. [Bahá'í News No 409 April 1965 p8; BW14p96] Nairobi; Kenya National Spiritual Assembly, formation; James Wasilwa; Aziz Yazdi; Elamu Muswahili; Taherih Alai; Festas Mulkalama; Bonaventure Wafula; Julius Makanda; Frank Mnkoyani; Christopher Musambai
    1964 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Islands was dissolved and the territory divided into two National Spiritual Assembly areas, South Pacific Ocean and South West Pacific Ocean. The National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean was formed with its seat in Honiara and comprising the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides Islands, New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands. [BW14p99] Honiara; Solomon Islands; New Hebrides Islands (Vanuatu); New Caledonia; Loyalty Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Islands was dissolved and the territory divided into two National Spiritual Assembly areas, South West Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. The National Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Ocean was formed with its seat in Suva comprising the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Nauru Island, Fiji, Western Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga and Cook Islands. [BW14p99] Suva; Jiji; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Nauru Island; Fiji; Western Samoa; American Samoa; Tonga; Cook Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of North East Asia was re-formed with its seat in Tokyo comprising Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong and Macao. [BW14p102] Tokyo; Japan; Formosa (Taiwan); Hong Kong; Macau National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Korea was formed with its seat in Seoul. [BW14p99] Seoul; Korea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia (known as Malaya prior to 1963) was formed with its seat in Kuala Lumpur and comprising Malaya, Singapore, Brunei, Sabah, and Sarawak. Prior to this time the area was under the guidance of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India, Pakistan and Burma, owing to the fact that the Guardian had entrusted the growth and development of the Faith to that assembly in 1950. [BW14p99; Bahaipedia Malaysia] Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia; Malaya; Singapore; Brune; Sabah; Sarawak National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Indonesia was formed with its seat in Djakarta and comprising Indonesia, the Mentawai Islands, Portuguese Timor and West Irian. [BW14p99] Djakarta; Indonesia; Mentawai Islands; Portuguese Timor; West Irian National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Vietnam was formed with its seat in Saigon and having jurisdiction over the Bahá'ís of Cambodia. [BW14p99]
  • By 8 October the National Assembly was incorporated. [Bahaipedia]
  • Saigon; Vietnam; Cambodia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Thailand was formed with its seat in Bangkok and having jurisdiction over the Bahá'ís of Laos. [BW14p99] Bangkok; Thailand; Laos National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Philippines was formed with its seat in Manila. [BW14p99] Manila; Philippines National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1964 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian Islands was formed with its seat in Honolulu. Prior to this time, they were under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States. At the time of the formation of the new National Assembly, the territory was transferred to Australasia. [BW14p99; BW14p93] Honolulu National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1966 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Brunei was formed with its seat in Brunei town. [BW14p99; Ridván Message 1965: Ridván 1966] Brunei National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sikkim was formed with its seat in Gangtok. [BW14p99]
  • This national assembly was absorbed into India some time prior to Ridván 1992. [BW21p27]
  • Gangtok; Sikkim; India National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Laos was formed with its seat in Vientiane. [BW14p99] Vientiane; Laos National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Taiwan was formed with its seat in Taipei. [BW14p99; The Taiwan Bahá'í Chronicle by Barbara R. Sims p51] Taipei; Taiwan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Cameroon Republic was formed with its seat in Victoria, (now Limbe) Cameroon. It had Spanish Guinea, Fernando Po, Corisco and São Tomé and Príncipe Islands assigned to it. [BW14p96; Ridván 1966]
  • The remainder of the group of nations that formed part of the National Spiritual Assembly of West Central Africa with its seat in Lagos. Within its jurisdiction was Nigeria, Dahomey, Togo, Niger, and Ghana. [BW15p189 Note 1]
  • Victoria; Cameroon National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The mother region of South and West Africa was divided again and the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland, (now eSwatini), Mozambique and Basutoland (now Lesotho) was formed with its seat in Mbabane. That left only Angola, St. Helena, South West Africa, and South Africa under the National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa. [BN no608 November 1981 p11; Ridván 1966]
  • Those elected to serve were: Bothata Pokane, Wellington Malindise, Christopher Kuhlase, Rudolfo Duna, Benjamin Dlamini, Charles Ducker, John Allen, Dale Allen and Valera Allen. [BW14p96; BN no440 November 1967 p10]
  • During the period that the National Spiritual Assembly was in existence from 1967 to 1980 it administered South Africa, South West Africa/Namibia, and St. Helena Island, as well as the newly created countries of Transkei, Bophuthatswana and Venda. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Mbabane; Swaziland; eSwatini; Lesotho; Mozambique National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) was formed with its seat in Lusaka. [BW14p96; Ridván 1966 Lusaka; Zambia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward, Windward and Virgin Islands was formed with its seat in Charlotte Amalie. [BW14:93; Ridván 1966 Charlotte Amalie; Leeward Islands; Windward Islands; Virgin Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Eastern and Southern Arabia was formed with its seat in Bahrain. [BW14p99; Ridván 1967]
  • Territory included: (Eastern) Bahrayn Island, Qatar, Trucial Sheikhs, (Southern) Southern Yemen Republic, Yemen, Hadhramaut, Muscat and Oman, Kuria Muria Islands, Al-Masirah, and Socotra Island. [BW14p157]
  • Bahrain National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands was formed with its seat in Tarawa. [BW14p99] Tarawa National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván Formerly a part of the National Assembly of North West Africa, the National Spiritual Assembly of Algeria and Tunisia (Sometimes called "North Africa") was formed with its seat in Algiers. [BW14p96; BW14p473]
  • It had to be disbanded owing to unfavorable local circumstances. [BW15p189Notes]
  • Algiers; Algeria; Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1967 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Belize (British Honduras) was formed with its seat in the city of Belize. Elected were: Cora Oliver (recording xec'u.), Bernice York, Rauhartgiz Yegcmeh. Dr. Hedaiatullah Ahmadiyeh (chairman), George Gable, Katherine Hope (secretary), Wallace Tillet, Shirley Warde (treasurer), and Nut Neal. [BW14:93; Bahá'í News No 436 July 1967 p2]

    Upon forming the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Guatemala in 1961, it was made responsible for administrating the Bahá'í community of British Honduras although there were no Bahá'ís in British Honduras at the time. British Honduras remained under its jurisdiction until forming its own National Spiritual Assembly in 1967. [Bahaipedia Guatemala; BN No 435 June 1967 p6]

    Belize; British Honduras National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Cora Oliver; Bernice York; Rauhartgiz Yegcmeh; Hedaiatullah Ahmadiyeh; George Gable; Katherine Hope; Wallace Tillet; Shirley Warde; Nut Neal
    1967 Ridván The existing National Spiritual Assembly of North West Africa that had been formed in 1956 and was split into two regions in 1964 was again divided. The Spiritual Assembly of the North West Africa region with its seat moved to Rabat now included the following countries: Morocco, Mauritania, Rio de Oro, Spanish Sahara, Ifni, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. [BW15p188] Rabat; Morocco; Mauritania; Rio de Oro; Spanish Sahara (Western Sahara); Ifni; Madeira; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1968. Ridván Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia formed their own regional assembly. Those elected to serve were: Gila Michael Bahta, Dr. Leo Neiderreitter, Gamal Rushdy, Asfaw Tessema, Dr. Heshmat Farhoumand, Dr. Hushang Ahdieh, Ursula Samandari, Assefaw Habte Michael and Rabbi Teele Mariam. [Wikipedia] Sudan; Somalia; Ethiopia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1969 Apr The Bahá'í Faith was banned in Algeria by official decree, all Bahá'í institutions were disbanded and the National Spiritual Assembly dissolved. [BW15:189; BW19:41]
  • Algeria has a long history of repression and persecution of religious minorities. Bahá'í activities have been banned by law in Algeria since this time. The government has made little progress on its 2014 commitment to reopen synagogues that had been converted to mosques or churches. In 2006, Algeria adopted Ordinance 06-03 requiring non-Muslim organizations to register with the National Commission governing worship by non-Muslim groups, housed under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This commission rarely meets and often fails to respond to registration requests by non-Muslim groups in the time required by the ordinance. [US Commission on International Freligious Freedom - Annual Report 2021 p57]
  • Algeria Persecution, Algeria; Persecution, Other; Persecution; NSA; Persecution, Bans; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1969 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Burundi and Rwanda was formed. They had previously been under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Uganda and Central Africa. [BW15:205]
  • For picture see BW15:142.
  • Burundi; Rwanda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1969 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Papua New Guinea was formed with its seat in Lae. [BW15:265]
  • For picture see BW15:142.
  • Lae; Papua New Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Botswana (Formerly Bechuanaland, until 1966.) was formed with its seat in Gaborone. [BW15:199]
  • For picture see BW15:144.
  • Gaborone; Botswana National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Malawi (formerly Nyasaland, until 1964.) was formed with its seat in Limbe. [BW15:200]
  • For picture see BW15:146.
  • Limbe; Malawi National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Fiji was formed with its seat in Suva. [BW15:271] Suva; Fiji National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tonga and the Cook Islands was formed with its seat in Nuku'alofa. [BW15:275]
  • For picture see BW15:146.
  • Nukualofa; Cook Islands; Pacific National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of West Central Africa with its seat in Lagos was dissolved and three new National Assemblies were established. [BW15p189 Note 1]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of Ghana was formed with its seat in Accra. [BW15p192]
  • For picture see BW15:144.
  • Accra; Ghana National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of West Central Africa with its seat in Lagos was dissolved and three new National Assemblies were established. [BW15p189 Note 1]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of Dahomey, Togo and Niger was formed with its seat in Cotonou, Dahomey (now Togo). [BW15p189]
  • For picture see BW15:144.
  • Contonou; Dahomey National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of West Central Africa with its seat in Lagos was dissolved and three new National Assemblies were established. [BW15p192]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of Nigeria was formed with its seat in Lagos. [BW15:192]
  • Nigeria National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Upper West Africa was formed with its seat in Banjul, The Gambia. Jurisdiction for this Assembly extended over Senegal and Mauritania. [BW15p193]
  • For picture see BW15:147.
  • Banjul (Bathurst); Gambia, The National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Samoa was formed with its seat in Apia. [BW15:274]
  • For picture see BW15:146.
  • Apia; Samoa National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Central Africa was formed with its seat in Bangui. [BW15:206]
  • Territories under its jurisdiction were: Chad, Gabon, Congo (Brazzaville) and Central African Republic. Since 1964 they had been part of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Uganda and Central Africa along with Burundi and Rwanda who had formed a regional assembly in 1969.
  • Banqui National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was formed with its seat in Kinshasa. (Formerly Belgian Congo until 1960; then Republic of Congo (Kinshasa) until the name changed to Zaire in 1971. (Kinshasa was formerly called Leopoldville.) [BW15:205]

    At this time there was a large concentration of believers in South Kivu, there were Bahá'ís in Western Kasai, in Kinshasa and in Lubumbashi. The election took place in the home of Belgian pioneers Jean-Pierre and Anne-Marie Laperches. Hand of the Cause Mr Faizi was in attendance to represent the Universal House of Justice. [A Remarkable Response Film 26:55

  • For picture see BW15:147.
  • It has been reported that President Mobutu's personal physician was a Baháí, a Dr Jazab, and it was he who had Mobutu sign a document giving the Bahá'ís permission to practice their faith in the country. [Servants of the Glory page 60]
  • Zaire; Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) National Spiritual Assembly, Formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Southern Rhodesia was formed with its seat in Salisbury. [BW15:200]
  • The name of the country was changed to Zimbabwe on the 18 April 1980. The name of the capital was change to Harare in the second anniversary of the country's independence from the UK.
  • Salisbury; Rhodesia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Guyana, Surinam and French Guiana was formed with its seat in Georgetown, Guyana. [BW15:238]
    • For picture see BW15:144.
    Georgetown; Guyana National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Near East was formed with its seat in Beirut, Lebanon with jurisdiction over Lebanon, Jordon and Syria. [BW15:146; BW16:264]
  • For picture see BW15:146.
  • Beirut; Lebanon National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 May In Iraq the Baathist Revolutionary Command Council issued Decree No. 105 to ban Bahá'í activities and disbanding all Bahá'í institutions. [BBRSM174; BW15:173; BW16:137] Iraq Persecution, Iraq; Persecution, Other; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1970 (Summer) The first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Uganda was elected for the first time. Those elected were: Mr. Enos Epyeru, Assistant Treasurer; Mr. Javan Gutosi, Treasurer; Mr. S. M. Isimai, Secretary; Mr. Moses Senoga, Vice-Chairman and Assistant Secretary, Mr. Julias Nambafu, Augustin Massati, Augustin Naku, and Albert Ocamodek. [Bahá'í News No 479 February 1971 pg15; Wikipedia] Kampala; Uganda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Chad was formed with its seat in Fort Lamy. (In 1973 Fort Lamy became known as N'Djaména.) [BW15:207]
  • For picture see BW15:148.
  • See Servants of the Glory page 45-46.
  • Chad National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Central African Republic was formed with its seat in Bangui. [BW15:207]
  • For picture see BW15:148 and
  • Central African Republic National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Congo and Gabon was formed with its seat in Brazzaville, the Congo. [BW15:206]
  • For picture see BW15:148 and Congo National website. In this picture are Dr. Taï and his wife as well as M Azemikah, all long-time pioneers in the Congo.
  • Brazzaville; Congo National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Lesotho was formed with its seat in Maseru. It was formerly Basutoland until 1966. Part of the area under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique, 1967—1971) [BW15:202]
  • For picture see BW15:148.
  • The communities of Swaziland and Mozambique continued in the union as a Regional Assembly.
  • Maseru; Lesotho National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván Formerly under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assemblies of North West Africa, from 1956 to 1964, and of West Africa from 1964 to 1971 the Bahá'í community of Ivory Coast, Mali and Upper Volta elected its National Spiritual Assembly at Riḍván, 1971, with its seat in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. [BW15p193]
  • For picture see BW15p150.
  • Ivory Coast National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sudan was formed. Prior to this time it had been with Egypt. National Spiritual Assembly of Egypt formed. [BW15p187]
  • For picture see BW15:150.
  • Sudan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Solomon Islands was formed with its seat in Honiara. Previously it had been administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean. [BW15:269] Solomon Islands; Oceania National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Trinidad and Tobago was formed with its seat in Port-of-Spain. [BW15:219, 242] Trinidad and Tobago National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván Although the first National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda was elected in the summer of 1970 it has been listed the following Ridván. [BW15p295] Kampala; Uganda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1971 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean was formed with it seat in New Caledonia. Because of the departure of the Solomon Islands from this union, the new National Spiritual Assembly of South West Pacific Ocean comprised of the New Hebrides, New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands. [Bahaipedia; BW15p269] New Caledonia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Afghanistan was formed with its seat in Kabul. [BW15:243]
  • For picture see BW15:151.
  • Kabul; Afghanistan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván National Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula with its seat in Bahrayn was dissolved and the National Spiritual Assembly of the Eastern Arabian Peninsula was formed with its seat in Bahrayn (Bahrain) as well as the National Spiritual Assembly of Kuwait with its seat in Kuwait city. [BW15p297]
  • For picture see BW15:151.
  • It is assumed that the National Spiritual Assembly of the Eastern Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain) had Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (1974), Oman (1978),
  • Arabian Peninsula; Bahrayn; Bahrain; Kuwait National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Bangladesh was formed with its seat in Dacca. [BW15:243]
  • For picture see BW15:153.
  • Dacca; Bangladesh National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of Ireland was formed with its seat in Dublin. [BW15:283]
  • For picture see BW15:153.
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles was renamed the National Spiritual Assembly of the United Kingdom. [BW15:290]
  • Dublin; Ireland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Iceland was formed with its seat in Reykjavik. Its members were: Liesel Becker, Svana Einarsdottir, Barbara Thinat, Carl John Spencer, Petur Magnusson, Johannes Stefansson, Roger Lutley, Baldur Bragasson and Larry Clarke. [BW15:225, 281]
  • For picture see BW15:153.
  • Reykjavik; Iceland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) was formed with its seat in Tananarive. [BW15:199, BWNS288]
  • For pictures see BW15:153, 198.
  • The "Mother Assembly", the National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean, was left with the Chagos Archipelago, Comoros with the formation of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Réunion, Madagascar and Mauritius. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Tananarive (Antananarivo); Malagasy Republic (Madagascar); Madagascar National Spiritual Assembly, formation; BWNS
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Puerto Rico was formed with its seat in San Juan. [BW15:218]
  • For picture see BW15:155.
  • San Juan; Puerto Rico National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The counties of Rwanda and Burundi were known as Ruanda-Urundi up until 1962 when the area was divided into two separate countries. From 1956 until 1964 they were administered by the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Central and East Africa and from 1964 to 1969 came under the Uganda and Central Africa regional assembly. The National Spiritual Assembly of Rwanda and Burundi was formed in 1969 and in 1972 the National Spiritual Assembly of Burundi with its seat in Bujumbura and the National Spiritual Assembly of Rwanda with its seat in Kilgali. [BW15:205]
  • Because of disturbances in the country; the Bahá'i administration in Burundi was dissolved in the same year and the affairs of the Faith placed under an administrative committee. It re-formed in 1978. [BW15:205; BW17:141]
  • Bujumbura; Burundi; Kilgali; Rwanda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Nepal was formed with its seat in Kathmandu. [BW15:249]
  • For pictures see BW15:155, 248.
  • With Hand of the Cause Ali-Akbar Furutan representing the Universal House of Justice, the Bahá'ís of Nepal held their first national convention to elect their National Spiritual Assembly in 1972 during the reign of King Mahendra. The convention had forty delegates. The members of the first national assembly were: Amar Pradhan, Shyam Maherjan, Jujubhai Sakya, Aranda Lal Shrestha, Dinesh Verma, Keith de Folo, W. F. Chaittonalla, P. N. Rai, D. K. Malla - from Buddhist, Hindu, Christian backgrounds. [Religion in Nepal website]
  • Kathmandu; Nepal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The first national spiritual assembly in Micronesia, the National Spiritual Assembly of the North West Pacific Ocean, was formed with its seat in Ponape. [BW15:268]
  • Jusisdiction: Mariana Islands, the Caroline Islands, the Marshall Islands, and Guam.
  • For picture see BW15:155.
  • For the story of the Knights of Bahá'u'lláh for Guam, Edgar and Cynthia Olson (and Robert Powers) see BWNS303.
  • Ponape; Micronesia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Réunion was formed with its seat in St Pierre. [BW15:199]
  • For picture see BW15:155.
  • The "Mother Assembly", the National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean, was left with the Chagos Archipelago, Comoros with the formation of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Réunion, Madagascar and Mauritius. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • St Pierre; Reunion; France National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Seychelles was formed with its seat in Victoria. [BW16:156]
  • For picture see BW15:157.
  • The "Mother Assembly", the National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean, was left with Mauritius, the Chagos Archipelago, Madagascar, the Malagasy Republic, Comoros and Réunion. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Victoria; Seychelles National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Rwanda was formed. [BW15:205]
  • For picture see BW15:157.
  • Kilgali; Rwanda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Gabon was formed. [BW15:206] Gabon National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Brunei (1966) was reconstituted as the National Spiritual Assembly of Eastern Malaysia and Brunei with its seat in Kuching, Sarawak and took on the added responsibility for Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. [BW15:253; BN no 496 July 1972 p16]
  • For picture see BW15:254.
  • In 1974 it was dissolved with Brunei, Sabah, and Sarawak coming under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia. [BW12p223]
  • Kuching; Sarawak National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Singapore was formed with its seat in Singapore. [BW15:257]
  • For picture see BW15:157.
  • Singapore National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Windward Islands was formed with its seat in St Lawrence, Barbados. It was responsible for administrating the Faith in St. Lucia, St. Vincent, the Grenadines, Grenada, and Barbados. [BW15:220; BN No 496 July 1972 p17]
  • For picture see BW15:157.
  • Note: In 1975 the name was changed to the National Spiritual Assembly of Barbados and the Windward Islands in order to assists with the process of incorporation. [Bahá'í Encyclopedia]
  • St Lawrence (Barbados); Barbados National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tunisia was formed. [no substantiation can be found) iiiii Tunisia National Spiritual Assembly, formation Find reference
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of the Congo was formed with its seat in Brazzaville. [BW15p206] Brazzaville; Congo National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Mauritius was formed. [Bahaipedia; BW15p295]
  • The "Mother Assembly", the National Spiritual Assembly of the Indian Ocean, was left with the Chagos Archipelago, Comoros with the formation of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Réunion, Madagascar and Mauritius. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Port Louis; Mauritius National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1972 Ridván Due to intensifying conflict throughout the country, the National Spiritual Assembly of Viet Nam reported that it has lost contact with a number of localities, including those in the regions of Binh Long, Binh Dinh, Kontum, Pleiku, Quang Tri, Thua Thien and Chuong Thien. [BN497 August 1972; Bahaipedia] Vietnam National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1973. Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward and Virgin Island. [BW15p702] Charlotte Amalie; St. Thomas ; Virgin Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1973 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Equatorial Guinea was formed (The actual formation took place in July). Owing to local circumstances, it was disbanded within the year. [BW16:141]
  • The Assembly was re-established in 1984 with its seat in Malabo. [Bahaipedia; BW19;147]
  • Malabo; Equatorial Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1973 Jul The National Spiritual Assembly of Equatorial Guinea was formed. [BW16:141]
  • Owing to local circumstances, it was disbanded within the year. [BW16:141]
  • Equatorial Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1974 (In the year) Owing to difficulties within the Bahá'í community, the National Spiritual Assembly of Thailand was disbanded. Thailand National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1974 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Japan was formed with its seat in Tokyo. [BW16:233] Tokyo; Japan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1974 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Hong Kong was formed with its seat in Kowloon. [BW16:233, 251; BWIM114]
  • For picture see BW16:452.
  • Hong Kong National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1974 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of South East Arabia (Arabian Peninsula) was formed. [Naw Rúz Message 1974; BW16p88] South East Arabia; Arabian Peninsula National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1974. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Eastern Malaysia and Brunei elected in 1972 was dissolved and re-constituted under the name the National Spiritual Assembly of Malaysia and the territories of Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei were brought under its jurisdiction.
  • The Assembly was incorporated on the 26th of September, 1974. [BW16p225]
  • Malaysia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sierra Leone was formed with its seat in Freetown. [BW16:141] Freetown; Sierra Leone National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Togo was formed with its seat in Lomé. [BW16:141]
  • Prior to this, the Bahá'í community in Togo was administrated by the National Spiritual Assembly of Dahomey, Togo and Niger from 1970 to 1975.
  • Lomé; Togo National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Upper West Africa was formed with its seat in Dakar, Senegal. The name was later changed to the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal. [BW16:141]
  • Jurisdiction: Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.
  • Dakar; Senegal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of The Gambia was formed with its seat in Banjul. [BW16:165] Banjul (Bathurst); Gambia, The National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The Universal House of Justice changed the name of the National Spiritual Assembly of North East Africa to the National Spiritual Assembly of Ethiopia. The only difference in the area of jurisdiction was that it no longer included Somalia. [BW16:144] Addis Ababa; Ethiopia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Jordan was formed with its seat in Amman. From 1970 it was a part of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Near East with its seat in Lebanon and jurisdiction over Lebanon, Jordon and Syria. This left the National Spiritual Assembly of Lebanon with its seat in Beirut and jurisdiction over Syria. [BW16:264]
  • For picture see BW16:452.
  • Amman; Jordan; Lebanon; Syria National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Niger was formed with its seat in Niamey. [BW16:141]
  • Prior to this, the Bahá'í community in Niger was administrated by the National Spiritual Assembly of Dahomey, Togo and Niger from 1970 to 1975.
  • Niger National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Benin was formed. Prior to this the Bahá'í community in Benin was administrated by the National Spiritual Assembly of Dahomey, Togo and Niger from 1970 to 1975.
  • It was called the National Spiritual Assembly of Dahomey until 1976 when it was renamed the National Spiritual Assembly of Benin. [BW16:161]
  • Benin National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván By this time the Bahá'í communities of Liberia and Guinea had developed sufficiently to merit their own Regional Spiritual Assembly. Previously they had been administrated by the National Spiritual Assembly of West Africa which had been formed in 1964 and re-formed in 1970. This new administrative unit, the National Spiritual Assembly of Liberia and Guinea, operated until 1982 when they each formed an independent national assembly. [BW98-99p54-55] Liberia; Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1975 Ridván The zone of Northwestern Africa was split into the two separate zones of Northern and Western Africa and to each of which were transferred parts of the Central and East African zone. The zone of Northern Africa comprised of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Spanish Sahara. The zone of Western Africa consisted of Mauritania, Sénégal, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, the Cape Verde Islands, Guinea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Niger, Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and São Tomé and Príncipe. [Message of the Universal House of Justice dated 6 January 1975]
  • In 1976 there was a ban on the Faith in Mali.
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1976 (In the year) The government of Equatorial Guinea outlawed all religions and the national spiritual assembly was dissolved.
  • It was re-formed in 1984.
  • Equatorial Guinea Persecution, Equatorial Guinea; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1976. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland and Mozambique was given the added responsibility of administering the Faith in Angola and therefore became the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland, Mozambique, and Angola. [BN no 608 November 1981 p10] Swaziland; Mozambique; Angola National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1976 May Bahá'í activities in Mali were restricted by order of the government and the decree of recognition of the Faith suspended. [BW17:81] Mali Persecution, Mali; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 (In the year) The National Spiritual Assembly of Thailand re-formed. Thailand National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Upper Volta (Burkina Faso) was formed with its seat in Ouagadougou. [BW17pxviii, 141, 341]
  • The former regional assembly of Ivory Coast, Mali and Upper Volta was reformed as the National Assembly of Ivory Coast and Mali at this time.
  • Ouagadougou; Upper Volta National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Marshall Islands was formed with its seat in Majuro. [BW17:174]
  • See letter sent on behalf of the Universal House of Justice dated 23 June 1995 regarding "Marshall Islands population statistics".
  • Majuro; Marshall Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the New Hebrides was formed with its seat in Port Vila. Since 1964 it had been administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean. With the name change it became the National Spiritual Assembly of Vanuatu on 30 July 1980. [BW17:xxviii,186, 341]
  • With the independence of New Hebrides the National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean was renamed the National Spiritual Assembly, Bahá'ís of New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands.
  • Port Vila; New Hebrides Islands (Vanuatu) National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Greece was formed with its seat in Athens.This had been a goal of the German community. [BW16:287; BW17:190] Athens; Greece National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Suriname and French Guiana was formed with its seat in Paramaribo. [BW16:219, 341]. Suriname; French Guiana National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The Bahá'ís of Guyana elected an independent assembly while Surinamé and French Guiana communities organized their own national assembly. The elected members of the first National Assembly of Guyana were Sheila Dolphin, Henry Dolphin, Ellen Widmer, Frank Sheffey, Ivan Fraser, Eileen Hill, David Morris, Rooplall Doodnauth, and Krishna Seegopaul. [BN No 555 June 1977 p11] Guyana National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The first National Spiritual Assembly of the French Antilles was formed with its seat in Pointe a Pitre in Guadeloupe. [BW17pxviii, 336; Guadeloupe by Daniel Caillaud]
  • Its jurisdiction covered Guadeloupe and its dependencies, Iles des Saintes; Marie-Galante; St. Barthelemy; Desirade Island, St. Martin/St. Maarten.
  • Note: Saint Barthélemy and Saint Martin left the union of Guadeloupe in 2007.
  • French Antilles; Guadeloupe; Iles des Saintes; Marie-Galante; St. Barthelemy; Desirade Island; St. Martin National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 Ridván The first National Spiritual Assembly of the unified nation of Vietnam was elected. [Bahaipedia] Vietnam National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1977 16 Sep In Uganda, 27 religious organizations were banned, including the Bahá'í Faith, and the Bahá'í House of Worship was closed. [BW17:81]
  • The national spiritual assembly and all 1,550 local assemblies were dissolved. [BW17:141]
  • The Assembly was able to re-form in 1981. [The Achievements of the Seven Year Plan p2]
  • Uganda Persecution, Uganda; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; LSA; Mashriqul-Adhkar, Kampala; Mashriqul-Adhkar (House of Worship)
    1978 (In the year) The Bahá'ís of Vietnam were prohibited by the government from meeting and practising their religion. [BW17:81; BW19:50]
  • Bahá'í centres throughout the country were closed or confiscated;
  • The national Hazíratu'l-Quds in Ho Chi Minh City was seized and made into an orphanage;
  • Two members of the national spiritual assembly were arrested and sent to ‘re-education' camps.
  • One was released in 1982, owing to ill health.
  • Vietnam Persecution, Vietnam; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Haziratul-Quds
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Cyprus was formed with its seat in Nicosia. [BW17:190, 348] Nicosia; Cyprus National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The first National Spiritual Assembly of Mauritania was formed with its seat in Nouakchott. [BW17:141, 348, BW19:491] Nouakchott; Mauritania National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahamas was formed with its seat in Nassau. [BW17:162, 348] Nassau; Bahamas National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Mariana Islands was formed. [BW17:174–176, 348; DM348, 386]
  • For picture see DM387.
  • Mariana Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Burundi was re-formed. [BW16:137; BW17:141, 142, 347] Burundi National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland was formed. [BN No 598 January 1981 p14; BN no 608 November 1981 p10]
  • A member of that Assembly was John W Allen, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh for Swaziland. Mr Allen had served on National Assemblies since 1956 (Regional Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa, then in 1967 the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland, Lesotho and Mozambique which, in 1978, became the National Spiritual Assembly of Swaziland. Mr Allen passed away on the 31st of August, 1981 while visiting the US. Mr Allen also served as an Auxiliary Board Member for Protection. He was among the first group appointed by the Guardian.
  • Note: In 1977 Angola and Mozambique were placed under the direct guidance of the Universal House of Justice. [BN no608 November 1981 p11]
  • Swaziland National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Auxiliary Board Members
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Oman with its seat in Muscat was formed. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 24 March 1977] Muscat; Oman National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Qatar with its seat in Doha was formed. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 24 March 1977] Doha; Qatar National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1978 Jul In Niger, an announcement was made on the national radio banning ‘the Baha'ist sect and the Nineteen Day Feast' throughout the country; immediately, all Bahá'í administrative activities were suspended and the national spiritual assembly was dissolved. [BW17:147]
  • Mr Djoneidi was called into police-headquarters in Niger for questioning and was held for three days; then released unharmed. Other Bahá'ís were also called in.
  • Niger Persecution, Niger; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1979 (In the year) The National Spiritual Assembly of Afghanistan was disbanded owing to persecution of the Bahá'ís and the political instability of the country. Afghanistan Persecution, Afghanistan; Persecution, Other; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1979 25 – 26 Aug An Administrative Committee for Uganda was appointed by the Universal House of Justice to prepare the Bahá'í community for the re-establishment of the national spiritual assembly. [LoF471] Uganda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1980 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Transkei was formed with its seat in Umtata. [BW18:107, 163]
  • It was a Bantustan or nominally independent state established within South Africa. The South African government abolished Bantustans in 1994 and the Assembly of Transkei was disbanded in 1995 with the community falling under the administration of the National Spiritual Assembly of South Africa. [National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation by Graham Hassall]
  • Umtata; Transkei National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 (In the year) The National Assembly of Zaire was dissolved temporarily and three administrative committees were appointed in its place. [BW19:62, 147] Zaire; Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) National Spiritual Assembly, Formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Bophuthatswana was formed with its seat in Mmabatho. [BW18:107, 163; BN no606 November 1981 p10]
  • It was a Bantustan or nominally independent state established within South Africa. The South African government abolished Bantustans in 1994 and the Assembly of Bophuthatswana was disbanded in 1995 with the community falling under the administration of the National Spiritual Assembly of South Africa. [National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation by Graham Hassall]
  • Mmabatho; Bophuthatswana; South Africa National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of South West Africa/Namibia was formed with its seat in Windhoek. [BW18:107, 163; BN no606 November 1981 p10] Windhoek; Namibia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward Islands was formed with its seat in St John's, Antigua. [BW18:107, 171]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Virgin Islands was formed. It has jurisdiction over both the British Virgin Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands. [Virgin Islands, U.S. and British by Patricia Paccassi; BN No 605 August 1981 p5]
  • St Johns; Antigua; Leeward Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Windward Islands was formed with its seat in Kingstown, St Vincent. [BW18:171; BW18p515,; BN No 602 May 1981 p19]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Barbados was formed. [Barbados by Patricia Paccassi]
  • Kingstown; St Vincent National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Tuvalu was formed with its seat in Funafuti. [BW18:107; BW19:62]
  • Since 1981 they had been part of the Assembly of the Gilbert (Kiribati) and Ellice (Tuvalu) Islands. [Wikipedia]
  • Funafuti; Tuvalu National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Kiribati was formed. Since 1967 they had been part of the Assembly of the Gilbert (Kiribati) and Ellice (Tuvalu) Islands. [Wikipedia] Kiribati; Gilbert Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Bermuda was formed with its seat in Hamilton. [BW18:107, 171] Hamilton; Bermuda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda was re-formed after a period of 19 months during which the Faith was banned. [BW18:107, 163; Ridván Message 1981] Kampala; Uganda National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1981. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of St Vincent and the Grenadines was established with its seat in Kingstown. [BW19p62] Kingstown; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1982 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Nepal was re-formed. [BW18:107, 181, 553(photo)]
  • Due to the conditions in Nepal during the reign of King Birendra and at the suggestion of the Universal House of Justice, the National Assembly and the 40 other Local Assemblies were dissolved in 1975. For a few years, until 1982, there was an Administrative Committee which looked after the affairs of the Cause in Nepal.

    "In the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal, the believers have, through the integrity of their character and the excellence of their conduct, overcome in recent years restrictions on the expansion of the Cause. They are now held in high regard and are successfully engaged in presenting the Faith to the people as a unifying force which can contribute to the progress of the nation. As they grow in strength, they can begin to look beyond their own borders and assist in the propagation of the Faith in those areas to which they have such easy access." [Ridván 153]

  • Kathmandu; Nepal National Spiritual Assembly, dissolved; National Spiritual Assembly, re-formed; Local Spiritual Assembly, dissolved; Local Spiritual Assembly, re-formed; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1982 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Liberia and Guinea was dissolved and each formed their own national assembly. The National Spiritual Assembly of Liberia had its seat in Monrovia and the National Spiritual Assembly of Guinea established its seat in Conakry. [BW98-99p54-55]
  • In 1986 the National Spiritual Assembly of Guinea received a receipt of a Declaration of Trust. [Bahaipedia]
  • The Liberian Assembly was dissolved shortly after due to the unrest in the country.
  • Monrovia, Liberia; Conakry, Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1982 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Morocco. (Note: No reference can be found to substantiate the formation on this date. In BW18p58 there is a reference to the NSA of Morocco functioning in July of 1982.) Rabat; Morocco National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Dominica was formed with its seat in Roseau. [BW18:107, 171, 514-515] Roseau; Dominica National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of St Lucia was formed with its seat in Castries. [BW18:107, 171, 514-515] Castries; St Lucia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of St Vincent and Grenada was formed. [BW18:107]
  • Was it "St Vincent and the Grenadines"? See National website]
  • St Vincent; Grenada National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 Ridván The number of Local Spiritual Assemblies in Africa rose to some 7,200 and localities where Bahá'ís resided to over 35,000. In Algeria, the Congo, Egypt, Libya and Niger the Faith remained banned. [BW19p147] Algeria; Congo; Egypt; Libya; Niger Statistics; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1983 29 Aug In Iran the Bahá'í Faith was banned in Iran and membership of Bahá'í institutions made a criminal offence. This order required the dissolution of the third National Spiritual Assembly and roughly 400 local assemblies. [BW19:43]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly was dissolved as well all Bahá'í institutions throughout the country. [BW19:43]
  • Despite the dissolution, the authorities continued to harass and intimidate the former National Spiritual Assembly members, former members of Local Spiritual Assemblies and other administrative officials around the country, as well as every individual who had signed the open letter defending the Bahá'í community. Between late 1983 and early 1984 over 500 Bahá'ís – most of whom were former council members or related to former members – were arrested without charge.

    In time, seven former members of the third National Spiritual Assembly were arrested and eventually executed by the government.

    • Jahángír Hidáyatí, who had already attracted much hostile attention from the Islamic regime as a board member of the Bahá'í-run Nawnahálán Corporation, was arrested on June 30, 1983, and held in solitary confinement in Evin prison for eleven months, during which time he was repeatedly tortured in an effort to persuade him. to recant his faith on public television. He refused. Hidáyatí was executed on May 15, 1984. [BW19p205]
    • Shápúr (Húshang) Markazí was arrested in September 1983. During the course of his imprisonment, torturers broke his ribs and damaged one eye so badly that it seriously impaired his vision. Their goal was reportedly to force him to admit to false charges implicating the Bahá'í institutions as a network involved in espionage and himself as a spy. He was executed on September 23, 1984.
    • Ahmad Bashiri was arrested in July of 1983 for serving on several Local Spiritual Assemblies in different towns and eventually on the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran. He was severely tortured during his 15 months in prison and finally executed on November 1, 1984.
    • Dr. Farhád Asdaqí was called to Tehran and asked to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly after the arrest of the second National Assembly. He did this until the third National Assembly was disbanded in September 1983. Dr. Asdaqí went into hiding in 1983 but was finally arrested in June 1984. He was executed on November 19, 1984 – after four months of imprisonment and torture.
    • Farid Bihmardi was elected and served on the last National Spiritual Assembly of Iran. He was arrested in the streets of Tehran and was imprisoned a total of twenty-two months in Evin prison. During this period he was tortured and spent nearly 9 months in solitary confinement. He was never allowed visitors and was executed on June 10, 1986. It is believed that he was hung; however, since he was buried before his family was told of his execution, no proper examination was done to determine the cause of death. [BW20p385]
    • Ardishír Akhtarí was arrested by four Revolutionary Guards from Zarbat Group at Evin on September 11, 1984 at his home. He spent over three years in prison before he was finally executed on September 28, 1987.
    • Amír-Husayn Nádirí was also arrested on September 11, 1984. He was imprisoned at Evin and Gohardasht where he was tortured extensively. He was held in detention for over three years before being executed with Ardishír Akhtarí on September 28, 1987. [BW20p387 note 232; A Faith Denied: The Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran]
  • Iran Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Bans; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands was formed with its seat in Port Blair. [BW19:62, 162]
  • See BW19:520 for picture.
  • Port Blair; Andaman and Nicobar Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Canary Islands was formed with its seat in Santa Cruz. [BW19:62, 169]
  • See BW19:520 for picture.
  • Santa Cruz; Canary Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Cape Verde was formed with its seat in Praia. [BW19:62, 147]
  • See BW19:521 for picture.
  • Prior to this the Bahá'í community of Cape Verde was administrated by the National Spiritual Assembly of West Africa from 1964, the National Spiritual Assembly of Upper West Africa from 1970, and the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal from 1975.
  • Tribute was paid to Dr 'Aziz Navídí for his work in the incorporation of national communities in Cape Verde and Guinea. [BW10P149]
  • Praia; Cape Verde National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Aziz Navidi
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of French Guiana was formed with its seat in Cayenne. [BW19:62, 155]
  • See BW19:522 for picture.

    Formally part of a region assembly with French Guiana, the new National Spiritual Assembly of Suriname was formed with its seat in Paramaribo.

  • Cayenne; French Guiana; Paramaribo; Suriname National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Gabon was formed with its seat in Libreville. [BW19:62, 147]
  • See BW19:522 for picture.
  • Libreville; Gabon National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Grenada was formed with its seat in St George's. [BW19:62, 155]
  • See BW19:523 for picture.
  • With the independent assembly of the Barbados formed in 1981 and Saint Lucia and Dominica in 1983 it left The National Spiritual Assembly of St. Vincent and the Grenadines was formed. [History in Dominica]
  • St Georges; Grenada National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Martinique was formed with its seat in Fort-de-France. [BW19:62, 155]
  • See BW19:523 for picture.
  • Fort-de-France; Martinique National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Yemen (North) was formed. [BW19:524]
  • In 1957 when the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Arabian Peninsula it is assumed that it consisted of seven countries some of which formed their own National Assemblies: Kuwait (1972), UAE (1974), Oman (1978), Qatar (1978), and what was to become Yemen (1984). By 1984 there was only Saudi Arabia and Bahrain in the union. Since no Bahá'í administration is possible in Bahrain it is assumed that it is administered by the National Spiritual Assembly of Saudi Arabia at some level.

    With respect to Yemen:

  • From 1962 until 30 November 1967, British administered the Aden Protectorate in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. The constituent territories were the following: Aden (including the city of Aden and its surrounding areas), Hadhramaut, Mahra, Upper Aulaqi Sultanate, Lower Aulaqi Sultanate, Dhala, Fadhli Sultanate, and Beihan. It was known as the Federation of South Arabia and it was to become, for the most part, The Peoples Republic of South Yemen.
  • Prior to their unification on the 22 of May, 1990. North Yemen, (the Yemen Arab Republic), and South Yemen, (the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen), existed as separate countries with distinct political systems.
  • Yemen National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1984 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Equatorial Guinea was re-formed with its seat in Malaho. [BW19:62, 147]
  • See BW19:521 for picture.
  • Tribute was paid to Dr 'Aziz Navídí for his work in the incorporation of national communities in Cape Verde and Guinea. [BW10P149]
  • Malaho; Equatorial Guinea National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Aziz Navidi
    1984. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Guadeloupe was formed. [Bahaipedia Guadeloupe] Pointe a Pitre; Guadeloupe National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Ciskei was formed with its seat in Mdantsane. [BW19:62]
  • BW19:147 says the seat is in Bisho. However, it was not possible to obtain a site in Bisho, the capital, and so the offices of the National Spiritual Assembly were built in Mdantsane in 1990.
  • See BW19:524 for picture.
  • It was a Bantustan or nominally independent state established within South Africa. The South African government abolished Bantustans in 1994 and the Assembly of Ciskei was disbanded in 1995 with the community falling under the administration of the National Spiritual Assembly of South Africa. [National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation by Graham Hassall]
  • Mdantsane National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Cook Islands was formed with its seat in Rarotonga. It was formerly in a union with Tonga and so this left the formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Tonga with its seat in The National Spiritual Assembly of Tonga and the Cook Islands was formed with its seat in Nuku'alofa. [BW15:275]. [BW19:62, 168]
  • French Polynesia, which had been under the direction of the National Spiritual Assembly of New Caledonia was transferred to the newly-elected National Assembly of the Cook Islands.
  • Rarotonga; Cook Islands; Nuku’alofa; Tonga National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Mali was formed with its seat in Bamako. [BW19:62, 147]
  • See BW19:525 for picture.
  • Bamako; Mali National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Ivory Coast and Mali was formed in 1977 when Upper Volta formed an independent assembly. Now that Mali had formed its own assembly led the way for the formation of the independent National Spiritual Assembly of the Ivory Coast. [BW19:62, 147]
  • In 1986 the name of the country was changed to Côte d'Ivoire.
  • Abidjan; Cote dIvoire National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Western Caroline Islands was formed with its seat in Colonia, Yap. [BW19:62, 168]
  • See BW19:526 for picture.
  • Colonia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Eastern Caroline Islands was formed with its seat in Pohnpei. [BW19:168] Pohnpei National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1985 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Mozambique was formed with its seat in Maputo. [BW19:62, 147]
  • See BW19:526 for picture.
  • The war of independence in Mozambique lasted from 1964 to 1975.
  • Maputo; Mozambique National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1987. 27 Mar A National Spiritual Assembly with its seat in Johannesburg had been in existence continually since 1956. The first Assembly for this region was the National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa which included several other countries and territories. The name of the Assembly was changed on this date to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Africa. [BW20p548]
  • The states of Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, South Africa, and Transkei were merged to form South Africa.
  • Johannesburg; South Africa National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1987 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was re-formed. [AWH48; BW20p249] Zaire; Congo, Democratic Republic of (DRC) National Spiritual Assembly, Formation
    1989 Ridván The first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Macau was formed. [PH73; AWH62] Macau National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1989 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Guinea-Bissau was formed. [PH73; BW20p249; AWH62; BINS199:1, 4]

    In 1975 Senegal had jurisdiction over Mauritania (1978), Cape Verde Islands (1984) and Guinea-Bissau (1989). With the last of its territories gone this left Senegal alone hence the National Spiritual Assembly of Senegal was formed with its seat in Dakar.

    Guinea Bissau; Dakar; Senegal National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1990 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Macau was formed. [BW86-92p164]
  • The following references say that it was formed in 1989: AWH62; BINS199:1; VV104 ;Ridván 1990.
  • Macau National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1991 Ridván Romania has had a Bahá'í community since 1926, including Marie of Edinburgh, Queen of Romania at that time. After the fall of communism in Romania, which generally had outlawed religion, the Romanian Bahá'í community organized to form its first National Spiritual Assembly. The National Spiritual Assembly of Romania was formed with its seat in Bucharest. About 200 believers were present at the inaugural National Convention. [AWH86; BINS246:1; VV113]
  • Photo of the first National Spiritual Assembly.
  • From the Ridván Message...
      ...the Government has recognized the Bahá'í community as a religious association with the right to spread the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh

    In 2005 the Romanian Bahá'í community numbered some 7000, but in January 2007 a law was passed that had restrictive requirements for religious communities to be recognized, which Bahá'ís and other religions could not meet. Some of the restrictions include waiting twelve years from petitioning for recognition and to have over 22,000 members. [ROMANIA: Too much power for the state and recognised communities?]

  • Bucharest; Romania National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Persecution, Romania
    1991 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Czechoslovakia was formed with its seat in Prague. [AWH86; BINS246:3–4; VV113] Prague; Czechoslovakia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1991 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Soviet Union was formed with its seat in Moscow. [AWH86; BINS246:1–3; VV113]
  • This assembly was later renamed the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Baltic States and Georgia. [BW95-96p48]
  • It was dissolved in 1992 when the National Spiritual Assembly of Russia and the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova were formed to replace it. [National Spiritual Assemblies: Lists and years of formation by Graham Hassall]
  • Moscow National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1991 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the West Leeward Islands was formed. [AWH86; BINS246:1; VV113] iiiii West Leeward Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1991 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Leeward Islands that was formed in 1981 was renamed the National Spiritual Assembly of the East Leeward Islands following the splitting of this region. [East Leeward Islands by Patricia Paccassi] Antigua; East Leeward Islands National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1991 (In the year) The National Spiritual Assembly of Liberia had to be dissolved because of the civil war in that country. [Ridván Message 1992] Monrovia; Liberia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States ( Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) was formed with its seat in Tallinn. [BINS270:2; BW92–3:119, CBN Jan92 p2, VV121]
  • For picture see BINS282:9.
  • Tallinn; Baltic States National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The formation of a Regional Spiritual Assembly for Ukraine, Belarus (Bielarus as it was spelled then) and Moldova with the seat in Kyiv. [CBN Jan92 p2, CBN Jan91 pg2, BW92–3:119; VV121] Ukraine; Belarus; Moldova; Kyiv National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Poland was formed with its seat in Warsaw. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:2; BW92–3:119; VV121] Warsaw; Poland National Spiritual Assembly, formation;
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Bulgaria was formed with its seat in Sofia. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:1; BW92–3:119; VV121; Nation Website]
  • The National Convention was attended by long-time pioneer to the country, Annemarie Kruger, the granddaughter of Dr August Forel.
  • For picture see BINS279:9.
  • Sofia; Bulgaria National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Congo Republic was reformed after 14 years suspension of the Bahá'í Faith. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:5; BW92–3:119; VV121; BW86-92p169]
  • For picture see BINS275:7.
  • Congo Republic National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Niger was re-formed after a 14-year interruption. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:5; BW92–3:119; VV121; BW86-92p169] Niger National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Hungary was formed with its seat in Budapest. [BINS270:2–1; BW92–3:119; VV121] Budapest; Hungary National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Albania was formed with its seat in Tirana. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:3–4; BW92–3:119; VV121] Tirana; Albania National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Greenland was formed with was seat in Nuuk. About 35 to 40 people attended the inaugural Convention. [BINS270:3; BW92–3:119; VV121, CBN Jan92 p2] Nuuk; Greenland National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Azerbaijan was re-formed after half a century of prohibition and persecution. The seat was in Baku. [BINS270:4; BW92–3:119; VV121] Baku; Azerbaijan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The formation of the National Assembly of Angola. [CBN Jan92 p2, BINS270:4; BW92–3:119, VV120-1] Angola National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The former National Spiritual Assembly of the USSR with its seat in Moscow became the Regional Spiritual Assembly of Russia, Georgia and Armenia. [CBN Jan92 p2, CBN Jan91 pg2, BW92–3:119; VV121] Russia; Georgia; Armenia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992 Ridván The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia (comprising of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) was formed with its seat in Ashkhabad. [BINS270:4-5; BW92–93:119; BW94–95:29; CBN Jan92 p2, VV121] Kazakhstan; Kirgizia; Tadzhikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; Ishqabad National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1992. Ridván In the Ridván Message 1992 it was announced that the National Spiritual Assembly of Sikkim would by absorbed in the Indian community. Sikkim National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Mongolia was formed with its seat in Ulaan Baatar. [BINS317:1–2; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 31–2; 26 November 1993]

    Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúḥíyyih Khánum attended the inaugural convention as the representative of the Universal House of Justice. [Ridván 151]

    Ulaan Baatar; Mongolia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Slovenia and Croatia was formed with its seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia. [BINS317:2; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 3–6]
  • For picture see BINS320:9 and BW94–5:35.
  • Ljubljana; Slovenia; Croatia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994 Ridván With the dissolution of the National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia which had been formed in 1992, the National Spiritual Assembly of Kazakhstan was formed with its seat in Astana. The 120 Bahá'ís gathered at the Convention were joined by Lauretta King, Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre, who represented the Universal House of Justice for the occasion. [BINS317:2–3; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 29–30; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151]
  • For picture see BW94–5:28.
  • Astana; Kazakhstan Lauretta King; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia (comprising of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) was dissolved and the National Spiritual Assembly of Tajikistan was formed with its seat in Dushanbe. Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre, Shapoor Monadjem, represented the House of Justice at their Convention. [BINS317:3; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:26, 29–30; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151]
  • National Convention
  • Dushanbe; Tajikistan National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Shapoor Monadjem
    1994 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia (comprising of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) the National Spiritual Assembly of Uzbekistan was formed with its seat in Tashkent. [BINS317:3–4; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:26, 29–30; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151]
  • For picture see BINS328:9 and BW94–5:30.
  • Tashkent; Uzbekistan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994 Ridván Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre Lauretta King represented the House of Justice at the first National Convention of the Bahá'ís of Kyrgyzstan, (formerly part of the National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia) held 23-24 April in Bishkek. The 150 adults, youth, and children gathered for the historic event expressed their "deepest gratitude and devotion to the Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh." [BW94-95p29; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151] Bishkek; Kyrgyzstan National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Conventions, National; First conventions; International Teaching Centre
    1994 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Cambodia was formed with its seat in Phnom Penh. [BINS317:1; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 30–1; 26 November 1993]

    Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahá Rúḥíyyih Khánum attended the inaugural convention as the representative of the Universal House of Justice. [Ridván 151]

    Phnom Penh; Cambodia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1994. Ridván With the formation of National Spiritual Assemblies in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, the National Spiritual Assembly of Central Asia was re-named the National Spiritual Assembly of Turkmenistan with its seat in Ashgabat. The only remaining partner in that union without a National Spiritual Assembly was Kirgizia.[BW22p26; 26 November 1993; Ridván 151] Ishqabad; Turkmenistan National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Georgia was formed with its seat in Tbilisi. [BINS341:1; BW24p15; Ridván Message 152]
  • A brief history of Georgia. [BW24p46]
  • Tbilisi; Georgia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Armenia was formed [BINS343:3; BW24p15; Ridván Message 152]
  • A brief history of the Bahá'ís of Armenia. [BW24p47]
  • Armenia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995 Ridván In 1992 the National Spiritual Assembly of The Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova was formed with the seat in Kyev. Belarus left the union this Ridván and formed The National Spiritual Assembly of Belarus. Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre Hartmut Grossmann represented the Universal House of Justice.
  • A brief history of the Bahá'ís of Belarus. [BW24p48]
  • Belarus National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Ukraine and Moldova was formed with its seat in remaining in Kyiv. [BINS341:2; BW24p15; Ridván Message 152] Ukraine; Moldova National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995. Ridván In 1992 the National Spiritual Assembly of The Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova formed. This Ridván Belarus left the union and so The National Spiritual Assembly of the Ukraine and Moldova was formed with its seat in Kyiv. [BW24p15] Kyiv; Ukraine; Moldova National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995. Ridván The Bahá'í communities of Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, South Africa, and Transkei were merged into one community under the jurisdiction of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Africa, to reflect the political reunion of that region. [BW24p29; BW24p44] Bophuthatswana; Ciskei; South Africa; Transkei National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Sicily was formed. [BINS341:1–2; BW24p15; Ridván Message 152]
  • A brief history of the Bahá'ís of Sicily. [BW24p52; BW24p43]
  • Sicily National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1995 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Eritrea was formed. [BINS341:2; BW24p15; Ridván Message 152]
  • A brief history of the Bahá'ís of Eritrea. [BW24p50]
  • Eritrea National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1996 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of São Tomé and Príncipe was formed with its seat in São Tomé. [BINS363:1; BW96-97p41; Mess86-01p474]
  • For picture see BINS366:9.
  • Sao Tome; Principe National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1996 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Moldova was formed. Moldova had been an independent republic following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and previously had been part of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Ukraine and Moldova. [BINS363:1–2; BW96-97p41]
  • The National Convention was attended by Knight of Bahá'u'lláh Annemarie Kruger. At that time she was a pioneer in Bulgaria and was in a very advanced age. [Candle 9]
  • See Candle9 28 July, 2008 for a history of the Faith.
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the Ukraine was now an independent Assembly.
  • Moldova National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1996 Ridván National Spiritual Assemblies of Burundi and Rwanda were not able to form due to political instability in the region. The number of National Spiritual Assemblies remained at 174. [Riḍván 153 – To the Bahá'ís of the World] Burundi; Rwanda National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Statistics
    1997 Ridván The re-formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Rwanda brought the total number of national spiritual assemblies to 175. [BW97-98p32] Kigali; Rwanda National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Statistics
    1998 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly was re-established in Liberia with its seat in Monrovia. [Ridán Message 1998]
  • The Assembly, which had been established as an independent national spiritual assembly in 1982, had been disbanded during the civil war which began in 1991 and was re-formed as this time when the civil war ended. [BW98-99p54-55]
  • Monrovia; Liberia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1998 Ridván Three new National Spiritual Assemblies were elected at Ridván, two in Malaysia, the National Spiritual Assembly of Sabah with its seat in Kota Kinabalu, and the National Spiritual Assembly of Sarawak with it seat in Kuching. A third was elected in Europe, in Slovakia with its seat in Bratislava. [Ridán Message 1998; BW26p34; BW27p57 &58]

    With these new assemblies, the number of National Spiritual Assemblies rose to 179. [Ridván 155]

    Sabah; Sarawak; Slovakia National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Statistics
    1998 Ridván The former Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Czech and Slovak Republics was re-formed with the election of the new national assembly in Slovakia and the other became the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Czech Republic with the seat remaining in Prague. [BW26 p34; BW27p55] Prague; Czech Republic National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1999 Ridván National Spiritual Assembly of Latvia was formed. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Riga; Latvia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1999 Ridván National Spiritual Assembly of Lithuania was formed. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Lithuania National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    1999. Ridván National Spiritual Assembly of Estonia was formed with its seat in Tallinn. [BW99-00p44-45, Ridván Message 156]
  • The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Baltic States (Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia) that had been formed in 1992 was dissolved.
  • Estonia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2000. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of Indonesia with its seat in Jakarta was restored. A ban had been imposed on Bahá'í activities in August 1962 that severely restricted the actions of the Indonesian Bahá'í community. [Ridván Message 2001] Jakarta; Indonesia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2004. Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iraq was restored after more than thirty years of stifling oppression. [Ridván Message 2004] Iraq National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2007. Ridván After about nineteen years of oppression, the Bahá'í community was officially registered with the government in Vietnam. By July the Bahá'í community had received a certificate of operation from the governmental Committee for Religious Affairs. [Bahaipedia] Viet Nam Persecution, Vietnam; Persecution; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2008. 20 - 21 Mar The re-formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Vietnam took place after a lapse of some 33 years. Joan Lincoln was the special emissary of the Universal House of Justice at their National Convention. A number of people attending the activities had joined the Bahá'í Faith in the 1950s and 1960s and had remained firm in the Faith despite the years of restrictions on certain activities.
  • A major step towards official recognition of the Faith had been taken a year previously when authorities issued a certificate recognizing Bahá'í activities.
  • The Bahá'í Faith had been established in Vietnam in 1954. In 1957 Bahá'ís they joined with a number of other countries in southeast Asia to form a Regional Spiritual Assembly, and in 1964 the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Vietnam had been formed. [BWNS617; BWNS647; One Country]
  • Vietnam Persecution, Vietnam; Persecution; Persecution, Bans; BWNS; National Spiritual Assembly, re-hformation; Conventions, National; National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2011 Ridván Burundi elected its first National Spiritual Assembly in 17 years. Civil war and unrest during recent decades made it difficult for the Bahá'í community to administer its affairs. [BWNS816, BWNS822] Burundi National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Re-election; BWNS
    2021 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of São Tomé and Principe was re-established. [Ridván Message 2021 p8]
  • São Tomé and Principe was a secular state in which the freedom of conscience, religion and worship was deemed inviolable according to the constitution that was put into effect in 2003. However, religious groups had to register with the government. If a religious group did not register, it was subject to fines and possible expulsion if it was of foreign origin. To register, a group had to have at least 500 members. It is speculated that the National Spiritual Assembly had to cease operations sometime after this went into effect. [US State Department 2019 Report on International Religious Freedom: Sao Tome and Principe]
  • Sao Tome; Principe National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2021 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Croatia with its seat in Zagreb. [Ridván 2021 p8; BWNS1506]

    Formally part of a regional spiritual assembly of Slovenia and Croatia, the left the National Spiritual Assembly of Slovenia with its seat in Ljubljana, Slovenia. [BINS317:2; BW93–4:82; BW94–5:25, 3–6]

    Zagreb; Croatia; Ljubljana; Slovenia National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2021 Ridván The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly of Timor-Leste with its seat in Dili. [Ridván 2021 p8]
  • The Timorese Bahá'ís were anticipating the National Assembly's election when the country was struck by Cyclone Seroja. Severe floods began on 4 April, bringing tragic loss of life across the country from landslides and mosquito-borne diseases. [BSNW1507]
  • Dili; Timor Leste (East Timor) National Spiritual Assembly, formation
    2023. 24 Apr - 2 May In 2022 local Bahá'í conferences were able to be held in Morocco as part of a wave of Bahá'í conferences held globally, and as of 2023 the National Spiritual Assembly of Morocco had been re-established with its delegates attending the Thirteenth International Convention. [BWNS1587 slide 33; BWNS1657 slide 82] BWC National Spiritual Assembly, formation BWNS1587 slide 33]. ; ">]. ; ">]. ; ">

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